We Need Rules for Cyberwarfare Before a President Steals That Power, Too

-By Warner Todd Huston

A recent New York Times article revealed that the Pentagon briefly considered engaging in cyberwarfare at the outset of the actions in Libya, but decided against it for a variety of reasons. This reminds us all that as a nation we really need to discuss the use of cyberwarfare. The first question asked must be: should a president be able to simply order such an attack on his own hook?

The Times noted that one of the concerns about the use of cyberwarfare is how it would be justified under the War Powers Resolution of 1973?

One unresolved concern was whether ordering a cyberattack on Libya might create domestic legal restrictions on war-making by the executive branch without Congressional permission. One question was whether the War Powers Resolution — which requires the executive to formally report to lawmakers when it has introduced forces into “hostilities” and sets a 60-day limit on such deployments if Congress does not authorize them to continue — would be required for an attack purely in cyberspace.

One would think that the answer to this would be somewhat obvious — though nothing seems obvious in Constitution-based discussions, sadly.

We know that the Founders vested in Congress the power to declare war not in the president. They wanted to avoid a repeat of the historical outrage of a King’s untrammeled powers to declare wars without the consent of the people and their duly elected representatives.
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We Need Rules for Cyberwarfare Before a President Steals That Power, Too”

Ga. Middle School: Muslim Polygamy Is Normal, Burkas Good For Women

-By Warner Todd Huston

A middle school in Smyrna, Georgia included in an assignment material that essentially shows 7th grade children that Islamic polygamy is a perfectly legitimate concept and that there is nothing wrong with the strict dress codes used to oppress Muslim women the world over.

The material was presented to the 7th graders at Campbell Middle School as part of a discussion of the school’s dress codes, apparently meant to use the ideas of Islamic culture for women’s clothing as some sort of example to compare how the school regulates clothing for its students in Georgia.

The concepts were presented in the lesson as a letter from a fictional 20-year-old Muslim woman named “Ahlima.” In this letter “Ahlima” tells readers that she wouldn’t mind if her husband took a second wife and also extolled the virtues of the burkha. She claims that American women are “horribly immodest” in the way they dress.

As to polygamy, the fictional Ahlima says, “I understand that some Westerners condemn our practice of polygamy, but I also know they are wrong.”
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Ga. Middle School: Muslim Polygamy Is Normal, Burkas Good For Women”

Not Done: 9/11 Still Infuriates

-By Warner Todd Huston

I’ve been mulling this all day *today. What should I say about the tenth anniversary of 9/11? I mean, everyone expects a blogger to have something to say, right?

Many people have written me to let me know that they feel I am “a good writer.” Of course, I thank them for this compliment, but sitting here all day looking at an empty word document sitting ready to be filled with my 9/11 remembrance, I certainly feel that my little reputation is unearned. I’ve just found it so hard to start this piece.

But sometime about 6PM on Sept. 10 I realized why it is so hard for me to start this piece. I am still furious. Feelings are still too raw, I still well up when I see video of the towers falling, my heart still stops when I see that heart-wrenching image of bodies falling from windows hundreds of feet in the air. I still get that dark feeling in the pit of my stomach, the same one I felt that morning in 2001.

It’s all still too emotional to write a mere memorial. My words fail me.
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Not Done: 9/11 Still Infuriates”

Chicago: Two Anti-American Conferences Held on Independence Day

-By Warner Todd Huston

While patriotic Chicagoans attended parades, BBQs and otherwise celebrated our Independence Day holiday — and while Democrats stayed home and brooded — two of the most anti-American ideologies imaginable met to plot their revenge on the USA.

Not only did representatives of these two ideologies meet, but they met in the same town, on the same dates, and right across the street from each other. How’s that for kismet?

Over the July Fourth weekend, radical Islamists met at the Rosemont Convention Center in Rosemont, Illinois for their 48th Annual Islamic Society of North America Convention. Over the same days the Socialism 2011 conference met across the street at the Crowne Plaza Hotel & Conference Center.

Both groups plan to destroy what is currently the USA and replace it with their own particular un-American idea of what should be.
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Chicago: Two Anti-American Conferences Held on Independence Day”

Denial: Obama Nat’l Sec. Advisor Says ‘Many Different Faiths’ Turn to Terrorism

-By Warner Todd Huston

What do they say about denial, that it isn’t just a river in Egypt? That old quip constantly is brought to mind as President Obama and his administration prove over and over again that they are in complete denial about the danger we are facing in radical Islam.

This time it is the woefully absurd claim made by Denis McDonough, Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor, who said that members of many different religions “succumb to terrorist ideologies.” McDonough said this in an address given on March 6 at the Islamic ADAMS Center in Sterling, Virginia.

With his remarks at the headquarters of this Muslim organization, McDonough proved that he simply refuses to recognize reality concerning radical Islam and is even willing to minimize that threat by pretending that all religions contain “terrorists.”
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Denial: Obama Nat’l Sec. Advisor Says ‘Many Different Faiths’ Turn to Terrorism”

Terrorism, Sure. Oh, but it’s ‘Not a Conspiracy’!

-By Warner Todd Huston

How many terror attacks or attempted terror attacks have occurred on U.S. soil since 9/11? Five? Six? Ten? According to our government each and every one of these attacks, whether failed or not, have had one thing in common: “they are not part of a conspiracy.”

Clearly, however, our officials are lying to us on this count.

Just to name a few of these incidents, in no certain order we’ve had Faisal Shahzad, the Times Square bomber; Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the underwear bomber; Richard Reid, the shoe bomber; Michael Finton (calling himself Talib Islam), the creep in Illinois that wanted to bomb a federal building; Derrick Shareef, the other guy in Illinois planning an attack on a shopping mall and also Major Hassan’s Fort Hood massacre that actually came to fruition. There have been others, too. Just this week, for instance, we got Mohamed Osman Mohamud, the Christmas tree bomber.
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Terrorism, Sure. Oh, but it’s ‘Not a Conspiracy’!”

Obama’s Disastrous Visit to India

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Barack Obama’s now concluding trip to India seems to have turned out to be a failed or at the very least unhelpful effort. His false starts, unhelpful comments and bad policy moves mark this visit as a bit of a mess.

Obama made multiple gaffes not only for India but for his own party back home not to mention his nation. As his political party was delivered a severe blow and his agenda was cut off at the knees on election day he was seen dancing happily all across the continent with a lavish visit paid for at the taxpayer’s expense even as those same taxpayers were enraged at wild government spending sprees. As the Indians worried over Obama’s foreign policy he refused to call the those that attacked them in Mumbai terrorists and finally on his exit from the country he delivered yet another one of his digs at his own country saying that America is a nation in decline.

Things began going wrong for The One even as he first arrived in one of the most vibrant nations on earth. For one thing he arrived a lesser president than when he originally set up the trip. His party was delivered a stunning and historic blow as the GOP picked up over 60 seats in the federal seat of power and hundreds more in the state legislatures in the Nov. 2 election, a feat that hasn’t been repeated since WWII. So Obama arrived with his mandate splintered and his power diminished. He is a president with less power to help his Indian hosts do anything.
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Obama’s Disastrous Visit to India”

Say NO to Terrorists in Illinois

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a follow up to my earlier post advocating for an actual debate on this issue here in Illinois on this business of bringing terrorists to live in Illinois, a new effort to try and stop this mess has been launched.

Go to Not In Illinois and sign the petition and tell Governor Pat Quinn that we do NOT want terrorists living among us.

We, the undersigned, do not willfully agree with the transfer of terrorists onto American soil. Terrorists must be tried in military courts and not in civilian courts. They are a danger to the citizenry of the United States and should not be brought onto our shores.

We, the undersigned, will work to unseat any politician who agrees with the transfer of terrorists into Illinois or any state in the union.

Obama and Democrats Don’t Understand ‘Sacrifice’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The jihadi movement has never made any bones about the fact that it intends to destroy western civilization from within using the West’s own principles as weapons against it. This is why, for instance, that radical Islamists have been angling to institute Sharia “law” inside England and Canada and to a lesser extent in the U.S.A. But this effort isn’t even necessary when, in the U.S. for instance, a large part of the political class cannot even agree upon what the word “sacrifice” means for its own, much less find themselves able to define the terms of enemies to their civilization. What does terrorism, Sharia, or radicalism mean when Democrats cannot even properly understand what “sacrifice” means in the context of what happened at Fort Hood, Texas?

On November 7, it was reported by the New York Daily News that President Obama shamefully exploited the murderous Hasan’s crime in Texas in an effort to flog his healthcare bill in Congress.

According to the Daily News President Obama “invoked the Fort Hood shootings in an emotional appeal to Democrats to pass health care reform.” The Daily News followed this statement up with a quote from New Jersey Democrat Rob Andrews.
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Obama and Democrats Don’t Understand ‘Sacrifice’”

Newsweek: Nidal Hasan, It’s Not Islam, It’s a ‘Military on the Brink’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Andrew Bast of Newsweek thinks he’s got the real reason behind Major Nidal Hasan’s murderously criminal rampage at Fort Hood last Thursday. Could it be that Hasan was steadily radicalized and steeped in hateful Islamofascism? Could it be a jihad mindset that sent Hasan into that military clinic yelling Allahu Akbar as he shot at anyone that got in his way?

Nope. Ridiculously, it was a “military on the brink,” it was the “stress” an uncaring U.S. military is forcing upon its members that was at fault as far as Bast is concerned. This is his obtuse conclusion in Newsweek’s piece headlined, “Is Fort Hood a Harbinger? Nidal Malik Hasan May Be a Symptom of a Military on the Brink.”

Ominously, Bast begins with his worry that there could be more members of the military about to follow Hasan’s murderous example. Bast absurdly starts his piece with this: “What if Thursday’s atrocious slaughter at Fort Hood only signals that the worst is yet to come?” And why would it be a sing that “the worst is yet to come,” you might wonder? Why else but that all that “stress” the military is putting everyone under is about to cause the whole combined services to explode?
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Newsweek: Nidal Hasan, It’s Not Islam, It’s a ‘Military on the Brink’”

Rep. Joe Wilson on Healthcare and Afghanistan

-By Warner Todd Huston

Does Joe Wilson or any of his colleagues on the Hill care about the Constitution?

I participated in a conference call last Friday with Representative Joe Wilson (R, SC) who wanted to rally the troops against Pelosi’s healthcare bill. He also talked of Afghanistan, as well. But I think he made a revealing comment about the Constitution that distresses me.

Rep. Wilson started off his comments with his condolences to the families of the victims of the criminal actions at Fort Hood which had only recently happened at the time. “As a 21-year veteran of the military myself with three sons in the Army, one in the Navy, and a nephew in the Air Force, I truly do have a deep sympathy for the families at Fort Hood,” Wilson said.

Wilson then went into the issues of the day and said he was pleased to see the “clean sweep” that Republicans in Virginia saw in the governor’s race there.

This has also been an extraordinary week with the elections on Tuesday in the state of my ancestors, Virginia. I’m so grateful for the Commonwealth that there was a clean sweep and as it pointed out to me the Republican clean sweep there was for limited government and extending freedom is in the tradition of Thomas Jefferson.

Wilson also remarked that Jon Corzine, the incumbent Dem. gov. in New Jersey, had some “pretty strong things to say about me” and was happy that he lost his re-election bid.
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Rep. Joe Wilson on Healthcare and Afghanistan”

D.C. Based Muslim Prays for ‘Recovery of Dr. Nidal Malik Hasan’ on FaceBook

-By Warner Todd Huston

I guess we shouldn’t be surprised, but a Washington D.C. based Muslim named Khadeeja Nuur has created a FaceBook Page offering prayers for the recovery of Fort Hood murderer Dr. Nidal Malik Hasan.

The page seems to have been started sometime before Friday at 3PM and she features this main message in her information section:

Together we pray for the recovery of Dr. Nidal Malik Hasan, MD. May Allah see fit to return this loyal son of Islam back to perfect health. Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Sallam.

Initially, it appears that a few Muslims celebrating Hasan’s evil actions were leaving messages in hopes that Hasan gets well, agreeing with his actions, or at the very least justifying them.

A Graal Reborn, for instance, leaves the message that, “killing is bad I agree but being forced to do somethnig [sic] you don’t want to do and being the minority standing up to the majority is respectable no matter who you are.” And Alex Gould wrote, “I pray to Allah that he may recover soon.” Later a fellow going by the name Abu Soleiman Al-nase wrote, “nidal malik is a brave mujahid,,he did jihad ,,he did kill the killers (american soldiers) that was going to iraq and afganistan [sic] to fight the islamic nation…my greeting and pray for him,,we will never forget you brother nidal.”
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D.C. Based Muslim Prays for ‘Recovery of Dr. Nidal Malik Hasan’ on FaceBook”

Two (Actually Three) From Illinois Murdered by Muslim Madman

-By Warner Todd Huston

Two Illinois soldiers lost their lives from the evil, criminal actions of Muslim Nidal Hasan in Texas last week.

Private Francheska Velez, 21, of West Kamerling was one of the thirteen killed by Hasan at Fort Hood Army base on Thursday.

“She was the best I have. The light of my family,” Juan Velez said of his only daughter. “She was living my dream — to be part of the military, part of the United States. To be part of something. Just to give back to the United States because this is where we are from.”

Pvt. Valez was three months pregnant when she lost her life.

Also killed by this terrorist was Pvt. Michael Pearson, 21, of Bolingbrook. Pearson was training to become a bomb technician.

Screaming “Allahu Akbar,” terrorist Hasan entered a medical clinic where soldiers were waiting medical exams for deployment and began to fire at anyone in his way. 13 were murdered — actually 14 counting the baby in Velez’ womb. And therein lies a problem with the reporting of this story. No one mentions the loss of life suffered by Valez’ baby! It should not so easily be forgotten.

We have said a prayer for the families of victims and the tortured soul of this murdering Muslim terrorist.
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Two (Actually Three) From Illinois Murdered by Muslim Madman”

Father Wants ‘Murdered by Muslim Terrorists’ on Son’s Memorial

-By Warner Todd Huston

Peter Gadiel’s son James was killed when Muslim murderers crashed a plane into the North Tower of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. In memory of that horrible day, James’ hometown of Kent, Connecticut wants to erect a plaque memorializing James’ death but there has come a snag to the city’s plans: James’ father, Peter.

Peter Gadiel wants a specific line added to the plaque making the city fathers squeamish. He wants the plaque to say, “murdered by Muslim terrorists.”

Town officials have been scandalized by this all too trenchant line that Peter wants added to the memorial to his son. Kent’s city officials are playing the can’t-we-all-get-along game.
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Father Wants ‘Murdered by Muslim Terrorists’ on Son’s Memorial”