Hultgren: America’s Chance to Speak Out for a Balanced Budget Amendment

From the office of Rep. Randy Hultgren (Ill, 14th District)…

Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today announced the kick-off of the America Speaking Out (ASO) initiative for residents to express their opinion about a balanced budget amendment (BBA) to the U.S. Constitution.

“I feel that the only permanent solution to our debt crisis is to enshrine it in the Constitution and legally force future Congresses and Presidents to stop spending money they don’t have,” said Hultgren. “Currently, 49 states abide by some form of a balanced budget requirement and national polls prove that the American people support a balanced budget amendment to our Constitution.”

As part of the debt ceiling increase in August, the House and Senate are required to vote on a BBA between October 1, 2011, and December 31, 2011. If the BBA receives two-thirds support in both the House and the Senate, it will be sent to all 50 states for ratification.
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Hultgren: America’s Chance to Speak Out for a Balanced Budget Amendment”

Roskam Applauds House Passage of NLRB Legislation

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (Ill 6th District)…

WASHINGTON – Congressman Peter Roskam (IL-06), Chief Deputy Whip, issued the following statement after the House passed H.R. 2587, the Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act, a bill restricting the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) from ordering any employer to close, relocate, or transfer employment. The NLRB sued Boeing and told them they could not open a new plant in South Carolina, a right-to-work state, saying Boeing’s actions were an act of retaliation against unions. The House passed the bill 238-186.

“I applaud the House for taking action to free a Chicago-based business blocked by unelected Washington bureaucrats from simply creating more American jobs. The NLRB’s declaration and lawsuit was an unprecedented regulatory overreach – made worse since Boeing had already invested over $1 billion in their new South Carolina plant. Washington has no place telling American companies where they can and cannot create American jobs. The disappointing reality is that the NLRB’s cheap political trick has real consequences on local economies and families. Not only is South Carolina’s economy affected by the thousands of new good-paying jobs being stalled, but Boeing devoting resources to fighting this regulation means there’s less to invest in other parts of their business, a company with employees in all 50 states.

“Today’s vote is just the latest solution from House Republicans to help grow our economy and remove the government barriers to job creation. With roughly a dozen House-passed bills stalled in the Senate, it’s long past time the Senate joined us to make real solutions the law.”

VIDEO: Roskam Discusses Obama Jobs Proposal on CNBC

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (Ill 6th District)…

Roskam: “… the President created an urgency in his speech saying ‘pass this now,’ but it’s important to recognize that the White House can change the dynamic on regulations immediately.”

Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL), Chief Deputy Whip, appeared on CNBC’s Kudlow Report last evening to discuss the President’s new spending proposal.

On Reducing Regulations Now to Help the Economy:

“… the President created an urgency in his speech saying ‘pass this now,’ but it’s important to recognize that the White House can change the dynamic on regulations immediately.”
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VIDEO: Roskam Discusses Obama Jobs Proposal on CNBC”

Roskam Urges Americans to Speak Out About a Balanced Budget Amendment

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (Ill. 6th District)…

WASHINGTON – Congressman Peter Roskam (IL-06), Chief Deputy Whip, issued the following statement today urging Americans to use the America Speaking Out (ASO) initiative to express their opinion about a balanced budget amendment (BBA) to the U.S. Constitution:

“With over $14 trillion in debt, continued 9-plus percent unemployment and a liberal Washington orthodoxy that demands continuously higher borrowing and spending, the American economy is on the verge of drowning in red ink. House Republicans have been speaking out for months about the need for a balanced budget amendment, legally binding Washington to produce annual budgets that spend no more than the government takes in. Now, through America Speaking Out, an innovative platform we first launched last year, I urge Americans to join the conversation, speak out, and tell us their views on a balanced budget amendment.
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Roskam Urges Americans to Speak Out About a Balanced Budget Amendment”

Kirk, Lipinski, Hultgren Call for Extension of Surface Transportation Legislation

From the office of Rep. Randy Hultgren (14th District)…

Longer-term bipartisan bill could mobilize $100 billion in new public-private partnerships

Chicago, IL – In a show of bipartisan, bi-cameral unity United States Senator Mark Kirk, Congressman Dan Lipinski (IL-3), and Congressman Randy Hultgren (IL-14) joined representatives from the Illinois Road Builders Association, Operating Engineers Local 150 and other transportation advocates in calling for Congress to extend the expiring Surface Transportation Act. This legislation authorizes federal transportation projects across the nation, and allows the collection of revenues that fund infrastructure improvements. It was introduced in the House late Friday that would extend aviation programs through January and highway and transit programs through March. If Congress does not adopt this act by September 30th, federal reimbursement of highway and transit projects will stop, with $100 million in funding lost each day.

“Congress should quickly approve this extension legislation to avoid a shutdown of the Highway Trust Fund,” said Kirk. “We also support a longer-term solution by lifting federal barriers that could mobilize up to $100 billion for transportation private-public partnerships.”
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Kirk, Lipinski, Hultgren Call for Extension of Surface Transportation Legislation”

Schilling appointed to House Small Business Committee

From Congressman Bobby Schilling’s (IL-17) office…

House Small Business Committee Chairman Sam Graves (R-MO) today announced that Rep. Bobby Schilling (R-IL) will join the House Small Business Committee in the 112th Congress. Congressman Schilling will be the 15th Republican Member on the Committee.

“As a small business owner, Congressman Schilling knows how government policies can help or harm job creation and entrepreneurship,” said Chairman Graves. “His commitment to creating jobs and helping other small companies thrive will make him a forceful advocate in Washington for small business owners and I’m looking forward to working with him.”

Schilling and his family own and operate Saint Giuseppe’s Heavenly Pizzeria in Moline, Illinois. His experience as a small business owner shapes his understanding of government and its purpose. Members of the House Small Business Committee will play an integral role in shaping key policies that will help encourage new hiring and promote entrepreneurship in America.
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Schilling appointed to House Small Business Committee”

Kinzinger, House Freshmen Who Have Served & Veterans, Pay Tribute to 9/11

From the office of Rep. Adam Kinzinger (11th District)…

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today Congressman Adam Kinzinger (IL-11) and twenty-one of his freshmen colleagues, who are veterans or have served in the military, released a video in honor and remembrance of the lives that were lost and the brave Americans who displayed heroic efforts on September 11th.

Kinzinger, a captain in the Air National Guard, issued the following statement as we approach the anniversary of September 11th:

“On September 11th and the days immediately following this tragedy, there were no Democrats or Republicans – we were Americans.

“Throughout my tours overseas, I’ve had the opportunity to meet with our men and women who are committed to fighting for the security of our nation and peace in the Middle East. Today, Americans stand proudly united as we pay tribute to our courageous men and women in uniform who continue to work tirelessly to eliminate acts of pure hatred and protect our country. Their sacrifice is the reason for our liberty.

“As we take time to reflect on the events that took place ten years ago, let us always remember that we live in the greatest country in the world, and we will never settle for anything less.”

NOTE: The following is a list of the twenty-two freshmen who appear in the video: Reps. Adam Kinzinger, Allen West, Andy Harris, Bill Johnson, Chip Cravaack, Chris Gibson, Jeff Denham, Jeff Landry, Joe Heck, Larry Bucshon, Michael Grimm, Mike Pompeo, Richard Nugent, Rick Crawford, Sandy Adams, Scott Rigell, Steve Pearce, Steve Stivers, Steve Womack, Steven Palazzo, Tim Griffin, and Todd Young.

Hultgren Statement On the 10th Anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks

From the office of Rep. Randy Hultgren (14th District)…

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today released the following statement on the 10th Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

“My thoughts and prayers go out to all those who felt the tragic loss of a family member, friend or loved one in the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001,” said Hultgren. “Let us also remember the many heroes from that day, first responders, members of the military, and ordinary citizens who answered the call of duty without hesitation. I encourage all Americans to take a moment to reflect on that fateful day – remember where you were and the feelings that you experienced when you learned of the attacks and pledge to never take our safety, security, or freedom for granted.”

Hultgren Statement On President Obama’s Address To Congress

From the office of Rep. Randy Hultgren (14th District)…

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) tonight released the following statement regarding President Barack Obama’s address to a joint session of Congress.

Tonight, I attended President Obama’s address to Congress because, although I expected partisan rhetoric but little in the way of new ideas, I felt that it was my constitutional responsibility to do so. Unfortunately, despite his premise of bipartisanship, the President’s prescriptions for our economy were political and wholly inadequate. Once again he urged more scattershot ‘stimulus’ spending, at a time when we should be husbanding our constituents’ hard-earned tax dollars and ensuring that they are spent as wisely as possible.

I agree with President Obama that investing in our nation’s infrastructure is needed and will create jobs. But we cannot do so blindly. We must ensure that our investments are targeted and timely, and we must work hard to cut red tape and limit the permitting delays that currently plague our investments in infrastructure improvement.

While I also believe that tax reform is long overdue, I was disappointed to hear him resurrect his calls on increasing taxes. It is absolutely the wrong time to be raising taxes on Americans that Main Street often calls small business owners, entrepreneurs, or job creators.
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Hultgren Statement On President Obama’s Address To Congress”

State Sen. Kirk Dillard Calls for Halt to Political Activity Over 9-11 Weekend

From the Office of Illinois State Senator Kirk Dillard…

State Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Westmont) called upon his local volunteers and precinct committeemen to suspend political petition passing and other political activities this weekend in observance of the September 11th terrorists attacks 10th year anniversary. This is the first week candidates can pass petitions to be on the March 2012 election ballot under the newly drawn legislative maps following the census. Dillard will be attending multiple official ceremonies and church services over the weekend.

“This weekend is the time to transcend politics and partisan activities,” said Dillard in a letter to his local volunteers and committeemen. “Let us count our blessings and remember what is truly important.”
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State Sen. Kirk Dillard Calls for Halt to Political Activity Over 9-11 Weekend”

Hultgren Statement On President Obama’s Address To Congress

From the office of Rep. Randy Hultgren (14th District)…

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) tonight released the following statement regarding President Barack Obama’s address to a joint session of Congress.

“Tonight, I attended President Obama’s address to Congress because, although I expected partisan rhetoric but little in the way of new ideas, I felt that it was my constitutional responsibility to do so,” said Hultgren. “Unfortunately, despite his premise of bipartisanship, the President’s prescriptions for our economy were political and wholly inadequate. Once again he urged more scattershot ‘stimulus’ spending, at a time when we should be husbanding our constituents’ hard-earned tax dollars and ensuring that they are spent as wisely as possible.

“I agree with President Obama that investing in our nation’s infrastructure is needed and will create jobs. But we cannot do so blindly. We must ensure that our investments are targeted and timely, and we must work hard to cut red tape and limit the permitting delays that currently plague our investments in infrastructure improvement.
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Hultgren Statement On President Obama’s Address To Congress”

Hultgren Statement on August Jobs Report

From the office of Rep. Randy Hultgren (Ill. 14th District)…

Geneva, IL – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today released the following statement regarding the August unemployment report released by the U.S. Department of Labor.

“August’s dismal jobs report is disappointing, but unsurprising, so long as this Administration continues to pursue its anti-jobs agenda of burdensome regulations, taxes, and out-of-control spending,” said Hultgren. “Despite his claims to be cutting red tape, the reality is that President Obama and his appointed bureaucrats are proposing even more regulations that threaten to do enormous damage to our fragile economy.”

“Before he comes to Congress next week, I urge President Obama to study the commonsense pro-growth agenda Republicans will be adopting this fall. More taxes and spending won’t get our economy moving and put Americans back to work; that requires fostering a pro-growth economic climate; lessening intrusions by unaccountable bureaucrats; and providing certainty about what Washington will do in the future.”

Rep. Peter Roskam Starts Ball Rolling On Regulation Scale Back

-By Warner Todd Huston

I spent most of the day on Aug 30 sort of embeded with Congressman Peter Roskam, Republican of the Illinois 6th District and Chief Deputy Whip in Washington, as he toured his district talking to local businesses. The whirlwind tour of businesses in Roskam’s district — topped with a presser in downtown Chicago — was the precursor of Roskam’s next focus. Roskam wants to begin an assessment of the regulatory edifice in Washington D.C. with any eye toward making Washington more business friendly in this moribund, recessionary economy.

My chauffeur was Roskam communication director, the genial Dan Conston. He told me he was born and bred in Philly, but I assured him that I would not hold that against him. No matter that he is an Eagles fan, he knew his way around the area. Still I promised not to tattle on his driving… but I guess even saying that much is saying something!

Our first stop was Federal Signal Corporation located in Oak Brook. The folks at Federal Signal told Congressman Roskam that they were worried that new EPA rules on the engines they use in their street sweeper machines were threatening to shut down production lines and put workers out of work. And not just for them but the engines of similar styles in every industry that uses them are facing the same jobs-killing requirements.

The problem was all the “uncertainty” which is casting a pall over what Fed Sig’s Dennis Martin, President and CEO, was happy to say is a recent uptick in orders for their machines. Orders have been down for years, said Martin, but now older street sweepers are not only wearing out but are themselves long out of compliance with new EPA rules and new orders are now rolling in.
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Rep. Peter Roskam Starts Ball Rolling On Regulation Scale Back”

Hultgren, Illinois Representatives, Call On Illinois Legislature To Enact Concealed-Carry Legislation

From the office of Rep. Randy Hultgren (Ill. 14th)…

Geneva, IL – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today released the following statement regarding a letter he recently sent to Illinois leaders, including Governor Quinn, Attorney General Madigan, and legislative leaders from both parties, calling on them to join every other state in the nation and enact concealed-carry legislation.

“I was dismayed to learn that Illinois is now the only state in the nation that does not recognize its citizens’ Second Amendment right to concealed carry,” said Rep. Hultgren. “The Supreme Court has twice affirmed self-defense as a fundamental right in recent years, and it past time that Illinoisans enjoy that right as every other American does. I hope Governor Quinn and the legislature will pass concealed carry legislation in a timely manner so that Illinoisans can enjoy the legal right to protect themselves.”

In the letter, Hultgren detailed recent Supreme Court decisions from The District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) and McDonald v. Chicago (2010). In the case from 2008, the Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual’s right to possess a firearm. In the second case, from 2010, they ruled that the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms for self defense in one’s home is fully applicable to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment.
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Hultgren, Illinois Representatives, Call On Illinois Legislature To Enact Concealed-Carry Legislation”

Hultgren Releases New iPhone Application

From the office of Rep. Randy Hultgren (Ill, 14th)…

Geneva, IL – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today announced the release of an official mobile application for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

The Hultgren app streamlines information about the congressman into one place, and provides constituents with a new way of interacting with Rep. Hultgren, including the ability to call his offices from directly within the app.

Constituents can find in real time Rep. Hultgren’s position on current issues, and can easily access his contact information, press releases, past copies of the “Hultgren Huddle” E-Newsletter, Twitter page, Facebook page, videos and photos from their phones. They can also participate in constituent surveys and sign up to receive his E-Newsletter.
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Hultgren Releases New iPhone Application”

Kinzinger Statement on the End of the Qadaffi Regime

From the office of Rep. Adam Kinzinger (Ill., 11th Dist)…

Congressman Adam Kinzinger (IL-11) issued the following statement regarding the end of the Qadaffi regime in Libya:

“This week, we witnessed the end to the Qadaffi regime, which marks a major victory for the people of Libya and another step forward toward our ultimate goal of achieving freedom and peace throughout the Middle East.

“Nonetheless, the people of Libya, Americans, British, French, and our Arab partners stand proudly united as we recognize the hard work, commitment and sacrifice of our militaries. The Libyan people fought tirelessly for their liberty, and prevailed.

“With this achievement, comes the continued responsibility of the United States to provide additional support and vigilance to Libya to rebuild this nation, founded upon democracy; and to take preventative action against any future retribution.”

Illinois GOP Betray Own Platform

-By Warner Todd Huston

With the latest three votes, the Illinois GOP has shown itself to be little else but Democrat lite and has shown that even planks in its own platform are meaningless when it comes to voting time.

The last Illinois Republican Party platform was produced and approved in 2008 (See .pdf here) and there hasn’t been another one since.

Lets start our scolding with the recent vote to wildly expand gambling in Illinois, a bill that 21 Republicans voted for, shall we?

SB744 passed this weekend with a 65-60 vote in the Illinois House. 21 Republicans voted “yea” on this despite what their own party platform say. That platform says…
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Illinois GOP Betray Own Platform”

Why Did 17th District’s Schilling Vote For 2 Pro-Union Amendments?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Newly minted Republican Representative Bobby Schilling from Illinois’ 17th district recently voted in favor of two pro-union amendments in Congress and the votes have caused some folks to go scratching their heads in trying to figure out why he did it.

Schilling ran as the business-oriented candidate against long-time Democrat incumbent Phil Hare, so his two pro-union votes are odd in light of his late campaign rhetoric. So, the Quad-City Times contacted Schilling’s office to find out what was going on.

Schilling’s office replied that one of the votes was simply a mistake. But the second vote Schilling stands up for unapologetically.
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Why Did 17th District’s Schilling Vote For 2 Pro-Union Amendments?”

Congressman-Elect Schilling on Reapportionment

From the office of Congressman-Elect Bobby Schilling (17th District)…

“Voters should pick their representatives, not the other way around”

EAST MOLINE—Congressman-Elect Bobby Schilling issued the following comment in response to the reapportionment numbers from the U.S. Census Bureau:

“In the historic 2010 election, the voters of Illinois overwhelmingly rejected Nancy Pelosi and her radical agenda. I call on Governor Quinn and the Illinois Legislature to resist backroom deals and the temptation to draw a map that would effectively void the voter’s decision for new leadership in Congress, and try to restore Pelosi to power in 2012. Voters should be the ones choosing their representatives, not the other way around. I will continue to work for a smooth transition and for the people of the 17th district.”

Schilling Urges Chairman Skelton to Ban Guantanamo Bay Terrorists From Coming to the U.S.

From the office of Congressman-Elect Bobby Schilling (17th District)…

In letter to Skelton, Schilling opposes new provision in House defense bill that could bring terrorists to our soil

EAST MOLINE, IL–Congressman-elect Bobby Schilling has released the following statement in regard to a new provision in the House defense bill that could bring terrorists to the United States:

“Ike Skelton and Nancy Pelosi have buried a provision in the Defense Authorization Bill that could bring al-Qaeda terrorists to the United States. This is unacceptable. The American people fired Ike Skelton and Nancy Pelosi for these radical, out of touch policies that put Americans in danger. I strongly oppose transferring Guantanamo detainees to The United States and especially any attempt to place them in Illinois, as has been proposed. I support Senator Mark Kirk’s decision to put this bill on hold if it reaches the Senate with the terrorist transfer provision. And, once I assume my position on the House Armed Services Committee, I will fight any attempt to house terrorists on American soil.”
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Schilling Urges Chairman Skelton to Ban Guantanamo Bay Terrorists From Coming to the U.S.”

Illinois Republican State Central Committee Meeting Report

I’ve attended one of these meetings in the past and to tell the truth, the Party does not take much effort to make what goes on there relevant to anything in the general electorate. Then,. after the public session they shoo everyone out and have the private leadership meeting and the public is not invited.

Anyway, this year Doug Ibendahl attended the one held in Bolingbrook and posted a report on Republican News Watch.

Here is an excerpt…
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Illinois Republican State Central Committee Meeting Report”

Schilling to Serve on Armed Services and Agriculture Committees

From the office of Congressman-elect Bobby Schilling…

Rep.-elect Schilling successfully pursues two committees important to our area’s interests

EAST MOLINE, IL–Representative-elect Bobby Schilling has received his committee assignments for the 112th Congress. He will be serving on both the Armed Services Committee and the Agriculture Committee. Illinois will get a representative on the House Armed Services panel after not having one during the 111th Congress. Schilling said he was pleased with his assignments and ready to start working for the 17th District.

“When I decided to run for Congress, I promised to deliver excellent constituent services to the people of our area,” Schilling said. “I will protect the Rock Island Arsenal and our area’s military interests on the Armed Services Committee and I will work hard for our farmers and producers as a member of the Agriculture Committee. I look forward to serving the people come January.”
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Schilling to Serve on Armed Services and Agriculture Committees”

Black Professionals of Illinois Endorse Senator Bill Brady for Governor of Illinois

From Black Professionals of Illinois…

CHICAGO – Illinois is the laughing stock of the country with its “pay to play” politics and corrupt politicians. The Black Professionals of Illinois want to see this state back on the right track. To do so, we need a governor who is unafraid to stand up against “business as usual” and who will act in the best interest of the people of Illinois .

“The Facebook organization, ‘Black Professionals of Illinois,’ is supporting Sen. Bill Brady, not only for his business experience, legislative choices, and solid work ethic; but, also for his plan to put Illinois back on the right track,” said Gianno Caldwell, Director and co founder of the Black Professionals of Illinois.
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Black Professionals of Illinois Endorse Senator Bill Brady for Governor of Illinois”

Chicago’s Ricky Hendon: Racebaiting Creep Du Jour

-By Warner Todd Huston

While introducing Democrat Gubernatorial candidate Pat Quinn at a West Side get-out-the-vote rally held at the New Tabernacle of Faith Baptist Church State Senator Ricky Hendon decided the pulpit was a good place from which to indulge his inner racist.

The Chicago Trib notes that Hendon started calling Bill Brady all manner of names as Gov. Quinn stood right behind the man.

“Let me tell you a couple things. I’ve served with Bill Brady. I’ve never served with such an idiotic, racist, sexist, homophobic person in my life,” Hendon told the crowd. “If you think that the minimum wage needs to be $3 an hour, vote for Bill Brady. If you think that women have no rights whatsoever except to have his children, vote for Bill Brady. If you think gay and lesbian people need to be locked up and shot in the head, vote for Bill Brady.”

I supposed you have to hand it to Hendon, he’s got brass ones. Most of these racebaiters don’t have the courage to do this right in front of their enemies (by enemies, I mean ALL white people). Usually they only act the cretin in front of a friendly crowd and without the white devil in attendance. But Hendon let it all hang out no matter who was in the room. There’s no account for decorum, civility or even truth where this racbaiting creep goes, for sure.
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Chicago’s Ricky Hendon: Racebaiting Creep Du Jour”

Seats for Brady/Quinn Debate in Elmhurst This Sunday‏

From the Brady for Illinois Governor campaign…

Come show your support Sunday night as Bill Brady debates Pat Quinn at Elmhurst College. We need you to join us as we fill the hall with supporters!

Seats are available on a first-come/first-serve basis, and space is limited, so we encourage you to arrive early. Doors open at 6:30p.m. and close at 7:45p.m. The event is free. This will be a unique opportunity to hear our candidate for Governor in person as he makes his case for a clean break in Illinois, just two weeks before the election.

Thanks very much, and don’t forget to visit to learn more about how you can support Bill Brady.

Illinois Gubernatorial Debate
Elmhurst College: Hammerschmidt Memorial Chapel, 190 Prospect Ave., Elmhurst, Illinois
Sunday, October 17
Doors open 6:30p.m. (Debate beings at 8p.m.)

Highlights From Pat Brady’s Comments on Elections

Earlier this week Illinois GOP Chair Pat Brady hosted a conference call to discuss the state Party’s efforts for this election cycle. Here are some highlights of that call:

“As always we welcome the President at home but his campaign appearance in his home state speaks volumes as to the state of the Democratic Party nationally and the traditional blue state of Illinois in this election cycle…

“Democrats don’t even have their base here in Illinois, let alone the election deciding independents. And Illinois is the epicenter of what’s going on nationally, and I think we see that in the momentum we’ve had in our victory program. Today we’ve made 2.5 million voter contacts…

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Highlights From Pat Brady’s Comments on Elections”

GOP Chair Pat Brady: Tuesday – Last Day to Register to Vote in Illinois‏

From Illinois GOP Chairman Pat Brady…

With all of the busyness of the campaign season, it’s important to make sure all of our votes count. You can’t vote if you’re not registered. Tomorrow (October 5) is the last day to register for the November 2 election.

If you’ve moved recently or you’re not sure whether you’re registered, contact your local election authority, or go to the Illinois State Board of Elections web site to check your registration status. Click here for more on registration. You can download a voter registration form here.
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GOP Chair Pat Brady: Tuesday – Last Day to Register to Vote in Illinois‏”

Bill Brady for Governor: Change for Illinois!‏

From the Bill Brady for Illinois Governor campaign…

With less than 30 days before Illinois votes to make a clean break from big government insiders like Governor Pat Quinn, The Northwest Herald today endorsed Brady/Plummer for Governor!

In its editorial endorsement, The Northwest Herald cited Bill’s economic plan for creating new jobs, encouraging small business growth, and for fighting job-killing taxes, saying, “Republican Bill Brady represents change for Illinois,” and “offers a level of credibility and leadership unmatched by the others seeking the office.”

Pat Quinn, meanwhile, “…has done little to win our confidence,” it said.
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Bill Brady for Governor: Change for Illinois!‏”

Bill Brady for Ill. Gov.: The Clean Break Candidate for All of Illinois‏

from the Brady for Governor campaign…

Just as we predicted, polls show this race is may come down to the wire!

With just over one month before Election Day, this week showed Bill Brady receiving two important endorsements for his campaign to bring more jobs to Illinois.

Days after beloved former Governor Jim Edgar’s endorsement, Bill was endorsed by the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce for his commitment to enacting pro-growth policies that create new jobs and help small businesses succeed.
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Bill Brady for Ill. Gov.: The Clean Break Candidate for All of Illinois‏”

Brady for Gov: Pat Quinn Is At It Again

From the Bill Brady for Illinois Governor campaign…

As a strong supporter of Bill’s campaign to stop job-killing taxes and to make government live within its means, we thought you might like to see our new television ad called, “The Truth.”

The new ad sets the record straight on Governor Pat Quinn’s misleading attacks against Bill, and highlights the Governor’s record of spending, borrowing and taxing Illinois into a fiscal crisis with double-digit unemployment.
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Brady for Gov: Pat Quinn Is At It Again”