Roskam Urges Americans to Speak Out About a Balanced Budget Amendment

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (Ill. 6th District)…

WASHINGTON – Congressman Peter Roskam (IL-06), Chief Deputy Whip, issued the following statement today urging Americans to use the America Speaking Out (ASO) initiative to express their opinion about a balanced budget amendment (BBA) to the U.S. Constitution:

“With over $14 trillion in debt, continued 9-plus percent unemployment and a liberal Washington orthodoxy that demands continuously higher borrowing and spending, the American economy is on the verge of drowning in red ink. House Republicans have been speaking out for months about the need for a balanced budget amendment, legally binding Washington to produce annual budgets that spend no more than the government takes in. Now, through America Speaking Out, an innovative platform we first launched last year, I urge Americans to join the conversation, speak out, and tell us their views on a balanced budget amendment.

“Sixteen years ago Congress came just one vote shy of passing a balanced budget amendment – garnering bipartisan support in the process. Now, Congress has the chance to get it right this time. For our economy now and for future generations’ sake later, we must pass a balanced budget amendment.”

America Speaking Out ( is an online initiative launched by House Republicans aimed at giving the American people a voice and the power to set the agenda in Congress. Through ASO, Americans can show their support for a BBA, which will be voted on in the House this fall. To learn more about the need for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution, please visit

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