Highlights From Pat Brady’s Comments on Elections

Earlier this week Illinois GOP Chair Pat Brady hosted a conference call to discuss the state Party’s efforts for this election cycle. Here are some highlights of that call:

“As always we welcome the President at home but his campaign appearance in his home state speaks volumes as to the state of the Democratic Party nationally and the traditional blue state of Illinois in this election cycle…

“Democrats don’t even have their base here in Illinois, let alone the election deciding independents. And Illinois is the epicenter of what’s going on nationally, and I think we see that in the momentum we’ve had in our victory program. Today we’ve made 2.5 million voter contacts…

“Why is this happening? Because the President, the government agenda, and the incompetent and often times corrupt single party role of this state ordered by the President, led by Mike Madigan and Pat Quinn have not worked for the people of the state of Illinois. Illinois has lost 177,000 jobs since the stimulus was passed, our unemployment rate is at 10.1 percent, we have $6 billion in unpaid bills, we have the most underfunded pension system in the country and our bond rating is the worst in the country. It could not get any worse in Illinois and the blame for that mess rests solely on the Democrats…

“As of yesterday, we now have four different stories as to when he left Broadway Bank: September 2005, March 2006, April 2006, and now yesterday, May 2006. The timing of this departure as you know is critical as it goes directly to the propriety of his 2009 tax year’s write-down from the losses at Broadway. And it goes directly to the point of his involvement in the Rezko loans. Either he lied to the IRS or he lied to the voters, or both…

“Either way in this state, voters are fed up with half truth-telling politicians who like to borrow and spend, and they don’t want a candidate who is a rubberstamp for the Pelosi, Reid, Obama agenda. It’s time to put Mark Kirk, an independent fiscal conservative, in the Senate and elect Republicans throughout the state of Illinois…”

Hear the full call.

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