Ill. Gov. Quinn Bestows Award at Pro-Abortion Group Event

-By Warner Todd Huston

Steven Ertelt reports that Illinois’ Democrat Governor Pat Quinn has come under fire by the state’s Catholic bishops for agreeing to present a leadership award to a pro-abortion group.

Quinn will present the award at a Nov. 17 event being held by Personal PAC, a pro-abortion activist group that supports pro-abortion candidates in Illinois.

Naturally, this pro-abortion group gave $5,000 to Quinn’s reelection campaign in 2010.
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Ill. Gov. Quinn Bestows Award at Pro-Abortion Group Event”

Gov. Quinn Appoints Muslim Linked to Terror Groups to State Advisory Council

-By Warner Todd Huston

(Apologies, but we had a server switch yesterday and we lost the whole day’s worth of posts.)

Recently Illinois Governor Pat Quinn announced the formation of the Illinois Muslim American Advisory Council, a group that will somehow “ensure” that Muslim American concerns are taken into account in state government. Among those appointed by the Governor to this board is ISNA Secretary-General Safaa Zarzour, a man who has been linked to organizations that fund Islamist terrorism.

Zarzour is known as a supporter and member of the Muslim Brotherhood, a group well known for pushing extremist Islamism and for funding terror throughout the world.

As a site that tracks the murderous efforts of the Muslim Brotherhood notes, Zarzour was an official in a Chicago-area Mosque that donated thousands to several terror groups.
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Gov. Quinn Appoints Muslim Linked to Terror Groups to State Advisory Council”

Illinois Government Attacks Freedom of Religion

-By Warner Todd Huston

First Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan tried to have published for public consumption all the names and addresses of every gun owner in her state. Apparently she meant to harass the legal gun owners in her jurisdiction. Now she has launched an effort to harass religious adoption institutions and on the thinnest of pretexts, too.

As to the gun owners, back in March Madigan thought it would be a good idea to publish all the names and contact info of the law abiding Illinoisans who followed the law and registered their ownership of guns with the state police. You see you can’t own a gun in Illinois without a Firearms Owner ID card (FOID). Madigan wanted to publish all that information so that anyone could identify any Illinois gun owner.

Fortunately, she failed because the state legislature jumped into gear and added a section to the state’s gun laws to make it illegal to expose to the public all the personal info of the state’s firearm owners. Even the Democrats in Illinois couldn’t stomach Madigan’s attempt to “out” every gun owner and leave them open for harassment and to be targeted by thieves and gangs looking for free guns.
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Illinois Government Attacks Freedom of Religion”

Illinois So Broke They Want to Sell Ads on License Plates

-By Warner Todd Huston

You know things are bad when governments start selling things they “own.” The latest is the state of Illinois so over spent and in a budgetary hole that authorities are floating the idea of selling advertising space on its auto license plates.

The Democrat led general assembly has given the Secretary of State’s office a directive to begin researching the pros and cons of “corporate plates,” or sponsors for license plates (SB1360). The hope is that more money will be brought into the treasury and, perhaps, the state won’t have to raise taxes… as much.
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Illinois So Broke They Want to Sell Ads on License Plates”

Bambenek Announces for 52nd District Ill. State Senate

On Wednesday, 6/15/11, I will be announcing my run for the Republican nomination for the State Senate for the 52nd District currently held by Democrat Mike Frerichs. After having spoken with many of you and others around the district and state, I have been honored and humbled by the outpouring of support. Together, I know we can bring this seat back home to the Republican Party.

It goes without saying the level of harm that years of Democratic Party governing have caused this state. Many companies have left Illinois to never return, crushing tax increases, billions of unpaid bills, and the list goes on. The only way this changes is by changing the people in Springfield. The good news is, the 52nd State Senate district is one seat where we can replace a tax-and-spend Democrat with a conservative fiscal watchdog.

This race will be difficult, make no mistake. Several Republican groups have listed this as a Tier 1 target and you can bet the Democrats will defend it with everything they have. I am up to the challenge, but I will need your help. Here are a few things you can do to help now:
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Bambenek Announces for 52nd District Ill. State Senate”

Quinn’s Tax Hikes Chasing Away Chicago Merc?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn and his profligate Democrat Party cohorts have been racking up the loss of one business after another since they decided to wildly raise the state’s taxes. Quinn’s and the Democrat’s next target seems to be the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, an ongoing Chicago tradition since 1898.

Chicago has the third highest corporate tax rate in the country and CME’s Chairman, Terence Duffy, and its Chief Financial Officer, James Parisi, say it is a burden with which they don’t think they need to contend.
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Quinn’s Tax Hikes Chasing Away Chicago Merc?”

Illinois Legislature Passes DREAM Act Giving Illegals Free College Education

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a 61-53 vote in the Illinois House, an Illinois version of the DREAM Act (SB2185) has been passed and will be signed into law by accidental Governor Pat Quinn.

The Illinois DREAM Act will provide free money for the children of illegal immigrants to go to state colleges and universities.

Supporters say that this bill does not use state money, but this is obviously hogwash. While much of the money that will go to illegals for free schooling will come from private sources, the panel that will do this duty is obviously going to be funded by the state.

Once again, the State of Illinois — drowning in debt and losing businesses hand over fist — is creating yet another expensive program to aid people breaking our immigration laws.
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Illinois Legislature Passes DREAM Act Giving Illegals Free College Education”

Blame (Republican) SB35 Opponents for Illinois DREAM Act Passage

-By Doug Ibendahl

“The decay of the Soviet experiment should come as no surprise to us. Wherever the comparisons have been made between free and closed societies — West Germany and East Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia, Malaysia and Vietnam — it is the democratic countries that are prosperous and responsive to the needs of their people.” – Ronald Reagan

A lot of Republicans are outraged that 11 Republican State Senators helped the Democrats pass the Illinois DREAM Act last week (the bill is now in the House).

The outrage is certainly justified. But it wasn’t just the DREAM Act. The GOP Platform took a beating on several fronts last week.
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Blame (Republican) SB35 Opponents for Illinois DREAM Act Passage”

Gov. Quinn Votes Yes to Release Hardcore Criminals Amongst Us

-By Warner Todd Huston

Illinois Governor, Democrat Pat Quinn has decided that it is a great idea to release violent, hardcore criminals among the citizens of his own state. At least those criminals that are illegal aliens, anyway. Why do I say this? Because Quinn has pulled the State of Illinois from the Secure Communities program operated by the Dept. of Homeland Security — a program that helps states deport violent criminals that are illegal aliens.

With no fanfare, Quinn quietly sent a letter to Homeland Security saying that he would no longer be cooperating with them to identify and deport criminal illegals. He’d prefer to keep them here, apparently.

Quinn claimed that the program was deporting too many illegals that weren’t convicted criminals so he felt it was a bad program. Note that Quinn doesn’t seem to think being an illegal immigrant in the first place is a law breaking action!

Nice, eh?
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Gov. Quinn Votes Yes to Release Hardcore Criminals Amongst Us”

While Illinois Citizens Lose Jobs, More Government Workers Get Union Protection

-By Warner Todd Huston

If this isn’t just the way the most corrupt state in the country works, there’s nothing that will show it. As the state of Illinois loses businesses and her citizens lose their jobs by the thousands, government workers in Illinois get richer and government unions are even adding members. Now there’s more government union members in Illinois than ever leaching off a dwindling base of taxpayers.

As the state sinks in red ink, government unions have grown to the point where nearly 97% of the state’s government workers have become unionized with better pay, more lucrative pensions, and richer healthcare than every other average citizen who is forced to pay the government union member’s exorbitant pay.

According to the AP, more than 10,000 state employees have joined unions. This is a four-fold increase over the previous eight years.
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While Illinois Citizens Lose Jobs, More Government Workers Get Union Protection”

A Political Cover Up: Gov. Quinn’s Racist Security Man

-By Warner Todd Huston

Several news sources have been working for days to get to the bottom of a story that might end up revealing that the head of one of Democrat Illinois Governor Pat Quinn’s police security details was involved in a racist attack on several black students in downstate Carlinville. Worse, the story seems to be undergoing a political cover up as news agencies are being stymied in rooting out the details.

Several Illinois newspapers have already printed stories on the alleged incident, but to date no one seems to have been able to pin down all the details. But one thing is sure, Kenneth Snider, a trooper with the Illinois State Police, definitely and rather suddenly resigned from all his political jobs last week.

Until he resigned on March 23, Snider was the head of Democrat Governor Pat Quinn’s southern security force, a $132,000 a year state-paid job. Snider had other political jobs, too, until he resigned from all of them. Up to last week he was chairman of both the Carlinville school board and the Macoupin County Democratic organization. Macoupin County is just north east of St. Louis in Illinois’ south western corner.
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A Political Cover Up: Gov. Quinn’s Racist Security Man”

ILL Gov. Quinn Signs the Boot Out Internet Companies Law

-By Warner Todd Huston

Illinois’ Democrat Governor Pat Quinn has signed the so-called Mainstreet Fairness Bill brought to him by the Illinois General Assembly. The bill forces all Internet companies to charge Illinois’ 6.25% sales tax whether they are based in the state or not.

Quinn signed the bill in the last few days before it would have gone into force anyway.

The nation’s largest Internet-based business, Amazon,com, said it would cut ties with all its affiliates in Illinois if the bill became law. No word if they are following through on that threat, yet, but Amazon has cut ties in some states that have instituted similar laws — though it has stayed in other states that have done so, New York in particular.

Several Illinois-based Internet companies have warned the state that if the bill became law they would pull up stakes and leave the state.
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ILL Gov. Quinn Signs the Boot Out Internet Companies Law”

Ill. Gov. Quinn Repealing Death Penalty

-By Warner Todd Huston

Claiming that “It is impossible to create a perfect system, one that is free of all mistakes,” Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn signed a bill that would eliminate the death penalty in Illinois, despite a campaign promise that he would keep it.

In signing the order, Quinn also commuted the sentences of 15 death row inmates converting the sentences to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

During his recent campaign to take his own full term as Governor (Quinn filled out disgraced Gov. Blagojevich’s last term), Quinn claimed that he’d keep the death penalty, but he also said he’d keep the moratorium in place as the system is reviewed. His opponent at the time, State Senator Bill Brady, said he would end the moratorium.
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Ill. Gov. Quinn Repealing Death Penalty”

Quinn’s Pension Mess

From John Bambenek…

Last night the Governor’s office confirmed what many have suspected, that the Illinois pension systems are the subject of an SEC investigation. You can read the Wall Street Journal article on the subject.

With our pensions systems not only falling below 50% funding, but selling assets to keep the lights on, this is disturbing news. The best guess estimate I have is that the pension debt for the state alone is around $140 to $150 BILLION dollars. And despite the massive tax hike, no real work has been done to stabilize these funds. At this rate, they will be insolvent and unable to pay benefits by 2015.

Like many of you, I was appalled at the job-killing tax hikes that were passed in the final hours of the last legislative session. What was worse is that not only was spending not cut, they actually expanding state spending. The so-called “spending caps” are illusory at best for two reasons: it does not limit spending out of “special funds” and the spending caps are set higher than even the most optimistic estimates of the revenue that we will have.
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Quinn’s Pension Mess”

Do We Need ‘Civil Disobedience’ In Illinois? One Blogger Thinks So

-By Warner Todd Huston

Tom Mannis of Chicago News Bench says the time has come for civil disobedience in Illinois. With the recent steep climb in income taxes bequeathed us by Illinois Democrats it is painfully obvious that our politicians in Illinois don’t care much about us. It is obvious, too, that they have a single-minded intention to destroy every last job in the state… well, except, perhaps, the jobs offered by state government and the odd union and ACORN office, anyway.

Sure the Illinois GOP voted against the giant tax hike. But some feel that was just a smoke screen and that they are secretly happy with the move.

For his part Mannis wonders where the heck the Tea Party was during this recent wild tax hike. “In Illinois,” he says, “they seemed to be asleep at the wheel in the days leading up to voting in the State Legislature for one of the worst tax hikes ever.”

But civil disobedience?
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Do We Need ‘Civil Disobedience’ In Illinois? One Blogger Thinks So”

Update on the Tax Increase

From the Raise Your Hand for Illinois Public Education Coalition…

Thanks to all of you who helped to send over 5,500 emails via our “No Taxation Without Education” campaign. Unfortunately, we got taxation without education and just a “promise” from our Governor to include $250 million for education in this year’s budget. Of course, we won’t believe that until it’s in writing. There was some support for increased money for education in the state senate, led by the Black Caucus, but we were told in Springfield that Mike Madigan and the House were not supporting additional money for education or anything else and wanted new revenue to go towards paying off our roughly $15 billion in debt and $8 billion in late bills, and that’s what we got. There was another opportunity for education money through the cigarette tax which would have generated $377 million for education but this was voted down in the House as well with only 51 legislators in support, and 60 votes needed to pass. While this isn’t the outcome we wanted, this $6 billion in new revenue to pay down our debt will likely result in fewer cuts to CPS next year. Clearly, we can’t be content with this and we need to continue to do everything we can to advocate for improved and sustainable funding for education in Illinois.

As you all know, we are currently 49th in the nation in terms of state spending on education. Our state covers roughly 30% of the cost of educating a child, as compared to about 50% on average. Local municipalities are left to fund the rest through property taxes, resulting in unsustainable and inequitable funding.
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Update on the Tax Increase”

90 Democrats – and No Republicans – Voted to Raise Your Taxes

From the Illinois GOP…

In the remaining hours of the lame duck Illinois General Assembly last night and early this morning, ninety (90) Democratic State Legislators – and NO REPUBLICANS – voted for the largest tax increase in Illinois history, including a 67% income tax increase.

The tax hike now goes to Democratic Governor Pat Quinn, who, despite having promised in his recent campaign to veto any increase above 1%, will sign it into law.

Below is a list of the 90 Democratic State Legislators who voted to raise your taxes and their legislative office phone numbers.

State Representatives
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90 Democrats – and No Republicans – Voted to Raise Your Taxes”

Will Governor Quinn’s Inaugural Dance Be With the Trial Lawyers?

From the Illinois Civil Justice League…

Email Gov. Quinn Today to Demand Lawsuit Reform in 2011

Gov. Pat Quinn’s inauguration this week will be the highlight of Springfield’s new governing year, but many Illinois residents are left asking if much will change.

Especially when it comes to Illinois’ abusive lawsuit climate.

As Gov. Quinn takes to the dance floor to celebrate, Illinoisans across the state are still under the cloak of an unjust legal system, and many wonder — will Gov. Quinn’s first dance be with the trial lawyers?
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Will Governor Quinn’s Inaugural Dance Be With the Trial Lawyers?”

Illinois 75% Income Tax Hike on Hold, But Not For Long – ACT NOW!

-By Warner Todd Huston

Democrat Speaker of the House Michael Madigan adjourned the lame duck session in Springfield today without coming to a final floor vote on Governor Pat Quinn’s 75% raise in the State’s income tax. Obviously he didn’t have the votes to pass it.

Madigan and his waste-loving Democrats will spend the next few days twisting arms and pushing state legislators to sign onto the further destruction of the state’s finances all in an effort to continue giving paybacks and special, sweetheart deals to the State’s public employees unions.

The legislature may be reconvened Sunday to take a vote if Madigan can get enough votes together.

Republican Minority Leader Tom Cross said Friday that the Democrats have made little headway in identifying cuts in order to balance the budget. “They fall woefully short on cutting and committing to not spending new money. This is the exact reason we got into this mess…If they start spending and not cutting it will be the same mess next year and the year after.”
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Illinois 75% Income Tax Hike on Hold, But Not For Long – ACT NOW!”

Gov. Quinn Pays Off Union for Votes… Again

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Chicago Association of African American Transporters told Governor Pat Quinn that they’d mount a no-to-Quinn campaign if he didn’t pay the back bills owed them by the state. And now, despite the fact that other vendors are still not getting paid and the State is practically bankrupt, the CAAAT has suddenly found all its past bills paid by Quinn’s government.

It sure is pretty convenient that this union miraculously found its bills paid by Quinn just when they threatened to mount a campaign against his reelection, isn’t it?
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Gov. Quinn Pays Off Union for Votes… Again”

Chicago’s Ricky Hendon: Racebaiting Creep Du Jour

-By Warner Todd Huston

While introducing Democrat Gubernatorial candidate Pat Quinn at a West Side get-out-the-vote rally held at the New Tabernacle of Faith Baptist Church State Senator Ricky Hendon decided the pulpit was a good place from which to indulge his inner racist.

The Chicago Trib notes that Hendon started calling Bill Brady all manner of names as Gov. Quinn stood right behind the man.

“Let me tell you a couple things. I’ve served with Bill Brady. I’ve never served with such an idiotic, racist, sexist, homophobic person in my life,” Hendon told the crowd. “If you think that the minimum wage needs to be $3 an hour, vote for Bill Brady. If you think that women have no rights whatsoever except to have his children, vote for Bill Brady. If you think gay and lesbian people need to be locked up and shot in the head, vote for Bill Brady.”

I supposed you have to hand it to Hendon, he’s got brass ones. Most of these racebaiters don’t have the courage to do this right in front of their enemies (by enemies, I mean ALL white people). Usually they only act the cretin in front of a friendly crowd and without the white devil in attendance. But Hendon let it all hang out no matter who was in the room. There’s no account for decorum, civility or even truth where this racbaiting creep goes, for sure.
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Chicago’s Ricky Hendon: Racebaiting Creep Du Jour”

Bill Brady for Governor: Change for Illinois!‏

From the Bill Brady for Illinois Governor campaign…

With less than 30 days before Illinois votes to make a clean break from big government insiders like Governor Pat Quinn, The Northwest Herald today endorsed Brady/Plummer for Governor!

In its editorial endorsement, The Northwest Herald cited Bill’s economic plan for creating new jobs, encouraging small business growth, and for fighting job-killing taxes, saying, “Republican Bill Brady represents change for Illinois,” and “offers a level of credibility and leadership unmatched by the others seeking the office.”

Pat Quinn, meanwhile, “…has done little to win our confidence,” it said.
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Bill Brady for Governor: Change for Illinois!‏”

Bill Brady for Ill. Gov.: The Clean Break Candidate for All of Illinois‏

from the Brady for Governor campaign…

Just as we predicted, polls show this race is may come down to the wire!

With just over one month before Election Day, this week showed Bill Brady receiving two important endorsements for his campaign to bring more jobs to Illinois.

Days after beloved former Governor Jim Edgar’s endorsement, Bill was endorsed by the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce for his commitment to enacting pro-growth policies that create new jobs and help small businesses succeed.
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Bill Brady for Ill. Gov.: The Clean Break Candidate for All of Illinois‏”

Brady for Gov: Pat Quinn Is At It Again

From the Bill Brady for Illinois Governor campaign…

As a strong supporter of Bill’s campaign to stop job-killing taxes and to make government live within its means, we thought you might like to see our new television ad called, “The Truth.”

The new ad sets the record straight on Governor Pat Quinn’s misleading attacks against Bill, and highlights the Governor’s record of spending, borrowing and taxing Illinois into a fiscal crisis with double-digit unemployment.
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Brady for Gov: Pat Quinn Is At It Again”

Democrat Corruption in Illinois: Michael Madigan, Rod Blagojevich, Tony Rezko, That’s What Friends are For!

The Democrats have a deep bench of corrupt officials that have all helped enrich each other at the cost to Illinois’ taxpayers. The Illinois Republican Party wants to remind you of how one Democrat hand helps the next to your money…

The video shows multiple photos of Illinois’ top Democratic leaders hugging, shaking hands or caught in an embrace with Blagojevich. It’s believed the first image of the photo montage which includes convicted felon Tony Rezko, seated next to House Speaker Michael Madigan and Blagojevich, has not been publicly released until now.

Sometimes we forget what friends are for. Mike Madigan. Pat Quinn. Alexi Giannoulias. Lisa Madigan. They all stood arm in arm with Blagojevich, despite claiming now that they knew he was corrupt.

The photos are accompanied by the song “That’s What Friends Are For.” Phrases such as “I’ll be on your side forever more,” take on new meaning for Democratic officials now trying to run as far away from Blagojevich as they can during this campaign season.

The people of Illinois need to know that this is the party that was on Rod’s side, not the people’s side, and look where that got us.

Quinn Loses Another Campaign Staffer, This Time His Chief of Staff

-By Warner Todd Huston

Did Quinn Fire Ethics Investigator to Help Chief of Staff?

Illinois Governor, Pat “the Accidental Governor” Quinn, has had a steady stream of campaign staffers quitting his campaign of late but this one is a bit different. Quinn’s chief of staff resigned Monday under a cloud of possible ethics violations.

Jerry Stermer, 67, is under an ethics probe for using his government sponsored email account to send campaign solicitations. Government officials are not allowed to use their government offices and other facilities for elections campaigns.

Stermer leaves a $150,000-a-year job and was Quinn’s highest paid staffer.
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Quinn Loses Another Campaign Staffer, This Time His Chief of Staff”

Gov. Quinn Fires His PR Firm

-By Warner Todd Huston

As a sign that all is not well in Pat Quinn’s race for his first full term as governor, news arrives that Quinn has fired his PR firm. Seventy some days before an election and “Accidental” Governor Quinn fires his public relations firm? Apparently so.

AKPD Media (the firm started by Obama advisor David Axerod) put out a press release on the parting of ways. “We and the Quinn campaign agreed that our divergent approaches to disciplined, professional communications are incompatible. We wish Pat well,” the firm said.

AKPD is certainly a powerful agency in Illinois and knows the state well. Still, it seems that Quinn has been battling the firm internally for the last few months.

Quinn has hired another firm to carry on with the rest of the campaign. Joe Slade White, a D.C.-based outfit, will be handling the rest of Quinn’s campaign… barring another falling out, of course.

This once again shows that Pat Quinn is not a very disciplined candidate. Alreaday he’s lost the services of three spokesmen and media folks. Bob Reed, Elizabeth Austin and Marlena Jentz all quit Quinn’s employ this year.
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Gov. Quinn Fires His PR Firm”

Illinois Republican Party Launches ‘Dismiss Quinn’ Web Site

Site to Offer Updates, Summaries and Links to Coverage

The Illinois Republican Party today launched a comprehensive web site,, to show voters why Pat Quinn should be “dismissed” as governor this fall. The “Dismiss Quinn” title refers to comments from the late Chicago Mayor Harold Washington. “Pat Quinn is a totally and completely undisciplined individual,” Washington said when he fired Quinn as his Revenue Director. “He was dismissed, he should have been dismissed. [His appointment was] my greatest mistake in government.”
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Illinois Republican Party Launches ‘Dismiss Quinn’ Web Site”