-By Doug Ibendahl
“The decay of the Soviet experiment should come as no surprise to us. Wherever the comparisons have been made between free and closed societies — West Germany and East Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia, Malaysia and Vietnam — it is the democratic countries that are prosperous and responsive to the needs of their people.” – Ronald Reagan
A lot of Republicans are outraged that 11 Republican State Senators helped the Democrats pass the Illinois DREAM Act last week (the bill is now in the House).
The outrage is certainly justified. But it wasn’t just the DREAM Act. The GOP Platform took a beating on several fronts last week.
Concealed carry legislation was shot down – and three House Republicans helped. And legislation intended to legalize “medical” marijuana failed – but not for lack of trying by House Minority Leader Tom Cross and several members of his Republican caucus.
An excellent school choice bill failed to advance yet again last week – and once again there were Republicans standing on the side of the Democrats and the teacher’s unions.
And you don’t have to go back very many months to find Republicans like Tom Cross and others leading the charge on gambling expansion and other key elements of the Left’s agenda.
But all the hand wringing is a waste of time. No one should be surprised that the GOP in Illinois doesn’t look very Republican…
Read the rest at RepublicnaNewsWatch.com.