Breaking: Obama Defends Ground Zero Mosque as ‘The Writ of Our Founders’

-By Warner Todd Huston

We have finally heard the full and definitive take that President Obama has on the outrageous Ground Zero mosque project. He’s all for it.

During Obama’s Ramadan celebration dinner (called an Iftar dinner) Obama addressed the Ground Zero mosque.

Even as Obama claimed that he understood that Ground Zero was “hallowed ground” he went on to say that the Muslims may build their Mosque anywhere they want and we should let them because of it is in keeping with “the writ from our founders.”

Here are the relevant parts of the address (my bold for emphasis):
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Breaking: Obama Defends Ground Zero Mosque as ‘The Writ of Our Founders’”

Obama Has No Policy on ‘Housing’ For Detainees Convicted by Military Tribunals

-By Warner Todd Huston

After the heming and hawing by the Obama administration over whether we should bring terror suspects to trial before military commissions, Obama’s DOJ and DOD finally decided that they could. But once again we see the half-way actions of the Obama administration shining through by the fact that, even as Obama seems to agree with the Bush administration policy of military tribunals for terrorists, the president hasn’t made a single plan on what to do with any of those terrorists after they are convicted.

As the Washington Post euphemistically puts it, “the Defense Department has no written policy on how detainees convicted in military commissions should be housed.” I like that. “Housed.” What the Washington Post was too delicate to say was Obama has made no plans on where to imprison these convicted terrorists of the future.

Obviously the Washington Post decided to use spin rhetoric to soften the ultimate fate of convicted terrorists. A convicted terrorist isn’t “housed,” he’s imprisoned. But the Post didn’t want to link the words “imprisoned” and “terrorists” to Barack Obama, hence the softer, less accurate word “housed.”
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Obama Has No Policy on ‘Housing’ For Detainees Convicted by Military Tribunals”

Treasury Dept’s New Charge: Muslim Outreach??

-By Warner Todd Huston

Is the U.S. Department of the Treasury undertaking a new role? Taking its newest press release as an example, one could be excused to imagine that our Treasury Department has decided that it is now our next Department of Muslim Outreach.

Today, Treasury released this statement:

Treasury Department Statement Marking the Beginning of Ramadan

WASHINGTON – As Muslims in the United States and around the world begin their observance of Ramadan, the U.S. Department of the Treasury recognizes the importance of this period of intense devotion, reflection and charitable giving. Charitable giving and philanthropy are core American values, reflected in many faiths and traditions, and are of particular significance within the Muslim faith during the holy month of Ramadan.

The Treasury Department fully supports the ability of American Muslims – and Muslims worldwide – to fulfill their religious obligations through charitable giving and seeks to advance charitable giving at home and abroad, while protecting the charitable sector from the threat posed by those who seek to abuse this sacred obligation. In recent years, Treasury has strengthened its partnership with the charitable sector and donor community to promote transparency and to safeguard against such abuse.

The Treasury Department will continue to work closely with the charitable sector and Muslim American communities to promote our common goals of safe and effective charitable activity and to protect the sector from exploitation by terrorist organizations. We look forward to the continued development of this partnership.

For information about steps that donors and charities can take to guard against terrorist abuse, visit link.

OK, we all remember the incident from July where NASA administrator Charles Bolden announced that the Space Administration’s new role was to be “Muslim outreach.” We might also remember that the White House tried to pooh-pooh that claim even as it was later confirmed that our rocket scientists were more interested in the political gladhanding of Muslims than it was in, well… rocket science.

So what about Treasury?
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Treasury Dept’s New Charge: Muslim Outreach??”

The Danger of Islam Taking Over the World

-By Warner Todd Huston

In India two Muslim savages cut off their college professor’s hand because they felt one of the questions on an exam he issued was “insulting to Islam.” So-called “honor killings” where Muslims kill their own wives, daughters, and sisters over perceived immodesties or violations of sharia “laws” are on the rise throughout the western world. Soon we may all be faced with these sort of uncivilized outrages every single day.

The reason we are seeing these murderous behaviors spreading is because Muslims are expanding heavily into areas they previously did not often immigrate to. And once there they are breeding in greater numbers than the natives. This short film explains how if current demographics continue, Islam will be the overwhelming majority religion in the world and will wipe out Europe in less than 50 years.

Now, I don’t really give a flying fig about the fate of Europeans per se. As far as I am concerned as a culture(s) they have done little to be worthy of saving over the last hundred years or so — they haven’t done much useful for posterity for well over a hundred years, for sure. But to be replaced by the tyrannical Muslims? Now that is a cruel fate for mankind, indeed. While the Europeans are a simpering group of wretches, at least they aren’t wildly dangerous at this time. Islam, on the other hand… well, there is no more dangerous idea than the tyranny of Islam — now that communism is about gone, anyway.
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The Danger of Islam Taking Over the World”

Attempted Times Square Bombing Shows We Are Not Safe

-By Warner Todd Huston

I won’t go much into the failed car bomb that could have killed hundreds in times Square, New York last night. I have no new insight into the incident itself but it is obviously the work of al Qaeda-like terrorists.

But what this does show is that we are still not safe. It shows that Obama’s turning terrorism into a police action has not deterred them from attempting to kill Americans en mass. It shows that Obama’s kinder, gentler non-war on terror has not made our enemies suddenly love us like he and US Attny. General Eric Holder seemed to think it was going to do.

Despite Obama’s attempt to schmooze them, radical Islamists are still the enemy of civilization.

If this bomb would have gone off, Obama would hold some measure of responsibility for it. Lucky for him that these particular terrorists weren’t as successful as the London bombers of 2007.
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Attempted Times Square Bombing Shows We Are Not Safe”

AP Pushes Muslims Into Story Where They Don’t Belong

-By Warner Todd Huston

The AP recently posted one of its many daily short news stories, reports usually of only three or four paragraphs in length, this one about the possible Nazi connotations of a vanity license plate issued by the Virginia Dept. of Motor Vehicles. But at the last second, this report suddenly became a propaganda tool for the radical Islamist group CAIR.

As it happens, the Virginia DMV revoked a vanity plate issued in 2009 with “14CV88” embossed upon it. Supposedly the numbers “88” and “14” are connected to Hitler in some way or another, but what makes the AP report appalling is the last line in the AP report.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations applauded the DMV’s action.

Um, why did the AP feel it necessary to add that CAIR was happy that the Nazi influenced vanity plate was pulled? What do Muslims have to do with opposing anti-Jewish sentiment? In fact, isn’t it rather the opposite more often than not? More outrageously, Islamism was an offshoot of Nazism as Hitler’s Nazi system served as the model for radical Islam as practiced today. Yet the AP is allowing radical Islamists to claim the mantle of anti-racists?
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AP Pushes Muslims Into Story Where They Don’t Belong”

Obama’s New Name For Iraq War

-By Warner Todd Huston

The indispensible Jake Tapper of ABC News is reporting that the Obama Administration is about to rename the Iraq war from “Operation Iraqi Freedom” to “Operation New Dawn.”

Gates writes that by changing the name at the same time as the change of mission — the scheduled withdrawal of U.S. combat troops — the US is sending “a strong single that Operation IRAQI FREEDOM has ended and our forces are operating under a new mission.”

Sounds like some good reasoning.

But Mr. Tapper missed the other naming news. Obama will also announce this week that he is changing the theme of his administration from “Operation Hope-n-Change” to “Operation Red Dawn.”

Operation Red Dawn, the Obama memo will read, replaces the hope and change that previously served as Obama’s battle cry and will herald the new direction of American culture from red, white and blue to just plain red.

No word if Obama agrees with Rham Emanuel that the nation should be renamed the New CCCP.
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Obama’s New Name For Iraq War”

Where’s the Outrage: 1 Year Later, Gitmo Not Closed

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the first things that Barack Obama did after being swept into office on the wings of “hopenchange” was to sign an executive order that would close the terrorist detainee facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. President Obama gave a one-year deadline after which he triumphantly informed us the facility would be closed. Well, we are at one year plus ten days after the signing of the order and Gitmo is still open. Yet few stories expressing outrage about this lapsed promise have made the rounds in the Old Media.

On January 22, 2009, Obama signed the Executive Order that gravely asserted that Gitmo would be closed “no later than 1 year from the date of this order.” That was January 22, 2009. It is now February 1, 2010. I’d say a year and ten days after the order was signed just might constitute more than “no later than one year,” wouldn’t you?

Naturally, last year when Obama signed this order the Old Media covered it quite heavily. It was big news and was represented as an example of Obama’s fulfilling a campaign promise. All one need do is type “close Guantanamo executive order” into Google and page after page of Old Media coverage of the signing of the EO will be discovered.
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Where’s the Outrage: 1 Year Later, Gitmo Not Closed”

Another Example of Backwards Islamic ‘Culture’

-By Warner Todd Huston

U.S. troops in Afghanistan are having a hard time understanding what is a strange Afghan cultural practice to them. The practice can be summed up in the ages old Afghan phrase, “women are for children, boys are for pleasure.”

Yes, that phrase means what you think it means. It has been well known for a long time that some parts of Afghanistan have an odd sexual practice ensconced in its culture. Men have sex for pleasure with boys often eschewing women. Sometimes these men even claim to be disgusted by the idea of sex for pleasure with a woman. Yet none of these Afghani men think of themselves as homosexual because they don’t “love” their male sex partners. They just love the sex.
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Another Example of Backwards Islamic ‘Culture’”

U.S. Judge Comes to Rescue of Terrorist, Throws Out Confession

-By Warner Todd Huston

Get ready folks because this is the world of terrorist coddling that Barack Obama is setting up for us from now on. A left-wing, multicultural-loving, half-wit federal judge has sided with those who would kill us all by throwing out most of the evidence as well as the confession of a terrorist ensconced in Guantanamo Bay.

U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan said in a ruling that the government failed to prove that the statements made by Musa’ab Omar Al Madhwani were made free of coercion. I suppose this wonderful judge asked the terrorist if he was coerced and the terrorist unsurprisingly said, “uh, yeah, dat’s what happened. Dey que-orced me!”

Fortunately, this lame, idiot judge decided in his infinite wisdom that we should still hold the terrorist because other things he told authorities at other times was deemed important and accurate. So it could have been worse. At least this time, a hack judge didn’t let a killer free to roam about the United States at will… oh, but it’s coming.

This is what Obama has set up, America. He has set up a situation where terrorists will be loosed on an unsuspecting American public because some soft-in-the-head judge feels sorry for them.
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U.S. Judge Comes to Rescue of Terrorist, Throws Out Confession”

Obama Wants Guantanamo Detainees To Suffer

-By Warner Todd Huston

It is now nearing the one-year anniversary of the day Obama claimed that Guantanamo would be shut down. With all his rhetoric on the facility, I thought that Obama was all about the “humane” treatment of the terrorists being held at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility? Right? I mean, wasn’t Obama all we-weed up that the treatment that prisoners get in the Guantanamo facility is equal to “torture”?

Of course, Obama signed an executive order that is supposed to close Guantanamo by January 22, 2010 — not that this will happen on time as promised, it being just another in a long line of lies and broken promises issued by candidate Obama. But one of the chief reasons that everyone on the extreme left wants Guantanamo to be closed is because these bleeding heart, self-hating nuts are so sure that the facility constitutes some sort of living hell on earth for those detained there.

This being the case, one has to wonder why it is that Obama wants to take these prisoners from the “hell” of Guantanamo and put them in a facility in Illinois that will be far, far worse? That’s right, the living condition in Guantanamo is like paradise compared to what they will be forced to endure in Illinois.
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Obama Wants Guantanamo Detainees To Suffer”

DeMint Decries Union Obstruction in TSA

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Democrats are trying to paint the GOP as “obstructionists” for blocking the appointment of Obama’s choice of Erroll Southers to head up the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Democrats are claiming that by blocking the closure of debate on Southers the GOP is trying to obstruct “tighter security at airports.”

But there is an ulterior motive in play for the Democrats, naturally. And, again naturally, it is an effort by Democrats to hand a victory to unions. One of the things that Senator Jim DeMint (R, SC) is trying to stave off is the unionization of our airport security personnel as the Democrats are trying to slide this by the American people in the guise of “security.”

DeMint brought this up in an appearance on CNN on Dec. 29. When asked why he is putting up a protest about Souther DeMint noted that Obama waited 8 months to appoint someone to fill this spot then wanted the appointment to sail through with no debate.

But DeMint also warned about the stealth unionization that Obama is trying to slide past the American people.
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DeMint Decries Union Obstruction in TSA”

BG Exclusive: Confirmed, Obama Sending Terrorists to Illinois

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a shocking news flash, has published a Department of Justice Memo that authorizes the Obama Administration to send terrorists into Illinois!

Via Obama Executive Order 13492, terrorists WILL BE SENT to Illinois.

Here is the text of that memo (download document here):

Thursday, December 10, 2009


SUBJECT:  Directing Certain Actions with Respect to Acquisition and Use of Thomson Correctional Center

By the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, including by article II, section 2, clause 1 of the Constitution, which designates the President as Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and by the Authorization for Use of Military Force, Public Law 107-40, 115 Stat. 224, I hereby direct that the following actions be taken with respect to the facility known as the Thomson Correctional Center (TCC) in Thomson, Illinois:

1.  The Secretary of Defense shall relocate detainees currently held at the Guantanamo Detention Facility to the TCC as expeditiously as possible, to the extent permitted by laws related to Guantanamo detainees, and consistent with the findings in, and interagency Review established by, Executive Order 13492 of January 22, 2009.

2.  The Attorney General shall as expeditiously as possible acquire and activate the TCC as a United States Penitentiary, which the Attorney General has determined would alleviate the Bureau of Prisons’ shortage of maximum security cell space and could be used for other appropriate purposes.  The Attorney General shall also provide to the Department of Defense a sufficient portion of the TCC to serve as a detention facility to be operated by the Department of Defense, to accommodate the relocation of detainees by the Secretary of Defense in accordance with paragraph 1 of this memorandum. This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity, by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

The Secretary of Defense is authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the Federal Register.

So, what happened to all those Illinois lawmakers that were talking about having state hearings, discussions, and debates on the efficacy of this state exposing its citizens to terrorists? What happened to state officials having a word on the matter? Or is accidental Governor Pat Quinn and his pal President Obama simply going to decide to put these dangerous killers amongst us no matter what we have to say about it?

All questions that we apparently aren’t going to even be allowed to ask!
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BG Exclusive: Confirmed, Obama Sending Terrorists to Illinois”

Best Buy Ditches ‘Christmas’ But Celebrates Muslim Holiday in Fliers

-By Warner Todd Huston

Christmas. Who needs it? Not Best Buy, that’s for sure. After all, Best Buy is loathe to use that hateful word in its advertising. It’s so “religious” and tinged with racism, America, and tradition. It makes Best Buy shudder to think of using that foul word, Christmas. But, advertising for the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha? Heck, why not? What could be more welcoming and tolerant?

And so, Best Buy has issued a Thanksgiving sales flyer wishing all good multi-cultural, Muslim loving Americans a happy Eid al-Adha this year.

Don’t you feel your heart warming already? Isn’t your PC bone tingling with happiness? And aren’t you secretly gleeful that those rotten, evil, reactionary, hatemongering Christians are getting theirs… even if Christians do make up about 75 percent of the United States?

Well, let’s give Best Buy a hand for its politically correct sales flier excising that horrid Christmas nonsense and being enlightened enough to help us all convert to the “Religion of Peace.”
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Best Buy Ditches ‘Christmas’ But Celebrates Muslim Holiday in Fliers”

Arab American Institute Says Amer. Conservatives are Racist, Dangerous

-By Warner Todd Huston

James J. Zogby is the president of the Arab American Institute out of Washington D.C. and he thinks that if you are an American that stands against President Obama’s communistic healthcare policies, or you happen to believe in the integrity of our borders, or you are worried that this nation is being systematically dismantled one brick at a time by Big Government overreach then you are angry, dangerous, and obviously a racist, nativist.

Publishing this sort of accusatory blather in the Saudi Gazette for Sunday, August 8, Zogby, an American, gives succor to our enemies who happily read his nonsense as they smugly sit in their oil-bought royal palaces and smile at America’s supposed turmoil.

Zogby assures his Muslim readers that American Conservatives are “angry and alienated,” are responsible for a “persistent presence of anti-black sentiment,” and are about to promulgate a “full-fledged nativist siege that could tear apart the fabric of our nation.”

And guess what? It isn’t because we have any idea what we are talking about. No siree. Why, we couldn’t possible be right that our nation is being destroyed from within by bad policy, anti-American ideals, and ruinous government growth. No, it has to be because we are idiots that are being mislead by “radical talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Mike Savage, Fox News and even CNN’s Lou Dobbs.”
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Arab American Institute Says Amer. Conservatives are Racist, Dangerous”

Were Shooters Unidentified in Press Because They Were Muslim?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here is something that you NewsBusters fans can help me with because I am having difficulty deciding what is going on with this one. We have a shooting incident in Minnesota perpetrated by three Muslim Somali immigrants but for some reason almost every single media report about the incident omits the names of the shooters, names of obvious North Africa or ethnic origin. So, the question is, did the Old Media in Minnesota purposefully leave the names unreported so that they could cover up the fact that the criminals were Somali immigrants? And, if so, why would they do this?

We start with the Minneapolis Star Tribune that reports that “three suspects were in jail Sunday following a shooting in Lakeville that injured four other people.” Apparently one of those arrested took umbrage at being told to leave a party and began shooting up the place as he and his friends left. But, all we get from the StarTrib is “three suspects.” No names or descriptions.

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Were Shooters Unidentified in Press Because They Were Muslim?”