New Obama App Rats Out Neighbors’ Political Affiliation

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Internet is abuzz with news of a new Obama campaign smart phone app that identifies all the Democrats in your neighborhood.

Released last week, the app works through Google maps. Upon entering an address, the app reveals the registered Democrats nearby, names them, and notes their sex and age. Consequently, it will also inform you of which households aren’t registered Democrats by process of elimination and by seeing those houses not identified as Democrats!

For each Democrat ID a map “flagpin” appears along with information about the voter that lives there. For instance, you might get info about Lori C., age 58, Female, Democrat. Her info appears on your screen as “Lori C. 58 F Democrat.”

The Obama campaign intends to use this app for door-to-door campaign visits by campaign district walkers, but this app isn’t restricted to just Obama campaign workers. Anyone can get it.

Some voters are a bit uneasy that just anyone can so easily look up their voter information on a smart phone app.
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New Obama App Rats Out Neighbors’ Political Affiliation”

Chicago Alderman Illegally Using His Office for Obama Re-election Campaign Workers

-By Warner Todd Huston

Rebel Pundit has discovered an interesting, and likely illegal, Obama campaign move in Illinois. It really does look like a Chicago alderman and the Obama campaign are breaking the law, here.

You’ll recall the little known alderman that tried to get himself some national attention by illicitly using the power of his office to deny the Chick-Fil-A company its right to its religious conviction and its right to do legal business in the city. His name is Proco “Joe” Moreno.

First of all this anti-American alderman is certainly violating the U.S. Constitution by trying to use the power of his office to attack a business that has broken no laws — not just broken no laws in Illinois, but broken no laws anywhere.
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Chicago Alderman Illegally Using His Office for Obama Re-election Campaign Workers”

Holder’s DOJ Unaccountably Hikes Claims of Number of Texans Lacking Photo I.D.

-By Warner Todd Huston

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder originally said that some 600,000 Texans lacked a voter I.D. and therefore would be disenfranchised by the Texas voter I.D. law, but Department Of Justice lawyers have suddenly upped that number greatly. Holder’s DOJ now claims that 1.4 million otherwise eligible Texas voters don’t have proper I.D.s.

Unfortunately, Holder did not release the figures or the methods that were used to arrive at the newer and much higher figure which holds that one in fourteen Texans have no photo I.D.

AG Holder claims that because so many Texans have no photo I.D. they would be barred from voting under the Texas Voter I.D. Law even though the new law requires the state to give photo I.D.s to such citizens for free.
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Holder’s DOJ Unaccountably Hikes Claims of Number of Texans Lacking Photo I.D.”

Elizabeth Warren Lies or is She a Victim of ‘Right-Wing Smear Machine’?

-By Warner Todd Huston

No one is responsible for their lies, if they are liberals, anyway. We see this axiom at play again in the Massachusetts Senate race where Democrat candidate Elizabeth “Faux-Cahontis” Warren — who has for decades made her fortune and gained professional success in part for falsely claiming she has native American ancestry — is now being called a victim of the “right-wing smear machine.”

Apparently, Warren’s apologists are now saying that her decades of lies and wealth building of a false claim isn’t her fault. The whole darn mess is just a result of those mean ol’ right-wingers.

Already we’ve been treated to Warren’s statement that the whole issue is an attack by “a right wing extremist .” This claim was made after the candidate refused to meet with representatives of the real Cherokees who demanded Warren meet with them to explain her false claims of being one of them.
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Elizabeth Warren Lies or is She a Victim of ‘Right-Wing Smear Machine’?”

More Proof: Democrats Just Love Vote Fraud

-By Warner Todd Huston

Fraud. This is one of the big reasons I am wholly against ballot measures. Rarely is there ever a ballot measure sponsored by Democrats that isn’t shot all the way through with petition fraud and we see it again in Ohio.

This time a petition drive is being pushed by several extremist left-wing groups to create an un-elected, state-wide board of quasi officials that will determine the shape of Ohio’s voting districts, all without input from the voters. In other words, Democrats and Sorros-like left-wingers want to put in an un-elected group of hacks that will always go their way regardless of the political climate in the state.

The way these left-wing groups are pushing this idea on Ohio is via a ballot measure. The idea of a ballot initiative is to get a certain number of signatures from voters so that the question can be put on the ballot at the next election. Then voters can decide if they want it or don’t want it. Seems regular old democracy, right?

But the problem with these left-wing ballot initiatives is that they are always, always, always filled with fraud. Democrats always fake thousands of signatures, commit fraud on a daily basis to get their numbers, lie to voters, and generally break every law on the books that governs ballot initiatives. And this one is no different.

Maggie Thurber reports that Democrats are telling people to sign their names multiple times, that they should make up names, that they can sign for family and friends… just committing fraud every day they walk the streets looking for signatures.
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More Proof: Democrats Just Love Vote Fraud”

Obama’s Soft Core Porn Video Making Campaign Cash Bundler

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Washington Free Beacon has an amusing tale of strippers, videos, and Obama campaign donation bundlers that is already getting lefties crying foul.

Apparently the Beacon discovered that one of Obama’s big campaign donation bundlers, one Stacii Jae Johnson, produced and starred in a stripper video in 2004 titled, “I Want To Strip For My Man But I Don’t Know How … Unleashing the Naughty Girl In You!,” a video that supposedly instructs “everyday women” to strip for their boyfriends and husbands.

Johnson works in Atlanta. According to the Beacon:

Stacii Jae Johnson, who currently serves as special events director in the office of Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed (D) and has bundled between $50,000 and $100,000 for the Obama reelection campaign, is a former Hollywood actress with extensive connections to the film and television industries.

Apparently Johnson has also been a bit actor in a few movies over the years.

My favorite part of Andrew Stiles’ piece is how he ended it:
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Obama’s Soft Core Porn Video Making Campaign Cash Bundler”

Transparency? Secret, Soros, Left-Wing, 1% Summit Meeting Held Behind Closed Doors

-By Warner Todd Huston

A luxury resort in Miami, Florida with police-guarded closed doors was the home of a secret George Soros-backed summit attended by deep-pocketed left-wing donors over the weekend of May 12. They met to plan their strategy for the 2012 elections and beyond. Yes, it was all hush hush and secret-like — so much for all that “transparency” those lefties are always braying about.

The event hosted by the leftist group Democracy Alliance was reported upon by the Washington Free Beacon from afar. I say from afar because the Soros-paid group refused the reporters access to the event.

Holding true to their hoary claims of the need for an open and transparent political system, the cadre of lefties had armed guards turn away reporters of the Beacon who tried to gain access to the summit after-party. The Beacon’s reporters were even harassed in front of the hotel by the rent-a-cops paid by Soros and his pals to keep the summit secret.

Attendees of the summit include a who’s who of left-wing One Percenters and Union thugs, including:
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Transparency? Secret, Soros, Left-Wing, 1% Summit Meeting Held Behind Closed Doors”

Why is the New England Historic Genealogical Society Lying Abut Warren’s Amer. Indian Claims?

-By Warner Todd Huston

As each day rolls on in this investigation of the claims made by Massachusetts Democrat Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren that she has Native American heritage in her background we are finding fewer and fewer reasons to believe her. Sadly, she is dragging down once well-respected groups with her unprovable claims and Boston-based New England Historic Genealogical Society is one of them.

As this story came to the fore recently one of the main sources that buttressed Warren’s now faltering claims that she is part Native American came from the New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS). Famously, or perhaps now infamously, NEHGS genealogist Christopher Child substantiated Warren’s claim that her great-great-great grandmother, O.C. Sarah Smith, had Cherokee blood.

This evidence, Mr. Child claimed, is substantiated by a “marriage application” filed with the state of Oklahoma upon which, Child insists, is a section where this supposed native heritage is noted. This document, however, does not seem to actually exist.
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Why is the New England Historic Genealogical Society Lying Abut Warren’s Amer. Indian Claims?”

FAIL: Obama Ad Attacks Romney for Bain Bought Company That Laid People Off… But Romney DIDN’T Work There Then!

-By Warner Todd Huston

Barack Obama released a new video ad featuring former workers of GST Steel of Kansas City who lost their jobs because of Mitt Romney’s work at Bain Capital — at least according to Obama that’s why they lost their jobs. Unfortunately for team Obama, the truth seems to argue against his campaign lies.

The ad is full of lament about GST workers having lost their jobs, sympathy that is most certainly warranted. But the ad goes on to call Romney an “economic vampire” over the layoffs. Union member Jack Cobb, one of the workers in the ad, says for instance, “It was like a vampire. They came in and sucked the life out of us.”

The ad goes on to blame Mitt Romney and Bain Capital for that vampirism.

WARNING: This Obama ad is filled with lies!

But there are quite a few problems with all these hoary claims of the evils of Bain Capital. First of all is the fact that every voice in this video is that of a union thug. Most especially a man noted as the lead union negotiator, David Foster. Does anyone think a unionista will tell the truth about what went on with a company they spent decades extorting?
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FAIL: Obama Ad Attacks Romney for Bain Bought Company That Laid People Off… But Romney DIDN’T Work There Then!”

VIDEO: R. Lee Ermey Says: Come on Register to Vote… Won’t You Pretty Please?

Just hilarious…

A message from R. Lee Ermey:

Listen up and hear me well! This is a critical time for our nation, and too many people are sitting back to let others do the hard work. So it’s time for all of us to put some gas in it and persuade all eligible gun owners to register. That’s why I volunteered my time to film the ad shown here.

Now it’s your turn and I want to see results! Start now by sending this message to everyone you know who supports the Second Amendment.

I expect 110% right now from everyone who values our freedoms! NO EXCUSES. And remember — pain is just weakness leaving the body!

The Left’s National Vote Fraud Strategy Exposed

Jim Simpson has penned an extensive investigation into the left’s upcoming efforts for massive vote fraud in 2012. The report reveals the Left’s vote fraud strategy for the 2012 elections. Like a KGB operation, it is thorough, multi-faceted and redundant. It has overt and covert, illegal and legal elements, the latter of which are designed, at least in part, to facilitate illegal activities later. It is a deliberate, premeditated, comprehensive plan to win the 2012 presidential election at all costs, and is in keeping with the organizational methods, associations and ethics of the Community-Organizer-in-Chief, Barack Obama.

Read it HERE.

In 2008, John McCain Ignored Vote Fraud to Avoid Civil Unrest

-By Warner Todd Huston

Leaked emails from the intelligence group Stratfor recently revealed some shocking allegations of massive Democrat voter fraud in 2008. The emails revealed by WikiLeaks say that the McCain campaign decided to ignore the wide spread voter fraud in order to avoid massive civil unrest — even though it meant he’d lose the White House.

The emails say that Democrats were caught “stuffing ballot boxes in Philly and Ohio,” but the McCain campaign decided to let it all go.

After discussions with his inner circle, which explains the delay in his speech, McCain decided not to pursue the voter fraud in PA and Ohio, despite his staff’s desire to make it an issue. He said no. Staff felt they could get a federal injunction to stop the process. McCain felt the crowds assembled in support of Obama and such would be detrimental to our country and it would do our nation no good for this to drag out like last go around, coupled with the possibility of domestic violence.

J. Christian Adams, a former United States Department of Justice official, notes how fraught with danger these revelations are.
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In 2008, John McCain Ignored Vote Fraud to Avoid Civil Unrest”

National Election Integrity Event, Houston, Texas April 27, 28

-By Warner Todd Huston

An exciting opportunity to join a nation-wide effort to “true” our voting system is happening in Houston, Texas. The 2012 True The Vote National Summit is happening on April 27 and 28 and if you want to be part of the leading voter integrity project in the nation you should be there, too. (Register to attend today)

The first national True The Vote Summit was conducted by those who in 2010 successfully rooted out vote fraud in Harris County, Texas. In 2011 folks from 27 different states were in attendance to learn how the Harris County effort was conducted in hopes of replicating the same back home, but with the hard lessons already learned by their hosts.

Last year’s summit was wildly successful and this year a new schedule of speakers will help inform and educate those in attendance on the state of our elections system today and what needs to be done to correct the major problems we are experiencing.
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National Election Integrity Event, Houston, Texas April 27, 28″

Vote Fraud Test Case: US Attorney General Eric Holder’s Ballot to Vote Offered to Total Stranger

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a shocking new video, James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas demonstrates to the Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder, just why he should be concerned about a lack of voter ID laws by walking into Holder’s Washington D.C. voting precinct and showing the world that anyone can obtain Holder’s own voting ballot by simply asking for it.

The video’s about section reads:

You need ID to cash a check, drive a car, get into a court house, pass a check , etc etc etc. But not to vote, wonder who’s profiting from that? Could it be the very people that are against voter ID? Those of you that use the BS excuse that it disenfranchises minorities, are so full of it. The only minority being shut out with voter ID laws are the ones that shouldn’t be there in the 1st place. True it does cut into the Democrat base, guess that’s why you are using that lame excuse.

If it is this easy for an investigative reporter to go into a voting place and misrepresent himself to take someone else’s ballot, how often does it happen to people that have passed away or to registered voters in any other situation? How often are votes cast by people misrepresenting themselves? And why is it that easy to do?
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Vote Fraud Test Case: US Attorney General Eric Holder’s Ballot to Vote Offered to Total Stranger”

Court Watching: 2008 Democrat Vote Fraud in Indiana and Virginia

-By Warner Todd Huston

This month two states, Indiana and Virginia, have indicted Democrats and convicted felons on charges of vote fraud during the 2008 election cycle.

While reading these, remember that the left says there is no vote fraud in the USA…

In Indiana four St. Joseph County Democrat officials have had charges filed against them for allegedly forging Obama primary petitions during the 2008 election.

Authorities charge that the scheme to submit the fake petitions for Obama was hatched at the local county Democrat headquarters.
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Court Watching: 2008 Democrat Vote Fraud in Indiana and Virginia”

When You Disagree With Leftists, They Simply Dehumanize You

-By Warner Todd Huston

The hatemongers of the Democrat Party and their pals on the far left like to pretend that it is the right that dehumanizes its foes, but the truth is no one dehumanizes enemies better than the left does. Case in point, the left thinks if you are a woman that doesn’t support convenience infanticide, then they will accuse you of not even being a woman at all.

A State Representative from Pennsylvania, Babette Josephs, a Democrat from Philadelphia, is today’s prime example of how expertly Democrats dehumanize their enemies. At a recent rally sponsored by Philly infanticide supporters, Josephs unleashed what Steven Ertelt calls “a new low in political discourse.”

I think Mr. Ertelt was too kind, for what Josephs did was to discount the very womanhood of her enemies simply because they disagree with her support for easy-to-get Infanticide. From Charles Thompson we learn that at this rally, Josephs said that any woman that disagrees with the extremists of the abortion-mill lobby aren’t even women.

Then, she took specific aim at women lawmakers who co-sponsored the ultrasound bill, asking rhetorically, “I do not understand how a woman in this Legislature can say to herself: ‘I’m not capable of making my own health decisions… but I can get elected and make them for somebody else.’

“What is wrong with these women? What are they thinking about?” Josephs continued. “Are they women? Or are they men with breasts.”

Now, you might imagine that this was just one creep with a big mouth, right? Would that were the case. You see, after this creep’s words became public knowledge, the Democrat Party organization that sponsored the rally immediately announced that it was standing behind her outrageous comments.
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When You Disagree With Leftists, They Simply Dehumanize You”

Lefty Group Calling for Disclosure of Conservative Donors has Felon as Advisor

-By Warner Todd Huston

Recently the Washington Post had a story about a coalition of left-wing advocacy groups calling for their counterparts on the conservative side to reveal all their donors even though the law does not require it. The Post feels the crusade is a bit odd since most of the lefty groups doing the complaining also don’t disclose all their donors. Even odder, the post itself doesn’t disclose that one of the representatives of the left-wing groups they quote is a convicted felon!

The story by Don Eggen talks about the “secret money” problem of the 2012 elections, laments the lack of transparency and disclosure of donors for many of these 501c3 and PAC organizations, and notes that the “liberal-leaning groups” that have allied to call for transparency on the right also don’t disclose their donors.

One lefty group in particular, though, fails this transparency test more than the rest. Sadly, even the WaPost doesn’t point out the fact that the representative from Americans United for Change that the paper quotes in the story is not only the husband of a vicious left-wing member of Congress, but is also a convicted felon.
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Lefty Group Calling for Disclosure of Conservative Donors has Felon as Advisor”

Vermont Officials Seeking to Prosecute Voter Reform Advocates?

-By Warner Todd Huston

James O’Keefe of Project Veritas released another undercover video at, this one showing that voters in Vermont could simply go to a polling place, give any name — for instance those of dead Vermonters — and be given a ballot.

As a result of the release of the video, Vermont officials had what can only be called a quixotic reaction. They want to prosecute the producers of the video instead of cleaning up their system.
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Vermont Officials Seeking to Prosecute Voter Reform Advocates?”

Now Illinois Dems Want Crook They Supported in Primary to Step Down?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Now the very same accused criminal that Chicago Democrats wanted people to vote for in Tuesday’s primary is being pressured to to step down from his office now that he won — pressured by the exact same Democrat officials that told people to vote for him only three days ago. This particular story is a perfect example of how Democrats a). Don’t care what voters want, b). Don’t care if their elected officials are crooks, c). Would rather see criminals in office than see a single Republican win an election.

To recap: Derrick Smith was appointed by the party to take a State Rep seat left empty by another Rep that moved on to a different office. As soon as he got in that office he began soliciting a bribe to fill his pockets. The FBI arrested him and charged him with the crime. Up comes the primary and Chicago Democrats, including Congressman Danny Davis, told Chicago voter to vote for this crook anyway because a criminal in office is better than having any Republican, says Davis and his crook-supporting crew The primary arrives and this crook wins his election. And now that he won

The Democrats’ endgame is to muscle Smith off the ballot and out of the House. Gov. Pat Quinn and Secretary of State Jesse White on Wednesday called on Smith to resign; Davis said Smith should not appear on the November ballot.

Just what is going on here?
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Now Illinois Dems Want Crook They Supported in Primary to Step Down?”

Chicago Democrats Say Voting for a Criminal is Better Than Voting for Republicans

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you want an example of why Democrats are truly a party of criminals, you have but to look to Chicago for your examples and not just because Chicago has one of the highest rates of Democrat pols being convicted of crimes. This particular election, Chicago Democrats are actually urging voters to vote for a state rep. that was just this month arrested and charged with bribe taking instead of voting for his opponent that has a clean record — but was a Republican.

That’s right, Chicago Democrats want you to vote for someone we already suspect is a corrupt, bribe-taking, politician over one who is not.

A cadre of Democrats led by U.S. Rep. Danny Davis held a rally for Smith’s election saying that it was better to vote for their arrested friend than to vote for his opponent.

“We know that our colleague is charged with criminal activity,” Davis said. “But we also know that a charge is not a conviction.”

Why would they do this? Why would they come to the aide of a guy arrested for bribe-taking?
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Chicago Democrats Say Voting for a Criminal is Better Than Voting for Republicans”

Obama’s Dept. of Justice Rejects Texas Voter I.D. Law

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Obama administration’s Department of Justice under embattled Attorney General Eric Holder has rejected Texas’ pre-clearance application for its new voter ID law. The feds say the state did not prove that the law will not discriminate against minority voters, especially Hispanics.

DOJ’s head of the civil rights division, Tom Perez, sent a six-page letter to the Texas director of elections saying that Texas had not “sustained its burden” of proof under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act to show that the law will not disenfranchise the roughly 11 percent of Hispanic voters that have no state-issued identification.

Anticipating the Obama administration’s decision, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott filed a federal lawsuit in February to have the law implemented immediately. Washington has until April 9 to respond to the lawsuit.

AG Abbott contends that Eric Holder’s Department of Justice is acting on political grounds, not legal.
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Obama’s Dept. of Justice Rejects Texas Voter I.D. Law”

GOP Voter Enthusiasm Higher, Democrat Collapse from 2008 High

-By Warner Todd Huston

Gallup has a poll that informs us that voter enthusiasm is higher for Republicans today than it is for Democrats. This is not a big surprise considering that it is the GOP that is the party currently on the outside looking in at the Oval Office. It is pretty common to see the party on the outs a bit more enthusiastic than the party in. But the Democrat’s numbers show that the bottom fell out for them since 2007.

What Gallup found was that by 53% to 43%, Republicans held the edge in voter enthusiasm.

Republicans, including independents who lean Republican, are slightly more likely than Democrats and Democratic leaners to say they are “more enthusiastic than usual about voting” this year. Republicans have consistently led Democrats in voting enthusiasm since last fall, but to varying degrees.

Gallup also found that Republicans were less enthusiastic about their primary race this time last presidential election, too. In February of 2008 Republicans stood only at 44% in enthusiasm compared to the 53% they stand at now.
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GOP Voter Enthusiasm Higher, Democrat Collapse from 2008 High”

Texas Dems Fundraiser Falsehoods, Wisc. Dems, More False Accusations Against True The Vote

-By Warner Todd Huston

Using falsehoods to sell candidates to voters has an unfortunate but long history in these United States. It is bad enough when mud is slung between single candidates in hard fought electoral contests, but when official communications from established political parties is based on outright falsehoods, one has to take a step back. Such is the case with the Texas Democrat Party attacking the voter integrity group True The Vote in a recent fundraising letter.

The Texas Democrat Party sent out a fundraising letter on February 29 alerting Texas Democrat donors that Houston-based True The Vote had gotten involved in the Wisconsin recall petition signature verification effort. Sadly, the Party decided use incendiary language to paint a negative picture of the voter integrity group and cast a long list of falsehoods against them in order to cajole dollars out of donors. (See image of letter here)

Calling the group an “infamous voter intimidation group,” for instance, is beyond that pale. This is a claim made solely by True The Vote’s enemies, not one actually proven as true. One would think that a legitimate state party would not use blatantly false statements in official communications, but here we see it anyway.
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Texas Dems Fundraiser Falsehoods, Wisc. Dems, More False Accusations Against True The Vote”

Calumnies: What The Left Is Saying About Wis. Recall Petition Verification Effort

-By Warner Todd Huston

Several different left-wing political sites as well as the Democrat Party of Wisconsin are pulling out all their rhetorical tricks to cast aspersions on the recall petition signatures verification effort in an attempt to damage the legitimacy of the campaign in the minds of Wisconsin’s voters. These organizations have launched a campaign of attacking the messenger by turning against True The Vote and its partners in the verification process.

Representatives of True the Vote are being called “thugs,” and every false claim, unproven allegation, and oft-told tale are being presented to readers as truth quite regardless of any verification of the calumnies.

The biggest false claim, one echoed by three separate left-wing sources, is that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is using True The Vote — called a “bizarre” out-of-state tea party group by Wisconsin Democrat operatives — to do his dirty work. The fact is, though, True The Vote has had no contact at all with Scott Walker’s office and is but following its own self-realized mandate to assist anyone in any state that wishes to get involved in efforts to assure the veracity of the election process. True The Vote has no connection to any officials or political campaigns quite despite the false claims of its opposition.
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Calumnies: What The Left Is Saying About Wis. Recall Petition Verification Effort”

Democrat New Tone: Rep. Waters Calls Republicans ‘Demons’

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you believe the Old Media, only Republicans foster a mean-spirited or “violent” atmosphere in public debate. So, is it shocking that long-time Democrat member of the House of Representatives, Maxine Waters (Calif), recently called Republicans “demons”?

Seriously. That’s what she did. She called Representatives John Boehner and Eric Cantor “demons.”

So much for the Democrat new tone, eh?

Chop Licking: How Obama Uses Falsehoods to Advance His Policies

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week we all got a great lesson in how the left promotes a lie to make Republicans the enemy and this time President Obama was a chief participant.

This is how the game is played: the left-leaning media establishment makes a claim about how rotten Republicans are and Obama then echoes the claim and presents it as the true state of Republican opposition to his policies. The result is that we have a partisan opinion foisted on the public as truth about how mean the GOP is to this poor, well-meaning president. A false media narrative is established by the partisan press, politician adds said meme to a policy speech, presto-chango, a political “fact” is born. But it’s all just a partisan hit job masquerading as fact.

We are talking, of course, about President Obama’s claim that the GOP is “licking their chops” over the bad news of high gas prices. This is the line uttered by the president in his most misleading energy speech delivered in Florida on February 23.

In that speech, President Obama claimed that Republicans were happy that gas prices were hurting Americans. Obama intended to show that Republicans didn’t care that America was hurting, happy they could use it as a political tool to hurt the president and his well-meaning policies.

Here is what he said:

“Some politicians, they see this as a political opportunity. I know you’re shocked by that. Last week the lead story in one newspaper said, ‘Gasoline prices are on the rise and Republicans are licking their chops.’ That’s a quote. That was the lead. Licking their chops. Only in politics do people root for bad news. Do they greet bad news so enthusiastically.”

Note how Obama uses the partisan slam, published in “one newspaper” written by a left-wing writer and presents this as fact about how Republicans feel about rising gas prices. Note that Obama didn’t quote any actual Republican saying rising gas prices is a good thing. He quoted one of his own follower’s partisan claims and then assigned that false narrative to his political enemies.
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Chop Licking: How Obama Uses Falsehoods to Advance His Policies”