Transparency? Secret, Soros, Left-Wing, 1% Summit Meeting Held Behind Closed Doors

-By Warner Todd Huston

A luxury resort in Miami, Florida with police-guarded closed doors was the home of a secret George Soros-backed summit attended by deep-pocketed left-wing donors over the weekend of May 12. They met to plan their strategy for the 2012 elections and beyond. Yes, it was all hush hush and secret-like — so much for all that “transparency” those lefties are always braying about.

The event hosted by the leftist group Democracy Alliance was reported upon by the Washington Free Beacon from afar. I say from afar because the Soros-paid group refused the reporters access to the event.

Holding true to their hoary claims of the need for an open and transparent political system, the cadre of lefties had armed guards turn away reporters of the Beacon who tried to gain access to the summit after-party. The Beacon’s reporters were even harassed in front of the hotel by the rent-a-cops paid by Soros and his pals to keep the summit secret.

Attendees of the summit include a who’s who of left-wing One Percenters and Union thugs, including:
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Transparency? Secret, Soros, Left-Wing, 1% Summit Meeting Held Behind Closed Doors”

Soros Funded MoveOn.Org Lies About Hacking Fox News Ticker

-By Warner Todd Huston

What’s the best way to counter what you think are the lies coming from your opponents? Is it to make up lies of your own? Apparently thinks so. On June 9, MoveOn admitted using lies, subterfuge and fraud to “counter” what they maintain is the wrong-headed thinking of Fox News. I guess to a left-winger, lies are just the ticket to get people to trust them! In fact, this whole story is just downright silly as not only perpetrated a fraud, they made a big production of it all in the process.

Not long ago an emailer calling himself “Babi Gumm” began to inform various news sites and bloggers that he had “hacked into the Fox News ticker on 6th Avenue in New York.”

This “Babi Gumm” claimed that he had replaced the Fox ticker message with his own anti-capitalist message one screaming to America that “we are being lied to” by “Right wingers” who are “destroying the middle class and trying to kill our unions.” His supposed ticker hack also told viewers that “the country is not broke.”
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Soros Funded MoveOn.Org Lies About Hacking Fox News Ticker”