Oil is There. Obama Doesn’t Care.

-By Kevin Roeten

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) has told the Obama Administration they’ve found enough oil under US territory that estimates 163 billion barrels of recoverable oil and enough natural gas to meet the country’s demand for 90 years. [Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/03/10/new-report-says-u-s-has-largest-fossil-fuel-reserves-in-world/#ixzz1ZAKRYXDD.]

Back in 2006, the Department of Energy (DoE) and the Mineral Management Service (MMS) both revealed the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) had enough oil to last at least another 50 years [Assessment of Undiscovered Technically Recoverable Oil and Gas Resources of the Nation’s Outer Continental Shelf, 2006 (Summary Brochure)].

The map above is from a 2006 MMS titled “Assessment of Undiscovered Technically Recoverable Oil and Gas Resources of the Nation’s Outer Continental Shelf”. Additional details are here.

That was well before the CRS report. In fact, the CRS report shows how the US leads all nations in World Fossil Fuel Resources. That includes Russia, Saudi Arabia, China, Iran–everyone.
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Oil is There. Obama Doesn’t Care.”

Why Obama’s Love Affair with Planned Parenthood?

-By Kevin Roeten

Asheville’s Planned Parenthood Health Center

What is happening with Obama and Planned Parenthood (PP)? Obama and the United Nations? It’s a plain fact Obama can reduce the debt easily. But he’s not budging with those items. Obama’s being very coy about his actions. Obama will not cut taxpayer funds for PP, even though 98% of their expenditures are for abortion.

Obama seems to think PP can do no bad. Lately, he decided to trample the will of New Hampshire. On 9/13, the Obama administration made a decision to force New Hampshire taxpayers to fund the Planned Parenthood abortion business, even after New Hampshire’s Executive Council voted to revoke a $1.8 million contract.

PP says the reinstated grant will not fund abortions. But it frees up money the abortion business would otherwise have to spend on advertising and promoting abortions. Obama Administration did not provide any competitive process for other non-abortion agencies to compete for the contract.
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Why Obama’s Love Affair with Planned Parenthood?”

Belief that Women are Inferior IS Inferior

-By Kevin Roeten

Mixing abortion with woman power is not an oxymoron. Women many times claim that a young baby they’re pregnant with (what else can they be pregnant with?) is only her body. She says she can do anything with her body she wants.

If she’s pregnant, she’s got a living, breathing, human within her body. But that living human is a totally separate entity, with a whole set of different chromosomes. It’s in her body, but it’s no longer her body.

One non-abortion group seems overly concerned with the “After Abortion” part. They believe abortion can be a direct or indirect result of an unwanted abortion, or coerced actions that can psychologically force the woman into aborting.

Women are considered the stronger sex in many forms. Usually, they can withstand higher amounts of physical pain than their male counterparts, and many women would consider themselves equal or better than men in most instances, except with the possibility of brute strength.
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Belief that Women are Inferior IS Inferior”

Expanding Number of People Saying ELEnin a Dwarf Star

-By Kevin Roeten

Coming up in September, we might see a faint comet (called ELEnin), or, a rogue brown dwarf star. The first possibility is a comet, which is a normal occurrence. The second possibility, a brown dwarf star, would be a major scientific anomaly. The first possibility is barely perceptible visibly, and not headed for any earth collision (36,000 miles distance at nearest approach).

Exact locations can be determined at http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=ELENIN&orb=1. The second possibility, a brown dwarf star, can be seen on the exact same path.

Strange, but both are almost invisible to the telescope’s eye. The comet is far enough away from the sun now, so it would seem almost invisible. A dwarf star would be equally hard to see, because it retains all its star mass without fusion occurring. This particular comet/dwarf star has gotten more than its share of publicity. In fact, ELEnin has been observed 2218 times by NASA since June [http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.cfm?release=2011-135]. Only comets Hale-Bopp and Halley have been observed more times.
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Expanding Number of People Saying ELEnin a Dwarf Star”

Are Blacks Oblivious to Their Obvious Problem?

Many Blacks don’t even think about their biggest problem. Many continue to send Democrats to Washington. But others know what is taking place, and refuse to bow down to dramatic culling, genocide, certain annihilation. They already see their population percentage decreasing in the America. Their numbers hacked away each year. They already know the culprits, the instigators, and the villains.

The National Black Prolife Coalition exposes the number one killer of Blacks: Planned Parenthood and urban abortion clinics. This coalition knows these organizations are responsible for abortions in the Black community that outnumber all other causes of death combined. This includes heart disease, cancer, kidney disease, homicides, and HIV/AIDS. Abortion is responsible for 363,705 black deaths per year. All the major causes above total 289,366 black deaths per year.

A talk show host in San Francisco spelled it out for all radical Blacks. Sharon Hughes — African Americans the Target of Planned Parenthood, explains her views by revealing a black baby is 5 times more likely to be killed in the womb than a white baby.

The CDC even found Black mothers get abortions at a 300 percent higher per capita rate than other races. The pro-life Blacks and the public knows their tax dollars are feeding PP’s coffers and others for this attack, but they are temporarily helpless against this onslaught.

MLKJr never would have stood up to this unsurpassed forced death. No clear-thinking American could do this. Most Americans wouldn’t have allowed this to happen in another country, much less ours. So many are hardened to the killing of life, and it is commonplace to value pleasure far over life. Something not written in the Constitution.

But this radical group of Blacks continue to vote for those who foster abortions. Democrats are still elected every election who continue to demand funding PP, continue to push Roe vs Wade, and continue to incorrectly advocate any abortion and/or contraception as legal and safe.

The American Life League was shocked that “America’s first black president drew a bizarre line in the sand declaring he would shut down the government of the United States to keep federal funding for Planned Parenthood, the organization that aborts over 125,000 black children nationwide each year.”

Obama’s close relationship with PP is obvious on YouTube – Barack Obama Addresses Planned Parenthood.

“When will our black leaders take an honest look at these numbers, become outraged and do something to stop the abortion deaths of our beautiful black babies?” asked Rev. Arnold M. Culbreath [Protecting Black Life]. “The numbers don’t lie. Abortion takes a tremendous toll on our women, our men, our families and our future.”

The Case Against Abortion: Abortion and Race, shows how abortion and race are intertwined. Why have pro-abortion individuals linked the two? Some political figures are on-board for a major disparity in killing Blacks. Those include figures such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and (president) Barack Obama. We hope and pray that their skewed opinions will change, and more black citizens will be allowed to live.

We fervently hope that the black views of Thomas Sowell, Bill Cosby, Condolezza Rice, Justice Clarence Thomas, Walter Williams, Rev. Clenard Childress (BlackGenocide.org), Herman Cain (presidential nominee), Booker T. Washington, Shelby Steele, Allen West (House), Tim Scott (House), Alan Keyes, Lynn Swann, Larry Elder (columnist), Ward Connerly, Joseph C. Phillips (columnist), Karl Malone (basketball), Star Parker, Ken Hamblin, Don King (fight promoter), Alveda King (niece of MLKJr), etc., etc., will no longer go unheeded.

No doubt, some White, Latino, and other non-Black voters will also continue to vote for Obama the next presidential election. Much can be said about those who do not fear killing fellow Americans, and are happy if others vote that way. These people want pleasure, but no responsibility.

The next presidential election will be more telling about the American public than most realize. It will dictate the fall of the greatest nation on earth, or the rise of an insurmountable swelling of the greatest nation on earth.

For many, a famous quote seen on a passing bumper sticker seems quite applicable to the above arguments: “Voting for someone because he’s Black, is as racist as voting against someone because he’s Black.”


Kevin Roeten can be reached at roetenks@charter.net.

Scarier than a ‘Death Panel’? Being 65 or Older

-By Kevin Roeten

Of course, the words ‘Death Panel’ weren’t in Obama’s 2000-word health care plan. The words socialism, aborting, taxing, and redistribution of earned money weren’t in there either. But most Americans know they’re in there.

Obama’s Universal HealthCare won’t give people the option to put people’s relatives to death. At least not yet. It is known by millions what will happen if government-run health care becomes a reality. First, people will be allowed (or the government will do it for them) to euthanize older folks, or generally anyone expected to die in less than six months.

If Universal Healthcare gets voted in, the Obama administration holds every ‘control’ button. With the unsustainably high budget deficit, the government will inevitably make cost-minded judgments about what procedures are ‘worth’ doing, and which are not.
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Clandestine Cause of Global Warming

-By Kevin Roeten

Natural cycles ALWAYS change climate. One of the biggest cycles is the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). It shifts from warm to cold every 20-30 years, or on an inter-decadal time scale. This is directly related to sea surface temperature. The PDO’s temperature variance over more than 100 years can be viewed in the graph below. A common thread to PDO and climate is unmistakable. Both graphs below are from Wikipedia.

Observed monthly values for the PDO (1900–2010).

Both graphs below are from Wikipedia.


Even though the Atlantic is a significantly smaller body of water than the Pacific, it has similar effects on climate. It has what is typically known as the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO). It has a quasi-cycle of warm to cold every ~70 years. Both the PDO and AMO are directly affected by other natural cycles.
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Clandestine Cause of Global Warming”

Planned Parenthood’s Stranglehold on Congress

-By Kevin Roeten

Young unborn tigers being killed in their mother’s womb is not accepted in our society. What about killing young unborn golden retrievers? If large enough, the baby retrievers would have to be removed piece by piece, or if almost full term, would have to be wholly removed and left to die outside of the womb somewhere.

One could kill the mother, but no more babies would be produced after that. But with humans, the mother is a “life”. It would be unacceptable to kill her. But many decide to kill the baby instead. Wasn’t it thought to be unacceptable to kill “life”?

But humans fall back on Roe v. Wade, not only to justify, but to claim as ‘legal’ the killing of unborn children. It’s difficult to answer the question—what happens to the soul if I abort? Then we comprehend that diabolical accomplice—Planned Parenthood of America (PPA).
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Planned Parenthood’s Stranglehold on Congress”

By 2030 Population to Start Dropping Like a Rock

-By Kevin Roeten

According to a UN 2009 revised population forecast, world population will peak at around 7 billion in 2030, and begin to fall. How can that be? In 1980, world population was forecast to be significantly higher by 2030.

Many plagues and Epidemics have culled population from the earliest times. The worst were the Plague of Justinian(Byzantine Empire/541542 AD), Black Death(1347), Great Plague(1665), oriental Bubonic Plague(1894), Spanish Flu(1918), and HIV/AIDS(1985—).

But the worst population killer is the epidemic that will not be controlled. We have done this to ourselves. It is chemical/artificial fertility control.
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By 2030 Population to Start Dropping Like a Rock”

Suspected Ozone Loss May Never Have Involved CFC’s

-By Kevin Roeten

It was done recently with Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW), just as 20-30 years ago with Ozone Depletion. With AGW, it was hyped to be a destroyer of ecology, and a harbinger of possible death. Instead, people found natural variations changing earth’s climate, from hot to cold. It’s seems likely natural variations affect the ozone as well.

With ozone depletion, millions were (and are) convinced that chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s), and certain brominated compounds (Halons) were the culprits. As a result, the most stable and non-toxic refrigerants, and safest halogenated fire retardants were phased out of production.

Two scientists—Roland and Molina—seemed determined to find and answer to suspected ozone (O3) depletion. Only problem was ozone was only being depleted in large quantities over the earth’s Antarctic pole.
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Suspected Ozone Loss May Never Have Involved CFC’s”

Line Between Global Warming “Gassers” and Cyclic Naturalists

-By Kevin Roeten

The huge difference is, one group believes in AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming) as a religion—that man can, and is, controlling the warming of earth with excess CO2. Another group believes in Natural Cycles—that man is totally dependent on the myriads of astrophysical cycles that are engineered to occur naturally.

One group does not consider themselves omnipotent enough to control a planet’s climate, are cognizant of the hundreds of cyclical changes the earth goes through.

Back in 950 AD, Eric Thorvalssen (better known as Eric the Red) was born a Viking, in Norway. After exile, he convinced many to visit his personal island—accurately called Greenland. For the next 300 years, Greenland became a whaling, fishing, and farming community coinciding with the MWP (Medieval Warming Period). But now, numerous sites in Greenland have been uncovered, suggesting temperatures were as much as 7oF warmer than today (F. Donald Logan/ The Vikings In History). Today most of Greenland is not green, and has permanently frozen soil and ice.

A major factor effecting earth’s climate is earth-sun geometry. Milutin Milankovitch gets most of the credit for relating the Milankovitch cycles to ice ages and to climate. Its three cycles: 1) Precession (earth rotates its polar axis, and wobbles [26,000 years]); 2) Eccentricity (when earth’s orbit around the sun [100,000 years] is at its maximum distance(9%), the difference in solar energy received by earth is (-20%)); and 3) Axial Tilt/Obliquity [41,000 years], all provide variations in solar radiation received.
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Line Between Global Warming “Gassers” and Cyclic Naturalists”

Anti-Population Zealots Condemning the Human Race to Extinction

-By Kevin Roeten

The ‘left’ must be shaking in their boots to see the latest trends of the pro-life juggernaut. More and more people consider themselves pro-life, and favor more restrictions on abortion. The lean towards being pro-life is growing, especially with the young adult.

They understand babies begin sometime, and realize the most obvious answer is at conception. Men, especially, know if they’re in the woods hunting deer and they hear something, prudence dictates to wait and make sure it’s a deer. But it’s already known to be a baby if a woman’s pregnant.

The now commonplace practices of birth control, abortifacient use, late-term abortion (all 3 can be abortion), same-sex marriage, and sterilization were not typically thought of 100 years ago.

With birth control, the uterus is always made inhospitable for implantation, whether the fertilized embryo comes for a visit or not. If the fertilized embryo does visit, it usually can’t implant and is aborted. With same-sex marriage and sterilization, there’s only one purpose–and it’s not population generation.
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Anti-Population Zealots Condemning the Human Race to Extinction”

Out-of-the-Box Thinking for an Out-of-Control Budget

-By Kevin Roeten

Certainly the $1.6 trillion dollar budget must not only be reigned in, but people must think “out-of-the-box”. The money can be easily cut, but too many are worried about an item’s ‘priority’. Budget shortfall would not exist at all if simple priorities were changed.

The United Nations and their >$3 billion/year budget from America is the first. The UN has had a history of anti-American activity. Groups such as Amnesty International, Doctors Without Borders, Oxfam, Greenpeace, and many others, seek to influence daily UN decisions.

The UN has stated aborting the young is a ‘right’, and wants mandated population reduction. That, when population will undergo a precipitous freefall by 2050 due to the decline below the 2.1 child/woman ‘wall’ necessary for maintaining existing population. Or The Iraq Oil-for-food Scandal, with the UN complicit in $113 billion paid to Hussein.
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Out-of-the-Box Thinking for an Out-of-Control Budget”

Age-Old Tradition Thrown into Trash Can

-By Kevin Roeten

In Asheville (NC) the tradition of Marriage may have just been altered beyond comprehension. Some people are screaming that they just want equal treatment. But with marriage, people are given a privilege, not a right. But many consider Asheville a bump in the road and an exception to the rule. It’s been said that up to 12% of Asheville’s population is gay, lesbian, transgender, or bisexual. Many of those cohabitate. Does that mean if they were granted the privilege to “marry” as so many other couples do (one woman and one man), all problems would disappear because they were treated equally?

On 2/22/11, the City of Asheville approved a resolution that would “allow same-sex couples to share fully and equally in the familial rights and responsibilities of civil marriage”. But what does that really mean?

An easy interpretation of the resolution is it’s legal to “marry”, or to form a recognized union, with someone of the same sex. The resolution also included a city preference list for homosexuals. Interpretation: “The City of Asheville would be openly discriminating in favor of homosexuals in employment.” That would be making homosexuality a “civil right”. The Constitution, Declaration, or even a dictionary writer ever called homosexuality a civil right.
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Age-Old Tradition Thrown into Trash Can”

A President of Scorn, or a President with Cajones?

-By Kevin Roeten

Drinking, AIDS in Africa, failed stimulus programs, torture, terrorism, ESCR, Abu Ghraib, North Korea, al-Qaeda, Hussein, WMD, AGW, Katrina, 9/11, surge, and financial crises are just a very few of the occurrences in this presidency. Even the Great Depression almost paled in comparison this presidency’s trials and tribulations. Not many leaders could survive this onslaught.

Amazingly, George W. Bush had completely cleaned up his drinking problems long before being elected president. He endured, and it sufficiently steeled him for the vicious storm to come.

He incorporated PEPFAR (President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) to eliminate AIDS/HIV in Africa. Africans called it the Lazarus Effect. In each of the first five years, 150,000 babies were saved. Bush stated those lives (over 750,000 saved) aided America’s strategic and moral interests. He knew societies mired in poverty and disease foster hopelessness, which leaves people ripe for recruitment by extremists and terrorists. As a result, many more terrorists were not recruited, and more Americans were not killed.
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A President of Scorn, or a President with Cajones?”

Political Leanings from Good Morning America

-By Kevin Roeten

The morning of 2/3/11, Good Morning America (GMA) ran a “profiling” piece from John Quinones, a seven-time Emmy Awards winner with “Primetime Live” and “20/20” work. He attempted to demonstrate firsthand profiling cases in Arizona against illegal Mexicans. He thought his case was made when he was fingered himself for portraying an illegal alien in an Arizona bar. His credentials quickly discredited any ‘illegal’ possibilities however, but ABC ran with the story.

Actually, ‘profiling’ is used everywhere. On a Muslim flying on a jet, a mussed customer entering a store, anyone entering a federal building, a man trying to enter a woman’s bathroom, an intoxicated car driver who gets stopped, or a job applicant–all are profiled—with proper intentions. Racial dislikes are many times inferred, even though race usually has nothing to do with it.

The act of ‘profiling’ is directly due to people fitting the profile description that possibly commit a crime, and possibly put others in mortal danger. ‘Profiling’ is a known method for discerning a culprit more quickly than is normally accomplished. Anyone who is in law enforcement knows this, and must use it in their duties. The World Book Dictionary’s definition of ‘profiling’ gives “a diagram showing a person’s abilities or traits.” Unfortunately, the media always seem to attach a racial connotation to ‘profiling’.
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Political Leanings from Good Morning America”

China Scenario Overwhelms US in Taiwan Strait

-By Kevin Roeten

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) claims the Chinese Air Force Could Overwhelm OpponentsPatriot Update in a battle in the Taiwan Strait. Even with a 6 to 1 kill ratio by American jets, a Rand simulation program in “war gaming” still reveals that the Americans would lose. This was revealed in an interview with Aviation Week (1/9/11). Even with all American missiles spent with a kill, more Chinese jets would presumably be available to wreak mass havoc.

That scenario is not likely true if all of China’s arsenal of jets are not in the near vicinity of Taiwan.

But for ballistic missiles—those able to traverse continents—their speed (10-15,000 mph) and nuclear capability–would cancel out sheer numbers of attacking ‘bogies’. The scary part is what President Obama presently knows.

He knows that American technology with missiles enables a spot on a “bullet” to be hit by another “bullet”. He knows that America has demonstrated its ability to shoot down any incoming missile with a non-aggressive missile that could destroy the interloper with the sheer speed of contact. Continue reading

China Scenario Overwhelms US in Taiwan Strait”

The Pill Can Result in Abortion

-By Kevin Roeten

Shocking news to people who consider themselves pro-life. Many politicians even run on the term ‘pro-life’ without realizing they might be killing their baby, and probably sending her/him down the commode. Are they negligent of reality, or do they want to use the term pro-life to ‘score’ some votes at the ballot box?

Even if married, does anyone (including your pastor), refer to themselves as pro-life but still use birth control, such as the Pill, Ella, Morning-After Pill, RU-486, etc…, to avoid a pregnancy? Without knowing what these chemicals actually do, the proper information is necessary before being called “pro-life”.

Taking a birth control pill every day (or as often as possible), will cause the uterus to shed its lining and become inhospitable (incompatible for implantation) for the nurture of a fertilized embryo. In other words, if the fertilized embryo cannot attach to the uterus for continued growth, and it was purposely done, it’s been aborted. The usual place for an unwanted baby would likely be the toilet.
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The Pill Can Result in Abortion”

AGW Believers Misunderstand a Closed System

-By Kevin Roeten

Can believing the earth is not a closed system hurl non-technical people down the forsaken path of anthropogenic global warming? Physics tells us that there are 3 types of systems: a closed system (cannot exchange matter, but can exchange heat), an isolated system (exchanges nothing), and an open system (exchanges everything). The earth, therefore, IS a closed system, because no matter is exchanged, but heat can be.

If no matter can be exchanged, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, and all other elements will remain in the same quantities for the millions of years earth exists. With a finite amount carbon and oxygen, there will always be a finite amount of CO2. As a result, both warming and cooling of the earth takes place, and is partially explained by this video on Solar Variation.

On page 35, in the Climategate Book – Brian Sussman – Exposing Global Warming Scam, practically decapitates Michael Mann’s infamous “hockey stick”. Inserted in a Nature #392 (1998 edition), Mann had a bogus graph that had temperature with the stick positioned horizontally, and the blade pointing straight up. It was a popular method to convince the public the earth was in trouble with CO2-produced temperatures going through the roof.

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AGW Believers Misunderstand a Closed System”

The Atrocity of Another Black/White Civil War

-By Kevin Roeten

In this war, no one wins. The country will be decimated, mistrust among the citizens will abound, and black/white racism will be rampant in the populace. What could possibly start a war among fellow citizens who share everything except the same skin color?

The war is coming. The clash between the majority of Blacks, and the majority of Whites seems imminent.

Several racial incidents may be harbingers. 1) Non-prosecution of the new Black Panthers in federal Voting Rights Act violations against white victims [No Whites Need Apply], 2) the US Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) received almost 7,000 complaints (11% increase) over the past year [How’s That Post-Racial America Working Out for You?], 3) gerrymandering, and 4) purposeful indoctrination that lynching in America is still going on.
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The Atrocity of Another Black/White Civil War”

PEW Survey on Religion Wrong

-By Kevin Roeten

It is unfortunate Pew Research Center for the People & the Press does a religious survey, and gets most of its premises incorrect. First, they assume all religions are equal. Second, they fail to mention the largest religion in the US, even though their analysis concerns the population’s religious traditions.

Anyone who actively belongs to a religion should know about that religion. Very likely if you’re not Hindu, you won’t know Vishnu and Shiva are part of Hinduism history. When a survey says Americans don’t know much about religion, they’re talking about all religions as if they were all equal. How do you know anything about a religion to which you don’t belong?

Largest Religious Groups in the USA, from the Pew Research Center, says the Catholic population should be over 90 million Americans by 2011. With almost one third of the country’s population, they are the largest religion in America.
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PEW Survey on Religion Wrong”

Obama Eliminates Creator from his Speeches

-By Kevin Roeten

In only 34 days, Obama has managed to eliminate any reference to “Creator” from any recitation made of the Declaration of Independence. America’s framers designed a concept, that all men have been “endowed by their Creator” with “certain unalienable rights,” including “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” But in 3 separate occasions in that period, Obama eliminated any reference to a “Creator”.

The real answer may be a little difficult to determine. Odds are that using a teleprompter, which Obama uses very frequently during speeches, may give a hint. He reads over them carefully before each speech. The same kind of omission of the key statement of the Declaration is just not done. It was willful, and it was deliberate.

Even the American Thinker believes it probably was that Obama intentionally ignored his teleprompter, which he was told to do several times. His speech—issued in both Spanish and English—had neither version mentioning the Creator.
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Obama Eliminates Creator from his Speeches”

UN Ripe for US Budget Cutting

-By Kevin Roeten

Reducing the US budget over $5 billion/year sounds too good to be true. Actually 1.2 billion is the US share (22% in 2010). But the ‘peacekeeping budget’ is a whopping $7.8 billion/yr, of which the US is responsible for over 27%, or $2.1 billion. The offending party—the UN. The place—Manhattan. The damage—at least $3.3 billion/year.

In the 2/3/10 column by Brett Schaeffer, Time to Rein in the U.N.’s Budget | The Heritage Foundation, he explains the details included in the 2010-2011 2-yr UN budget. [9] If one includes the US voluntary contributions to the UN, the US exceeds $5 billion annually. [13]
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UN Ripe for US Budget Cutting”

Pro-Life label can be Very Inaccurate

-By Kevin Roeten

It’s very confusing when someone says they’re pro-life. What exactly does that mean? Does that indicate the alleged pro-life person would vote to directly affect Roe vs. Wade (SC decision in 1973 that made it legal to abort in all months of pregnancy)? Heath Shuler (D/NC) claims he’s pro-life, but his Asheville office said in 2008 that he would not vote to rescind Roe vs. Wade.

It’s easy to go a step further. Would it be OK to abort if you thought something was seriously wrong with the baby? If you knew it had Down Syndrome? If it was conceived by incest? By rape? What if you thought you needed to get rid of it for another reason?

With Tim Tebow, doctors told Pam (mom) she needed to abort Tim, because all the strong medications she took being pregnant while fighting amoebic dysentery, may have caused irreversible damage. Pam refused; Tim was born, and received the Heisman Trophy as a sophomore (2007) playing for the Florida Gator football team.
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Pro-Life label can be Very Inaccurate”

Socialism much Closer than the Frontier

-By Kevin Roeten

Many refuse to believe Socialism is as close to America, something it was not founded on, as it is. We may start to see socialism initiated by the election this fall. The ominous harbinger—the outgoing of Senator Christopher Dodd (D/Ct).

Called the Livable Communities Act (SB1619) was brought by Dodd, and will fulfill The Green Agenda – Agenda 21, adopted at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro (1992), creating a ‘new world order’. SB1619 has just been approved by the Senate Banking Committee, and is on the fast track to passage in the Senate. The thought is this legislation must be passed before a Republican takeover in November.

Few realize this, but the unscrupulous Nazi regime based on anti-Semitic laws, actually followed the highway of modern environmentalism through Nazi Germany, as described in the Mark Musser book Nazi Oaks Book Review.
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Socialism much Closer than the Frontier”

Hope Fading that Radical/Islamic Factions Keep Separate

-By Kevin Roeten

The mosque controversy in New York City: “To build, or not to build. That is the question.” The 1st Amendment to the Constitution guarantees freedom of religion. But certainly the mosque would not be built depending upon neighborhood conditions, zoning restrictions, or bad taste. But its building has superseded all of those now.

“He just tried to extort America, right there…he came back to threaten us.” extorted by Tim Brown, a 9/11 Fireman in an interview with Bill Hemmer on 9/9/10 Ground Zero Imam Threatens America with Attack If Mosque Not Built …]. In fact, in an earlier interview with Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf Breitbart.tv » Ground Zero Mosque Imam: If You Don’t Build It …they will attack.], the seemingly innocent statement sounds ominous indeed. Even from another source on just moving the mosque we get “Ground Zero” Imam: Radicals Win If Mosque Moves – Gothamist.
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Hope Fading that Radical/Islamic Factions Keep Separate”

Race does NOT need to be Discussed

-By Kevin Roeten

Race is old hat, right out of the 1950’s. Time to get over it. There’ll always be a deranged small minority who believes a different race is to be impugned. But one party thinks race is what you talk about to get elected. Buckle up if you are a member of either group.

As in Joseph Phillips’ column: America: Still Talking About Race, one of the things Obama said he was trying to do was change the conversation on race. Unfortunately, he has done the exact opposite. As an alleged black president, the country has race on its mind more than ever (even though Obama is only 45% black).

Racism has been charged so many times by one party that it’s becoming worn out, like the old fairy tale about the boy crying ‘wolf’. Representatives Maxine Waters and Charles Rangel have claimed racism is one of the reasons behind investigations into their dishonest dealings.

How about the time Obama used an alleged break-in incident to flash the race card by saying the police ‘reacted stupidly’ after Gates (house owner) was arrested for disorderly conduct. As the police report states, Sergeant James Crowley was a “police academy expert on racial profiling.”
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Race does NOT need to be Discussed”

Abortion Options: Limit Lifetime, Restrict Childbearing, and/or Suffer

-By Kevin Roeten

If you opt for an abortion, you opt for restrictions on your life including death. That doesn’t sound like ‘empowering’ the woman, but weakening her, limiting her choices, and forcing her to be subservient to the whims of society. Of course, it doesn’t include putting a human to death. One that already has every chromosome in place that includes hair color, intelligence, gender, and all attributes.

Abortion and birth control have health risks (1) that should be told to women. But Planned Parenthood never does. The British College of Psychiatrists admits abortion causes mental health problems (2). It is known abortion is more risky for women than normal childbirth (3). A Canadian study reveals a 93% increased risk of a premature birth after a second abortion (6).

After an abortion, PTSD rates increased for women by 61% in a South African study, where sleep disorders were more prevalent (7), babies were more likely to be premature or underweight (8), children were linked to higher rates of child abuse (9), and many other studies have found women with a history of abortion are at increased risk for depression, generalized anxiety disorder, suicidal tendencies, substance abuse, psychiatric hospitalization, and other problems (10). As suspected, new study has revealed a 66% increased breast cancer increase after abortion (5).
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Abortion Options: Limit Lifetime, Restrict Childbearing, and/or Suffer”

Windmills Literally Blowing in the Wind

-By Kevin Roeten

Many say “What can possibly be wrong with wind turbines to generate electrical power?” But it doesn’t seem to be a thinking solution to perceived energy problems for the US. A few suggestions for the non-thinker: 1) What is the actual cost? 2) How much land or water will actually be needed?, 3) What has been the result of previous wind turbines built? And the coup-de-gras, 4) How much of US energy concerns can it displace?

In Power Hungry: The Myths of “Green” Energy and the Real Fuels of …the Future, Robert Bryce shows how wind turbines can only produce a small amount of the world’s energy needs. He points out wind won’t run America anytime soon. If one checks the math, answers leap into your face.

Stephen Lovejoy [Economist: Wind farm profits wouldn’t be a breeze for Hoosiers] says, “Are you willing to put up with noise? You’ve got to remember that if you’ve got several dozen turbine rotors going around in the wind, they make noise.”
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Windmills Literally Blowing in the Wind”