Bobby Unser: Race Car Driver, Celebrity… Criminal?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Bobby Unser is famous for having won the Indy 500 three times and only one of two drivers that won that great race in three separate decades (’68, ’75, ’81).

Unser has a long list of achievements in motor sports starting back in the early 1960s. But there is one achievement, dubious though it may be, that the federal government is happiest he achieved. He is officially a federal criminal and the U.S. Forest Service couldn’t be happier.

Criminal? Oh, you bet. At least according to our despotic federal government he sure is….

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Bobby Unser: Race Car Driver, Celebrity… Criminal?”

VIDEO: Another Lefty Garbles the Citizens United Case

-By Warner Todd Huston

Annie Leonard has made another one of her left-wing, hopelessly skewed videos and in this one she employed every unthinking left-wing trope possible to garble the Citizens United case from last year. Well, Lee Doren has unleashed another fantastic take down of Leonard’s nonsense. This one is very much worth sticking through to the end, folks.

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VIDEO: Another Lefty Garbles the Citizens United Case”

Justice Kilbride: Extreme


Illinois Supreme Court Justice Tom Kilbride has spent millions on slick TV ads and direct mail — trying his best to hide his liberal record and portray himself as “independent.”

Today, the Chicago Tribune editorial board blows a hole in Kilbride’s claims of independence, writing:
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Justice Kilbride: Extreme”

NO on Justice Kilbride: $1.25 Million Dollars


That’s how much cash Illinois Supreme Court Justice Tom Kilbride’s campaign has received from the Illinois Democratic Party.

He’s used much of that money to pay for slick TV ads and direct mail pieces to cover up his record of siding with criminals over victims and law enforcement.

Now it’s our turn to tell the truth.
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NO on Justice Kilbride: $1.25 Million Dollars”

Study: Justice Kilbride Sides With Criminals, Against Victims and Police, 91% of the Time

From Justpac, the political action committee of the Ill. Civil Justice League…

Also Called for Retrial of Joliet Serial Killer and Rapist

JOLIET, IL — Illinois Supreme Court Justice Thomas Kilbride has sided with criminals, and against victims and law enforcement, in 91% of criminal law cases analyzed in a new study released today.

The Criminal Law Edition of The Economic Judicial Report was released by three prominent former Will County law enforcement professionals, who held a press conference at the former site of the Joliet ceramic shop in which serial rapist and murderer Milton Johnson massacred four women in 1983. Justice Kilbride previously called for the retrial of Johnson as part of his view that all 25 Death Row inmates should receive a “blanket” retrial.
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Study: Justice Kilbride Sides With Criminals, Against Victims and Police, 91% of the Time”

This Judge is a Threat to Illinois Jobs Illinois Needs More Jobs — Not a Judge Who is Hostile to Job Creators

Dear fellow Illinois citizens,

We’ve already emailed you about Illinois Supreme Court Justice Tom Kilbride’s record of being hostile to Illinois law enforcement.

But did you also know that he is a threat to local jobs?

That’s right — Justice Kilbride has consistently voted against Illinois employers.
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This Judge is a Threat to Illinois Jobs Illinois Needs More Jobs — Not a Judge Who is Hostile to Job Creators”

Kagan Gets the Nod With 5 Republicans Voting Yes

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama’s nominee for the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan, was just given the official nod to take her seat on the highest court in the land. Five Republicans voted yes and one Democrat voted no. The vote was 63-37.

The five Republicans that voted yes are as follows: Lindsay Graham (R,SC), Judd Gregg (R, NH), Susan Collins (R, Maine), Richard Lugar (R, IN), and Olympia Snowe (R, Maine).

Kagan’s confirmation is the sixth most contested since WWII. Kagan’s 37 no votes as measured against the following:

Robert Bork (58 nos)
Clement Haynsworth (55 nos)
G. Harrold Carswell (51 nos)
Clarence Thomas (48 nos)
Samuel Alito (42 nos)
Elana Kagan (37 nos)

Of those nominees Bork, Haynsworth and Carswell were rejected while Alito and Thomas were confirmed.

Conservatives have criticized Kagan as one who has a radical, left-wing ideology. The document dump from early June on Kagan’s work in the Clinton administration showed Kagan as an anti-gun advocate, pro-assisted suicide, pro-abortion, for some human cloning experimentation, and very supportive of the whole global warming theology. Conservatives feel she will help push the court in a leftward direction.

Small Businessman Raped By Legal System

A small businessman that owns rental property was sued by a woman claiming “mental distress” because he left on her door notices that informed her of repairs, notices that he was required by law to leave for her knowledge.

This is the sort of abuse of the system that drives up costs for all of us. In Chicago it now costs renters a starting monthly rental fee of $1,000 a month for a small one bedroom apartment (sometimes two depending on what part of town). One thousand a month is absurd and in outlaying areas of the city is the amount you can get for a mortgage!

It is easy to see that constant regulations and the revolving door of the legal system because owners are being sued by every other renter causes rental prices to soar. This is why we need tort reform as this stuff acts as a corruption tax that makes the cost of living higher for all of us.

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Small Businessman Raped By Legal System”

Racist D.C. Delegate Denies Justice’s Racial Make-Up

-By Warner Todd Huston

Did you know that a black person could “propose” that they are or are not a black person? I suppose that this means we can all somehow deny reality if that is true. I mean, perhaps rainbows do have a pot of gold at the end and unicorns really do exist? At least this state of fantasy exists if you are the racist Eleanor Holmes Norton, Democrat Delegate from Washington D.C.

On April 28, The Hill reported that Norton saw fit to attack one of her betters on the U.S. Supreme Court by insisting that Justice Clarence Thomas only “proposes” that he is an African-American.

“We’re not sure this president is ever going to nominate another African-American to the court,” Norton said. “He’s African-American. We’ve got someone who proposes to be African-American on the court.”

First of all, why anyone would ask a racist what she thinks about important issues is a question in and of itself. Would any one care what David Duke has to say about the make-up of the Supreme Court? I sure as heck wouldn’t.
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Racist D.C. Delegate Denies Justice’s Racial Make-Up”

Have You Heard? Clinton Appointed Judge Is Impeached

-By Warner Todd Huston

Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr. was appointed to the federal bench by Bill Clinton in 1994. In March of 2010 he was impeached by the House of Representatives for bribe taking and corruption. I’m just curious, but have you heard this story about this Democrat judge being impeached?

On March 11, Porteous, a Clinton appointee to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, was impeached by the House on a startling vote of 423 “yeas” for impeachment to NO votes at all coming to the support of the judge (with 7 not voting). Now his case moves to the Senate for the final judgment.

Nathan Koppel of the Wall Street Journal’s Law Blog has a nicely succinct post on the details, but the final analysis is that the Democrat judge violated nearly every article of comportment and law with his corrupt behavior.

If the Senate votes to convict, he will be the fourteenth impeached judge in American history and only the eighth federal judge to be impeached.

So, did you hear of this corrupt Democrat judge who was impeached yesterday? Do you think the Old Media will make much of this incident? Or is my report the only one you even saw?
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Have You Heard? Clinton Appointed Judge Is Impeached”

Congress? Who Needs ‘Em? Let Obama Pack the Supreme Court

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Philadelphia Inquirer published a reader feedback opinion editorial from reader Stan Isaacs that is as outlandish as it is indicative of the disregard for the American process that liberals all too often exhibit. It is proof once again that tradition, law, and any effort at legitimacy is wholly outside a liberal’s field of interest. Winning is all they care about, voters opinions and the rule of law be damned.

What sparked Mr. Isaacs’ interest is when he somehow stumbled upon the fact that the number of U.S. Supreme Court Justices is not set in stone in the Constitution. We now have nine justices but in the past have had fewer. What intrigued him is that the number of justices fluctuated because of politics. “Political issues accounted for the changes,” Isaacs gleefully reported.

In keeping with these “political issues,” Mr. Isaacs lit upon the ideal way to help Obama finally push his left-wing agenda. He advised President Obama to add three new justices to the SCOTUS, justices that will mindlessly adhere to the grand vision of the age of Obama and will rule accordingly. This is necessary, Isaacs thinks, because the court has proven an impediment to Obama’s grand socialist design. Worse, Congress has balked at Obama’s wholesale destruction of America and has resisted his attempts to turn America into a weaker, less free version of Europe. Issacs, you see, demands a recount.

Sadly, Isaacs doesn’t seem to have the first clue why Obama’s re-design of the United States hasn’t already barreled ahead unhindered. Worse, he doesn’t seem to care.
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Congress? Who Needs ‘Em? Let Obama Pack the Supreme Court”

Obama’s Newest Racemongering Judge: California’s Edward Chen

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Obama has gone out of his way to “diversify” the federal bench with his spate of nominations of various minorities chief of which was his successful seating of the “wise Latina,’ Sonia Sotomayor, on the Supreme Court. Obama’s nominees* for 10 district court openings include four African-Americans, three Asian-Americans, one Latino and four women. One of those nominees, San Francisco U.S. Magistrate Judge Edward Chen, received a favorable vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee in Washington today.

So what sort of judge is Edward Chen? Well, for one, the left-wing American Bar Association rated Chen a “well qualified” nominee and many of his associates at the ACLU speak highly of him. As an ACLU lawyer, Chen was known for opposing English-only policies and for pushing discriminatory affirmative action ideals. He even came to the aid of gang members in one case. Chen was quite the ACLU activist between 1979 and 2001.

His ACLU history would suffice to make many wary of him, of course. But for a segment of America, working for the ACLU is not a disqualifier. So in order to judge Edward Chen one must look at his past. Discovering what Judge Chen thinks of the country upon which he apparently assumes to sit in judgment is a telling exercise. Sadly, it seems he has quite a low opinion of the nation that he will be serving.
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Obama’s Newest Racemongering Judge: California’s Edward Chen”

Did Sessions Say Abortion is Not a Problem for Judicial Candidates?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Michael O’Brien over at The Hill reports that Senator Jeff Sessions (R, Ala.) told Fox News recently that he had no litmus test on abortion for judicial candidates and that a judge that had pro-abortion views could get his vote for confirmation.

This might alarm anyone that is vehemently anti-abortion. It should also alarm all those conservatives that pushed for Senator Sessions to be made the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

…but hold your outrage for just a minute. Let’s more closely look at what he said.

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Did Sessions Say Abortion is Not a Problem for Judicial Candidates?”

Is Libel Law Turning Against Us, New and Old Media Alike?

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is not a story of bias in the media. It is a story, rather, that affects both the Old Media of newspapers, TV and radio, as well as the New Media of the Internet. Our disagreements with the Old Media aside, we both stand to see trouble if a recent court case in Massachusetts gains momentum or is applied liberally henceforth.

The Associated Press reports on a libel case in Boston that pits a fired employee of the Staples office supply chain against his former employer. Staples, as it happens, sent out an emailed newsletter informing its employees that salesman Alan Noonan was fired for padding his expense account. Noonan sued for libel. Alarmingly, even though the emailed newsletter was reporting the strict truth the court held that truth was no defense in this case.

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Is Libel Law Turning Against Us, New and Old Media Alike?”