DNC Chair Says She Doesn’t Know if Obama’s Super PAC is a Democrat Group

-By Warner Todd Huston

Democrat National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz said in a recent interview that she had “no idea” about the political affiliation of the super PAC that is endorsing Barack Obama. Asked if the group was a Democrat group, she feigned that she didn’t know whether or not they were Democrats despite that the front man for the group, Bill Burton, was once Obama’s White House Deputy Press Secretary.

Fox Host: Should the Democrats be releasing an ad that accuses a presidential candidate of being responsible — through inference — of being responsible for a woman’s death?

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: First of all, that’s a Priorities USA ad.

Host: I understand…

DWS: It’s not a Democratic ad, it’s a priorities USA Super PAC ad…

Host: Correct

DWS: … which we have nothing to do with it.

Host: Do you deny that they’re Democrats?

DWS: I have no idea of the political affiliation of the folks associated with that Super PAC.

Host: So, Bill Burton, who used to work in the White House, who worked for the Obama campaign in 2008? They are clearly Democrats?

DWS: That is a Super PAC ad, not affiliated with our campaign or with the party.

She doesn’t know? Come on. She has to know. She is either lying here or she really is a stupid as most people assume she is.
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DNC Chair Says She Doesn’t Know if Obama’s Super PAC is a Democrat Group”

Fox Business Network Flies the Skies Covering the Midwest Drought

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Midwest has been suffering a major drought this year, one that will surely cost us all in higher food prices over the coming years. Fox Business Network has been literally flying the friendly skies — in a helicopter — to cover it.

FBN’s intrepid reporter of the skies, Jeff Flock, has been touring the Midwest reviewing the effects of the drought and covering the devastation it’ll wreck on the country.

Flock has literally been flying around in a helicopter covering the drought. Yesterday I got some updates on Flock’s journey right from the whirley-rider himself.

Over the past month our team has reported live from corn fields already lost to the drought, irrigated fields with corn plants over your head, a grain elevator that expanded to hold what was expected to be a record harvest, and a dairy farm using fans and spraying cows with water to keep their herds cool. I’ve also been to the corn and bean pits at the CME where traders have bid up both commodities to record levels. And I’ve also reported from a chopper 1200 feet in the air over the drought-baked Midwest landscape.

Each of our stops has brought a texture to what is a complicated and compelling story that has yet to fully unfold.

Over the fields in Sugar Grove, Illinois

Take Thursday’s chopper trip over the farm town of Sugar Grove, Illinois. The country singer Jason Aldean has a song called “Flyover States” which is about the Midwest and how people on the coasts only know the likes of Indiana, Missouri, Iowa and Illinois from flying over but never stopping in them. Just like in the song, we found that just flying over gives a skewed picture of the drought.

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Fox Business Network Flies the Skies Covering the Midwest Drought”

News Corp to Split Entertainment from Publishing Division

-By Warner Todd Huston

News Corp watchers have been talking about a possible split of Rupert Murdoch’s massive entertainment and publishing empire for sometime and it looks like they are finally on the right side of the guesswork as the News Corp board met on Wednesday to consider separating Murdoch’s entertainment from his publishing division.

For some time Murdoch has resisted calls to split his empire into separate sections — even as recent as last month — but after the wiretapping scandals that hit his British newspapers, the idea seems to have become more acceptable to the media giant.

While the initial meeting was held Wednesday, the final decision might not be known until Thursday and the whole process could take as long as a year to work out.

This is not halving of the corporation, though. The publishing portion of the company is far smaller than the newer education/entertainment division so reports that we are about to witness a “splitting in half” of News Corp is an over statement.
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News Corp to Split Entertainment from Publishing Division”

Fox News Brit Hume: ‘Republican Brand’ In ‘Terrible Shape’

-By Warner Todd Huston

You can’t call Fox News Commentator and Senior Political Analyst Britt Hume a shill for the Republican Party, especially after slapping the Republicans for having a brand name that is in “terrible shape” on the June 24 episode of Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace. Even after the bad several weeks the Democrats have had, Hume still felt the need to kick the legs out from under the Republicans.

Not only did Hume smack around the Republicans for their bad PR but he also warned that the GOP could suffer some backlash, or end up in “overreach,” with the Fast and Furious investigation.

No wonder Republicans can’t get ahead when even Britt Hume won’t give them credit where it is due while scolding them despite how badly Democrats have been doing of late.

Hume also noted that Republicans looked bad during the debt ceiling debate last year — even as he noted that the party was, as a whole, doing exactly what it promised to do with the debt ceiling.
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Fox News Brit Hume: ‘Republican Brand’ In ‘Terrible Shape’”

CBS This Morning Losing to Fox And Friends?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apparently it is not morning in America for CBS. The big network roll out of its revamped morning show, CBS This Morning, is struggling to gain a foothold. It’s so bad that even the Fox News’ morning show, Fox and Friends, is beating the network morning extravaganza. In Chicago, Fox and Friends even beat the debut episode of CBS This Morning despite the fact that Gayle King, a long-time Oprah confidante, was one of the main features of the program.

In fact, CBS This Morning isn’t even beating its own former iteration when it was called The Early Show. The new show is down 10 percent in total viewers and down 13 percent in the key demo of 25-45 year-old viewers. Interestingly, Fox and Friends is beating CBS in four of the top 20 national markets in total viewers (Atlanta, Detroit, Orlando, and Tampa).

Market Fox And Friends (P2+) CBS This Morning (P2+)
Atlanta 30,000 17,000
Detroit 19,000 12,000
Tampa 40,000 30,000
Orlando 23,000 19,000

Period Dates Program P2+
% Diff 24-54
% diff
CBS This Morning
CBS This Morning 2718 1115
Same Week 2011 1/10/11
Early Show 3016 -10% 1287 -13%

(Stats from Nielson)

It should be remembered that Fox News cable channel reaches just over 102 million homes whereas CBS ostensibly gets to 100 percent of the 116 million homes with TVs. Since CBS is one of the “big three” original TV networks, it is interesting that a cable channel has seen such an amazing success rate for its early morning show.
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CBS This Morning Losing to Fox And Friends?”

Did Juan Williams Link Christians to The Oklahoma City Bombing?

-By Warner Todd Huston

In his recent assessment of his year since he was unceremoniously — and illicitly in many folks’ estimation — fired by NPR, Juan Williams indulged one of those fallacious left-wing assumptions that just screams left-wing spin. It is the sort of straw man argument that casts aspersions on others, this time against Christians, while pretending to be the logical, adult in the room, not to mention while pretending not to be casting aspersions. It really is a logical sleight of hand that all liberals use.

First let me say that I am 100% on Williams’ side in that his firing by NPR was a real breach of journalistic ethics: theirs. The comments he made a year ago that got him fired did not in any way harm his veracity as a journalist, nor were they racist or even incorrect. Heck, they weren’t even injudicious except when taking the brain dead PCism that infests the left into consideration.

But that was the discussion of a year ago and really is not something wroth rehashing here because Williams did say something outrageous in his review of that year-old issue that deserves to be highlighted. In essence, Williams made an illogical argument about how we should think of radical Islam and he did so by assuming that domestic terrorist Timothy McVeigh of the Oklahoma City Bombing could be considered as representative of Christianity as the Saudi 19 were of radical Islam.

Here is what Williams said (my bold for emphasis):
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Did Juan Williams Link Christians to The Oklahoma City Bombing?”

Fox News 15th Anniversary: Mr. Fox, Neil Cavuto, Hits Chicago

-By Warner Todd Huston

Fox News is 15 years-old this year. Not quite sweet 16, but for a cable news organization, especially one that started out in so few homes, 15 was all it took to dominate the news biz. And that is pretty sweet, indeed.

To celebrate the big one five, Neil Cavuto, of the aptly named Your World With Neil Cavuto, took his show on the road. Neil’s Monday broadcast was beamed to the world on a beautifully sunny Chicago afternoon from an open-air veranda at Trump Tower overlooking the Chicago River.

Between broadcasting his Your World and his Fox Business Network program Cavuto, I was pleased to be invited to attend the set and to have a few words with the big guy, himself.

Cavuto is one of the original Fox men having been with the network since the beginning. In fact, he’s not just an on air news reader, he’s the only air personality that is also a Fox executive having served to help program the business coverage for Fox News. He has also been an important part of the creation of Fox Business Network.
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Fox News 15th Anniversary: Mr. Fox, Neil Cavuto, Hits Chicago”

Fleebagging TV: Democrat Walks Off TV Show

Here we have a whiner Democrat that can’t take the heat of a TV cable show… and hasn’t two neurons to rub together. You know… a typical Democrat.

I love how Ed Morrissey explained how Democrats like this twerp work…

Step 1: Declare that the Republican plan will kill people
Step 2: Denounce demagoguery
Step 3: Offer no plans of your own
Step 4: Feign offense when challenged on strategy
And finally…
Step 5: Walk off in a huff without doing anything, Fleebagger Style

Liberalism really is a mental disease.

Fox News’ Kirsten Powers Falsely Claims Bush Supported Earlier End-Of-Life Law

-By Warner Todd Huston

On the Sean Hannity Show on Fox News this week, Democrat Kirsten Powers offered some misinformed political analysis. Naturally, her analysis heavily favored the Obama administration’s goals. On the Dec. 27 show Powers insisted that inflamed talk about Obama’s “death panels” was nothing but a cynical spin meant to attack Obama because, she asserted, back in 2008 Bush and his administration supported the end-of-life provisions.

Where was your outrage in 2008 when the Bush administration said that Medicare would reimburse end of life counseling?

Well, was this to be true it would be awfully dishonest of Republicans to be opposing Obama’s death panels now when Bush wanted the same thing, right? Yes, it sure would. Sadly for Powers’ failed analysis, Bush vetoed the very bill she claimed his administration supported.
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Fox News’ Kirsten Powers Falsely Claims Bush Supported Earlier End-Of-Life Law”

A Video Critique of the Claim That Fox News Viewers Are Misinformed

Lee Doren does a great job tearing down another left-wing shibboleth.

Supposedly, Fox News viewers are more misinformed than the general public because:

  • They think most economists believe the stimulus caused job losses;
  • They think most economists believe Obamacare will increase the deficit; and
  • They think the economy is getting worse; etc.

As a result, I analyzed the entire study and debunked it, while addressing the points above. I even found a clip of the CBO Director admitting that his report can’t test if the stimulus failed.

The Veracity of Karl Rove’s Political Analysis is Suddenly Suspect

-By Warner Todd Huston

During Delaware’s primary night Karl Rove was one of the analysts that sat with Sean Hannity on Fox News hashing out the results of the polls in several states. During his comments on Delaware’s winning candidate Christine O’Donnell, Rove eviscerated her as a loser even as she had just won the primary.

Rove claimed that O’Donnell is “nutty” and came straight out saying that O’Donnell cannot win the election in November.

Now, Rove is certainly entitled to his opinion and if he truly believes that O’Donnell cannot win in the general, then he should feel free to say so and we should accept it as such. But in this case we have a problem believing that Rove’s analysis is simply his honest opinion when we find out from The Freedomist that Rove was trying to cut a pre-primary deal to help Mike Castle to win the primary.
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The Veracity of Karl Rove’s Political Analysis is Suddenly Suspect”

Fox News To Get Front Row Seat in WH Briefing Room

-By Warner Todd Huston

With the too-long-in-coming departure of the despicable Helen Thomas from the White House press room, newsies have been waiting with bated breath to find out who would get the seat she formerly wasted there.

Fox News made its bid, of course, but many assumed that it would never happen. In fact, the leftist group MoveOn.org tried to mount a short-lived campaign to seat NPR there instead of Fox.

But amazingly the White House Correspondents Association voted unanimously to give Fox a front row seat. Fox didn’t get Thomas’ former seat, that went to Liz Sidoti of the Associated Press, but Fox did get the front row seat that the AP moved from to take the spot Thomas had.
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Fox News To Get Front Row Seat in WH Briefing Room”

Gawker Tastelessly Gawks About Suicide of Fox News Employee

-By Warner Todd Huston

The lurid website Gawker.com recently posted a story about the suicide of a Fox News employee that was entirely empty of any real newsworthiness, but did serve as a platform to throw a dig at Fox News. In fact, it seems the only reason that Gawker posted the story at all is to attack Fox News. Exploiting this poor woman’s death and mental anguish just to get a dig at Fox News is over-the-top even for Gawker, but it is the culture our friends on the left have fostered in America today.

Featuring a giant Fox News logo, the Gawker piece blares in a bold headline that “Former Fox News Producer Committed Suicide, Investigators Say.” From all the hoopla Gawker gave this story one would think that Fox News was central in the story. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Certainly the suicide of a Fox News employee could be newsworthy. If it had involved a high profile, on-air personality or high executive of Fox, perhaps the news of his suicide might be somewhat newsworthy. But the woman whose death Gawker and its commenters are chortling over is nothing of the kind.
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Gawker Tastelessly Gawks About Suicide of Fox News Employee”