Attack: CBS’ Rose Interrupts Romney Adviser Six Times in 50 Seconds

-By Warner Todd Huston

While Obama’s surrogates seem to get all the time they want on network TV to spew out talking points and push their desired narrative, Romney surrogates aren’t so lucky. Witness the otherwise soft spoken Charlie Rose of CBS who didn’t seem willing to allow Romney spokesman Dan Senor to get a word in edgewise without Rose’s constant interruptions. shockingly, Rose interrupted Senor six times in 50 seconds during a recent CBS This Morning interview.

Rose asked Romney’s adviser what would be the “first thing” Romney would do about Iran and its “effort to have a nuclear capacity.”
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Attack: CBS’ Rose Interrupts Romney Adviser Six Times in 50 Seconds”

Slamming Romney for ‘Lies’ in Advertising, CBS News States Its Opinion as Fact

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a piece on “lies” in campaign advertising, on the July 30 episode, CBS Evening News correspondent Nancy Cordes gave Mitt Romney a slap for “taking the President out of context” in his ad about Obama’s July 13 “you didn’t build that” screed. What “proof” did CBS present that Romney lied? Nothing really. Cordes simply stated her opinion and presented it as fact.

The piece started off well enough pointing out that an Obama ad simply lies outright about Romney’s position on exemptions for abortions. The Obama ad claims that Romney would back an abortion law that would ban abortions even for women who were victims of rape and incest and even if the woman’s life were in danger.

CBS News points out that truth detector site Politifact rates this a “pants on fire” claim noting that Romney has repeatedly said that he agrees with exemptions and would not back a 100% ban on abortions in all cases.
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Slamming Romney for ‘Lies’ in Advertising, CBS News States Its Opinion as Fact”

CBS News: Blacks are Unsatisfied With Obama

-By Warner Todd Huston

Much as we on the right like to carp about how sold-out the Old Media is to Obama’s reelection effort and how the media establishment is loathe to say anything negative about Obama, sometimes it does publish a piece that raises troubling concerns for the President.

This week it was CBS’ turn with a piece that notes that Obama has a “complicated relationship” with black America. According to CBS, blacks are largely unsatisfied with Obama.
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CBS News: Blacks are Unsatisfied With Obama”

After Days Big Networks/CNN Finally Notice Obama’s ‘You Didn’t Build That’ Remarks

-By Warner Todd Huston

Strangely enough it took four to five long days for CNN and the big three networks to notice that Obama told his audience at a Virginia campaign rally that business owners and other successful Americans aren’t responsible for their own success. Worse, it took advisors for Mitt Romney to comment before these news organizations deigned to report on the incident.

In Roanoke, Virginia on Friday, July 13, the President said to business owners, “If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen,” causing an uproar on both sides of the aisle as Republicans expressed shock at Obama’s comments and liberals defended the President’s anti-business remarks.

Obama’s off-script comments, alternately considered a gaffe and his true feelings emerging, quickly became the talk of the Internet and talk radio. But ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN don’t seem to have uttered a word about the controversy until days later.
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After Days Big Networks/CNN Finally Notice Obama’s ‘You Didn’t Build That’ Remarks”

ABC’s Kimmel Calls Palin ‘Crazy Moose Lady’

-By Warner Todd Huston

From the mouth of Jimmy Kimmel, the late night comedian that said it was impossible to make fun of President Obama because he was too “cool,” comes the hilarity that Sarah Palin is a “crazy moose lady.” This was so hilarious that CBS This Morning had to replay it hours later on its morning show.

Not only did Kimmel slam Palin — who really has not been much in the news of late and is not a factor in this presidential campaign — he also used his joke to slam GOP candidate Mitt Romney as somehow worse than Palin, a claim that no one is making, not even Obama’s people. This shows how extreme Kimmel is, really.

Adding to a news account of Mitt Romney’s release of tax returns during his 2008 run for the GOP nomination, Kimmel joked, “Romney actually did back in 2008. McCain took one look at him and said, you know what? I’m going with the crazy moose lady instead.”
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ABC’s Kimmel Calls Palin ‘Crazy Moose Lady’”

CBS Radio News: Still Attacking Sarah Palin in ‘News’ Reports

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a report on the recent FCC rules tightening requirements for telemarketers, CBS Radio couldn’t resist loosening a shot at Sarah Palin even though she has been out of office for several years already and has taken no part in political robocalls for some time. (Listen to audio HERE)

There is one area of media bias that many of us overlook and that is radio. All the big News outfits have radio shows, newsbreaks, radio offerings of all sorts, but we rarely talk about them for one reason… it’s hard to link to a just finished radio broadcast! Radio newsbreaks come and go in a nearly ephemeral manner and rarely can you catch it again, not to mention that rarely do you have something on hand to record it. Once you hear them they are gone so it’s hard to report on the bias constantly revealed in radio broadcasts. But the bias is there nonetheless.

Another reason radio is often ignored is that few of the networks put their newsbreaks up on the Internet so that you can review them. And those that do put them on the Internet, well they don’t make finding specific bits easy to track down. Then again, network radio news is not now a big focus of media with print and TV taking precedence.
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CBS Radio News: Still Attacking Sarah Palin in ‘News’ Reports”

CBS Featured No Pro-Lifers in Photo Essay About Pro-Life Rally

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you want a case of clear bias, the Washington D.C. affiliate of CBS will surely fill the bill for its bias against pro-life supporters. On January 23 the DC affiliate featured on its website a photo slide show of pictures taken at the March for Life rally held annually at the nation’s capitol. Curiously, though, there wasn’t a single photo of any pro-lifers. Instead the photo essay featured only photos of abortion-supporting protestors that stood on the sidelines taunting the pro-life marchers.

The photo slide show initially featured seven photos of abortion supporters such as one of marchers holding signs saying “Family Planning Saves Lives Worldwide,” one featuring women holding signs saying that abortion should be kept legal, and another showing a woman sporting an abortion on demand sticker.

Upwards to 50,000 pro-life supporters turned out in the DC cold to participate in the March for Life, yet apparently CBS could only find the small handful of pro-abortion supporters to photograph.
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CBS Featured No Pro-Lifers in Photo Essay About Pro-Life Rally”

CBS This Morning Losing to Fox And Friends?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apparently it is not morning in America for CBS. The big network roll out of its revamped morning show, CBS This Morning, is struggling to gain a foothold. It’s so bad that even the Fox News’ morning show, Fox and Friends, is beating the network morning extravaganza. In Chicago, Fox and Friends even beat the debut episode of CBS This Morning despite the fact that Gayle King, a long-time Oprah confidante, was one of the main features of the program.

In fact, CBS This Morning isn’t even beating its own former iteration when it was called The Early Show. The new show is down 10 percent in total viewers and down 13 percent in the key demo of 25-45 year-old viewers. Interestingly, Fox and Friends is beating CBS in four of the top 20 national markets in total viewers (Atlanta, Detroit, Orlando, and Tampa).

Market Fox And Friends (P2+) CBS This Morning (P2+)
Atlanta 30,000 17,000
Detroit 19,000 12,000
Tampa 40,000 30,000
Orlando 23,000 19,000

Period Dates Program P2+
% Diff 24-54
% diff
CBS This Morning
CBS This Morning 2718 1115
Same Week 2011 1/10/11
Early Show 3016 -10% 1287 -13%

(Stats from Nielson)

It should be remembered that Fox News cable channel reaches just over 102 million homes whereas CBS ostensibly gets to 100 percent of the 116 million homes with TVs. Since CBS is one of the “big three” original TV networks, it is interesting that a cable channel has seen such an amazing success rate for its early morning show.
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CBS This Morning Losing to Fox And Friends?”

ABC’s Diane Sawyer: ‘Protests Have Spread to 1,000 Countries’… Ooops, there’s only 195 Countries

-By Warner Todd Huston

Showing that the people that sit in front of the cameras at the Networks aren’t really journalists, but are merely pleasant looking readers of Teleprompters, Diane Sawyer of ABC News sonorously informed readers that the Occupy-Whatever protests have now “spread to 1,000 countries.”

Speaking of Wall Street, we thought we’d bring you up to date on those protesters, the Occupy Wall Street movement. As of tonight, it has spread to more than 250 American cities, more than a thousand countries — every continent but Antarctica.

Only there’s a small problem with that claim. There’s only 195 countries in the world.

The coverage of these disjointed, hollow, and pointless Occupy-Whatever protests have received is far more positive and extensive than the Tea Party protests ever got. This particular report is a perfect example of this bias.
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ABC’s Diane Sawyer: ‘Protests Have Spread to 1,000 Countries’… Ooops, there’s only 195 Countries”

ABC’s Joy Behar: Historical Illiterate

-By Warner Todd Huston

Sadly, ABC’s The View is what passes for as “intelligent” conversation on TV, these days. The View yacker Joy Behar’s blather is also indicative of the historical illiteracy of the far left in this country.

Herman Cain made an appearance on the coffee klatch show today and genius Behar had this comment about the history of the Republican Party for him:

The Republican Party hasn’t been black friendly over the many centuries in this country.

This comment is ignorant in a million ways.
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ABC’s Joy Behar: Historical Illiterate”

Obama’s Illegal Alien Uncle Busted for Drunk Driving, Hits Police Car, Media Silent

-By Warner Todd Huston

Kerry Picket had an interesting report in the Washington Times on the 28th. Apparently President Obama’s uncle Omar, an illegal alien living in Massachusetts, was arrested for drunk driving after smashing into a police car in Framingham.

Picket also reports that the 67-year-old uncle Omar tried to, or at least wanted to, call the White House to get Barack’s help with the charges after he was arrested.

Picket writes, “I spoke to Framingham Public Information Officer Lieutenant Delaney who told me that when Onyango Obama was asked at booking if he wanted to make a telephone call to arrange for bail, the Kenyan immigrant replied: ‘I think I will call the White House.'”

The president’s uncle, O. Onyango Obama, was mentioned in his book “Dreams From My Father” where Barack says that uncle Omar moved to the USA “25 years ago and never came back.” He’s been here for decades, living illegally the whole time.

It seems that uncle Omar’s time has run out, though. He’s now being held on an ICE warrant. Let’s see if he gets deported.
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Obama’s Illegal Alien Uncle Busted for Drunk Driving, Hits Police Car, Media Silent”

CBS’ Norah O’Donnell: Dan Rather Was One of ‘The Very Best Journalists in American History’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The latest issue of Capitol File magazine has a glowing feature on CBS News Chief White House Correspondent Norah O’Donnell. In it she claims that past journalists that have filled the role of chief White House correspondent for a major network have been “legendary” and “the very best” in the field. Of this “very best” she laughably elevates discredited CBS News anchor Dan Rather into that pantheon.

Capitol File is a magazine that focuses on D.C. elites, the movers and shakers, the bight lights in the City On The Hill. In it’s pages you will see all the beautiful people of Washington D.C. It is, we are told, “a place for power and politics, CAPITOL FILE chronicles and celebrates the most influential players, cultural connoisseurs, fashion sophisticates, and philanthropic leaders in the Washington, DC metropolitan region.”

Apparently Norah O’Donnell is an “influential player” now that she’s been raised up to the role of chief WH correspondent of a major network… even as those same networks have lost so much of their once all encompassing national influence.
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CBS’ Norah O’Donnell: Dan Rather Was One of ‘The Very Best Journalists in American History’”

CBS’ Bob Schieffer, Class Warrior: Hey, I know. Let’s Soak the Rich!

-By Warner Todd Huston

If there was any doubt about how hostile the Old Media is toward tax cuts, spending cuts, and making government accountable and Constitutionally justifiable, CBS’ Bob Schieffer is happy to dispel that doubt. On the April 17 episode of Face the Nation, Schieffer asked Congressman Paul Ryan (R, WS) why we can’t just soak the rich to solve our budget problems.

In a discussion with Rep. Ryan, the GOP’s go-to budget guy, Schieffer expressed his shock that government doesn’t just tax the bejeebus out of “the wealthiest Americans.” Schieffer was aghast at how the GOP is “reducing the amount of taxes that the richest people in the country pay” and asked Ryan if he, Schieffer, is “misinformed” about the whole tax cut issue.

Ryan was kind not to point out that Schieffer is, indeed, “misinformed”… as usual.

But, perhaps Schieffer isn’t merely misinformed. Perhaps he is ideologically blinded? His comments seem to prove that he is.
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CBS’ Bob Schieffer, Class Warrior: Hey, I know. Let’s Soak the Rich!”

Gay Archie Comic Character: My Channel 2 News Response

-By Warner Todd Huston

Earlier this afternoon, Mike Parker long-time reporter from CBS 2 News, Chicago, gave me a ring and asked me to make a quick trip downtown Chicago — well, “quick” being relative with Chicago traffic at rush hour — to appear with him in a piece on the recent announcement by the good folks at Archie Comics that they intended to add an openly gay character to their Archie comic book series.

It was a bit unusual for me. Not to be on TV, but to have TV call me about an item I hadn’t yet written about. I saw this story this morning but thought I’d put off writing about it until later tonight or Saturday. Now, usually I get everyone mad at me after I’ve written about something, but it looks like Mr. Parker wanted to initiate a preemptive strike with this one! Ha, ha.

Anyway, Mr. Parker was quite correct that I had a thing or two to say about the matter and I hope that I was able to effectively convey those ideas in the interview that will appear tonight during the 10 O’Clock news on Channel 2.

What struck me about this Archie announcement is that it seems we’re about to lose yet another safe haven for kid’s entertainment. Introducing a gay character may be “realistic” but does Archie have to be realistic? Kid’s entertainment doesn’t have to “reflect the current world of Teens.” It doesn’t have to present harsh realities or controversy. It can just be about fun or fantasy and it doesn’t have to delve into every aspect of life whether it be provocative, even deviate. Will the Archies have a skinhead character? Will they have a Holocaust denier character? Or how about on the other end of the spectrum and putting in a strict Christian character? Will Archie get one of those? Likely not as it doesn’t fit the liberal agenda.
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Gay Archie Comic Character: My Channel 2 News Response”

CBS Says Palin Popular ‘Despite Latest News,’ But Not One Substantive Issue Discussed

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is just the sort of bias against Sarah Palin and her family that is de rigeur in the Old Media. CBS seemed taken aback in an April 6 report that Governor Sarah Palin could possibly still be relatively popular “despite the negative news” that she has been confronted with of late. But all the “negative news” that CBS is so sure should torpedo Palin is little else but the soap opera of family struggles, none of it is based on any substantive issue that is a result of her actual efforts in office. It appears as if CBS wants to see Palin destroyed because some of her extended family have seen troubled times of late and not on the actual work she’s done as governor.

Is CBS really that empty of substance that they’d ignore the real and important issues of Palin’s governing and focus only on Bristol boyfriend Levi’s snotty appearance on some meaningless TV gossip show as a way to rate the governor’s work as chief executive of the state of Alaska? Can they not separate the actual work of a governor from the side-show of her family?

Or more to the point, would they rather not so separate the family from the job?

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CBS Says Palin Popular ‘Despite Latest News,’ But Not One Substantive Issue Discussed”

CBS News: Obama Must ‘Win Over’ Media? Is CBS Joking Here?

-By Warner Todd Huston

To answer the question of my headline, no CBS isn’t joking. CBS is actually pretending that the Old Media must be “won over” by a President Obama. It makes one wonder just how much more the press can be in love with The One? As multiple studies have shown, the Old Media has been far more in Obama’s corner than not yet now CBS wants to pretend they are skeptical of Obama? Now CBS wants to act as if they will be tough on him unless he appeases them? I know I said CBS was serious with this report, but it still seems like a joke of epic proportions.

Just catch this absurd CBS headline and subhead: How Obama Can Win Over The Media – MarketWatch Media Columnist Explains What Obama Must Do To Become America’s “Communicator-In-Chief”… I know, I know. When you’ve stopped laughing, you can continue on.

The very beginning of this farce is blind for its inability at introspection. CBS writer Jon Friedman starts his story at what he calls “an election-night party thrown by Time Warner.” But it was not a mere party it was an Obama celebration. At the party, Friedman asks the managing editor of Time magazine what advice he has for Obama and editor Rick Stengel seriously says that Obama must have “a new era of transparency.”

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