Will Liberals Admit that ‘Black Panther’ is the Most Racist Movie Since 1915’s Ku Klux Klan Epic ‘Birth of a Nation’?

-By Warner Todd Huston

I just saw Marvel’s Black Panther and after reading dozens of reviews touting it as one of the best Marvel movies ever, I have come to wonder this: Will liberals admit that this movie is a terribly racist film?

If you are planning on seeing this black-centric superhero movie, don’t wait. It really is a fun ride. It has heart, it has emotional weight, talk of loyalty, love, trust, and betrayal. It has lots of action and great special effects. It is also a super hero film that gets you to believe its mythos quite easily. It is a fun, engaging, worthwhile watch. I highly recommend it.

But, man oh man is it racist. It is the most racist film since 1915’s Birth of a Nation, a flick from the classic era that celebrated the birth of the Ku Klux Klan in a south ruined by a just concluded Civil War.

The film introduces us to the Black Panther storyline informing the viewer that the mythical African nation of Wakanda was built around a mountain filled with a mysterious and powerful metal that helped the five tribes unite into a technological giant that predated all of mankind’s other great nations. But because the early Wakandans understood that their “Vibranium” was so powerful, they realized that they had to hide their wealth and power from the world lest the knowledge of that power consume the world with avarice and war.

So, Wakanda invented stealth technology, developed great medical arts, and made powerful weapons long before the technology of the rest of the world even dreamed of such wonders. But they hid their nation behind a giant cloaking device deep in the heart of Africa. They eschewed contact with any other nation and kept their five tribes hidden from the world.

In the film we see Wakanda in all its hidden splendor with great skyscrapers, amazing magnetic railway systems, astonishing medical technology, and wondrous flying machines… and we see only black faces. No white, no Asians, not even any Africans from other regions of the so-called “Dark Continent.”

How racist, eh?
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Will Liberals Admit that ‘Black Panther’ is the Most Racist Movie Since 1915’s Ku Klux Klan Epic ‘Birth of a Nation’?”

CW’s New ‘Black Lightning’ Super Hero Series Reveals the Hypocrisy of Social Justice Warriors

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Tuesday night, the CW network debuted a new TV superhero show called “Black Lightning.” But, while the show was pretty good, the lack of outrage over its very title shows the essential hypocrisy of the social justice warrior set.

The show is set in an inner-city neighborhood filled with a mounting crime problem, growing frustration with police and police brutality, and gang warfare. In this troubled town lives high school principal Jefferson Pierce (series star Cress Williams), a pillar of the community but a man with a divorced wife and two girls attending his school.

Even as he is a community leader, Mr. Pierce has a secret past. We soon discover he was once an inner city vigilante named Black Lightning; a man somehow imbued with the power to wield electrical arcs and affect the electrical systems of cars and buildings. Seven years ago Pierce used his power to stop bad cops, kill drug pushers, and put dangers criminals out of commission. But since that time, Pierce had hung up his super suit to become a schoolteacher and to stay alive in order to try and win back a wife who left him because she was tired of him risking his life being a superhero.
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CW’s New ‘Black Lightning’ Super Hero Series Reveals the Hypocrisy of Social Justice Warriors”

Dear Conservatives, Supergirl Thinks You’re Stupid and She Doesn’t Want You Watching Her Show

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week the premiere episode of season three for the CW network’s Supergirl debuted, and it had a very clear message for conservative viewers: you are stupid, and you should go away.

As season three kicked off were treated to an evil, sexist, capitalist, Trump-like real estate developer who hates poor people and told that only “morons” don’t believe in global warming, all in a show that treats all white males like villains. Well, all but the one who is a geeky, tech guy who is afraid of his shadow, bad with girls, and uncomfortable in his own skin (Last season featured a white guy, of sorts, as Supergirl’s needy boyfriend, but he was an alien, not a white human).

It is a long way from the easy-going, inoffensive, and fun show that debuted for a single season on CBS before moving to the CW.

The fingers in the eyes of conservative viewers began in the first minutes of the debut episode, “The Girl of Steel.”

The episode opens in the midst of a battle between Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) and a bad guy. She defeats the bad man, of course, and saves her lesbian stepsister and her fiancée in the process.

Next, we are introduced to season three’s big baddie who shows up in a meeting as evil capitalist real estate developer Morgan Edge (Adrian Pasdar). He is, of course, a capitalist “exploiter,” we are told. During a meeting of city officials, Edge is accused of setting up a “development that would level the whole area and force people from their homes just to build high-rises for the wealthy.” Of course. They later call him a “stubborn sexist” who has “all the charisma of a Michael Douglas movie from the 90s.”

If you didn’t catch that latter reference, it was yet another dig at white men. It referenced actor Michael Douglas’ 1993 hit movie Falling Down, a film that cast him as a middle-aged, unemployed, white man who snapped and went on a psychotic shooting spree through downtown Los Angeles.
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Dear Conservatives, Supergirl Thinks You’re Stupid and She Doesn’t Want You Watching Her Show”

New Issue of Marvel’s Captain America Says Criticism of Syrian Refugees is Like Nazism

-By Warner Todd Huston

Marvel Comics is once again re-launching its universe of comic books and in the newest iteration of Captain America readers are told that those who oppose the importation of Muslim “refugees” are somehow as bad as the Nazis.

This month issue number one of the new title Steve Rogers: Captain America will feature long-time Cappy foe the Red Skull, a super villain who originated as a Nazi bad guy in World War Two. And as the preview at Comic Book Resources reveals, the evil Nazi Red Skull delivers a major anti-refugee speech.

“I have just come from Europe–my homeland, in fact,” Red Skull says to a group of thuggish acolytes in the upcoming issue. “And do you know what I saw there? It was an invading army. These so-called ‘refugees’–millions of them–marching across the continent, bringing their fanatical beliefs and their crime with them. They attack our women, and bomb our cities. And how do our leaders respond? Do they push them back and enforce the borders, as is our sovereign duty? Of course not. They say, ‘Here, take our food. Take our shelter. Take our way of life, and then take our lives.’ Despicable.”

Red Skull goes on to ridicule “tolerance” and incite race hate by encouraging the group of men to start a new race war in the name of the evil organization Hydra, another one of Steve Rogers’ long-time foes.

Apparently, as far as Marvel Comics is concerned, if you oppose bringing in hundreds of thousands of illegal Muslim immigrants, then you are as bad as an evil Nazi war criminal.
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New Issue of Marvel’s Captain America Says Criticism of Syrian Refugees is Like Nazism”

This Sci-Fi Board Proves How the Internet Makes You Stoopid

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Internet can make you stupid and an exchange I had on a science fiction/comic book board is yet more proof of that.

The subject at hand was the effect mutants would have on humanity. I contended that people with mutant powers would end up becoming an oppressive force because their superior abilities would give them unstoppable powers against “normal” people who have no such abilities.

Even if they started out as a minority they’d eventually fight back and their enhanced abilities would not only allow them to win but they would then go on become a major threat to non-powered humans. This, I said, is human nature. Humans with power — even the figurative power of the majority-controlled political establishment that we’ve seen in history — always worked to oppress minorities to some extent and often to the worst extent possible. From royalty, to religious tyrannies, to communism, they all either used the power of the majority, the raw power of might, or a combination of both to oppress the undesirables.

I then used this example to illustrate my point:
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This Sci-Fi Board Proves How the Internet Makes You Stoopid”

Salon: Marvel’s New Netflix ‘Daredevil’ is Just Like George Zimmerman

-By Warner Todd Huston

Only a left-winger can take a comic book character that was first introduced in 1964 and turn it into a comment on George Zimmerman. But that is exactly what happened at the left-wing Internet rag Salon.com.

Salon’s Scott Eric Kaufman, in fact, used his whole piece to make a strange argument that the new Internet-based version of the Marvel comic character is at once like George Zimmerman, yet not a commentary on today’s world–even though he thinks it should be. Maybe.

Early in his review, Kaufman complains that the way the comic character enacts his TV justice, is “extrajudicial” and “dangerously close to George Zimmerman territory.”

This is a bit of an absurd comparison to make. After all, isn’t every comic book hero a vigilante that could be compared to George Zimmerman at some level or so? Seriously, what comic hero isn’t the sort that takes security, or justice, or retribution, or what have you, into his own hands?
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Salon: Marvel’s New Netflix ‘Daredevil’ is Just Like George Zimmerman”

Trans Community Slams Batgirl Comic as ‘Transphobic’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last month the trans community attacked the DC Comics series Batgirl for supposedly ruining its year and a half-long effort to foster a “trans positive momentum.” The charge by the trans community was that the Batgirl character acted in a “transmisogynistic” manner by not identifying as a woman a male tans character who presented as a woman. Instead, Batgirl called the character a man despite that the character identifies as a woman.

For those unaware, for much of the last two years DC Comics has been retooling the Batgirl character as a gay friendly, trans friendly, and Muslim friendly comic book. Early in 2013, for instance, Batgirl’s alter ego Barbara Gordon moved in with a bisexual character named Alysia Yeoh.

Yeoh was presented as an Occupy Wall Street-styled female activist, bartender and fine artist. She was of Singaporean descent and sported an undisclosed secret that she later revealed. Ultimately this character told Gordon that she is really a he and bisexual as well.

Barbara Gordon also became friendly with a Muslim girl named Nadimah who along with her brother Qadir work in the robotics department of the school that Gordon attends.

DC has been selling this re-tolled Batgirl as a book that should appeal to “young female readers.” In other words, they want to inculcate support for gays, transvestites, and Muslims in young, female readers.
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Trans Community Slams Batgirl Comic as ‘Transphobic’”

WalMart Can’t Please Feminist Comic Book Fans

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here is a story that perfectly encapsulates the impossibility of satisfying a feminist showing that they care about being outrageously outraged than they do about curing any real ills. It concerns the uproar over the 3D printing kiosk that puts a child’s face on a superhero toy–either Captain America of Iron Man. The chicks are mad that WalMart didn’t include a female superhero. But…

A company named 3DPlussMe has crated a self-serve machine that will take a photo of a child’s face and then, using plastic 3D printing technology, will create a toy figurine of either Captain America or Iron Man with that child’s face on it.

The kiosks are being rolled out in select WalMarts across the country and they seem like a great idea for kids to get a personalized toy.

But female comics fans are mad that only two male comic book heroes are being offered. Why no female characters, they ask?
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WalMart Can’t Please Feminist Comic Book Fans”

The Death of the TV Butler–Literally

-By Warner Todd Huston

TV, movies, and literature used to be filled with Butlers, that manservant to the well to do. But the character device has fallen out of favor lately, so much so that if an actor was famous for playing a butler, he’s probably dead!

Of course, one of the most famous butlers in entertainment history is Reginald Jeeves of the novels penned by P. G. Wodehouse. Jeeves was brought to life on British TV in the early 1990s by comedic actor Stephen Fry. Thankfully, Fry still with us, of course, but the character is an old one having first made the literary scene in 1915.

The most recent TV butler is Mr. Carson on the well-loved British series “Downton Abbey.” Mr. Carson is played by actor Jim Carter who is also still very much alive as this show is still in production. We were also recently treated to actor Forest Whitaker in the schmaltzy movie “Lee Daniels’ The Butler,” a 2013 film also starring Oprah Winfrey. Certainly Whitaker is still alive and working in Hollywood. But a whole host of other film and TV butlers have passed on to that great mansion in the sky and the role of the butler is not used much these days to bring us new ones to replace them.

Batman’s Alfred

Batman has quite a famous butler in the personae of one Mr. Alfred Pennyworth. With apologies to Mr. Wodehouse, I’d suggest that Alfred is the most famous butler in all of western entertainment as we’ve seen more of Mr. Pennyworth than any other butler in the last 70 years.

Alfred first appeared in the comic books in 1943, and most recently famed actor Michael Caine took the role for the Christopher Nolan “Dark Knight” series of Batman movies. Caine is very much with us, granted. We also hear that Jeremy Irons will be taking the role of Alfred in next year’s Superman sequel, “Batman vs. Superman”–he’s also alive and kicking, naturally.

The two mentioned above aside, Alfred has also been personified on TV and in film by several other actors all of whom are dead. In the late 1960s Alan Napier took the role of Bruce Wayne/Batman’s trusted servant. Napier passed in 1988. Later, when the Batman movies started making headway in the series begun by director Tim Burton, Michael Gough played the famous manservant. Gough died in 2011. Ian Abercrombie also played Alfred for the one-season-long series “Birds of Prey.” He died in 2012. And at least two others who played Alfred in the 1940s era movie serials are also dead.
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The Death of the TV Butler–Literally”

Batgirl Comic Character Comes Out as Transgender

-By Warner Todd Huston

DC Comics’ Batgirl number 19 has a little bit more in store for its readers than just crime fighting. This month readers also get a bit of controversy with their womp-slam-bang as a character introduced in 2011 comes out as both transgender and bi-sexual.

After DC rebooted its franchise in 2011 in an attempt to reconcile its decades of loose character arcs and confusing back histories, Batgirl’s alter ego (Barbara Gordon) moved out of her father’s home (Batman’s Commissioner James Gordon) and moved in with a roommate named Alysia Yeoh.

Yeoh was presented as an Occupy Wall Street-styled female activist, bartender, and fine artist. She was of Singaporean descent and sported an undisclosed secret. This month’s issue reveals that secret. In a face-to-face discussion, Barbara Gordon and her roommate have a serious chat in which roommate Yeoh reveals that she is really a he and bi-sexual as well.

So, Batgirl number 19 marks the debut as the very first “real-world” transgendered character in all of mainstream comics. By “Real-world” that means a character that is merely transgendered in the “real-world” sense, not changed via some sort of superhero-styled transformation.

Over the last few years, the LGBTQ community has been favored with a plethora of gay characters in mainstream comics, of course. There are also a whole raft of gay and transgendered characters in comics from smaller, independent comics publishers as well as adult-oriented titles. But this marks as the first transgendered character to come to mainstream, superhero comics.
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Batgirl Comic Character Comes Out as Transgender”

DC’s New Occupy Wall Street Comic Books Coming

-By Warner Todd Huston

Despite that the Occupy Wall Street movement is essentially dead, DC Comics–publisher of Superman and Batman–is launching two new titles that will make heroes of the “99%” and might present the rich as an evil as bad as the strongest super villain.

One of the new books, to be titled The Movement, is to be about “power–who owns it, who uses it, who suffers from its abuse.”
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DC’s New Occupy Wall Street Comic Books Coming”

Dredding: Making Another Comic Character Gay?

-By Warner Todd Huston

In yet another example of the homosexualization of our comic books, an upcoming issue of the Judge Dredd was recently rumored to feature the titular character coming out of the closet as a gay character.

The comic portrays a dystopian future where the earth is made up of Mega cities and wastelands, where life is cheap and violence ubiquitous, and “judges” roam the many highways on motorcycles charged with dispensing “justice” on the spot, no courts necessary. Judge Dredd is the main character and is portrayed as an emotionless, incorruptible policeman/judge that is little else but a killing machine.

You might recall the 1995 movie based on the comic where Sylvester Stallone uttered one of his famous movie lines: “I am the law.”

Earlier this month a few panels of the next issue were leaked showing the Judge kissing a Mohawk-wearing thug in a gay bar. The panels sparked quite a lot of response from fans, much of it negative.
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Dredding: Making Another Comic Character Gay?”

Marvel Comics Kills Off Spiderman’s Peter Parker

-By Warner Todd Huston

Peter Parker, Spiderman’s “normal guy” alter ego, has been killed in the 700th issue of Marvel Comic’s The Amazing Spiderman and reactions to the plot twist are decidedly mixed.

In an interesting turn, the mind of long-time Spidey foe Doctor Octopus, a metal tentacled killer, somehow inhabited Spidey’s body but experienced an epiphany turning him into a good guy that will try to carry on Spiderman’s heroic legacy. In the meantime, the mind of Peter Parker dies after being transferred into the failing body of Doc Ock.

Writer Dan Slott is excited about the new direction.
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Marvel Comics Kills Off Spiderman’s Peter Parker”

Lifetime’s Army Wives: Domestic Terrorist is Über Patriot?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Lifetime’s Army Wives has often walked up close to anti-American plot lines without stepping too far over the line, but this weekend’s episode crossed right over into the left’s famous — and famously bogus — favorite storyline: turning patriotic Americans into villains.

This is one of the far left’s favorite plot lines. Hollywood loves turning patriots into whacked out, enemies despite the fact that in real life such a thing is extremely rare.

In the episode aired on August 5 entitled Centennial, a wacko “patriot” planned to shoot an Army general to right the wrongs of a country gone bad. The mad man felt that the nation was being destroyed by the un-American activities of the government and in a computer recording he said he intended to strike a blow for true Americanism by killing the general.

The episode featured a cliffhanger ending typical of the series. It ended with the shooting scene the results of which will be resolved next week.

The entire plot is based almost solely on the actions of one domestic terrorist. When Timothy McVeigh brought down the Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995 he was linked to the Militia movement and said to be desirous of taking down an out of control government. McVeigh was portrayed as an unhinged, über patriot gone awry.
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Lifetime’s Army Wives: Domestic Terrorist is Über Patriot?”

Comics Giant ‘Moebius’ Dies

-By Warner Todd Huston

Jean Henri Gaston Giraud, better known by his nom de guerre Moebius, passed away in France after a long illness. He was 73.

Giraud was one of the most amazing comic book artists of the genera. His work inspired movies such as Tron and the Matrix trilogy. But I first ran across him in the 1970s a French magazine called Metal Hurlant. I don’t remember exactly how I came across the magazine, and I couldn’t read a word of it in French, but the artist going by the handle “Moebius” had the most amazing visual style I’d ever seen in comics. I ended up getting some 8 or 10 issues of the French book — still not being able to read a word of it.

Almost immediately, the magazine got its American counterpart, Heavy Metal and Moebius’ art was a prominent part of the early issues. I collected every one of HM’s issues for several decades before I gave up comics and sold the collection.
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Comics Giant ‘Moebius’ Dies”