Defunding of Planned Parenthood Upended With Secret Amendment in Tennessee Budget Work

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the Things Wrong With Our Legislative System Appears in Tennessee

One of the things wrong with our system of creating legislation and passing it into law in America today has appeared in Tennessee. The Volunteer State is not the only place things like this happen, either.

Recently the Tennessee legislature passed a bill to remove state funding from the abortion mill operator Planned Parenthood. The bill was a hard fought victory for the Tennessee GOP and finds favor with the voters as well. As it happens, while the budget was winding its way through the Tennessee legislature a thus far unnamed state senator slipped in an amendment that no one saw, no one voted on, and no one knew anything about. This surreptitious amendment completely upends the defunding of Planned Parenthood quite despite the open legislative process that eliminated the funding in the first place.
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Defunding of Planned Parenthood Upended With Secret Amendment in Tennessee Budget Work”

Tenn. Voters To Get Chance to Say Abortion Not A ‘Protected Right’

-By Warner Todd Huston

This could shape up as a major battle between supporters of infanticide and pro-lifers in 2014. Pro-abortion forces will likely flood the Volunteer State with out-of-state money to defeat a referendum that may appear on the 2014 ballot allowing citizens to decide whether or not their state constitution really does have a special right protecting abortion.

This referendum is aimed at over turning a 2000 state court decision that read all sorts of “rights” into the Tennessee Constitution that had for 200 years never appeared there. The decision erased several state laws restricting abortion under the assumption that the state constitution had even stronger protections for abortion that does the U.S. Constitution.

The referendum will read as follows:
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Tenn. Voters To Get Chance to Say Abortion Not A ‘Protected Right’”

Tennessee County School Board Fires Teachers Union

-By Warner Todd Huston

Now this is more like it. Back in October of 2010 the Summer County, Tennessee School Board decertified the Sumner County Education Association (SCEA), the union for county teachers, because it no longer satisfied the law by counting as members fifty percent plus one of the total number of employees requiring a teaching certificate. This, school board officials said, means that the SCEA can no longer engage in collective bargaining for teachers.

The school board has used this opportunity to immediately begin rewriting the relationship between teachers and schools.

Naturally, the union is running straight to what is usually the last bastion of mindless obeisance to union obstructionism, the courts, and is suing to force the school board to accede to union demands regardless of the law.
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Tennessee County School Board Fires Teachers Union”

In 2004 Illegal Alien Votes Illegally, in 2010 Feds Making Him A Citizen

-By Warner Todd Huston

In Cookeville, Tennessee we see a perfect example of all that is wrong in both our immigration and electoral systems.

In 2004, an illegal immigrant voted illegally in Tennessee’s Putnam County. He showed false identification and a stolen Soc. Sec. number. But in 2010 the federal government is asking Tennessee officials to help smooth this illegal’s way to citizenship by ignoring past crimes.

Putnam County administrator of elections Debbie Steidl seems pretty annoyed by the whole situation. This illegal immigrant even went to her and signed an affidavit admitting that he voted illegally but he also presented the election official with a letter from the Department of Homeland Security demanding that she purge his name from the 2004 voting records.

You see, unless his name is purged he cannot seek legal citizenship because he has this illegal act on his record.

The frustrated County official said this illegal immigrant, “is being enabled. And that’s what bothered me more than anything!”
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In 2004 Illegal Alien Votes Illegally, in 2010 Feds Making Him A Citizen”

Maine, Tennessee, Massachusetts Universal Healthcare Plans a Bust

-By Warner Todd Huston

Both President Obama and the Democratic Congress have ignored the mess that three states have made of their economy and tax burden by attempting to create a public option and/or universal healthcare. Tennessee has its TennCare program, Maine has tried a “public option” program, and Massachusetts has its RomenyCare system that promises healthcare for all. Each of them has been a boondoggle for the taxpayers and has failed to deliver promised savings and enhanced coverage.

In fact, each of these states have begun to cut services to people because the costs have skyrocketed despite claims that “savings” would occur and that everyone would get more coverage.

Last week, the Wall Street Journal had a piece by Wendy Williams saying that the “fines” Massachusetts imposed on people who ostensibly didn’t have insurance coverage — an idea that Obama wants included in his Obamacare policies — now falls even on people with insurance in the Bay State.

Initially this fine imposed by the Mass. legislature was supposed to force people to get healthcare insurance. But “without informing anyone” the legislature decided just getting insurance wasn’t good enough. To avoid the fine now Mass. residents have to get the kind of insurance of which the government approves.
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Maine, Tennessee, Massachusetts Universal Healthcare Plans a Bust”

Tenn County Dem Chair Calls Obamacare Protesters Nazis

-By Warner Todd Huston

Remember how The Obamamessiah was going to bring us a gauzy new world of love, respect, harmony and “post” political debate? Well, apparently the Madison, Tennessee Country Chairman for the Democrat Party, Robert Hill, doesn’t much care for an elevated form of debate. He’s more about calling people that oppose him Nazis.

The white haired, name calling Demo couldn’t resist going on the local Young Republican’s website and calling anyone that opposes Obama’s socialistic take over of the nation’s healthcare system a bunch of “brown shirts.”

Remember this is the YOUNG Republicans we are talking about here. In essence, this profane Dem octogenarian just jumped on his computer and called a bunch of teenagers and 20 somethings Nazis!

So much for that new, post partisan world of serious debate that team Obama was going to create, eh?
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Tenn County Dem Chair Calls Obamacare Protesters Nazis”

Tennessee may have its own version of ACORN

Radio host Phil Valentine finds voter fraud in Nashville, TN and officials couldn’t care less!

Tennessee may have its own version of ACORN

While everyone focuses on voter registration fraud in places like Ohio by the group ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, we could have a well-organized voter fraud ring operating in Nashville, right under the nose of the state election commission.

Friday, a week ago, I got a tip on my radio show that vanloads of non-citizens were showing up at an early voting poll and voting. Lynn Greer, a Davidson County Election Commission member confirmed the report. “What I’ve heard is they’re bringing in a group of Spanish-speaking people, many of whom do not have a voter registration card and cannot speak English,” Greer told me. Before you jump to the conclusion that I’m stereotyping, it’s important to point out that these particular people didn’t just speak broken English, they reportedly spoke no English, whatsoever. Why is that such an important distinction? Because federal law requires one to write, speak and understand English in order to become a citizen. Naturally, you’re supposed to be a citizen to vote. Supposed to be.
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Wendi C. Thomas Indulges Her Inner Racist

-By Warner Todd Huston

Wendi C. Thomas, a black journalist that has written for such media outlets as the Charlotte Observer, the Indianapolis Star and the Nashville Tennessean, was recently asked by what she called a “white man in Memphis” if blacks would riot if Barack Obama should lose the upcoming general election. The question made her angry, and I can’t blame her for that anger. But, after a brief flash of sanity, Thomas turned the tables and went on to decide that it will be whites, rather, that will riot if Obama wins, not blacks if he loses.

At first Thomas had the absolute right answer for that “white man from Memphis.” She wrote at that ascribing to “blacks” the actions of rioting from some blacks is not a logical exercise. Even if some blacks rioted after an Obama loss, it is illegitimate to decide that all 40 million blacks in America would agree with that lawlessness. Who could disagree with this sensible comment?

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