Hultgren Statement on September Jobs Report

From the office of Rep. Randy Hultgren (R, Illinois 14th District)…

Geneva, IL – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today released the following statement regarding the September unemployment report released by the U.S. Department of Labor.

“With this disappointing report the unemployment rate has been at or above 8 percent for 32 straight months, a level that President Obama said unemployment would never reach if the ‘stimulus’ was approved,” said Hultgren. “Even more discouraging is that only two out of the last 30 months have seen unemployment below 9 percent. This is a clear failure of the Administration’s deficit-spending, tax-hiking policies.

“I’ve heard over and over again from our small business owners that uncertainty, the threat of higher taxes, and more ‘stimulus’ proposals are not going to restore the confidence they need to start hiring and expanding again. To restore that confidence, House Republicans are focused on a pro-jobs agenda to eliminate onerous government regulations, cut government spending, and remove the threat of higher taxes. We invite President Obama and the do-nothing Senate to join us as we work to turn our economy around and get Americans working again.”

Rep. Dold on the Pending Free Trade Agreements‏

From the office of Rep. Robert Dold (Ill., 10th District)…

WASHINGTON, DC –U.S. Congressman Robert J. Dold (IL-10) released a video on the pending free trade agreements with Colombia, Panama, and South Korea that President Obama sent to Congress for approval. Rep. Dold spoke about the positive implications these agreements will have on Illinois’ 10th District.

Dold also released this statement…
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Rep. Dold on the Pending Free Trade Agreements‏”

Five Small Business Bills Supported by Rep. Dold Advance Through the Financial Services Subcommittee

From the office of Rep. Bob Dold (Ill., 10th District)…

WASHINGTON, DC – In yesterday’s Financial Services Subcommittee on Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises, five bills that will empower small businesses advanced through the subcommittee. U.S. Congressman Robert Dold (IL-10) has co-sponsored each of these bills as they make it easier for small businesses to gain access to capital so they can expand and create new jobs.

“Small business is the backbone of our economy,” said Rep. Dold. “Two thirds of all net new jobs are created by small businesses. In order to help bring our economy back on solid footing, we need to create an environment in which small businesses can grow.

“Yesterday, five bills advanced through the Financial Services Committee that will help to do just that. These bills assist small business capital formation which has been restricted both by general economic conditions and by excessively restrictive, outdated, and burdensome regulations. Furthermore, this legislation is bipartisan and aligns with President Obama’s goal to cut the red tape that prevents small businesses from raising capital and going public.
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Five Small Business Bills Supported by Rep. Dold Advance Through the Financial Services Subcommittee”

Kinzinger Applauds House Passage of Bipartisan Legislation to Prevent U.S. Cement Plant Closings and Save Jobs

From the office of Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R, Ill. 11th District)…

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today Congressman Adam Kinzinger (IL-11), a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, applauded the House passage of H.R. 2681, the Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act of 2011. Kinzinger is an original co-sponsor and says the bill would protect domestic cement manufacturing and tens of thousands of American jobs.

Watch Congressman Kinzinger’s remarks on the House floor in support of H.R. 2681:
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Kinzinger Applauds House Passage of Bipartisan Legislation to Prevent U.S. Cement Plant Closings and Save Jobs”

Rep. Dold on Finding Solutions to the Housing Crisis

From the office of Rep. Bob Dold (Ill., 10th District)…

During today’s Financial Services Subcommittee Hearing on Housing and Community Opportunity, U.S. Congressman Robert J. Dold spoke about the serious housing crisis in the nation and the need to find cost-effective solutions that take into account all of the potential consequences and risks.

Roskam Applauds FTA Passage In Ways & Means Committee And Passage of Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (R, Ill)…

WASHINGTON, DC – Rep. Peter Roskam, Chief Deputy Whip and member of the House Ways & Means Committee, issued the following statement after the long-stalled Colombia, Panama, and Korea Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) passed out of the Ways & Means Committee today. Roskam has traveled to South Korea, Panama, and Colombia in support of these three agreements:

“Today was an important step forward to implementing no-cost job creating policies. These pro-export policies will open up more markets for American products to be sold, and in turn create more American jobs. Furthermore, they will be important strategic tools for our foreign policy. Republicans have been advocating for these commonsense policies for years. With unemployment at 9.1% nationally, Washington has to be embracing commonsense solutions that remove barriers to private-sector job creation.”
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Roskam Applauds FTA Passage In Ways & Means Committee And Passage of Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act”

Hultgren To Senate: Pass Bipartisan Bill Easing Regulatory Burdens On Agricultural Community

Rep. Randy Hultgren (R, Ill. 14th District)…

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today released the following statement calling on the Senate to take up H.R. 872, The Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act, which the House passed with bipartisan support on March 31.

“I am beyond disappointed by the inaction of the do-nothing Senate. Their refusal to consider the Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act, a commonsense, bipartisan bill, is threatening our agricultural community with a new avalanche of red tape as soon as the end of this month.

“I recently joined nineteen of my colleagues in sending a letter to Senate leadership, urging them to quickly consider H.R. 872 or similar legislation, and reminding them of the impending regulatory consequences. If they fail to act by the end of this month, the Environmental Protection Agency will hit farmers, ranchers and others who use safe, registered pesticides in the regular course of their business with burdensome new rules.

“If the Senate is serious about getting our economy moving, they should take the commonsense step of passing H.R. 872 to help create regulatory certainty for a critical sector of our economy.”

Roskam Introduces Bill for Permanent Cap Gains Limits

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (R, Ill)…

Roskam Introduces Legislation to Permanently Cap Capital Gains and Dividend Tax Rates at 15%

Broad coalition of American job creators send letter in support; impending tax-hike would hit seniors, businesses, investors of all sizes

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Peter Roskam (R-IL), Chief Deputy Whip and member of the Ways & Means Committee, introduced legislation today to permanently cap the Capital Gains and Dividend Tax Rates at 15% to avoid an impending tax hike that would particularly affect American businesses, seniors, and investors of all sizes. Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID), member of the Senate Finance Committee, is introducing companion Senate legislation.
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Roskam Introduces Bill for Permanent Cap Gains Limits”

Roskam Discusses Excessive Cement Regulations at Stakeout

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (R, Ill)…

Roskam: “…if the Cement MACT proposal goes into place, with certainty, it will have an adverse impact on job creation.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Earlier today, Congressman Peter Roskam, Chief Deputy Whip, gave the following remarks at the GOP leadership stakeout

“Well as you’ve heard there’s two types of actions being taken up this week and next week by the House of Representatives. The good news is the White House seems to get one of those. That is this notion of the expert opportunities for American manufacturers to get into markets abroad. As someone who has traveled to South Korea, and to Panama, and to Colombia it is without question clear to me – and I think most folks on Capitol Hill – that those opportunities are inextricably linked to our long-term prosperity.

Where the White House doesn’t seem to get it and where there’s an opportunity maybe to change their minds is on these two issues that you’ve heard described: Boiler MACT and Cement MACT. We’ve had two job creators in here for the past day or so. They are Brad Slabaugh with Hilltop Basic Resources and Karl Watson of CEMEX USA. Both of which described situations that if the Cement MACT proposal goes into place, with certainty, it will have an adverse impact on job creation. With certainty, it will have an adverse impact on cement kilns here in the United States. We can do better. The Administration needs to join us to turn this situation around quickly.”

Roskam Applauds Progress on Long-Stalled Trade Agreements

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (R, Ill)…

WASHINGTON, DC – Rep. Peter Roskam, Chief Deputy Whip and member of the House Ways & Means Committee, issued the following statement after the Obama Administration sent the long-stalled Columbia, Panama, and Korea Free Trade Agreements (FTA) to Congress today. Roskam has traveled to South Korea, Panama, and Colombia to meet with the respective countries’ leaders in support of these three agreements:

“These three pro-export policies will make it easier for American manufacturers to sell our products overseas and in turn create jobs here. Republicans have been advocating for these commonsense no-cost job-creation policies for years. While our economy has unfortunately suffered as the Administration stalled on these agreements for the last years, it is very welcome news that the Administration is finally supporting them. With unemployment at 9.1% nationally, Washington has to be embracing commonsense solutions that remove barriers to private-sector job creation.”

The Consequence of US Leadership Failure at the UN

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (Ill., 6th District)…

In the coming weeks the United Nations Security Council is expected to take a series of misguided procedural steps towards allowing the Palestinian Authority (PA) to unilaterally declare independence (UDI). If they happen they will mark a step backwards from any potentially genuine Middle East peace and illustrate yet another failure of the Obama Administration’s “leading from behind” approach.

This did not have to be a foregone conclusion. This past May, Majority Leader Eric Cantor and I called on the Administration to stand united with the American people, and with Israel, opposing this UN action. The State Department has heard a similar chorus in the months since.
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The Consequence of US Leadership Failure at the UN”

Does Government Regulate Too Much?‏

From the office of Rep. Randy Hultgren (Ill., 14th District)…

Recently, I spoke on the House floor about what regulatory uncertainty is doing to small business owners like Rock Katschnig, a farmer and resident of the 14th District.

Unfortunately, Rock’s situation isn’t unique – I’ve heard similar stories over and over again as I travel throughout the area.

That’s why this fall, I’m joining my colleagues to fight for a pro-growth environment where small businesses and job-creators can hire new workers and invest without fearing what Washington will do to them. Our efforts are focused on creating a reasonable, stable regulatory environment that gives our economy the confidence it needs to grow.
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Does Government Regulate Too Much?‏”

New Lenox: Reenlistment Ceremony of Luis Mejia, Officiated by Congressman Adam Kinzinger

-By Warner Todd Huston

Over the weekend I was invited to the reenlistment ceremony of Aviation Structural Mechanic, Third Class Petty Officer (AM3) Luis Mejia, a resident of New Lennox. Coming off eight years, Meija, 43, reenlisted for another six and for his ceremony he asked 11th District Congressman Adam Kinzinger to conduct his Monday ceremony.

Mejia served one year at Camp Bucca, Iraq in 2007 and as the congressman and he were talking they realized they served at the same time in the same place in Iraq. “We probably saw each other,” Kinzinger said.

Currently, Mejia serves out of Great Lakes Naval base.

As Congressman Knizinger addressed the friends and family gathered to witness Meija’s reenlistment he noted that this county has “been at war for a decade.”
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New Lenox: Reenlistment Ceremony of Luis Mejia, Officiated by Congressman Adam Kinzinger”

Assistant Republican House Leader Jim Durkin Endorses Dillard

From the campaign to re-elect Kirk Dillard, Illinois State Senate…

At a recent Republican meeting, Illinois State Representative and Assistant Republican House Leader Jim Durkin (R-Western Springs) endorsed Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Hinsdale) in Dillard’s race for re-election to the 24th Senatorial District.

Citing several pieces of landmark legislation sponsored by Sen. Dillard, including most recently a Internet Portal Act to disclose, on-line and in real-time (, every salary, contract, tax break and tax deadbeat, Durkin said, “Sen. Kirk Dillard is the voice of families in Illinois and we must return Kirk Dillard to Springfield so we can draw on his valuable experience in creating jobs to get Illinois working again, protecting our families, controlling our out-of-control state budget and providing accountability in state government.”

Durkin then added, “Kirk knows Western Springs and our area well. He was instrumental in garnering the funds to replace the dilapidated Oak Street Bridge so that area residents have access to Hinsdale Hospital in case of emergency.”
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Assistant Republican House Leader Jim Durkin Endorses Dillard”

Video: Speak Out And Support A Balanced Budget Amendment‏

From the office of Rep. Randy Hultgren (Ill., 14th District)…

A balanced budget amendment (BBA) to our Constitution is a permanent solution to our nation’s fiscal crisis to legally force future Congresses and Presidents to stop spending money they don’t have. Earlier this week I sat down to share my thoughts about a BBA and why it’s so important for the future of our country.

America Speaking Out (ASO),, is an online community aimed at giving you a voice and the power to set the agenda in Congress. Through ASO, you can express your opinion about the BBA, which will be voted on in the House this fall.

I encourage you to visit now to express your opinion about a BBA. It is through the support of the citizens like you that a BBA will become a reality – bringing much-needed certainty to the small business community, putting an end to the out-of-control spending, and restoring accountability to Congress.
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Video: Speak Out And Support A Balanced Budget Amendment‏”

Kinzinger/Gonzalez Amendment Adopted into TRAIN Act Forces Agencies

From the office of Rep. Adam Kinzinger (Ill., 11the District)…

To Assess Consequences of EPA Regulations for U.S. Energy, Manufacturing & Jobs

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-11) along with Congressman Charles Gonzalez (D-TX) today offered a bipartisan amendment to the Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts to the Nation (TRAIN) Act, H.R. 2401. The Kinzinger/Gonzalez Amendment would give Americans the opportunity to receive an explanation of the costs and job impacts associated with a new EPA regulation on gasoline before it can be enforced. The amendment was adopted and the TRAIN Act passed the House with bipartisan support.

Currently, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is developing a “Tier 3” rulemaking that would further reduce sulfur levels in gasoline to an average of 10ppm – this is a 70 percent change from today’s already low levels. In 2004, Tier 2 rules reduced sulfur by 90 percent from 100ppm to 30ppm. The Kinzinger/Gonzalez Amendment forces the EPA to ensure that the economic and job impacts of the Tier 3 regulations are thoroughly analyzed and reviewed.
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Kinzinger/Gonzalez Amendment Adopted into TRAIN Act Forces Agencies”

Former Elmhurst Police Chief Millner Endorses Dillard

From the reelection campaign of Senator Kirk Dillard…

At the York Township Republican Committeemen meeting, Illinois State Senator and long-time Elmhurst Police Chief John Millner (R-Carol Stream) endorsed Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Westmont) in Dillard’s race for re-election to the 24th Senatorial District. Millner is also a Past President of the Illinois Police Chiefs Association.

Calling Dillard one of Illinois finest legislators, and a friend of all of the communities in DuPage County, Millner cited Dillard’s accomplishments, especially in the areas of accountability/transparency, fiscal policies and law enforcement.

“Sen. Kirk Dillard is the voice of DuPage County in Springfield and we must have his valuable experience in stopping the tax, spend and borrowing agenda,” Millner said.
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Former Elmhurst Police Chief Millner Endorses Dillard”

Kinzinger, House Energy and Commerce Committee Passes Bipartisan Legislation to Prevent U.S. Cement Plant Closings and Save Jobs

From the office of Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R, 11th District)…

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today the House Energy and Commerce Committee passed bipartisan legislation known as the Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act of 2011. Congressman Adam Kinzinger (IL-11), who serves on the Committee and is an original co-sponsor, says the bill would protect domestic cement manufacturing and tens of thousands of American jobs.

Kinzinger made the following remarks in his opening statement:

“Last September, the EPA released new regulations on the American cement industry. These new requirements will cost $3.4 billion, close 18 of America’s 100 cement plants, and leave 20,000 Americans without jobs.

“When this rule is in full effect and the plants are closed, where will America purchase its cement? From China, a country that is producing cement with zero environmental safeguards? With the increased demand in China global hazardous pollution will rise with these new rules.

“This bill gives regulators time to develop practical rules for cement manufacturing facilities and will protect jobs in the cement industry, the manufacturing industry, and the construction industry that could otherwise be sent overseas. Enough is enough. I urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to support this bipartisan legislation.”

The Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act of 2011 was first introduced on On July 28, 2011. The legislation would grant federal regulators more time and guidelines to develop achievable rules governing emissions from cement manufacturing facilities. This necessary extended timeline would prevent plant shutdowns, while protecting jobs. Estimates confirm that recent rules issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) could result in shutting down nearly 20 percent of the nation’s cement plants in the next two years, driving up the price of cement, increasing imports, and eliminating thousands of jobs.
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Kinzinger, House Energy and Commerce Committee Passes Bipartisan Legislation to Prevent U.S. Cement Plant Closings and Save Jobs”

Hultgren Statement On President Obama’s Remarks To UNGA

From the office of Rep. Randy Hultgren (Ill., 14th District)…

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today released the following statement in response to President Obama’s speech to the United Nations General Assembly.

“This week, the Palestinian Authority may attempt to have the United Nations vote on the question of Palestinian statehood; this is not only misguided, it is a stunning violation of the spirit of the Oslo Accords,” said Hultgren. “We find ourselves at this crossroads due to a failure of leadership on behalf of President Obama. Had the President been a more effective leader, he would have issued his veto threat at an earlier date, in time to influence and shape international opinion against any change in Palestine’s status at the UN.

“I had hoped that the President would use his speech before the General Assembly today to lay down a clear marker of his support for Israel. Instead, he once again chose the route of moral equivalence, falsely blaming Israel for the peace process’s lack of progress.

“I have always believed that our relationship with Israel is unique in world history, and critical to both countries. Those beliefs were reinforced when I had the opportunity to visit Israel and meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu in May. President Obama must stand up this week not only for Israel and the Israeli people, but also for a commitment to the peace process and the rule of law.”

Rep. Walsh WILL Run Against Hultgren in the New 14th District

-By Warner Todd Huston

I spoke to Rep. Joe Walsh in Lake Villa, Illinois this past weekend and one of his first questions to me was about running against Hultgren in the new 14th District. Obviously the question was weighing heavily on him that weekend.

I told him it would be a tough fight but that I felt Joe had gone a long way to get his name recognition up in his first big year in D.C. Other than that, I had no advice on whether or not Joe could win there.

Well, now Congressman Walsh has made the final decision and will run against Republican Randy Hultgren in the new 14th District.
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Rep. Walsh WILL Run Against Hultgren in the New 14th District”

Roskam Statement on Obama’s Debt Plan

From the office of Rep. Peter ROskam (Ill., 6th District)…

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Peter Roskam (IL-06), issued the following statement in response to the President’s debt plan:

“It is disappointing that with our economy on the verge of a double-dip recession President Obama is proposing trillions in higher taxes. Small businesses are already begging for mercy from Washington’s high tax and regulatory environment. Higher taxes – and the uncertainty caused by the threat of them – is the last thing American small businesses and job creators need to endure. It’s unfortunate but this latest proposal is predictably sad and sadly predictable from an Administration that has over-taxed, over-regulated, and over-spent our way to nine-percent unemployment and $14 trillion in debt.”

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Roskam Statement on Obama’s Debt Plan”

Hultgren Huddle: Americans Speak Out‏

From the office of Rep. Randy Hultgren (Ill., 14th District)…

“I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our Constitution. I would be willing to depend on that alone for the reduction of the administration of our government; I mean an additional article taking from the Federal Government the power of borrowing.” –Thomas Jefferson, 1789

“Only a constitutional amendment will do the job. We’ve tried the carrot, and it failed. With the stick of a Balanced Budget Amendment, we can stop government squandering, overtaxing ways, and save our economy.” –Ronald Reagan, 1982
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Hultgren Huddle: Americans Speak Out‏”

Rep. Walsh: Obama’s Jobs Speech, It Was Political

From Rep. Joe Walsh (Ill., 8th District)…

Last week, I announced that instead of attending Obama’s political speech, I would host a small business job forum. I told you I would not be a political prop in Obama’s latest campaign game.

It looks as though I have been proven correct.

The Democratic National Committee just released their latest web ad promoting Obama. What is the topic? You guessed it: Obama’s joint session. The video is titled “14 Months”, the remaining time until the next election. As reported by “The Daily Caller”, it is evident the ad’s purpose is to raise money for the democrats.
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Rep. Walsh: Obama’s Jobs Speech, It Was Political”

Peter Roskam: Creating Jobs‏

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (Ill, 6th District)…

America needs real solutions that will help private-sector businesses grow and create jobs. Yet, even with 9+ percent unemployment, Democrats continue to force Washington-imposed excessive regulations on our economy.

The disappointing reality is that what may seem like a faceless regulation to most actually has a devastating effect on our local economy and our everyday lives. Read my latest op-ed in the Chicago Sun-Times about the severe effects of what excessive Washington-imposed regulations are doing to Chicago-area jobs.
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Peter Roskam: Creating Jobs‏”

Hultgren Co-Sponsors Resolution Honoring WWII POWs

From the office of Rep. Randy Hultgren (Ill, 14th District)…

Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today announced his support for a bipartisan resolution which commemorates the men and women who were taken as U.S. POWs in the Pacific during World War II.

“Today, September 16, is National POW/MIA Recognition Day, on which our nation honors the commitments and sacrifices made by our American prisoners of war and those who are still missing in action,” said Hultgren. “It is our moral obligation to honor the men and women who suffered grave injustices during World War II and with fewer than 500 surviving World War II POWs alive today, this resolution is a small, but significant, gesture to show these brave men and women that Congress has not forgotten about their experience and sacrifice.”

H.Res. 333 has been referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and currently has 28 cosponsors.

Rep. Peter Roskam to Deliver the Weekly Republican Address

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (Ill, 6th District)…

Chief Deputy Whip Will Discuss House’s Efforts to Address Excessive Regulations That Hamper Job Creation

WASHINGTON, DC – Delivering the Weekly Republican Address, Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL) will provide an update on the House’s efforts to address excessive federal regulations that hamper job creation in America. Last week, Roskam recruited job creators hurt by Washington overregulation to attend the president’s address to Congress as guests of Speaker Boehner.

“Small business owners are fighting to create and innovate every day, but continue to be shackled by excessive regulatory barriers to job creation,” Rep. Roskam said. “Appropriate and responsible regulations help protect our health and safety, yet Washington has turned rule-making into an assault on American businesses and the jobs they create. Small businesses already struggling in a down economy are facing the additional burden of job-destroying regulations written by unelected bureaucrats at federal agencies in Washington. That’s why House Republicans are taking action to grow our economy, voting all this fall to stop some of Washington’s most excessive regulations. I hope this address helps shed light on excessive federal regulations, and the need to get government out of the way of America’s job creators.”

Peter Roskam is in his third term as Congressman for the Sixth District of Illinois and is the Chief Deputy Whip, a member of House leadership. He is a member of the House Ways & Means Committee and is the co-chair of the Republican Israel Caucus. Roskam has emerged as a leading advocate for fundamental tax reform and passing the three stalled free trade agreements.
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Rep. Peter Roskam to Deliver the Weekly Republican Address”

Hultgren Accepting Military Academy Applications

From the office of Rep. Randy Hultgren (Ill, 14th District)…

Geneva, IL – US Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today announced that he is now accepting applications for nomination from young men and women interested in attending one of the United States military academies for summer 2012 admission.

“As the school year begins, many students are thinking about what’s next,” said Hultgren. “My staff and I are eager to provide information and assist with nominations to the military academies.”

To be eligible for appointment, you must be a United States citizen; at least 17 and not more than 23 years of age on July 1, 2012; unmarried; not pregnant; have no dependents; good moral character; and a legal resident of the 14th Congressional District of Illinois. Average acceptable ACT scores are 24 in both math and English.
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Hultgren Accepting Military Academy Applications”

Kinzinger… IL Democrat to Taxpayers: Send More Money

From the office of Rep. Adam Kinzinger (Ill., 11th District)…

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Adam Kinzinger spoke out against Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky who yesterday advocated for more of taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars to be sent to Washington.

When asked about the President’s job proposal, which will cost nearly $450 billion and includes an estimated $467 billion in permanent tax increases, Schakowsky defended the plan and later added: “You don’t deserve to keep all of [your money] and it’s not a question of deserving because what government is, is those things that we decide to do together.”

“Unfortunately Congresswoman Schakowsky has proven herself to be vastly out-of-touch with Illinois families and believes more money from taxpayers, more government and more of the same failed policies of the last two+ years are the stepping stones toward prosperity and job creation,” said Kinzinger. “The fact of the matter is, 31 months ago, the President stood in front of Americans and pledged under his near-one trillion dollar stimulus package, unemployment would not rise about eight percent. The President got his stimulus and here we are today with unemployment above nine percent.
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Kinzinger… IL Democrat to Taxpayers: Send More Money”

Kinzinger on Fox Business: Reducing Regulations Will have Immediate Impact on Economy‏

From the office of Rep. Adam Kinsinger (Ill., 11th District)…

On Tuesday night, Congressman Adam Kinzinger joined David Asman on America’s Nightly Scoreboard on Fox Business to discuss whether substantive regulation reform that will help small businesses is possible before the next election.

“The president has thrown basically all of himself into the fact that, once again, we need another stimulus-lite plan, and it’s going to be like the 10th white horse that Washington’s ridden in on to try to save the American economy. It’s not going to be Washington. It’s going to be Main Street.”


David Asman: Well, we don’t hear the president talking about really substantial deregulation, but you think a lot of new congressmen are. Will it pass before 2012 elections?
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Kinzinger on Fox Business: Reducing Regulations Will have Immediate Impact on Economy‏”