From Rep. Joe Walsh (Ill., 8th District)…
Last week, I announced that instead of attending Obama’s political speech, I would host a small business job forum. I told you I would not be a political prop in Obama’s latest campaign game.
It looks as though I have been proven correct.
The Democratic National Committee just released their latest web ad promoting Obama. What is the topic? You guessed it: Obama’s joint session. The video is titled “14 Months”, the remaining time until the next election. As reported by “The Daily Caller”, it is evident the ad’s purpose is to raise money for the democrats.
You can view the video here.
Despite criticism I received by some in the media and even from some republicans of the Illinois Congressional delegation, I knew President Obama’s joint session was politically driven.
Rather than be just one more political pawn at the President’s speech, I was honored to meet with over 100 business owners from across the 8th district, each who expressed the need for lower taxes, less government regulation, and certainty that the government will not pass more mandates. In fact, today I delivered my letter to the President with all their suggestions.
Despite criticism by some, I will never apologize for choosing my constituents over Obama’s political games.
Now is the time to show this President that we are done with the games. We want and need real change in Washington.
Thank you for your continued support.
Joe Walsh
Congressman, IL 8th