WAR! Abrasive Atheists, Shallow Scholars, Silly Scientists, Pagan Preachers and Embattled Evolutionists Attack Christians!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

My new book, to be published later this year, is in the area of Christian apologetics; however, apologetics does not entail apologizing to anyone. It involves seeking to remove the obstacles from the path of the skeptics so they can be saved from a life of misery and an eternity without Hope.

Abrasive Atheists, Shallow Scholars, Silly Scientists, Pagan Preachers, and Embattled Evolutionists have declared war against Christ, Christians, and Churches. Of necessity, their major attack is on the Bible for if they can denounce, deny, distort, and denigrate it, they can win more converts to atheism. They have been waging this war for a few years and most of us have ignored their books, television interviews, university debates, and their typical dog and pony show that the most fanatical God-haters have put on for centuries. They want a fight, and while I consider them to be flies on the tail of a bull, I’m willing to take them on. No quarter asked or given.
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WAR! Abrasive Atheists, Shallow Scholars, Silly Scientists, Pagan Preachers and Embattled Evolutionists Attack Christians!”

President Bush and the Fat Lady!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

The fat lady was standing in the wings ready to sing while President Bush was speaking on July 15 to the American people attempting to assure them that the economy is sound and hoping they will not storm the banks to get their money. He was using his “bully pulpit” to cower us into submission. You will note that he will not use that “pulpit” on behalf of traditional marriage, immigration, protecting the unborn and other “hot” issues that a “compassionate conservative” should espouse.

On the same day in Europe, the bears were growling and “blood” was flowing in the streets. England is now entering a recession, a little ahead of the U.S. Professor Tim Congdon from the London School of Economics said the United Kingdom was “lurching from boom to bust,” and “it is going to get worse.” Roger Bootle from Capital Economics said Britain could be facing a “real economic crisis and a financial collapse.” Ambrose Evans-Pritchard reported on June 27, that Barclays Capital has advised clients to “batten down the hatches for a worldwide financial storm.” That was worldwide!

The London Telegraph declared on July 17, “European recession looms as Spain crumbles.” Pedro Solbes, Spain’s finance minister admitted that Spain “faces the worst economic crisis in its history.” The story used such buzzwords as “spiralling,” “worst crisis,” and “dire straits.” Italy, France, Portugal, and Germany are also bleeding.

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If Obama is a Committed Christian, When was he Baptized?

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

Senator Barack Hussein Obama claims to be a Christian; however, he gives no evidence of that. In fact, his heretical statement indicates that he, like many others, is simply a professor rather than a possessor of Christ. His revealing statement: “I believe there are many paths to the same place.” He is correct if one wants to go to Hoboken but not if one wants to go to Heaven. Christ is still the only way.

One does not have to be a Christian to be a good President, and a person might be a good President even if he were a Muslim. The big question: Is he lying and if so then we have every reason to question him before he gets to the Oval Office. It’s bad enough to have a liberal whose policies are like the elastic in an old lady’s drawers—stretching to fit any shape or circumstance but to have a liar in the Oval office (as we have seen before) could destroy us.

He went forward at Trinity United Church of Christ 20 years ago for membership but when was he baptized? Does Obama know that joining a church or being baptized have nothing to do with becoming a Christian? I have tried repeatedly to discover when he was baptized but without success. I talked and emailed Trinity and his website many times without success. The media person at Trinity told me that the church requires baptism either before applying for membership or at that time. So, was he baptized and if not, why not? Did his pastor at the time make special provisions for him? It’s a very simple question that can be easily answered. If he has never been baptized, why not?

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PC, B.C., Racism, Whatever: I Will Go No Further!

– By Don Boys, Ph.D.

I am an easy going, laid-back, go-along person but I have my limits and they have been reached. I’ll go so far but no further. I have reached my limits in adjusting to what people with dark skin want to be called.

John Rolfe, Virginia’s first tobacco planter (and husband of Pocahontas) wrote about the arrival of a Dutch ship that arrived on the Virginia coast in 1619 that “brought not any thing but 20 and odd Negroes” that were traded for food. Another source says they were called “Negars.” Later, dark-skinned people were called, “darkies” as in many folk songs. In Gone with the Wind, one character speaks of “the simple-minded darkies.” We are told that when whites used the term “darkies” it did not suggest inferiority; however, I am not convinced that was generally true.

Eventually people of color were called “niggers” without any suggestion of hatred, prejudice, or bigotry at least in many instances. In English literature in 1897, Dickens and Conrad published The Nigger of the ‘Narcissus’ with no racist connotation. Mark Twain often had his characters using the word without any negative or racist suggestions although there are some fanatics who still insist that Twain’s books be removed from public and school libraries.

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Baptist Blood Bought Liberty!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

Down through the ages Baptists have been about the most hated and persecuted religious group because their distinctiveness made them a threat to religious tyrants.

Baptists believe that salvation comes only through repenting of sin and placing faith in the sacrificial death of Christ. Works and godly living always follow salvation, but they do not produce salvation. By rejecting baby baptism, they insisted that only converted people should be baptized.

Therefore, the cause of the Baptists’ persecution in the middle ages was that they refused to baptize babies. In baptizing babies, a church has been able to keep its thumb on the people. No family wants to be responsible for a child going to hell (which does not happen) so they must “baptize” each baby to “protect” his soul. Religious leaders could see the threat to their religious empire if baby baptism were no longer practiced, so they persecuted Baptists.
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Baptists, Puritans, and the Witch Hunt!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

Hatred of Baptists was not limited to the Old World. The New World had its haters also and Baptists had to suffer the whip, the club, and prison to gain their religious liberty.

Boston authorities imprisoned three Baptists and whipped one of them grievously. This whipping of Obadiah Holmes was witnessed by Henry Dunster, president of Harvard College, and it made a life-changing impression on him. Dunster looked closer at the question of infant baptism and concluded that the Baptist position was the Bible position. When he made that announcement, it produced heartburn in every Puritan in New England.

Dunster was a scholar of Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and the Oriental languages. He was also an able preacher, and his conversion to Baptist principles was one of the most sensational events that occurred during that period. He refused to permit his own child to be “baptized” in the Congregational Church where he was a member! He felt strongly impressed (by the Puritans) to resign his position at Harvard. (Hey, what happened to academic freedom?)

All this sensational news didn’t hurt the growth of Baptists in New England, and they continued to erect buildings (illegally) while the Puritans turned up the heat. The Baptists built a church building in 1679, but the Puritan officials passed a law that required a “license from the authorities.” The Puritan authorities thought they could control the Baptists if they required a license to meet. That is what a license is for today—control.

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Did Baptists Influence Thomas Jefferson?

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

Baptist people have been the most principled people since the time of Christ. I do not believe that the designation of “Baptist” is nearly as important as the doctrine, but I want people to know where I stand. I am a Baptist, and am proud of my heritage that has made an incredible impact on this world—even Jefferson and the U.S. Constitution!

Baptists have stood for the free exercise of a person’s will and against oppression (religious or political) down through the ages.

The English historian, Skeats wrote, “It is the singular and distinguished honor of the Baptists to have repudiated from their earliest history all coercive power over the consciences and actions of men with reference to religion. They were the proto-evangelists of the voluntary principle.”

While that is true, it is also true that there have always been people, since the time of Christ, who held Baptist principles. In fact, a Methodist historian, John Clark Ridpath, who died in 1900 wrote, “I should not readily admit that there was a Baptist Church as far back as 100 A.D., although without doubt there were Baptist Churches then, as all Christians were then Baptists.” (Emphasis added.)
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Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Baptists, and the Constitution!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

Americans had won the war with England, written a Constitution under which they would be governed and eleven states had approved it. Virginia and New York approved it with the understanding that a Bill of Rights would be added. The Baptists in those states were the major promoters of a Bill of Rights to guarantee them and others added protection that they believed was missing from the Constitution.

The two recalcitrant states were North Caroline and Rhode Island who rejected the Constitution. In fact, neither state joined the Union until the new government was in operation (under the new Constitution). It took threats from Congress (that the two states would be treated as foreign nations and forced to pay duty on trade items) that made them “see the light” and brought them into the Union.

This young Republic was small with fewer than four million souls, 95 percent of whom lived on farms. America stretched from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River and from Canada to Florida. We weren’t an awesome power yet, but we had made a believer out of King George III who was still licking his wounds, and trying to pay his war bills.
Continue reading “Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Baptists, and the Constitution!”

Police Threaten to Arrest Pastor for Anti-Islamic Tract!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

The police detective who headed the city/county Hate Crimes Division entered the office of a Baptist pastor, sat down and laid a tract (with the church’s imprint) titled “Allah Had No Son” on the pastor’s desk. (Allah may not have a son but he has three pagan daughters– al-‘Uzza, al-Lat and Manah!) The detective told the pastor that the content of the tract and the church imprint was enough evidence to charge him right there and then. The pastor and church were guilty of a hate crime: telling the truth about Islam. I have read that tract and it is historical and biblical. Yes, it would offend a Muslim who is not interested in the truth and it might offend a confused, compromising, and craven, Christian. However, for one who believes the Bible (with its command to evangelize the world) and who knows history, the tract would pose no problem.

My wife and I had services in four Canadian independent Baptist churches, one of them the above church. The pastor told the detective that the particular tract was not part of his convictions and he would use another tract with the same message but without the “offensive” drawings. As far as we know, the detective was satisfied. The pastor told him that if he were told not to preach or distribute the Scriptures, he would refuse and go to jail. Furthermore, the pastor told him he would continue to evangelize the 40,000 Muslims in London Ontario.

U.S. pastors had better get ready because the same thing will happen here. When it does, how will pastors react? Of course, no one knows for sure how he would respond until he is faced with the threat. While a particular tract would not be part of my “convictions,” I don’t have plans to do any negotiating. I would tell the police to remove themselves from my office since they were out of line.
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Are Liberals Non-thinkers, Bigots, or Only Stupid?

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

Left-wing liberals are bad news for any nation while informed conservatives are a bright spot in a dark, dismal, and decadent day. That spot is brighter when those conservatives are Christians. Now, I’m not suggesting that all liberals are socialists, communists and traitors; some are only stupid, while others are simply bigots. They often have a religious zeal for old idealistic schemes (that have been discredited for many years) which they hold on to with the zeal of a Muslim fanatic.

Liberals are perhaps best known for their inconsistency. They weep copious tears over clubbed seals in Newfoundland, but never shed a tear over butchered babies in murder mills. They march, yell and hold rallies for convicted killers on death rows while their victims lie silently in their graves—with no chance to protest a knife in the back or a bullet in the gut. They spout “academic freedom” one day and the next they refuse to permit conservatives to speak on their campus!

Liberals, who appear to be soft hearted when they are really soft headed, dig into the pockets of the productive to provide for the parasites. Jesus said that the poor would always be with us, but He did not say that workers should provide for the shirkers. Relegating the poor to generations of beggary (because of generous welfare) is not kindness but fraud, folly, and foolishness.

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Muslims are Irrational People!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

The “peaceful” Muslims in the streets of Denmark, Paris, London, etc., have displayed their true character (or lack thereof) whenever they perceive a wrong done them proving President Bush and other panderers completely wrong in their assessment of Islam. Most U.S. politicians just don’t get it. Traditional Muslims are barbarians by nature because Mohammed and the Koran promote barbarism. Plus, every traditional Muslim school and mosque promote barbarism since they teach the Koran.

Koranic Muslims (those who really believe the Koran) draw their sword before they put their brains in gear. Muslims have every right to be unhappy, angry, hurt, dismayed, etc., at what they perceive as mistreatment, even sacrilegious treatment of their prophet. However, they can’t fathom freedom of press, religion, association, speech, etc. They are still sixth century barbarians right off the desert! Proof of that is seen in today’s report of a court in Saudi Arabia confirming the beheading sentence of a man who cursed Allah!

Yes, the cartoons were impudent and rude, but so what, and the recent film was precise and powerful but historically accurate. So, why all the yelling and threats? That is what freedom is all about. I suggest that Muslim leaders educate their people in civilized behavior. If they want to live among decent, civilized people, they should drag themselves off the Arabian dessert, dress normally, lighten up, and realize that most of us are not going to agree with their theology nor seek to emulate the sayings and actions of their prophet. We have a culture and theology of our own, thank you.
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It’s Time for Conservatives to Dump the GOP!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

It is time for Christians and Conservatives (not always the same) to run from the Republican Party as if their hair is on fire. How much longer will principled people pretend that the GOP (Is that Gutless Old Party or Godless Old Party?) takes a principled stand?

Some background: Every member of my family in West Virginia was a Democrat, but when I turned 18, I wanted to vote for Ike, so I registered as a Republican and have generally voted for them most of my life—until recently.

When I was administrator of a large Christian school in Indianapolis, I was asked to run for the Indiana House of Representatives and did so as a “Reagan Republican” in the late 70’s. To everyone’s surprise, I was elected and served in the House that was divided 51 Republicans to 49 Democrats. Moreover, the GOP had the governor’s office. To the chagrin of fellow Republicans, I voted with the Democrats whenever I thought they were right—not too often but enough to anger GOP leaders.

Some Republican friends thought I was not a good Republican because the Party Caucus could not count on my vote, but I did exactly as I promised to do during my election campaign which was a reason party bigwigs did not support me.
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Stop School Shootings: Permit School Personnel to Carry Guns!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

Here we go again. Another school massacre in Illinois. Six people are dead and 20 others are wounded. Leftists are wringing their hands about what to do and “what to do” is rather simple: permit teachers and staff to carry guns! With that change I think the school shootings would disappear. You will note that plane hijackings have stopped since U.S. Marshals are on board. An armed school staff would be quick, inexpensive, and would not require any government involvement.

Guns are not the problem. People are, so permit good people with guns to protect other good people (students) without guns. The bad guys would not know what professor and staff might be armed. When a shooting starts, the good guy could drop the bad guy and save numerous lives. What sane person could disagree?

A Florida school board proved their insanity by firing a teacher this week for having a legal gun in his truck! The loonies have taken over the asylum.

Liberals booted God from the schools: no prayer, no Bible reading, no Ten Commandments, no speaking of Christ. (The Koran and Mohammed are permitted!) After all, kids might really take Bible teachings to heart. They may decide not to lie, steal, fornicate, rape, and kill! They might honor and obey their parents, the law, and school officials. They might become kind, gracious, fair, honest, and principled! Heavens, we can’t have that can we? After all, we demand a secular society. Well, we have it and our schools have become Ignorance Factories, sex clinics, self-esteem laboratories, and sports clubs. As well as dying fields!
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Is Christian Ideas on AIDS Worse Than Real Homosexual Activities?

-Don Boys, Ph.D.

Is Christian Smugness about AIDS More Grossly Immoral than what Goes on in Homosexual Bathhouses?

Last week Nicholas Kristof, a card-carrying, certified liberal wrote the column, “Evangelicals a liberal can love” that threw kisses to Rick Warren and his ilk and threw bricks at Funda-mentalists and conservative evangelicals. He quoted Warren as saying, “My only interest is to get people to care about Darfurs and Rwadas.” Well, being a cynic, I suspect that Rick wants to sell a few books and increase his church membership as well as advance other agendas.

Kristof, opined that it is intrinsically repugnant to scorn people for their faith then he proceeded to do that very thing! He called us “self-righteous zealots,” “Moralizing blowhards,” and “religious right windbags.” But we should never scorn people for their faith! What hypocrisy, but of course hypocrisy is a tenet of the religion of liberalism of which Kristof is a priest!

But permit me to get to the heart of the matter. Kristof characterized Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson as “self-righteous zealots” and their position on AIDS “constituted a far grosser immorality than anything that ever happened in a [homosexual] bathhouse.” Now, I don’t know what Nick was smoking when he wrote that or if he is simply uneducated as to what goes on in homosexual bathhouses. Let me assume he is simply dumb as a box of rocks and I will seek to educate him as to what homosexuals do city-licensed “bathhouses.”

Research journals and studies indicate:
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Were the Indians Noble Savages?

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

The Indians in North America were sleeping peacefully in their hogans, wigwams, and long houses during the early hours of October 12, 1492. They were dreaming as they had for centuries, of flashing salmon, thundering herds of bison, an arrow striking a deer, and the sound of corn rustling in the evening breeze, with no idea of the events that would happen that day when Europeans would step out of a small boat into the pounding surf.

Columbus had arrived. He delivered civilization to this continent–and all that went with it, good and bad. As the Indians began to stir from a sound sleep, Columbus was nearing the island of San Salvador.

Columbus knew he was nearing land when he saw driftwood floating near his ship and land birds flying around the masts. He no doubt wondered what people were watching his ship from behind the screen of foliage as he neared the shore. Would the people be friendly, noble savages, or hostile, brutal savages? Both ideas would be promoted for many years back in Europe, but the idea of noble savages was popularized by humanist writers. It still is today.

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Black History Month, Martin Luther King, and Hypocritical Media!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

Martin Luther King, Jr. disgraced his race—the human race, and it is incredible that media moguls, black leaders, guilty whites, ad nauseam, continue to perpetuate the myth that he was a good man and one to be emulated, honored, respected, if not worshipped.

When I tell the truth about King and other black opportunists and criticize “Black History Month” my critics, rather than deal with my facts and conclusions, usually question my intelligence, my motives, if not my birth. They treat me the way I am accused of treating King. I simply ask people to deal with the facts, looking at his life not the color of his skin. My motives are important to me but do they really matter to others?

Every February it gets wearisome to hear Blacks tell us over and over how Black explorers, inventors, scientists, athletes, preachers, etc., have been the saviors of, if not the world, at least the U.S. Now, I am the first to admit that more black achievement should have been in our textbooks and much should be made of their work; however, all that should be included in American History, not Black History. And Afrocentrism should be considered nonsense.

If I were the hater and bigot I am accused of being then why are some of my dearest friends Black? Why would I have enormous respect for historical Blacks who make all Americans proud? Why would I be thrilled to have as neighbors Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, or Clarence Thomas?

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My Visit to Willow Creek: I Didn’t Know I Was in Church Until the Offering!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

People were walking toward the impressive auditorium from every direction. I got the impression of a crowd going to a sporting event. Almost every person was dressed as if they were. Out of thousands of people, I saw one man wearing a suit; most people were in shorts so I saw lots of leg. It was a very causal event. I did see five or six women carrying what seemed to be Bibles, although surely not a KJV! But then, I’m making an unsupported judgment.

Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, IL is having an incredible impact on “evangelical” churches as thousands of copycat congregations have been organized in recent years and many others have revamped their traditional services with a motive to replicate their success. Bill Hybels, the founding pastor, is more of a CEO than pastor. He was one of Bill Clinton’s counselors and defenders! He had Clinton in his church for a “no holds barred” interview in front of thousands of pastors on August 10, 2000, but Hybels only threw him “soft balls.” He did not ask about the many other allegations of sexual sins, even rape, by Clinton nor did he bring up the massacre at Waco. Zero, zilch. Yet it was a “no-holds barred” interview!

Hybels told the crowd, he thought Clinton’s confession in September 1998 was “an honest one, but that he never got credit from the American public for admitting his mistake.” “Mistake?” Hybels told the pastors that the president’s “confession” and “apology” was worthy of King David himself who committed adultery and murder! Clinton, he said, gave one of the most contrite and complete confessions he said he had ever seen! Astounding naiveté or dishonesty!

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Senator Obama: Repudiate Black Muslim Bigot Farrakhan and Black Preacher Wright!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

This week, Obama was forced to repudiate Black Muslim Louis (“Judaism is a gutter religion”) Farrakhan, but has refused to repudiate his pastor and leave his racist church, Trinity United Church of Christ. Inquiring minds, of all parties, want to know why he continues to support racism. Don’t you think Romney would be asked why he remained a Mormon if they still preached and practiced polygamy? Wouldn’t reporters ask Huckabee why he remained a Baptist if his church still refused to admit Blacks? Then why the soft glove treatment for Obama?

Senator Obama’s home church declares they are “unapologetically Christian” and I have no problem with that, although I question whether that is true since their website is about race, not religion. However, my question is, “If you folk at Trinity are Christian then why have a nut case like Black Muslim Louis Farrakhan on the cover of the Trumpet Newsmagazine, the church’s publication? In an interview with Farrakhan by Roda McKiney-Jones, Pastor Wright is quoted as saying, “When Minister Farrakhan speaks, Black America listens.” True, but usually out of his mouth spews bias, bigotry, babbling, bombast, or blasphemy—and blackness ad nauseam.

As a young man, Farrakhan dropped out of college and found work in nightclubs as a calypso guitarist-singer known as “Calypso Gene,” also known by some as “Calypso Louie.” He recorded an original song, “A White Man’s Heaven is a Black Man’s Hell.” In March 2000, the Philadelphia Inquirer quoted Farrakhan saying, “White people are potential humans … they haven’t evolved yet.” Farrakhan is a white hating, America hating, and Christian hating racist promoted by Trinity United Church of Christ! Question: Senator, how can you justify remaining a member of a church with such loose convictions that promotes bigotry without blushing?
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Senator Obama: Can He be Trusted to be President?

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

Senator Obama’s speeches, books, and life story are little more than falsehoods, fraud, and fantasy, so a cynic might say that he is qualified to be president! He doesn’t seem to believe that a half-truth is a whole lie.

Obama reveals in his book, Dreams from my Father that for two years he attended a Muslim school in Indonesia: “In the Muslim school, the teacher wrote to tell my mother that I made faces during Koranic studies.” Therefore, Obama, known at the time as Barry, admitted that he went to a Muslim school; however, CNN debunked the part about it being a radical madrassa school funded by extremists from Saudi Arabia. (Furthermore, it is not true that he took his oath of office on the Koran.) While living in Indonesia from age 6 to 10, he attended a Catholic school two years in addition to two years in a Muslim school.

Whether or not Obama was, is, or will become a Muslim is hotly contested. His campaign on Jan. 24, 2007 said, “To be clear, Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian who attends the United Church of Christ in Chicago.” Well, that is a clear statement but it is a misleading statement.

The Los Angeles Times, in its March 14, 2007 issue reported that Obama was a registered Muslim and attended weekly religious instruction in the Koran. Now his campaign is saying that he has never been a “practicing” Muslim. Let’s see, on Jan. 24 the story from his campaign was that he had never been a Muslim and he was not raised a Muslim, but now, it is that he has never been a practicing Muslim. It all depends on what the meaning “is” is!
Continue reading “Senator Obama: Can He be Trusted to be President?”

Barack Obama: Questions Reporters Dare Not Ask!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

I admit to bias: Liberals should be suspect even when quoting the multiplication tables, so that is why I am suspicious of most of the presidential candidates of both parties and especially suspicious of Senator Barack Obama. Voters should demand some answers from him but I’m afraid they won’t get the answers because reporters are too uninformed or too cowardly to ask!

Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii to Stanley (yes that is correct) Ann Dunham from Kansas who moved to Hawaii and there married Muslim, Barack Obama, Sr. a black student from Kenya. He had left his pregnant wife back in Kenya to care for their son and soon-to-be-born baby. He was also a bigamist. Obama’s dad, true to form, left his wife and two-year-old Obama to work on a Ph.D. at Harvard. He returned to Kenya to take a lucrative government job and another wife. He ended up fathering eight children by four different women, not all could be counted as wives.

Obama’s white mother then married Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian Muslim student at the University of Hawaii who moved the family to Indonesia when Obama was six. After his drinking and womanizing stepfather died, the family moved back to Hawaii when Obama was in the fifth grade. During those years, Obama lived in nice neighborhoods and attended the best schools until he was graduated from high school.

Barack Obama is a member of Trinity United Church of Christ that has ten black staff members! All seven writers for the church’s Trumpet Newsmagazine are black. The pastor is Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. who baptized Obama into the church 20 years ago. The United Church of Christ was formed by the 1957 merger of the Congregational Christian Churches and the Evangelical and Reformed Church; it is probably the most liberal mainline denomination in the U.S.

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Frank Schaeffer: Fearful of Huckabee Win!

-By Dr. Don Boys

Frank Schaeffer, in his column, “The Huckabee Win is America’s Loss” spews out venom, vitriol, and vacuity toward Mike Huckabee, Christians in general, and his deceased father in particular. While he has every right to take the positions he takes, I have every right to set the record straight and to defend Huckabee, Christians, and the legacy of Frank’s father, Dr. Francis Schaeffer who helped Christians realize that we can serve God, take care of our families, and get involved in politics at the same time. Frank’s dad helped awaken us, alarm us, and activate us. It was about time!

Frank goes on and on and on ridiculing Huckabee’s followers who held hands and prayed “beseeching Jesus to help their candidate save America from the rest of us.” Well, I am far more comfortable with that than having political parasites in a smoke filled room or academic professors in a university lounge, or CFR jerks in a plush Washington office plotting how to run America off the rails. And yes, we had better save America from them because they (the bad guys) are in the process of destroying this nation with their moronic policies—both parties.
Frank suggests that Christians getting involved in government is “actually more like [opening] the doors to an insane asylum.” Please note that leftists of his ilk often speak about how mean Fundamentalists are but Frankie is as mean as a junkyard dog.

Frank wrote, “There are no theological ideas worth hating anyone over.” Wow! How profound! I wonder if Frank came up with that on his own. He seems to be saying, that if Americans discuss issues and even strongly disagree, then we must be haters! Frank has problems. Not sure if they are mental, emotional, or spiritual—maybe all.
Continue reading “Frank Schaeffer: Fearful of Huckabee Win!”

Frank Schaeffer: Is He a Huckabee Hater or Father Hater?

-By Dr. Don Boys

Frank Schaeffer has major problems as illustrated in one of his articles titled, “The Huckabee Win is America’s Loss.” Now, he has every right to criticize any candidate and take any position on any issue he wants, but his column is filled with factual errors, twisted logic, and indications of major emotional and spiritual problems. Frank seems to be running from his famous father.

Schaeffer is the son of Presbyterian, Dr. Francis Schaeffer, one of America’s great Christian leaders of the last generation. His father was the main person to call evangelical and fundamentalist Christians to repentance for failure to oppose the wholesale slaughter of babies in America. We all cared greatly about children once they were born, insisting on them being taught, trained, and treated well, even to the expense of putting them in Christian schools; however, they first had to overcome the butchers in the abortatoriums. We were strangely silent about that, but then the Roman Catholics were taking care of that problem—without much success.

While I did not agree with all Dr. Schaeffer’s theological positions, I had enormous respect for his convictions, commitment, and courage. Frank, when discussing his dad, seems immature, impulsive, and indignant. Following his father’s death in 1984, Frankie (as he was known) joined the Greek Orthodox Church which he says, “embraces paradox and mystery.” It also embraces error since it is a denomination of salvation by works. An unkind wag said that it is a denomination for those who failed Latin.
Continue reading “Frank Schaeffer: Is He a Huckabee Hater or Father Hater?”

Was Martin Luther King, Jr. a Good Man?

-Don Boys, Ph.D.

Martin Luther King’s statement that a person should be judged by his character not the color of his skin is a majestic thought. I will do that as I look at King, and I wonder if radical leftists, King worshipers, white liberals, black non-thinkers, media moguls and others will do the same? Some “conservatives” need to do likewise!

Some will object to my research, questioning my motives but do my motives really matter? Isn’t it the truth that is important? Don’t people of character care about truth anymore?

Richard John Neuhaus said of King: “Dr. King was, for all that was great about him, an adulterer, sexual libertine, lecher, and wanton womanizer.” Neuhaus is a well-known liberal theologian and writer. My research also indicates that King was a drunk, plagiarist, bisexual, and Marxist. Try to remember that we are not concerned with his race or complexion, but his character.

If I were looking at David Duke and did not deal with his past involvement with the Nazi movement, I would be accused of bias or poor research. In the interest of truth am I not required to do the same with King? If not, then why is he exempt from a careful, honest look at his past to make a decision about him in the present? If I am wrong, please correct me.
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Megachurch Leaders: Driving Goats Not Herding Sheep!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

Megachurch leaders such as Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, and Robert Schuller have principles like the elastic in an old woman’s drawers: It will stretch to fit almost any shape! They have problems with principle. It seems their ambition has outrun their character.

In deciding right and wrong, character does not consider friends or foes, personality or position; family or faith; reputation or riches, but will apply absolute truth that comes from the Scripture.

The above three leaders of aberrational Christianity are very careful to never offend anyone with such “barbaric” teachings as personal sin, repentance, judgment, hell and the like; but they are not careful about their attacks upon Bible believing Christians, especially fundamentalists! Fundamentalists are people mushy evangelicals love to hate. Strange isn’t it! The above trio (and their long list of desperate wannabes) tells us to be tolerant of homosexuals, Muslims, even Liberals yet they refuse to be tolerant of Bible-believing Christians! That shows inconsistency and lack of character.

An Emergent Church leader, Brian McLaren and one of Time magazine’s 25 leading evangelicals has a character on page 9 of his A New Kind of Christianity declaring, “I don’t dislike Fundamentalists, taken individually–they tend to be pretty nice folks. Get them together in a group though, and I get nervous. I start to twitch and break out in a rash.” Brian is cut from the same cloth as the above reverends, and I think maybe the twitching is caused by a vitamin deficiency!

All right, let’s see whether the megachurch and emergent church people have any character. In an article from the USA Today Rick Warren claims that Mormonism is just another Christian denomination rather than a false religion. He said, “I’m not going to get into a debate over the non-essentials. I won’t try to change other denominations.” Of course not, since he wants to cooperate with those groups however apostate they may be. As more religious groups listen to him, more of his bilge will be swallowed by them, thereby enriching his prestige, power, and popularity.

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