-By Don Boys, Ph.D.
The police detective who headed the city/county Hate Crimes Division entered the office of a Baptist pastor, sat down and laid a tract (with the church’s imprint) titled “Allah Had No Son” on the pastor’s desk. (Allah may not have a son but he has three pagan daughters– al-‘Uzza, al-Lat and Manah!) The detective told the pastor that the content of the tract and the church imprint was enough evidence to charge him right there and then. The pastor and church were guilty of a hate crime: telling the truth about Islam. I have read that tract and it is historical and biblical. Yes, it would offend a Muslim who is not interested in the truth and it might offend a confused, compromising, and craven, Christian. However, for one who believes the Bible (with its command to evangelize the world) and who knows history, the tract would pose no problem.
My wife and I had services in four Canadian independent Baptist churches, one of them the above church. The pastor told the detective that the particular tract was not part of his convictions and he would use another tract with the same message but without the “offensive” drawings. As far as we know, the detective was satisfied. The pastor told him that if he were told not to preach or distribute the Scriptures, he would refuse and go to jail. Furthermore, the pastor told him he would continue to evangelize the 40,000 Muslims in London Ontario.
U.S. pastors had better get ready because the same thing will happen here. When it does, how will pastors react? Of course, no one knows for sure how he would respond until he is faced with the threat. While a particular tract would not be part of my “convictions,” I don’t have plans to do any negotiating. I would tell the police to remove themselves from my office since they were out of line.
In essence, I would dare them to arrest me. If they did, I would fight them in court and the following morning I would file a multi-million dollar false arrest lawsuit against the detective, the police department, and the county where the incident took place. I would also file an anti-discrimination suit against them in Federal Court since they would have infringed on my religious rights. After all, racial minorities, perverts, women, and Muslims are not the only ones who have rights.
Not only do Christians have the same rights others have, we have an obligation to be “responsibly militant.” Militancy is something that is missing in most Bible preaching churches, yet it used to be the norm. There is an incredible obsession by many, even Fundamentalists, for acceptance, respectability, and invitations to have lunch with the mayor, governor, etc. With such a relationship, it is difficult, if not impossible, to tell officials when they are wrong and have over stepped their authority. John the Baptist did not “do” lunch with King Herod! He did do jail time and lost his head because he preached the truth—a man of commitment, convictions, and courage.
We have seen this before as in England when the Act of Conformity (1662) went into effect requiring all Non-conformist pastors in England and Wales to use the Book of Common Prayer in their services. The Non-conformists knew that no government had the authority to control a church (power yes—authority, no) and refused to obey that law. About 2500 pastors lost their pulpits, (incomes, homes, etc.) or were exiled and about 3,000 Puritans were killed for refusal to obey that law. I wonder if such a thing happened in America if even 200 pastors would resist! Bunch of wimps!
Christians still have as many rights as all other segments of society, but we have been too placid, kind, soft, gracious, etc. Now, we must always be Christian, but that does not mean that we cannot “appeal to Rome” as the Apostle Paul did. Moreover, if “Rome” attempts to control our churches, then we must refuse to obey their oppressive and unconstitutional laws. “Rome” must be held accountable. Judges, prosecutors, police, and non-elected bureaucrats must realize that they must obey the law like everyone else. I will hold their feet to the fire. If it means jail time for me, I am ready.
And no, Allah had no son because Allah never existed—not then, not now.
Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives, author of 13 books, frequent guest on television and radio talk shows, and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years His most recent book is ISLAM: America’s Trojan Horse! His websites are www.cstnews.com and www.Muslimfact.com.)
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