Black History Month, Martin Luther King, and Hypocritical Media!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

Martin Luther King, Jr. disgraced his race—the human race, and it is incredible that media moguls, black leaders, guilty whites, ad nauseam, continue to perpetuate the myth that he was a good man and one to be emulated, honored, respected, if not worshipped.

When I tell the truth about King and other black opportunists and criticize “Black History Month” my critics, rather than deal with my facts and conclusions, usually question my intelligence, my motives, if not my birth. They treat me the way I am accused of treating King. I simply ask people to deal with the facts, looking at his life not the color of his skin. My motives are important to me but do they really matter to others?

Every February it gets wearisome to hear Blacks tell us over and over how Black explorers, inventors, scientists, athletes, preachers, etc., have been the saviors of, if not the world, at least the U.S. Now, I am the first to admit that more black achievement should have been in our textbooks and much should be made of their work; however, all that should be included in American History, not Black History. And Afrocentrism should be considered nonsense.

If I were the hater and bigot I am accused of being then why are some of my dearest friends Black? Why would I have enormous respect for historical Blacks who make all Americans proud? Why would I be thrilled to have as neighbors Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, or Clarence Thomas?

We have just passed the time of the year when the media and academia pay homage to King without warning children (of all ages) not to replicate King’s wicked lifestyle. No one has said, “Respect King if you want but don’t follow him into his sins and failures.” Why not teach people the original Ten Commandments and ten new commandments that I developed from King’s life?

  1. Don’t break your marriage vows and commit fornication.
  2. Don’t attend wild parties where there is drinking and immorality. (If you do the above, be sure you are not being taped!)
  3. Don’t steal pages from other writers for your college dissertations and use them as your own. (If you do steal someone else’s work, at least clean up his or her errors!)
  4. Don’t make ridicules, false charges against your country while it is at war (or peace).
  5. Don’t receive money and gifts from Christians when you disagree with the basic, essential teachings of the Bible.
  6. Don’t preach non-violence and then lead people into violence.
  7. Don’t preach American freedom and promote Russian tyranny.
  8. Don’t attend a Communist school, but if you do, don’t permit anyone to take a photo.
  9. Don’t present yourself as a “reverend” if you don’t talk about trusting Christ as Savior when you have an opportunity.
  10. Don’t pretend to be a decent, honest, Christian American and surround yourself with Communists, homosexuals, black opportunists, and deadbeats.

Most media outlets repeat some of King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, but they never inform their audience that he stole his closing from another black preacher, Archibald Carey, who delivered it at the 1952 Republican National Convention! Wonder why not?

Informed media people know of King’s major failures but refuse to mention them lest the facts tarnish his image. When those same media people refer to David Duke, without exception, they mention his past association with the Klan. They consider it dishonest and poor journalism if they don’t reveal such pertinent facts since those facts are necessary for their audience to make a sound judgment. However, they don’t consider that crucial information is necessary for a sound decision about King!

Major media personalities are self-righteous hypocrites as well as being disingenuous, devious, and dishonest. Hypocrites are bad but self-righteous hypocrites are deplorable.

No one is willing to point out that King rejected the basics of Christianity; consequently, he was apparently not a Christian; for if one does not hold to the doctrine of Christ he cannot be a Christian. King wrote, “The orthodox view of the divinity of Christ is in my mind quite readily denied.” Moreover, he rejected His Virgin Birth. The suggestion that King was not a Christian takes the breath away from the average person who thinks that one is a Christian if he says he is or if he has been baptized or is a member of a church. The Bible clearly states that salvation is in the person of Christ not in a church. Nevertheless, we honor a man with a national holiday who is supposed to have been a leading Christian who was evidently not a Christian!

The media refuses to reveal that King’s very friendly biographer, David J. Garrow, admitted, “King privately described himself as a Marxist.” Nevertheless, our society encourages people, even children, to honor a Marxist!

If a former member of the Klan or Christian Identity or even a Bible-believing Christian were nominated for a national holiday, don’t you think the media would reveal even the kind of shorts he wears? However, King is exempt because media people are cowardly, thumb sucking hypocrites.

Some tell us that a Black must be able to walk on water before he is accepted as a black leader but we don’t expect that. We do expect a leader, white or black, to be decent, competent, fair, consistent, honest, law-abiding, etc. That eliminates King and 95% of politicians.

King’s wicked life is an embarrassment to all preachers and I wince every time I read or hear that he was a Baptist. While he was a member of a Baptist church, he was not an historic Baptist. King was like all unbelievers who jump at the opportunity to denounce, deny, and denigrate the Word of God and praise and live like the heathen.

It is distressing that millions of schoolchildren must hear the drivel about King each year. Where are the child protectors when you really need them?

Even conservative groups are burning incense at King’s tomb, such as the Heritage Foundation, Christian Coalition, Ralph Reed, Bill Bennett, National Review, and many others. Positive babblings about King prove how much they have “grown” and are “reaching out” to others by their broadmindedness and understanding. This is a phenomenon of recent years. Those same people and groups were critical of King at one time! Yes, they have “grown,” all right!

So how can thinking Americans, even conservatives, still defend, support, and condone King’s lifestyle and activities? They think that making the black community feel good is more important than truth, fairness, and justice. The truth is there was some good fallout from some of King’s activities, but, overall, his life was a disaster and had he not been shot he would have been revealed as a fraud during his lifetime. His murder made him a hero.

I think it is time for honest, principled people to refuse to honor King’s holiday. The dishonest media have snookered most Americans to pay him honor he does not deserve. I would enthusiastically support a holiday for Booker T. Washington or for a “Civil Rights Day,” but not for a man like King. I work harder on Jan. 15 than any other day! And it’s my birthday!
Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives, author of 13 books, frequent guest on television and radio talk shows, and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years His most recent book is ISLAM: America’s Trojan Horse! His websites are and

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