Ultrasound Cacophony: The Left’s Newest Pro-Abortion Lie

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the Commonwealth of Virginia the left has a new attack against those that want to regulate abortions. The legislature in the Old Dominion introduced legislation to require ultrasounds to be performed before an abortion could be performed. Idiotically, leftists cried foul claiming the requirement is somehow “like” getting raped. Yet a new study show that the left’s favorite abortion mill, Planned Parenthood, performs ultrasounds before abortions in 99% of its operations.

Talk about making fools of themselves, the left has done it again.

First, let’s look at the left’s claim, though. Speaking for the pro-infanticide set, Dahlia Lithwck at Slate makes the case:
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Ultrasound Cacophony: The Left’s Newest Pro-Abortion Lie”

Is Apple’s iPhone Ap Siri Pro-Life?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A story has been circulating about Apple’s new smart phone product called Siri. It is an iPhone application that allows users to ask the phone questions that the phone then searches to answer. Well, apparently one thing that the ap won’t answer is for it to provide directions to the nearest abortion mill.

Siri is an early voice recognition phone ap that hears your spoken questions, searches the Internet and/or Apple’s cloud services, then returns a verbal answer to the user. If, for instance, you ask for an email to be read to you, Siri will do so. If you ask for the nearest Taco Bell, Siri will tell you.

As mentioned, though, it has been discovered that if you ask where the nearest baby killing center is, well apparently it won’t tell you.

This is leading people to tout Siri as a “pro-life” ap.
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Is Apple’s iPhone Ap Siri Pro-Life?”

Unbelievable: Planned Parenthood Used Thanksgiving Holiday to Push Abortion!

-By Warner Todd Huston

The indefatigable Steven Ertelt reports another outrage from the infanticide fanatics at Planned Parenthood. Apparently Planned Parenthood is advocating that families use the Thanksgiving holiday (and the upcoming Christmas break) as a day to push their ideas on abortion onto friends and family.

What could be more heartwarming? Friends and family, good food, and a little convivial conversation about killing babies? I mean, what is more fun to talk about around the Thanksgiving table than killing babies? Besides, remember how the Pilgrims were so concerned with killing babies? Yeah, so the discussion is a natural Thanksgiving Day topic, ya know?

As Ertelt says, the page on Planned Parenthood’s website is, “sure to upset millions of pro-life advocates who are busy spending the day thanking God for the gifts and blessings they’ve been given, especially the gift of human life…”

PP wants to help you for the holidays, you see? They offered a nice list of “eight easy steps” for pushing infanticide on family and friends for the holiday.
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Unbelievable: Planned Parenthood Used Thanksgiving Holiday to Push Abortion!”

Pro-Life Group Thrown Out of Illinois July 4th Parade By Jaycees

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apparently, when no one was looking, the Jaycees became a pro-Infanticide group. I wonder about this because the United States Junior Chamber Jaycees has thrown the Palatine Area Catholics Respect Life Group out of the Palatine, Illinois July Fourth parade, preventing them from participating in this year’s celebration.

The Jaycees claim that they have done so because the pro-life group has an “offensive” photo on the banner they planned to carry in the procession. Following is a photo of the banner as seen on the local Patch story:

“They decided that an unborn baby is too offensive,” said Martin Kelley, co-founder of Palatine Area Catholics Respect Life. “It’s an ultrasound photo. It’s not a picture of an aborted baby.”

So, how is an ultrasound photo of an in utero infant “offensive”? This isn’t a gruesome photo of an aborted fetus like many pro-life groups use to shock viewers — if it were I might agree with the claim that it is an offensive display. This is simply a live baby in the womb captured through the wonders of modern technology.
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Pro-Life Group Thrown Out of Illinois July 4th Parade By Jaycees”

Defunding of Planned Parenthood Upended With Secret Amendment in Tennessee Budget Work

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the Things Wrong With Our Legislative System Appears in Tennessee

One of the things wrong with our system of creating legislation and passing it into law in America today has appeared in Tennessee. The Volunteer State is not the only place things like this happen, either.

Recently the Tennessee legislature passed a bill to remove state funding from the abortion mill operator Planned Parenthood. The bill was a hard fought victory for the Tennessee GOP and finds favor with the voters as well. As it happens, while the budget was winding its way through the Tennessee legislature a thus far unnamed state senator slipped in an amendment that no one saw, no one voted on, and no one knew anything about. This surreptitious amendment completely upends the defunding of Planned Parenthood quite despite the open legislative process that eliminated the funding in the first place.
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Defunding of Planned Parenthood Upended With Secret Amendment in Tennessee Budget Work”

Tenn. Voters To Get Chance to Say Abortion Not A ‘Protected Right’

-By Warner Todd Huston

This could shape up as a major battle between supporters of infanticide and pro-lifers in 2014. Pro-abortion forces will likely flood the Volunteer State with out-of-state money to defeat a referendum that may appear on the 2014 ballot allowing citizens to decide whether or not their state constitution really does have a special right protecting abortion.

This referendum is aimed at over turning a 2000 state court decision that read all sorts of “rights” into the Tennessee Constitution that had for 200 years never appeared there. The decision erased several state laws restricting abortion under the assumption that the state constitution had even stronger protections for abortion that does the U.S. Constitution.

The referendum will read as follows:
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Tenn. Voters To Get Chance to Say Abortion Not A ‘Protected Right’”

Budget Victory: All Right, Tea Partiers, Time to Stop Whining and Learn Politics

-By Warner Todd Huston

Sorry Tea Partiers, but the GOP won this budget battle despite that you didn’t get all you wanted, this was a major GOP win. In fact, treating it otherwise endangers further cuts and bigger budget wins. If the drive to cut the budget stops now, it might be YOUR fault!

What is that you say? Gosh, we only got a paltry $38.5 billion in cuts? You say this is a loss because we were promised $100 billion and even that is a drop in the bucket with a budget trillions overspent?

Yes, your laments are all true to a degree. And here’s the “but” you know is coming…

…but it’s time for you Tea Partiers to grow up and learn a little something about reality and politics. Oh, you can scrunch your face up all you want over that dirty word, “politics.” But you’d better come to learn, it, live it, and love it if you really want to keep your influence and continue pushing the government down this new path to the budget cuts.
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Budget Victory: All Right, Tea Partiers, Time to Stop Whining and Learn Politics”

Pro-Life Group Rallies in Chicago

This past weekend in Chicago, pro-lifers came together to pay a special tribute to pro-life activism hero, Joe Scheidler. Pro-abortion groups found out about the event and began organizing a protest. Fortunately, the Chicago “LIFE Mob” had the event covered. They showed up with their trademark yellow “LIFE” balloons, outnumbered the protesters, and showed their support for Joe.

Students for Life of Illinois

GOP Hopefuls Support Cuts to Planned Parenthood Funding

-By Warner Todd Huston

Remember, President Obama is an advocate of infanticide…

The pro-life organization Susan B. Anthony List has announced that nine potential GOP presidential candidates have signed on to a call for Congress to defund the abortion mill organization Planned Parenthood.

The pro-life group has statements from Rep. Michelle Bachmann, Governor Haley Barbour, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, former Gov. Mike Huckabee, former Gov. Sarah Palin, Rep. Ron Paul, Gov. Tim Pawlenty, former Gov. Mitt Romney,and former Senator Rick Santorum all saying in one way or another the Planned Parenthood should be defunded.

Abortion is certainly an issue that shine a light of stark differences between Republicans and President Ogbama. Obama is solidly for abortion. In fact, he is a supporter of infanticide as his own words have clearly shown.
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GOP Hopefuls Support Cuts to Planned Parenthood Funding”

New Pro-Life Billboard With Obama Image From Group Warning of ‘Black Genocide’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Chicago, Illinois: A new pro-life billboard will be unveiled on March 29 on Chicago’s South side in a heavily African American area. The Chicago billboard will feature a graphic of President Obama with its message saying, “Every 21 minutes, our next possible leader is aborted.”

The display is sponsored by the pro-life group Life Always, the same group that put up a billboard in New York informing New Yorkers that abortion is no less than genocide against America’s black population.

The billboard in New York was so controversial that it only lasted a short time before it was taken down due to death threats and threats of violence issued by abortion activists.
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New Pro-Life Billboard With Obama Image From Group Warning of ‘Black Genocide’”

Texas Abortion Centers Killing Teen’s Babies Without Informing Parents

-By Warner Todd Huston

Texas has a parental notification law for abortions. Underage teens are not supposed to be allowed to have the procedure until her parents are made aware of the crisis. Unfortunately, it has been discovered that many abortion mills in Texas are breaking the law and killing the babies of under aged girls without informing parents.

But there are more violations than just that. A three-month-long investigation by a pro-life group has also found that medical records are routinely and illegally destroyed and hazardous medical waste is commonly disposed of illegally.

LifeNews.com reports that Operation Rescue has announced that it has identified several abortion clinics that have violated regulations imposed by the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
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Texas Abortion Centers Killing Teen’s Babies Without Informing Parents”

Planned Parenthood Funding A Defacto Abortion Tax on America

-By Warner Todd Huston

With the anniversary of Roe v. Wade it is the perfect time to highlight the fact that the millions upon millions of federal tax dollars that have gone to fund the abortion mill organization Planned Parenthood is a defacto abortion tax levied on the American taxpayers.

In 2008 alone, Planned Parenthood received nearly $350 million in federal funding. By Planned Parenthood’s own reckoning, this funding went to eliminate babies for more than 324,000 women that year.

The organization DefundPlannedParenthood.org reports that Planned Parenthood has received some $3.9 billion in federal funds since 1987. Pro-life supporters should go to www. DefundPlannedParenthood.org and add their voice to eliminating federal funding for abortions.
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Planned Parenthood Funding A Defacto Abortion Tax on America”