We Must Put an End to Medicare Fraud

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (R, Illinois 6th District)…

America’s elderly are victims of a crime spree so expansive that on an annual basis exceeds the value of all the cocaine smuggled in to North America. The crime is Medicare fraud, and it is conservatively considered to be a $50 billion industry.
While the federal government intercepts almost 40% of cocaine shipments to the United States, it stands virtually idle in apprehending Medicare fraudsters, recovering just $2.5 billion in fraudulent transactions and improper payments in 2009. Originating disproportionately from the Miami area, according to the FBI in September, “South Florida remains ground zero for healthcare fraud.” The unfortunate reality is that Medicare not only needs significant fiscal reforms to be around for future generations – like through the House Republican Budget: The Path to Prosperity – but its mechanics are also in dire need of substantive reform.

Fortunately, the solution to this crime problem is not to create another “taskforce” or “war on” anything; in part it takes adapting the proven fraud prevention mechanisms of the credit card industry – an industry suffering just .044 percent fraud out of $17 trillion in annual transactions.

This is not a failure of our law enforcement community. It is the product of Medicare’s broken “pay-and-chase” system for reimbursing claims. Medicare does not effectively guard against fraud on the front end — cutting checks without thorough fraud-check measures – so law enforcement officials must pursue fraudulent claims after reimbursement. It is the equivalent of a retail store processing a customer’s credit card approval long after the clothes have left the store. It’s nonsensical.
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We Must Put an End to Medicare Fraud”

Rep. Paul Ryan To Headline Roskam Fundraiser

-By Warner Todd Huston

Representative Paul Ryan (R, Wis) will be headlining a fundraising event next week for Peter Roskam’s re-election campaign. Ryan is the Chairman of the House Budget Committee.

Rep. Ryan is best known for his A Roadmap for America’s Future, a budget proposal favored by many Republicans and conservatives. Ryan has become something of a rock star among conservatives.

Roskam is the Representative of the Sixth Illinois District and is running for reelection. No challenger has announced an effort to face him.

Only in his third term, Roskam rose quickly in the ranks of the GOP and is now the third in line of the House GOP leadership serving as the Chief Deputy Whip.

Tickets for the Oct. 29 cocktail reception and private dinner at Naperville’s Hotel Arista range from $100 (reception) to $2,500 (reception, dinner, photo with the congressmen and “preferential seating”) a piece.

For more information see Roskam’s campaign website: http://www.roskamforcongress.com/.
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Rep. Paul Ryan To Headline Roskam Fundraiser”

GOP to Illinois State Leaders: There Will Be No Federal Pension Bailout‏

This morning, Chief Deputy Whip Peter Roskam (IL-06), 8 House GOP Committee Chairs, and the entire Illinois GOP Delegation sent a letter to Illinois’ legislative leaders and Gov. Quinn in advance of next week’s Veto Session. Gov. Quinn wrote in his FY 2012 Budget earlier this year that his Administration was considering “seeking a federal guarantee of the debt” for Illinois’ $85 billion unfunded pension liability.

They write, “we urge you to seize the opportunity to appropriately reform the State’s public pension systems to address their massive unfunded liabilities,” but “we can say with clarity: there will be no legislative bailouts from the U.S. House of Representatives.”

Roskam was joined by the Illinois GOP congressional delegation and Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers, Budget Chairman Paul Ryan, Education & Workforce Chairman John Kline, Energy & Commerce Chairman Fred Upton, Financial Services Chairman Spencer Bachus, Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith, Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa and Ways & Means Chairman Dave Camp.
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GOP to Illinois State Leaders: There Will Be No Federal Pension Bailout‏”

Roskam Applauds House Passage of the Coal Residuals and Management Act

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (R, Illinois 6th District)…

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Peter Roskam (IL-06), Chief Deputy Whip, issued the following statement after the House passed H.R. 2273 – the Coal Residuals and Management Act – a bill with bipartisan support that will allow coal combustion residuals to be used effectively and efficiently while protecting jobs:

“This bipartisan legislation is another commonsense solution to restore confidence in American businesses and workers. This is a regulatory solution that would protect jobs, keep electricity costs low, and keep construction material costs low. The construction and energy industries can’t grow and expand with regulations as these excessive these.

“Americans are looking for answers on how we can turn this economy around, and excessive regulations from Washington are only adding to that frustration. It is initiatives like these that will provide for the kind of certainty and pro-growth environment needed to get businesses hiring again and move our economy in the right direction.”


Hultgren Statement in Response to President Obama’s Refusal to Acknowledge House GOP Jobs Plan

From the office of Rep. Randy Hultgren (R, Illinois 14th District)…

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) issued the following statement today in response to President Obama’s claim that he has yet to see the House Republican Plan for America’s Job Creators.

“I was surprised by the President’s claim tonight that he has not seen a jobs plan from House Republicans; clearly, he hasn’t been paying attention. Long before the President introduced his American Jobs Act – which members of its own party are keeping at arm’s length – we unveiled our Plan for America’s Job Creators.

“Unlike the President’s proposal – which is far too much of failed ‘stimulus’ recipe of more spending and higher taxes – we’re focused on cutting red tape to unleash the potential of America’s private sector, and that’s been our focus since Day One.

“If the President is serious about getting Americans back to work, he should refrain from taking baseless, juvenile potshots and instead work with Senator Harry Reid to get the dozen pro-growth, pro-jobs bills we’ve passed through the Senate.”


Roskam Applauds House Passage of the EPA Regulatory Relief Act

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (R, Illinois 6th District)…

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Peter Roskam (IL-06), Chief Deputy Whip, issued the following statement after the House passed H.R. 2250 – the EPA Regulatory Relief Act – legislation that will stop the EPA’s excessive Boiler MACT regulations from burdening employers and replace them with common-sense rules to protect jobs:

“The House has taken an important step to relieve an excessive regulatory barrier to job creation. Sensible regulations are important but the EPA’s Boiler MACT rules would force businesses to comply with unnecessarily difficult and complex standards and tests. That would cost American job creators billions and put tens of thousands of jobs at risk.

“That’s no way to get our economy moving again. We need to create an environment that promotes private-sector job creation, innovation, and growth. I strongly urge the Senate to take up this legislation and help instill confidence in American businesses.”


Roskam Floor Speech in Support of Pro-Export FTAs

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (R, Illinois 6th District)…

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Earlier today, Congressman Peter Roskam (IL-06), Chief Deputy Whip, gave the following remarks on the House Floor in support of the Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with Colombia, Panama, and South Korea.


Thank you, Madame Speaker. Madame Speaker, as the public is listening to this, I think they’re kind of collectively going: whew. Finally there’s something that’s going on in Congress. Finally there’s something going with the other body. Finally there’s something going on with the White House that is common ground around a very simple premise and that’s this: no-cost job creation. It doesn’t cost a single dime.
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Roskam Floor Speech in Support of Pro-Export FTAs”

Peter Roskam: Consummate Conservative Warrior

-By Steven Foley

I’d like to introduce, or re-aquatint, you to Illinois Congressman and U.S. House of Representatives Chief Deputy Majority Whip Peter Roskam. Roskam represents the Sixth District of Illinois and is not only the party’s future but a consummate conservative warrior with real solutions on issues ranging from the economy and jobs to taxes, government spending and health care.

Let me give you some examples. He’s been one of the most outspoken advocates for passing the three long-stalled trade agreements – the same agreements President Obama finally sent to Congress last week.

On taxes, just recently, he introduced legislation to permanently make the capital gains and dividends tax rates 15%. Right now, President Obama is threatening to let them expire in 2013. Frankly that would be devastating. Keeping these rates low is just one aspect of comprehensive tax reform Roskam is fighting for.

He’s also leading the expedition on stopping the Obama Administration’s most excessive job-killing regulations. A few weeks ago Peter delivered the GOP’s weekly address and bodily called Washington “a red-tape factory.” This is the voice people need in Washington…

Read the rest at The Minority Report.

ILLINOIS IMPACT ALERT: How the Trade Agreements Will Affect Illinois’ Economy

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (R, Illinois 6th District)…

Next week, the House will vote on the long-stalled Colombia, Panama, and Korea Free Trade Agreements (FTA).These no-cost job-creating pacts will make it easier for American manufacturers to sell our products abroad and in turn create more jobs here. Note: If passed, these Agreements are expected to become law.

BY THE NUMBERS: What do these FTAs mean for Illinois? More American exports, more economic growth, more jobs

  • Exports directly support 145,903 jobs in Illinois (60,137 of those in the 6th District alone) in 650 companies – once the new FTA’s become law more markets will open, incentivizing local companies to grow and hire. (U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Accessed 10/6/11)
  • Almost 25% of all manufacturing jobs in Illinois are dependent on exports. That is one in every four workers. (U.S. Department of Commerce, Accessed 10/6/11)
  • FTA’s will directly impact the engines of Illinois’ economy – small and medium businesses. These enterprises with less than 500 employees account for 15,170 of Illinois exporting firms, and generated over one-fifth of our state’s total merchandise exports in 2008. (U.S. Department of Commerce, Accessed 10/6/11)
  • Last year, Illinois exported over $48.4 billion worth of goods – new trade agreements will open up new markets to increase the amount of goods sold. (U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Accessed 10/6/11)
  • Illinois has benefitted from trade agreements. For example, the U.S.-Chile agreement in 2004 grew Illinois’s exports to Chile by 400%. (U.S. Department of Commerce, Accessed 10/6/11)

ILLINOIS COMPANIES SPEAK OUT: These Agreements Will Help Local Companies Grow and Create Private-Sector Jobs
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ILLINOIS IMPACT ALERT: How the Trade Agreements Will Affect Illinois’ Economy”

Roskam Statement on September Jobs Report

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (R, Illinois 6th District)…

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Peter Roskam (R-IL), Chief Deputy Whip, issued the following statement after the Department of Labor released their September jobs report showing the national unemployment rate remains over 9 percent:

“This is yet another disappointing example that the White House’s policies need to change direction. It’s been over two and a half years since the stimulus first passed, yet trillions in debt later, unemployment is 9.1% – well above the 8% peak promised by this Administration.

“Republicans stand ready and willing to work with Democrats on commonsense solutions that remove barriers to private-sector job creation. We’ve recently passed numerous bills reforming excessive Washington-imposed regulatory practices that would kill jobs — though the Senate has yet to act on these job-saving measures or any of the dozen job-creating bills we’ve passed this year.

“It is a positive step forward that the White House sent the long-stalled pro-export trade agreements to Congress. I urge them to work with us on places where we agree, like the trade agreements, and eschew the tired playbook of proposing increasing taxes, regulatory madness, and more ‘stimulus.’”


Roskam Applauds FTA Passage In Ways & Means Committee And Passage of Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (R, Ill)…

WASHINGTON, DC – Rep. Peter Roskam, Chief Deputy Whip and member of the House Ways & Means Committee, issued the following statement after the long-stalled Colombia, Panama, and Korea Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) passed out of the Ways & Means Committee today. Roskam has traveled to South Korea, Panama, and Colombia in support of these three agreements:

“Today was an important step forward to implementing no-cost job creating policies. These pro-export policies will open up more markets for American products to be sold, and in turn create more American jobs. Furthermore, they will be important strategic tools for our foreign policy. Republicans have been advocating for these commonsense policies for years. With unemployment at 9.1% nationally, Washington has to be embracing commonsense solutions that remove barriers to private-sector job creation.”
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Roskam Applauds FTA Passage In Ways & Means Committee And Passage of Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act”

Roskam Introduces Bill for Permanent Cap Gains Limits

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (R, Ill)…

Roskam Introduces Legislation to Permanently Cap Capital Gains and Dividend Tax Rates at 15%

Broad coalition of American job creators send letter in support; impending tax-hike would hit seniors, businesses, investors of all sizes

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Peter Roskam (R-IL), Chief Deputy Whip and member of the Ways & Means Committee, introduced legislation today to permanently cap the Capital Gains and Dividend Tax Rates at 15% to avoid an impending tax hike that would particularly affect American businesses, seniors, and investors of all sizes. Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID), member of the Senate Finance Committee, is introducing companion Senate legislation.
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Roskam Introduces Bill for Permanent Cap Gains Limits”

Roskam Discusses Excessive Cement Regulations at Stakeout

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (R, Ill)…

Roskam: “…if the Cement MACT proposal goes into place, with certainty, it will have an adverse impact on job creation.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Earlier today, Congressman Peter Roskam, Chief Deputy Whip, gave the following remarks at the GOP leadership stakeout

“Well as you’ve heard there’s two types of actions being taken up this week and next week by the House of Representatives. The good news is the White House seems to get one of those. That is this notion of the expert opportunities for American manufacturers to get into markets abroad. As someone who has traveled to South Korea, and to Panama, and to Colombia it is without question clear to me – and I think most folks on Capitol Hill – that those opportunities are inextricably linked to our long-term prosperity.

Where the White House doesn’t seem to get it and where there’s an opportunity maybe to change their minds is on these two issues that you’ve heard described: Boiler MACT and Cement MACT. We’ve had two job creators in here for the past day or so. They are Brad Slabaugh with Hilltop Basic Resources and Karl Watson of CEMEX USA. Both of which described situations that if the Cement MACT proposal goes into place, with certainty, it will have an adverse impact on job creation. With certainty, it will have an adverse impact on cement kilns here in the United States. We can do better. The Administration needs to join us to turn this situation around quickly.”


Roskam Applauds Progress on Long-Stalled Trade Agreements

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (R, Ill)…

WASHINGTON, DC – Rep. Peter Roskam, Chief Deputy Whip and member of the House Ways & Means Committee, issued the following statement after the Obama Administration sent the long-stalled Columbia, Panama, and Korea Free Trade Agreements (FTA) to Congress today. Roskam has traveled to South Korea, Panama, and Colombia to meet with the respective countries’ leaders in support of these three agreements:

“These three pro-export policies will make it easier for American manufacturers to sell our products overseas and in turn create jobs here. Republicans have been advocating for these commonsense no-cost job-creation policies for years. While our economy has unfortunately suffered as the Administration stalled on these agreements for the last years, it is very welcome news that the Administration is finally supporting them. With unemployment at 9.1% nationally, Washington has to be embracing commonsense solutions that remove barriers to private-sector job creation.”

The Consequence of US Leadership Failure at the UN

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (Ill., 6th District)…

In the coming weeks the United Nations Security Council is expected to take a series of misguided procedural steps towards allowing the Palestinian Authority (PA) to unilaterally declare independence (UDI). If they happen they will mark a step backwards from any potentially genuine Middle East peace and illustrate yet another failure of the Obama Administration’s “leading from behind” approach.

This did not have to be a foregone conclusion. This past May, Majority Leader Eric Cantor and I called on the Administration to stand united with the American people, and with Israel, opposing this UN action. The State Department has heard a similar chorus in the months since.
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The Consequence of US Leadership Failure at the UN”

Roskam Statement on Obama’s Debt Plan

From the office of Rep. Peter ROskam (Ill., 6th District)…

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Peter Roskam (IL-06), issued the following statement in response to the President’s debt plan:

“It is disappointing that with our economy on the verge of a double-dip recession President Obama is proposing trillions in higher taxes. Small businesses are already begging for mercy from Washington’s high tax and regulatory environment. Higher taxes – and the uncertainty caused by the threat of them – is the last thing American small businesses and job creators need to endure. It’s unfortunate but this latest proposal is predictably sad and sadly predictable from an Administration that has over-taxed, over-regulated, and over-spent our way to nine-percent unemployment and $14 trillion in debt.”

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Roskam Statement on Obama’s Debt Plan”

Peter Roskam: Creating Jobs‏

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (Ill, 6th District)…

America needs real solutions that will help private-sector businesses grow and create jobs. Yet, even with 9+ percent unemployment, Democrats continue to force Washington-imposed excessive regulations on our economy.

The disappointing reality is that what may seem like a faceless regulation to most actually has a devastating effect on our local economy and our everyday lives. Read my latest op-ed in the Chicago Sun-Times about the severe effects of what excessive Washington-imposed regulations are doing to Chicago-area jobs.
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Peter Roskam: Creating Jobs‏”

Rep. Peter Roskam to Deliver the Weekly Republican Address

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (Ill, 6th District)…

Chief Deputy Whip Will Discuss House’s Efforts to Address Excessive Regulations That Hamper Job Creation

WASHINGTON, DC – Delivering the Weekly Republican Address, Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL) will provide an update on the House’s efforts to address excessive federal regulations that hamper job creation in America. Last week, Roskam recruited job creators hurt by Washington overregulation to attend the president’s address to Congress as guests of Speaker Boehner.

“Small business owners are fighting to create and innovate every day, but continue to be shackled by excessive regulatory barriers to job creation,” Rep. Roskam said. “Appropriate and responsible regulations help protect our health and safety, yet Washington has turned rule-making into an assault on American businesses and the jobs they create. Small businesses already struggling in a down economy are facing the additional burden of job-destroying regulations written by unelected bureaucrats at federal agencies in Washington. That’s why House Republicans are taking action to grow our economy, voting all this fall to stop some of Washington’s most excessive regulations. I hope this address helps shed light on excessive federal regulations, and the need to get government out of the way of America’s job creators.”

Peter Roskam is in his third term as Congressman for the Sixth District of Illinois and is the Chief Deputy Whip, a member of House leadership. He is a member of the House Ways & Means Committee and is the co-chair of the Republican Israel Caucus. Roskam has emerged as a leading advocate for fundamental tax reform and passing the three stalled free trade agreements.
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Rep. Peter Roskam to Deliver the Weekly Republican Address”

Roskam Applauds House Passage of NLRB Legislation

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (Ill 6th District)…

WASHINGTON – Congressman Peter Roskam (IL-06), Chief Deputy Whip, issued the following statement after the House passed H.R. 2587, the Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act, a bill restricting the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) from ordering any employer to close, relocate, or transfer employment. The NLRB sued Boeing and told them they could not open a new plant in South Carolina, a right-to-work state, saying Boeing’s actions were an act of retaliation against unions. The House passed the bill 238-186.

“I applaud the House for taking action to free a Chicago-based business blocked by unelected Washington bureaucrats from simply creating more American jobs. The NLRB’s declaration and lawsuit was an unprecedented regulatory overreach – made worse since Boeing had already invested over $1 billion in their new South Carolina plant. Washington has no place telling American companies where they can and cannot create American jobs. The disappointing reality is that the NLRB’s cheap political trick has real consequences on local economies and families. Not only is South Carolina’s economy affected by the thousands of new good-paying jobs being stalled, but Boeing devoting resources to fighting this regulation means there’s less to invest in other parts of their business, a company with employees in all 50 states.

“Today’s vote is just the latest solution from House Republicans to help grow our economy and remove the government barriers to job creation. With roughly a dozen House-passed bills stalled in the Senate, it’s long past time the Senate joined us to make real solutions the law.”


VIDEO: Roskam Discusses Obama Jobs Proposal on CNBC

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (Ill 6th District)…

Roskam: “… the President created an urgency in his speech saying ‘pass this now,’ but it’s important to recognize that the White House can change the dynamic on regulations immediately.”

Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL), Chief Deputy Whip, appeared on CNBC’s Kudlow Report last evening to discuss the President’s new spending proposal.

On Reducing Regulations Now to Help the Economy:

“… the President created an urgency in his speech saying ‘pass this now,’ but it’s important to recognize that the White House can change the dynamic on regulations immediately.”
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VIDEO: Roskam Discusses Obama Jobs Proposal on CNBC”

Roskam Urges Americans to Speak Out About a Balanced Budget Amendment

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (Ill. 6th District)…

WASHINGTON – Congressman Peter Roskam (IL-06), Chief Deputy Whip, issued the following statement today urging Americans to use the America Speaking Out (ASO) initiative to express their opinion about a balanced budget amendment (BBA) to the U.S. Constitution:

“With over $14 trillion in debt, continued 9-plus percent unemployment and a liberal Washington orthodoxy that demands continuously higher borrowing and spending, the American economy is on the verge of drowning in red ink. House Republicans have been speaking out for months about the need for a balanced budget amendment, legally binding Washington to produce annual budgets that spend no more than the government takes in. Now, through America Speaking Out, an innovative platform we first launched last year, I urge Americans to join the conversation, speak out, and tell us their views on a balanced budget amendment.
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Roskam Urges Americans to Speak Out About a Balanced Budget Amendment”

Rep. Peter Roskam Starts Ball Rolling On Regulation Scale Back

-By Warner Todd Huston

I spent most of the day on Aug 30 sort of embeded with Congressman Peter Roskam, Republican of the Illinois 6th District and Chief Deputy Whip in Washington, as he toured his district talking to local businesses. The whirlwind tour of businesses in Roskam’s district — topped with a presser in downtown Chicago — was the precursor of Roskam’s next focus. Roskam wants to begin an assessment of the regulatory edifice in Washington D.C. with any eye toward making Washington more business friendly in this moribund, recessionary economy.

My chauffeur was Roskam communication director, the genial Dan Conston. He told me he was born and bred in Philly, but I assured him that I would not hold that against him. No matter that he is an Eagles fan, he knew his way around the area. Still I promised not to tattle on his driving… but I guess even saying that much is saying something!

Our first stop was Federal Signal Corporation located in Oak Brook. The folks at Federal Signal told Congressman Roskam that they were worried that new EPA rules on the engines they use in their street sweeper machines were threatening to shut down production lines and put workers out of work. And not just for them but the engines of similar styles in every industry that uses them are facing the same jobs-killing requirements.

The problem was all the “uncertainty” which is casting a pall over what Fed Sig’s Dennis Martin, President and CEO, was happy to say is a recent uptick in orders for their machines. Orders have been down for years, said Martin, but now older street sweepers are not only wearing out but are themselves long out of compliance with new EPA rules and new orders are now rolling in.
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Rep. Peter Roskam Starts Ball Rolling On Regulation Scale Back”

Roskam: The Dems Are Out of Touch‏

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (R, IL)…

We’re at a crossroads in America. The Obama economy continues to underperform: 9.1% national unemployment, 14 trillion in debt, and a potential double-dip recession on the horizon. Even with all of America’s assets, endless potential, and the unrelenting American spirit, this Administration has led our country astray with one failed policy after another.

Americans are tired of the Obama Administration’s continual underperformance and seemingly never-met expectations: an $800-billion failed “stimulus” and the promise that summer 2010 would be “recovery summer.” Yet, even in the face of proven failure and a weak economy, the Democrats that run Washington continue to cheerlead for their failed policies.

Just weeks ago, Democrat National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz actually told NBC’s Meet the Press that Democrats have “turned this economy around.”
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Roskam: The Dems Are Out of Touch‏”

Dems Plan Proves Medicare Dead by 2024

-By Warner Todd Huston

Congressman Peter Roskam, House GOP Deputy Majority Whip, got on record the fact that as things stand right now Medicare is dead by 2024. No ifs, ands, or buts, unless a major overhaul of the system is undertaken, Medicare is done in a little more than a decade.

Before congress two officials testified that based on our current path in 2024 there would be “actual” cuts to Medicare at 17%. They also confirmed that Medicare would end itself by 2024 unless actions are taken to save the program.

Democrats have tried to claim that it is Republican cost cutting that dooms Medicare, but this is simply untrue. Bt the very rules under which it now works, it seems that Medicare is already headed for doomsday.
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Dems Plan Proves Medicare Dead by 2024″

Roskam on Job Creation‏

from the office of Congressman Peter Roskam (R, IL)…

House Republicans sent a clear to message to the White House last week: Washington must stop spending money it doesn’t have.

House Republicans were unified against increasing the country’s borrowing limit without meaningful spending cuts and reforms, and 82 Democrats joined Republicans in voting against it. This White House has added $3.5 trillion in debt over just two years, so Americans simply don’t support giving them a blank check to keep on spending.

The continued borrow-and-spend madness hasn’t helped create jobs either. Just this past Friday, the national unemployment rate rose to 9.1%, a full 27 months after the “stimulus” passed.
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Roskam on Job Creation‏”

Roskam to White House: ‘Simply Hope For a Change is Not an Economic Policy’

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (R, ILL)…

Roskam: “The White House has to realize… simply hope for a change is not an economic policy.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Peter Roskam, Chief Deputy Whip, spoke at the House Republican Leadership press conference following the release of the May Jobs Report, which showed the unemployment rate rose to 9.1% after only 54,000 jobs were created last month:

Roskam Remarks:
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Roskam to White House: ‘Simply Hope For a Change is Not an Economic Policy’”

U.S. Rep. Roskam Marches in Wheaton Memorial Day Parade

-By Warner Todd Huston

Memorial Day Parade, Wheaton, Ill– Illinois Congressman Peter Roskam (R, 6th District) walked in the Wheaton Memorial Day Parade to some applause and ended the exercise by speaking to those assembled at the Wheaton Cemetery to commemorate those that have served us in peace and war and those who gave their last full measure so that we could remain the last best hope of the world.

The weather could not have been better as the parade stepped off this morning. The skies were clear and Summer temperatures had finally arrived. As the route rolled on the heat did tend to rise, though. Still, compared to the dismal weather we’ve seen the last few months, this Memorial Day was a welcome respite.

Rep. Roskam had a group of about fifty supporters march with him and I joined them to document the event. As we walked the distance from downtown Wheaton to the Wheaton Cemetery it was obvious that the congressman had many fans along the route. There were surprised smiles and a healthy amount of applause as the congressman and his lovely wife led the contingent.
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U.S. Rep. Roskam Marches in Wheaton Memorial Day Parade”

Roskam Moves to Establish Korean War Museum in Chicago

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (R, ILL)…

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the House of Representatives passed the Roskam-Lipinski Amendment, recognizing the value of a Korean War National Museum in Chicago, Illinois. The amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act was co-sponsored by Rep. Peter Roskam (IL-06), Chief Deputy Whip, and Rep. Dan Lipinski (IL-03).

“A Korean War National Museum in Chicago will be a testament to those brave Americans who fought to preserve freedom and halt the advance of Communism,” said Congressman Roskam. “Almost six million Americans – including my father – fought in this war that has unfortunately taken on the moniker of ‘the forgotten war.’ A National Museum dedicated to the Korean War in the Midwest will ensure future generations remember the sacrifice and valor of all the Americans who fought and died honorably in Korea sixty years ago. I will continue to work to bring this museum to Chicago.”

The Korean War National Museum is a non-profit organization dedicated to building a museum in Chicago that honors the millions of Americans who fought against Communism in Korea. In November 2010, Roskam traveled to Korea to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the end of the Korean War. He was joined by his mother, Martha, and father Swede, a Korean War veteran. They attended President Obama’s speech to troops at Yongsan Garrison and ceremonies at the Demilitarized Zone while in Korea.

The National Defense Authorization Act passed the House today, 322-96.


Roskam Applauds GOP Jobs Plan

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (R, ILL)…

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Peter Roskam, Chief Deputy Whip, issued the following statement after House Republicans unveiled a plan for America’s job creators that was built on the Pledge to America governing document.

“It’s no secret that the trillions in stimulus spending and a massive increase in government red tape has destroyed jobs and hurt our economic recovery. More of the same is a recipe for the same results. That’s why House Republicans have designed a plan that will remove barriers to job creation, empowering and helping families, small businesses, and entrepreneurs struggling to create jobs and spur our recovery. The threat of unsustainable government debt, increased regulations written by unelected bureaucrats, and energy policies designed to increase gas prices has cost us jobs and forced families and businesses to pull back from participating in the economy. The House Republican plan will help change that by returning confidence and certainty to job creators across the country.”


Fed Up With The Price At The Pump?

This new video from the House Energy Action Team, a group of House Republicans dedicated to pushing the Administration to adopt commonsense energy policies, does a fine job to elucidate some of the problems we face in our energy sector.

More on the House Energy Action Team (HEAT): The Goal is to present a clear message of viable energy policy alternatives that are clearly communicated to the American public. H.E.A.T. will clearly demonstrate that House Republicans are on the side of the consuming public and business community who are increasingly harmed by the high energy prices.

In short: H.E.A.T. will convey that robust domestic energy production creates thousands of good jobs and enhances our national security.

Republican Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R, Calif.) and Chief Deputy Whip Peter Roskam (R, Ill) are co-chairs of H.E.A.T.