Daley Buddy Not Billed for Years of Water Use

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apparently some of Daley’s buddies never paid for their water use being fortunate enough to have City Hall pick up the tab. As the era of Daley winds down these sort of stories will continue to eek out, but it shows the illicit nature of the Daley Democrat machine in the crooked city of Chicago.

The Sun Times reported that Daley pal and current guest with the prison system Fred Bruno Barbara went years without being billed for the water use at his block-long garage in the city’s first ward.
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Daley Buddy Not Billed for Years of Water Use”

Conservative to Seek Daley’s Emptying Chair? R. Emmett Tyrell, Jr. Thinking of running for Chicago Mayor?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Our friend Pat Hickey has caught wind of some potentially interesting news on Chicago’s soon to be roiling Mayoral election now that Richard “King” Daley has decided he no longer wants the big seat. Conservative publisher R. Emmett Tyrell, Jr. has reportedly said he might be interested in taking a run at City Hall.

Pat reports that through the grapevine he heard of Tyrell’s possible campaign:

R. Emmett Tyrrell, the founder of The American Spectator is interested in running for Mayor of Chicago. Bob Tyrrell, like Governor Pat Quinn, is a proud Alumnus of Fenwick High School.

It sure would be interesting to see a man of high education and one so well spoken for the conservative cause throw his hat into the right, wouldn’t it?
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Conservative to Seek Daley’s Emptying Chair? R. Emmett Tyrell, Jr. Thinking of running for Chicago Mayor?”

BREAKING: Chicago Mayor Richard Daley Announces Retirement, Will Not Run Again

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a surprise announcement Chicago Democrat strongman Mayor Richard M. Daley has today said that after 21 years as Chicago’s mayor he will not run for another term.

“This is purely a personal decision, purely personal,” he told reporters as his whole family looked on.

Daley, the son of the famous Richard R. Daley, said that the reason he’s leaving the big chair is to be with his family. Interestingly, his famous father also served 21 years as Chicago’s mayor.

Daley has been under increasing pressure with multiple scandals over the last few years making a dent in his popularity, but few expected he would have had too hard of a time in yet another reelection campaign.

This opens up the floodgates of those who will vie for the job. Foremost of which may be Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel who recently said he’d be interested in running if Daley was not in the race.
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BREAKING: Chicago Mayor Richard Daley Announces Retirement, Will Not Run Again”

New Father Pfleger Reality TV Show: Blessing The Mayor’s Office

-By Warner Todd Huston

Those chickens have come home to roost… or at least they will during the upcoming mayoral election in the Windy City if the new reality TV show being shopped by Chicago’s incendiary Father Michael Pfleger is concerned.

Chicago’s gadfly Father Pfleger, close friend of Minister Louis Farrakhan, outspoken anti-gun crusader, sanctuary city supporter, and liberation theologist is the Southside religious leader who once openly wished for the death of a local businessman and also once said, “America is the greatest sin against God.” Pfleger has been the subject of many “reviews” by the Catholic Church and was once suspended after attacking Hillary Clinton as a “white person” who felt privileged because of her race.

New show producer, Bud Billikin of Chicago’s South Side Productions, Inc., has announced that the new show will follow the Father Pfleger as he embarks on the adventure of a lifetime, a run for Mayor of Chicago.

On Friday Pfleger is expected to announce his run against long-time Democrat strongman Richard Daley whose father, a Mayor before him, was famed for having “helped” JFK win the White House in 1960.
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New Father Pfleger Reality TV Show: Blessing The Mayor’s Office”

ICarry Takes Chicago and Mayor Daley Back to Court!!

From ICarry.org…

Executive Director Shaun Kranish writes:

Although the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in McDonald that Chicago has violated an individual and fundamental right to keep and bear arms by having an outright ban on pistols (and for decades this ban did not apply to Chicago aldermen and other criminals), Daley and his cohorts have immediately responded with more outrageous restrictions.
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ICarry Takes Chicago and Mayor Daley Back to Court!!”

Fisking the Chgo Sun-Times Anti-2nd Amendment Article

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Sun-Times is Chicago’s left-wing, left-wing paper while the Chicago Tribune is but the city’s left-wing paper and pursuant to its agenda, the Sun-Times recently made to shore up support for Mayor “King” Daley’s attempt to eliminate the Second Amendment for his Chicago subjects with its headlined “More guns in city not a good thing.” Naturally most of what is contained in the piece is incorrect and deserves a good fisking.

So, here goes…

This won’t make the NRA happy. Twelve guns a year? How dare Chicago restrict a citizen’s right to buy 12 million guns a year.

My response here won’t make the Sun-Times happy: Newspapers? They have a constitutional right to be free of government interference, too. We call it the First Amendment. But here’s an idea for you, Sun-Times… how about we limit the public to one newspaper a month? After all, ideas are very, very dangerous, aren’t they? If, Sun-Times, you have no problem with our Second Amendment rights being restricted by the federal, the state or local governments, why should you be all upset that your First Amendment rights are restricted? Where is the intellectual honesty in agreeing to restrict the Second Amendment but not the First?
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Fisking the Chgo Sun-Times Anti-2nd Amendment Article”

New Federally Mandated Literacy Tests to Buy Newspapers, Religion Classes to Attend Churches, Others

-By Warner Todd Huston

Democrats might be right. It’s obvious that Americans have become a stupid people. Our schools have disgorged students who have fallen to the bottom of the barrel in literacy, math and science scores, late-night comedians have no lack for citizens on the street that have no cue about law or history, and as voters…. well, as voters we’ve been stupid enough to elect people like James Traficant, John Edwards, Robert “KKK” Byrd, “Benedict” Arlen Specter, Pete Stark, or for that matter Jimmy Carter and Barack Hussein Obama. We need help and what better entity than government to rescue us? So, we need some new rules so that Americans can be better controlled.

I’ve gotten this great idea from Richard “King” Daley, Mayor of Chicago, who has decided with his newest stab at gun control that we need to institute mandated firearm training classes for every Chicago gun owner as well as costly yearly licensing fees. This is a brilliant idea. So much so that I think we can expand on this idea in order to have a better, more orderly society.

Plainly Daley and his Democrat cohorts need to implement these “training” mandates on a wider basis. Not only will we have a better trained citizenry, but we’ll have billions of dollars flowing into the treasury from the high fees that such classes must invariably entail. And jobs? Why, think of how many jobs will be created by these new policies. We’ll need millions of low-level, perfunctory clerks, classroom instructors, and paper pushers to get this all off the ground. And what could be better than more education and more money in the form of hidden taxes going to fill the pockets of government officials?
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New Federally Mandated Literacy Tests to Buy Newspapers, Religion Classes to Attend Churches, Others”

Daley’s Newest Stab at a Gun Ban

-By Warner Todd Huston

Daley’s temper tantrum against guns continues, but at a much subdued pace. With its recent McDonald v the City of Chicago ruling the Supreme Court of the United States essentially made Daley’s outright gun ban unconstitutional so the mayor has had to retrench and come up with new onerous rules to try and limit guns in his kingdom.

As always, the Chicago City Council rubber stamped Richard “King” Daley’s whims — why do we have a city council anyway?

The new rules do show the mayor’s defeated position, however, as they are much less stringent than his previous mandates. Daley also shied from insisting that there be a one-gun limit and also dropped the idea of expensive and onerous insurance requirements for gun owners, the latter an idea popular with many gun banners.
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Daley’s Newest Stab at a Gun Ban”

2nd Amendment Rights Finally Considered a Right for Black Chicagoans Too!

-By Warner Todd Huston

At long last the 2nd Amendment has been considered a personal right per the Supreme Court of the United States. In McDonald v the City of Chicago the Supreme Court has ruled in a 5 to 4 decision that Chicago’s gun banning laws are not in keeping with the right to self-defense as enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. After 200 some years we are finally accorded our rights officially. Further, the Court found that the 2nd Amendment was meant to protect the very people that Mayor Richard Daley and his comrades are trying to forcibly disarm: black Americans. (See PDF of Decision)

The decision threw out the Seventh Circuit ruling upholding Chicago’s gun ban and ordered the Seventh to revisit its decision. This new ruling does not specifically strike down Chicago’s gun ban but the opinion leaves little room for the Seventh to up hold Mayor Richard Daley’s gun banning efforts.

One of the main questions before the Court was whether or not the 14th Amendment served to shore up the rights in the 2nd. The Court found that it did, indeed. In fact, it is interesting to note that the ancestors of the very people that the 14th Amendment was meant to specifically protect — newly freed slaves, called freemen — are today those that Mayor Richard Daley and others like him want to disarm. Daley and his ilk want to disempower blacks and other minorities and tie them plantation-like to their government authority.
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2nd Amendment Rights Finally Considered a Right for Black Chicagoans Too!”

Chicago Police Chief Struggles to Justify Daley Gun Ban

-By Warner Todd Huston

Mick Dumke of the Chicago Reader had an interesting report on a recent press conference held by Chicago’s Police Chief, Jody Weis. Dumke said that during the presser Weis struggled to “explain how the gun ban is working” for Chicago. In other words, Weis was at a loss to prove that Daley’s unconstitutional actions are working to make the city safer.

According to Dumke the conference went from discussions of how Weis has taken “3,513 weapons” off the streets, that they are using “analytics” to determine where the crime hotspots are in the city, moving on to the claim that the city has a lower over all crime rating, yet to the ultimate fact that even with all this the death toll is still higher than other cities. “Homicides continue to challenge us,” Weis said.

How one goes from claiming that the Mayor’s gun ban is effective yet the murder rate is still so high is anybody’s guess. And that is just the thing, isn’t it? Assaults are up 2.4 percent over last year. Obviously the supposed gun ban is not effective at all if it were this murder rate would be nonexistent.
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Chicago Police Chief Struggles to Justify Daley Gun Ban”

Mayor Daley’s Newest Disingenuous Gun Argument

-By Warner Todd Huston

Mayor Richard “King” Daley is at it again, talking through his royal rear-end and simply making things up to push a false theme in order to support his anti-Constitutional gun-grabbing in Chicago.

The Chicago Tribune conducted an interview with his heinous and he uncorked another one of his primo spins on his latest desire to take away his subject’s Constitutional right to self-protection: it’s the “gun lobby” argument again.

In an interview with the Tribune, Mayor Richard Daley acknowledged an uphill battle against the gun industry, which he described as the most powerful lobby in the United States. Even so, he vowed that in the event residents are allowed to have handguns at home, the city would take steps to ensure that officials can account for the weapons.

Uphill battle against the gun industry? What spin, what glorious spin. There isn’t one person, one Supreme Court justice, one gun advocate arguing that Daley’s gun-grabbing is wrong because it hurts “the gun industry.” The “gun industry” has precisely nothing to do with the reasons that the anti-Daley forces are trying to defeat him.
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Mayor Daley’s Newest Disingenuous Gun Argument”

Mayor Daley Must Want an 80-Year-Old to be Shot to Death?

-By Warner Todd Huston

It’s no coincidence when Mayor Richard “King” Daley is all over the news sternly scolding 2nd Amendment supporters over their interest in upholding the U.S. Constitution after one of the gang thugs that lives in his city kills a kid or two (or 50 or more). He revels in these deaths like some grim reaper lawmaker. But when the story turns into an 80-year-old man saving his own life with a firearm, “King” Daley’s morbid anti-gun rants suddenly go quiet.

After Mr. Grant, an 80-year-old Korean War vet, heard the sounds of a break-in, he went to investigate the noise and was fired upon by the criminal when he did so. Fortunately, Mr. Grant was not hit by the assailant’s bullet. The, however, crook was not so lucky as Mr. Grant’s return fire hit home killing the intruder on the spot.
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Mayor Daley Must Want an 80-Year-Old to be Shot to Death?”

Chicago TV Reporter Clueless On Gun Buyback Program

-By Warner Todd Huston

Some of my colleagues on the web are saying that Fox News Chicago reporter Tera Williams “revealed her bias” about the relative efficacy of Chicago’s absurd gun buyback program.

In yet another TV report on this meaningless program, reporter Williams was interviewing a Chicago resident on his thoughts about the whole thing. The resident told her, “it’s a good way to start,” to which Williams said “Something’s better than nothing, right?”

Well, no it’s not, Ms Williams. This program has been a complete failure for making a dent in the violence and shootings in the City of Chicago. While other great cities of the nation have seen falling murder rates over the last decade, Chicago has seen its rate rise. Even as this waste of money and time of a program was started in 2006, the murder rate has not been positively affected by the program. In fact, this year the city has already experienced over 100 shooting deaths and we aren’t even at the half way point in the year yet.

But, I am not going to say that Williams’ empty-headed statement is proof of her bias in favor of the program. I’d say it is more like her utter cluelessness of how ineffective it has been.
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Chicago TV Reporter Clueless On Gun Buyback Program”

The Left’s Lies About ‘Peaceful’ Immigration Protesters

-By Warner Todd Huston

HotAir.com posted an excellent side-by-side video from Fox News that shows the lengths that the left goes to in order to excuse the common every day violence, hate and criminal actions of folks from their own side.

Take a look at this excellent report…

This ignoramus, hypocrite that Fox News dredged up to represent the left is typical of the back bending gymnastics indulged by the Old Media and the left — one in the same, I know. This is typical in the way they denigrate the perfectly peaceful Tea Party protests while excusing the lawless, criminal actions of the left’s protesters — in this case the recent pro-illegal immigrant criminal protesters in Arizona.
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The Left’s Lies About ‘Peaceful’ Immigration Protesters”

Mayor Daley Wants Foreign Kangaroo Court to Rule in Chicago

-By Warner Todd Huston

Mayor Richard “King” Daley has just earned his monarchical (or is that maniacal) nickname by announcing his desire to have a European “court” invade the U.S. and begin prosecuting American citizens for doing a legal, Constitutionally protected business in America.

The despicable, mob-infested mayor of Chicago’s newest harebrained scheme in his fight against the U.S. Constitution is to have the so-called World Criminal Court at the Hague to begin prosecuting gun manufacturers and gun dealers here in America.

It’s bad enough that this Eurocrat wannabe thinks that this kangaroo court in Europe has legal jurisdiction in the USA, but he’s teaming up with a foreign plutocrat in Mexico to try and pursue this idiot’s scheme.

Mayor Daley again proves his essential hate for his own country. First by wallowing in his mob connected lifestyle, next by his surrounding himself with criminal Democrats that rob the city blind, then by siding with foreigners against his own country.

Maybe we would be better off with Rahm Emanuel in the big chair at City Hall? At least Rahm is just an average crook!
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Mayor Daley Wants Foreign Kangaroo Court to Rule in Chicago”

Ill. Lawmakers: Bring in the Army to Kill Chicagoans

-By Warner Todd Huston

The second I hear the facile ideas of our elected officials to bring in the Army to start cracking down on “crime” I get visions of jack-booted legions of the Wehrmacht goosestepping through the city, machine guns at hand, knocking over old people and making little kids cry.

But, I guess Representative John “Twitchy” Fritchey is wholly unaware about the rules and philosophies of the American system. You see comrade Fritchey, there is a reason why the Commissars aren’t allowed to bring the Army down upon a city. It’s because our U.S. armed forces are supposed to protect us against foreign enemies. Our laws and police agencies are supposed to protect us from internal crooks, criminals and thugs. And if our police are failing, “Twitchey” Fritchey, it is your fault (yours and your fellow “lawmakers”) Not the police’s.

Further it is not the job of the Army to harass citizens into cowering inside their homes for fear of being cut down in the streets by or own soldiers.
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Ill. Lawmakers: Bring in the Army to Kill Chicagoans”

Rahm Emanuel: ‘I Would Like to Run for Mayor of Chicago’

-By Warner Todd Huston

On PBS’ Charlie Rose show, Rahm Emanuel finally admitted what has been rumored in hushed voices throughout the city of Chicago: He wants to run for Mayor.

Emanuel told host Rose that if Mayor Daley decides not to run again, he would like to throw his own hat in the ring and run for the big seat at City Hall.

But if Mayor Daley doesn’t, one day I would like to run for mayor of the City of Chicago. That’s always been an aspiration of mine even when I was in the House of Representatives.

Now the pressure is on Mayor Daley to decide if he wants another term and to wonder if Emanuel will run against him despite his claim to want to support Da Mayor if he runs again.

The diminutive, oft times profane Emanuel reiterated a few times that he’s not looking to knock Richard Daley out of the office, but one really does have to wonder. Few Presidential Chiefs of Staff last long and one can be pretty sure that Emanuel will be gone for that position sooner rather than later. So, is he really, really sure that he won’t run to beat Daley?

This is a question that Daley would be foolish not to be asking himself.
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Rahm Emanuel: ‘I Would Like to Run for Mayor of Chicago’”

Daley’s Deficit: $180 Per Citizen

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Business Insider reports that Mayor Richard Daley’s budget shortfall is one of the top 15 worst deficit budgets of America’s cities clocking in at $530,000,000 through fiscal year 2011. That breaks down to $180 of debt per citizen.

But this is a bit deceiving because of the $1.15 billion that Daley got by selling the city’s parking meter franchise, not to mention his sale of the Chicago Skyway a few years ago.

In February, Daley announced a hiring freeze that he claimed would save the city $11 million and the Mayor himself will work 29 days this year without pay. Daley also laid off 1,500 employees of the city last year and instituted 24 unpaid furlough days.
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Daley’s Deficit: $180 Per Citizen”

Onion Skewers King Daley

-By Warner Todd Huston

This just in, The Onion News Service has just skewered Richie “King” Daley for his newest effort to “modernize Chicago’s outdated graft programs.”

The Onion did a masterful job satirizing the corruption of Chicago in this post, I have to say. The stuff they put in Mayor Daley’s mouth is classic.

“It’s been business as usual for too long in Chicago, and now it’s time to find more efficient ways to misuse authority for personal gain,” said Daley, who has served as Chicago’s mayor since 1989. “We must modernize our illegitimate activities right now, today, before it becomes impossible for public officials to act in my best self-interests.”

While this may be funny to folks outside of the Chicago area, it is all too easy to believe for those of us sentenced to dwell in “King” Daley’s corrupt little world.

Kudos to The Onion for its satire, but shame on Chicago for allowing the corruption that is so easy to satirize.
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Onion Skewers King Daley”