Obama’s Regulations So Far Cost Us $84.8 Billion And Climbing Weekly

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is a lot of talk about the high cost of regulations (in fact, a lot of talk from me about them). But how do you put a number on that cost? Well Sam Batkins of the American Action Forum has been keeping a running tab not only on the high cost of the regulations themselves but also the man hours it takes Americans to implement them and the cost is staggering.

Every Friday Batkins reviews that week’s new regulatory onslaught, makes his calculations and thus far Obama’s regulatory juggernaut is costing Americans $84.8 billion bucks. But that isn’t the last of what it will cost Americans. In order to implement these regulations, to make sure business and individuals are following the rules, it will cost Americans 88.2 million annual man hours to do the paperwork, file the reports, and follow the Internet-based reporting procedures in order to satisfy the rules.

Imagine this burden of worker’s time wasted just to make sure we follow regulations! It is obscene.
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Obama’s Regulations So Far Cost Us $84.8 Billion And Climbing Weekly”

$200 Million of Calif. Taxpayer’s Money Spent With No Accountability

-By Stephen Kruiser
Voter-Approved First 5 LA Program Spends $200 Million of Taxpayers Money without Oversight

As the Los Angeles Times reports, a recent independent audit of the First 5 LA Commission revealed massive problems with the agency, including lack of accountability, spending oversight or competitive bidding. First 5 LA is part of a statewide program created in 1998 by Prop 10, a measure which was supposed to use funds from a tobacco tax to promote health and education of young children. According to the audit, it’s not exactly fulfilling its mission. From the Times:

An audit by Harvey M. Rose of San Francisco found First 5 LA’s commission was unable to monitor money that was being spent “since monthly programmatic expenditures are not presented relative to a budget.” Auditors also concluded the agency was overstaffed while under-spending on programs for children.

So, First 5 LA is spending too much on public employees and not enough on kids. Not to mention doling out $200 million without a competitive bidding process and operating with such a lack of oversight that there’s no way to determine if the agency has signed agreements “for inappropriate purposes or with unqualified vendors or grantees”. Sounds like standard operating procedure in California, which has seen similar accountability and oversight problems with other initiative-created agencies as well.

And yet, former pro Tem and career politician Don Perata is pushing another measure – the so-called California Cancer Research Act – to create yet another unaccountable bureaucracy with six political appointees that can spend nearly a billion each year, including millions on staff salaries and pensions and overhead. With huge budget problems and public pension costs spiraling out of control, the last thing California needs is another big-spending bureaucracy with no oversight or accountability.

The measure is slated for the June 2012 ballot in California.

Saving the American Idea: Rejecting Fear, Envy and the Politics of Division

This week, Representative Paul Ryan (R, Wisc.) made an important speech at the Heritage Foundation.

Full Text

Thank you so much, Ed, for that kind introduction.

We’re here today to explore the American Idea, and I can’t think of a better venue for this topic. The mission of the Heritage Foundation is to promote the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.

These are the principles that define the American Idea. And this mission has never been timelier, because these principles are very much under threat from policies here in Washington.
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Saving the American Idea: Rejecting Fear, Envy and the Politics of Division”

Business Roundtable: Regulations Are Killing Business

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Friday I attended an informative business roundtable meeting of Chicago-area small businessmen who came together to discuss how government intervention and its avalanche of regulations are killing jobs and businesses not only in Illinois, but nation wide. Some of the stories were chilling, to say the least. These trials go to show how anti-business the most famously capitalist country in the world has become. No wonder we can’t get out of this second great depression!

The event was held at the headquarters of The Rabine Group in Schaumburg, Illinois. The Rabine Group is a group of nationwide companies that specializes in driveway paving, roofing, and other contracting work. The company is headed by owner and CEO Gary Rabine.

Filling out the panel was Moderator, Brian Kelly of Bulk Lift International; Gary Rabine, The Rabine Group; Garrett Patten, Patten Industries; Randy Truckenbrodt, Randall Industries, Inc, and Former State Senator Steve Rauschenberger, Rauschenberger Partners.

The panel began with some of the regulatory horror stories experienced by the panel. Each story illustrated how government stands in the way of job creation, small business, and expansion, and how government is not working hand-in-hand with small business but actually fosters an inimical relationship. The panel showed how the oppressiveness of these regulations actually tempts business to break laws just to be able to carry on with business.
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Business Roundtable: Regulations Are Killing Business”

Ill. Policy Institute CEO Tillman Is Just Plain Wrong About ‘Occupy’

-By Warner Todd Huston

John Tillman, CEO of the Illinois Policy Institute, penned an op ed in the Chicago Tribune touting what he claims is the common ground between conservatives and the Occupy Wall Street leftists who have trickled into the streets across the country. I hate to say it, but his op ed was puzzling and its base concept — that conservatives and these Occupy nuts should work together — is incredibly off base.

Before I get into Tillman’s points, though, let me say that I generally support the good works of the Illinois Policy Institute. I’ve covered many of its events in the past, I’ve worked closely with some of its members, and I’ve met Mr. Tillman many times at many events. I repost the Institute’s email blasts on my sites, as well.

I will continue with my support of the Illinois Policy Institute (don’t call them IPI because some other organization has that trademarked and they get mad) despite this disagreement with Mr. Tillman. They often do very good work.

OK, now that that’s out of the way… Tillman, my friend, you are soooo wrong!
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Ill. Policy Institute CEO Tillman Is Just Plain Wrong About ‘Occupy’”

Obama: Transparency? Who Needs it?

-By Warner Todd Huston

In another breach of trust between President Obama and the American people, Obama has once again broken a promise to change the business-as-usual habits of Washington. As a candidate and early in his presidency Obama claimed he’d bring an unprecedented transparency to Washington. But now it looks as though he’s OKayed his agencies to lie about the records they hold.

Obama’s Justice Dept. floated a proposal that if records sought by Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests are exempt from the eyes of the American people, why, they should be able lie and pretend such records don’t even exist.

This has transparency watchdogs a bit miffed, to say the least. Both the ACLU and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) issued a press release decrying the situation. Obama’s move threatens to “destroy integrity in government,” they say.
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Obama: Transparency? Who Needs it?”

The Rise of the Obamavilles

Remember back in the 30s when disgruntled WWI veterans and homeless Americans created shanty towns called “Hoovervilles“? They felt failed by an uncaring president in Herbert Hoover.

Well, with the Occupy-Whatevers have they created “Obamavilles”?

I’d say they have.

Ill. Policy Institute: A Direct Encounter with Occupy Wall Street Protesters‏

From the Illinois Policy Institute…

I had a direct encounter with the Occupy Wall Street protesters as I was on my way home the other night. The Illinois Policy Institute’s office is a block north of their Chicago base at Jackson Boulevard and LaSalle Street, so I’ve been walking through the crowd almost daily as I go about my business. But I recently stopped and had a real discussion.

It was delightful.

I asked what it is they were upset with and why were they vilifying corporations, noting that their umbrellas, cardboard signs and the ink used to write their anti-corporation messages all were made by corporations.

Like others, I’ve seen the news reports about their supposed demands: a $20 minimum wage, forgiveness of all debt and a socialist-style health care system. As the leader of a free market think tank, it will come as no surprise that I do not support those solutions; they are not economically sound.
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Ill. Policy Institute: A Direct Encounter with Occupy Wall Street Protesters‏”

President Continues to Play Politics With the Economy

The GOP Senate’s video this week is about the bipartisan opposition to President Obama’s most recent stimulus proposal (#Stimulus2). Senate Republicans believe Congress should follow the bipartisan path it recently pursued when it passed the Colombia, South Korea, and Panama free trade agreements (#TradeMeansJobs) and focus on passing other measures that will free businesses to grow and create jobs.

Another California Tax Hike to Fund a Boondoggle Program

-By Warner Todd Huston

As a result of years of budget deficits and wasteful spending by the state legislature, California faces difficult budget challenges for the next ten years. This bad news is courtesy of a recent analysis of the state’s long-term debt obligations by state Treasurer Bill Lockyer (Download .pdf of Lockyer’s Report). The analysis adds to a growing list of bad fiscal news for California, a state already struggling under the nation’s worst credit rating not to mention suffering the highest unemployment in the country at 12%.

Even as California deals with this financial crisis, a career politician is pushing a ballot measure that would raise taxes by nearly $1 billion — but doesn’t allocate one penny to balance the state budget, pay down its debt, or to fund existing critical programs like education and public safety. This measure, the so-called California Cancer Research Act, would mandate a new bureaucracy with six political appointees that can spend tax money on buildings and salaries and benefits. This includes $16 million spent on overhead and $117 million on new buildings and facilities. These are no one-time expenditures as such spending will continue year after year.

The Golden State is already on the verge of bankruptcy, to be sure, and California can’t afford this kind of spending right now. Californians should expect their legislature to fix the deepening budget deficit and fund existing programs before starting new costly spending programs like this.
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Another California Tax Hike to Fund a Boondoggle Program”

Ill. Policy Institute: Nearly 1/2 of IL teachers contribute nothing toward pensions‏

Did you know that when it comes to public school teachers in Illinois, paying their own way to retirement isn’t the norm? We took on the task to find out just how much taxpayers can save if all teachers were to pay their required share into the state pension system.

An investigation by the Illinois Policy Institute found that as the state grapples with a public pension shortfall in excess of $86 billion, teachers in nearly half of the state’s 867 public school districts contributed nothing from their weekly paychecks to their pensions. Instead, school districts – and by extension, taxpayers – paid the entire 9.4 percent employee contribution toward these teachers’ pensions, as well as the required employer contribution.

During the 2009-2010 school year alone, taxpayers across Illinois could have saved more than $400 million if teachers had paid their legally required share. Taxpayers deserve to have this $400 million back in their pockets. If you agree, go to our facebook page and like our latest post and leave a comment too. Click here and it will take you there.
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Ill. Policy Institute: Nearly 1/2 of IL teachers contribute nothing toward pensions‏”

Government Kills… Businesses, Anyway

-By Warner Todd Huston

A small business named Nice Cream found that government wasn’t very nice to its bottom line. In fact, due to its heavy hand, government froze the company into nonexistence. So much for everyone loving ice cream!

The other day, while discussing the failures of government unions and their pliant, paid-for, lapdog politicians, one of my Publius commenters said that government should “stick to its guns” and turn a blind eye to the needs of the business sector. This commenter wanted government to continue sticking it to the business sector and maintained that business would simply stand there and take it because of the “value they receive” from government. I said that business did react to a bad business climate fostered by government regulations, taxation, and interference. He didn’t think so.

Well, here is a story of how one small business was crushed, not by the market but by government. It was crushed because of government “sticking to its guns” and slamming it with idiotic regulations and rules made for multi-billion dollar corporations that did not make sense for small business.
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Government Kills… Businesses, Anyway”

Fox Bus. Network’s Cheryl Casone Broadcasts From Chicago on Friday

-By Warner Todd Huston

FOX Business Network (FBN)’s Cheryl Casone will report live from the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) on Friday, October 14, 2011 at 11 AM/CST. Casone will interview a number of Chicago business leaders and CEOs to get the latest on commodities and market moves.

Cheryl dropped me a note to weigh in on why she’s leaving New York City for Chicago for the day.

Why NOT Chicago? The Chicago Metro Area is home to 27 Fortune 500 company headquarters and 34 S&P 500 company headquarters. They make Chicago their home and now Fox Business has made the CME our home. The city is crucial to Fox Business Network in so many ways.

Look at what Chicago contributes to US GDP. While it doesn’t equal New York, at $532.33 billion in 2010, Chicago is a crucial component to the United States. If Chicago does well, America does well.

The CME has been and still is the hub of US commodities trading. From grain to soybeans to cotton to what Americans pay at their table and at the clothing store begins right here. Fox Business has a unique vantage point our competition doesn’t: we are looking out for everyone not just Wall Street traders.

Chicago’s banking sector is of particular fascination. What are they doing New York is not? I am joined Friday by Stephen Calk the Chairman and CEO of Chicago Bancorp who sees a lot fear in lending right now. He also believes mortgage rates are in store for some volatility.

Personally I love coming to Chicago for the amazing food! From pizza to steak I always bring my running shoes to burn those calories. My good friend Chris Artinian (CEO of Morton’s The Steakhouse) is coming by the CME as well Friday to talk business at his chain and of course food.

Be sure to tune in Friday –DISH Channel 206; DIRECTV Channel 359.
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Fox Bus. Network’s Cheryl Casone Broadcasts From Chicago on Friday”

VIDEO: EPA Regulations Jeopardize IL Manufacturing Jobs

From the Republican Study Committee…

The Republican Study Committee today released a new AmericanJobCreators.com video – “Voices of Recovery: Eric’s Story” – highlighting the cost of federal government regulations on Bensenville, Illinois job creator Chicago White Metal Die Casting (CWM). A privately held family small business since 1937, CWM is struggling to remain competitive under the burden of new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations which restrict energy use at manufacturing facilities.

In business for nearly 75 years, CWM supports about 250 jobs, but faces growing challenges from mounting Washington rules and regulations.
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VIDEO: EPA Regulations Jeopardize IL Manufacturing Jobs”

How Obama Is Bypassing Democracy, Congress and YOU

-By Warner Todd Huston

Phil Kerpen has a warning for you, America. He wants to alert you to the fact that Barack Obama is using his powers to create regulations to undermine Congress, ignore voters, and “radically transform America.” But Kerpen also has some good news. There’s a way to stop this left-wing assault on our country. You can find out what that something is in his new book, Democracy Denied: How Obama is Ignoring You and Bypassing Congress to Radically Transform America — and How to Stop Him.

For this book — his first if I am not mistaken — Kerpen, the Vice President for Policy at Americans for Prosperity, has decided no less than to save the Republic. Of course, it’s an uphill battle to beat back the war that has been launched against America for sure.

Why is it an uphill battle? Because the way our country is being torn down is happening in the most subtle way possible. Worse, it is all being done with such ersatz legality, a legitimacy so seemingly ironclad, that most Americans are completely unaware of what is happening. And when they are aware of it they imagine there is nothing wrong with it all.
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How Obama Is Bypassing Democracy, Congress and YOU”

Ill. Policy Institute: 9 of the Top 10 are Charter Schools‏

From the Illinois Policy Institute…

Chicago high schools have long held a tragic reputation. Now, a new group of schools is telling a different story: Students citywide can compete academically when given the chance and a choice.

The Institute’s newest report on education shows that when it comes to ACT scores, nine out of 10 of the top-scoring, open enrollment high schools in Chicago are charter schools. Many of these schools are posting ACT scores previously unheard of for high poverty high schools in Chicago.

And there’s reason to be even more optimistic about these encouraging trends. That’s because this July, Gov. Quinn signed a piece of legislation that will open the door to numerous additional charter schools in Chicago, as well as downstate.

This shows once again that charter schools – by giving parents and students more options in their education – improve the quality of education for everyone in the state of Illinois.
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Ill. Policy Institute: 9 of the Top 10 are Charter Schools‏”

In Pictures: How Much the Top Earners Already Pay in Taxes

America has heard a lot of talk about the “Buffett Rule” — President Barack Obama’s plan to make the tax code more “fair” by permanently raising taxes by $1.5 trillion over 10 years, with most of the burden falling on families and businesses earning more than $250,000 per year. But if he wants to talk about “fairness,” he should look at how much top income earners already pay in taxes, as the chart below shows:

In a new paper, Heritage’s Curtis Dubay explains that the supposed “fairness” of the new rule is anything but fair:

To President Obama, it is “fair” to raise taxes on families and businesses earning more than $250,000 a year by raising their income tax rates and limiting their deductions. That must also mean he believes that they currently pay too little in taxes.

Yet the data show the highest-earning families and businesses already pay the lion’s share of the federal income tax burden. According to the IRS, the top 1 percent of income earners—those earning more than $380,000 in 2008—paid more than 38 percent of all federal income taxes while earning 20 percent of all income. The top 10 percent ($114,000 and above) earned 45 percent of income and paid 70 percent of all taxes. At the same time, the bottom 50 percent of income earners—those earning less than $33,000—earned 13 percent of all income and paid less than 3 percent of federal income taxes.

Read more of Dubay’s paper, “The Buffett Rule: Fair to No One,” at Heritage.org.

Obama’s EPA Regs to Kill 183,000 Private Sector Jobs a Year

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency is completely put of control. Now it wants to implement new regulations that would destroy 183,000 private sector jobs every year. Yes, even after Obama has destroyed the economy and jobs we do have he wants to destroy even more.

The EPA’s new rules, according to PennEnergy, would be disastrous to our already flagging economy.
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Obama’s EPA Regs to Kill 183,000 Private Sector Jobs a Year”

Did 85 Democrats Vote In Favor of Government Shutdown?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Back on August first the whole country was waiting for the House of Representatives to raise the debt ceiling and offer a continuing resolution to prevent a feared government shutdown. That was done with the support of 95 Democrats who claimed they were desperate to prevent that shut down. (Relevant amendment)

However, in a follow up vote on Sept. 21 on another bill (H R 2608), 89 of those same Democrats reversed their vote and have essentially voted in favor of a government shut down by voting “no” on the latest continuing resolution to keep the government’s doors open.

Of course, Democrats voted against this bill because increases in budgets (such as that for FEMA) were offset with cuts in other areas. Democrats simply want to increase spending without the fiscally responsible act of cutting spending elsewhere.
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Did 85 Democrats Vote In Favor of Government Shutdown?”

Ill. Policy Institute: IL has the most people in poverty since 1992‏

From the Illinois Policy Institute…

Poverty is on the rise in Illinois. In 2010, almost 2 million Illinoisans lived in poverty – the highest number since 1992. What have politicians proposed to reduce poverty and put Illinois back to work? Unfortunately, only increased spending and higher taxes.

You and your family are affected everyday by failed,
government-centric policies handed down by Washington to Springfield.

But after the pain of the recession and the absence of a real recovery, we all know there’s no way more government spending will turn the economy around. In fact, higher taxes are only going to hurt struggling families.

If you’re tired of footing the bill for politicians’ reckless ways, check out my latest blog about Obama’s most recent effort to employ the same tax, spend and borrow policies that have sunk the state’s economy for years.
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Ill. Policy Institute: IL has the most people in poverty since 1992‏”

Fox Business Network Takes on Regulations Burying the Open Road Trucking Industry

-By Warner Todd Huston

Much of what you eat, wear, read, play with, drive, and ride gets to your hometown store via a truck of some kind so the open road trucking industry — as well as local, short distance haulers — is a vital link between all of us and the necessities of life. That is why the constant wave of new regulations that roll over truckers like a killer tidal wave is something to which we all need to pay more attention. So, it looks like Fox Business Network’s Adam Shapiro has been doing some of that attention paying.

These jobs killing regulations need to be reassessed because small business owners — called owner-operators — are being priced right out of the business leaving only the giant trucking firms that can afford to pay all the fees, licenses, tags, and stickers while at the same time being able to have the legal advice to satisfy all the mounds of regulations as well as the yearly and multitudinous changes in same that happen every single year.

Remembering that President Obama keeps claiming that he wants to eliminate regulations, even though his own regulatory powers grow by the day, regulations in this country are killing businesses and smothering any possible recovery. Nearly every day we hear of a new major regulation the Obama administration wants to add to the pile.

Worse, every single year there are hundreds of new regulations and thousands of alterations to regulations that we never hear about, changes that affect nearly every American business. Changes that ultimately make our lives more difficult and costly, changes that cost jobs.

Fox Business Network has been doing a special entitled Regulation Nation that explores the litany of regulations that inhibit the stimulation of the economy and one of the particular issues has been those regulations that affect the trucking industry.
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Fox Business Network Takes on Regulations Burying the Open Road Trucking Industry”

Incompetence: Obama Even Loses the Name of His Jobs Bill

-By Warner Todd Huston

Texas Representative Louie Gohmert is a genius. He’s absconded with the name of Obama’s jobs bill — the American Jobs Act of 2011 –and used it for his own tax-cutting bill.

Is it a Republican dirty trick? How can Gohmert do this? Because Obama is either incompetent or cynical.

Here is the thing, either Obama was never serious about this so-called jobs bill in the first place and never intended to submit it, or he is one of the most inept politicians in presidential history.

If Obama were an effective president Rep. Gohmert would never have been able to appropriate Obama’s bill name for his own. If Obama was effective he’d have crafted his jobs bill, delivered his speech that night, and lined up at least one Democrat, if not the whole Democrat Party, to introduce his bill the very next morning after the speech.
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Incompetence: Obama Even Loses the Name of His Jobs Bill”

Great New Ap That Will be Destroyed By Government

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is a new smart phone ap out there that is a pretty good idea. It’s called “CLOO’.” Unfortunately, no matter how good it is there is an absolute certainty that the government — whether local, state, or federal, or even all of them — will destroy this great idea with regulatory red tape.

The CLOO’ smartphone ap will help folks in metro areas make a few extra dollars while helping others find a place to go… literally. The idea is that folks that live in a downtown section of any big city can add their name to a database so that other people visiting that metro area can find a clean and safe place to go to the bathroom. Seriously.

Anyone that has ever been out and about in a busy downtown area will soon come to find that toilets open to the general public are far and few between. To cut down on vandalism and the ever-present threat of an infestation of homeless people scaring away customers, most businesses in the city do not have public washrooms. Even many fast food joints and some restaurants don’t have restrooms that are open to the public.
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Great New Ap That Will be Destroyed By Government”

Irrelevant Jobs Speech: The Presidential Speech No One Attended

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Obama gave his much delayed “jobs” speech on Thursday, one he’s been promising since 2008. Unfortunately for this president, few people much cared. In fact, the most damning indictment about how irrelevant this speech and this president is was seen during the speech in the House gallery, a space that was, unlike any other presidential address, nearly empty.

So, what if a president gave a speech and no one came?

Dana Milbank reveals the most damning indictment of how unimportant this president has become by reporting the sparse attendance for Obama’s speech.
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Irrelevant Jobs Speech: The Presidential Speech No One Attended”

Live Tweeting Obama’s Jobs Speech: More Big Government Boondoggles

-By Warner Todd Huston

As I often do, I live Tweeted Obama’s address to the joint session of congress, but for sure this speech was little else but yet another plea from Obama for giant piles of government money to be thrown around in a bacchanalia of Keynesian spending. He may not have used the newly verboten word “stimulus,” but that is really all he was offering; another giant stimulus program.

His “jobs” program was nothing but a sop to government unions. Worse his claim that it is “aid for” by attacking the eeeevil rich is as absurd as can be. Even worse still, it’s the same failed ideas he’s been offering for seven years since he first began to run for president (you know when he was pretending to be the junior senator from Illinois).

As to the attacks on the rich — and who is going to make all those new jobs if the rich are destroyed — any sensible look at the stats of who is paying taxes will show the rich already do pay their fair share.
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Live Tweeting Obama’s Jobs Speech: More Big Government Boondoggles”