VIDEO: Black Panther Agitation Erupts at Houston Polling Places

-By Warner Todd Huston

**NOTE** The video below is of eyewitness accounts. There is no video of the incidents inside the polling places because it is illegal to record either sound or video inside a voting place in Texas. If the poll watchers had video tapped these incidents they would have been arrested. In fact, the Texas Sec. of State and Harris County Attorney specifically instructed poll watchers to leave cell phones turned off in the polling place.

Here in Houston, Texas, the Democrats and the extremists that support them were desperate to make the King Street Patriots their boogieman. They desperately wanted these fine patriotic, all-volunteer, grassrooters to be seen as wild-eyed racists that had as their sole purpose the disenfranchisement of the entirety of Houston’s minority community. For the most part the left’s goal evaded them, however.

For the whole of the two weeks of early voting, the Old Media and the Democrats attempted to stir hatred for the King Streeters, but ultimately all the left’s sound and fury amounted to no benefit for their illicit cause.

The KSP reported over a hundred incidents of elections laws being ignored, bent, and broken during the early voting phase of the election. For two solid weeks the Old Media in and around Houston were abuzz with the Streeter’s efforts.

In the early hours of voting on election day, things went smoothly and generally without incident. But all was not entirely quiet for the whole day. The most egregious incidents were perpetrated by Quanell X (formerly Ralph Evans) local leader of the race-based, militant New Black Panther Party.
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VIDEO: Black Panther Agitation Erupts at Houston Polling Places”

King Street Poll Watchers Absolved of Harassment

-By Warner Todd Huston

At one of the last poll watcher training sessions held by the King Street Patriots on November 1, Assistant Harris County Attorney Doug Ray made an admission that contravenes the media meme that charges KSPs poll watchers with harassing voters here in Harris County, Texas.

All week the media and Democrats have charged that voters were being harassed by King Street Patriots poll watchers and thus far county officials have not countered the claims being made by KSPs opponents. But this evening the myth has been busted.

During an address to those attending a late training session, attorney Ray admitted that most of the reports the county has gotten about “hovering” over voters has been blamed on poll judges and workers, not the King Street Patriots poll watchers.

In his first address to the room, witnesses heard Ray say, “There were lots of reports about poll watchers intimidating or ‘hovering’ over voters. We learned that those were actually poll workers for the county.”

After he spoke to those gathered, I asked Attny. Ray about his comments.
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King Street Poll Watchers Absolved of Harassment”

King Street Patriots And Voting Chaos: State Officials Don’t Know What County Officials Are Up To, Rules Terminally Unclear

-By Warner Todd Huston

For those of you following along, I have been here in Houston, Texas all week following the spirited, grassroots, all-volunteer efforts of the King Street Patriots and their True The Vote project as they fan out across Houston as poll watchers assuring that early voting has been free, fair, and legal. They are poised to do the same for November 2, the final day of voting.

It has been enlightening, not to mention educational, to sit here at the King Streeter’s HQ observing the poll watcher training sessions. Harris County Democrats have charged that the Streeters are “overzealous and undertrained,” but as I watched the extensive training sessions (some of them observed by Civil Court Judge R. Jack Cagle) it was clear that the Democrats are at once uninformed of what is actually going on here and engaging in mindless partisan sniping.
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King Street Patriots And Voting Chaos: State Officials Don’t Know What County Officials Are Up To, Rules Terminally Unclear”

Texas Patriots Facing The Left’s Smear Machine

-By Warner Todd Huston

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am here all week in Texas in Houston’s 18th Congressional District observing the energetic and determined work of the King Street Patriots as they implement their poll-watching initiative, True The Vote.

True The Vote made news early this month when initiative Chief Catherine Engelbrecht discovered that a former Service Employee International Union (SEIU) member had turned in over 23 thousand fraudulent voter registration cards. Englebrecht and the King Streeters then decided that they would initiate a grassroots poll-watching effort to make sure that the election was fair and that all laws and regulations were properly observed.

By the reaction of the well organized, heavily funded left, you’d have thought that the King Streeters had proposed shooting puppies.
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Texas Patriots Facing The Left’s Smear Machine”

On The Road With the King Street Patriots of Houston, Texas

-By Warner Todd Huston

The left is in high dudgeon here in the 18th Congressional District in Houston, Texas. Democrat Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, a long-time left-winger, has held this seat since 1995 and she isn’t going to go away quietly. She is quite upset at the gall of a new conservative group that launched a poll watching effort in her district. In fact, Lee is so incensed that she has insisted that the Dept. of Justice launch an investigation of the King Street Patriots on trumped up charges that they have been harassing Hispanic and black voters here in Houston.

Lee has claimed that these all volunteer, Tea Party-inspired poll watchers have been intimidating minorities and has helped spread the false accusation that some shadowy, outside group has been funding them to target Houston’s minority voters.
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On The Road With the King Street Patriots of Houston, Texas”

Going to Houston, Texas to Track Voter Fraud

Dear Readers,

I have been contacted by Anita MonCrief and she invited me to Houston, Texas (Harris County) to track the voter fraud that is going on there. This is the district of one of the most corrupt members of Congress from the Lonestar State, Sheila Jackson Lee, and things have been heating up quite a bit there already.

I am flying out Friday morning so I am not sure just when I can get back to posting on the blog. Certainly I expect to be posting from the road, but there may be a day or so where I am not writing anything new.

I’ll be joining the King Street Patriots of Houston to track the left-wing intimidation they’ve been facing.

There are several things scheduled to be auto posted over the next several days, of course.

I will be back home on Nov. 3rd or 4th after the elections and will resume my usual posting at that time.

If I don’t get a chance to say it, DON’T FORGET TO VOTE! We need to stop this socialist destruction of the U.S.A. and vote put as many Democrats as possible.

In the meantime do take advantage of the archives.

Warner Todd Huston

Texas: Former SEIU Member Registers 23,207 Fraudulent Voters

-By Warner Todd Huston

Former Service Employees International Union (SEIU) member Steve Caddle of Houston, Texas has been caught registering 23,207 fake voters in Harris County alone due to the hard detective work of Catherine Engelbrecht and her “True the Vote” project.

This is one of the best examples of what good citizen activism inspired by Tea Party principles can do for their community.

Catherine Engelbrecht was sick and tired of the vote fraud perpetrated by unions and Democrats and set out to expose it herself. Along with many friends who donated their time, computers, and sweat, they’ve uncovered thousands upon thousands of illegal Democrat “voters” in Texas.
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Texas: Former SEIU Member Registers 23,207 Fraudulent Voters”

Texas Prohibits Unions Taking PAC Money from Teachers’ Paychecks

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, here is a victory against union thuggery. The Texas Attorney General’s office has released an opinion (GA-0774) that prevents school districts from implementing automatic payroll deductions as directed by teachers unions from the paychecks of teachers for union spending on political action committees.

Here’s the most relevant paragraph as it appears in the summary at the end of the decision. (download .pdf file)

Because the Legislature has not expressly or impliedly authorized school districts to process payroll deductions for contributions to political committees such as TSTA-PAC and NEA-Fund, Texas laws prohibits school districts from processing such contributions.

So teachers unions in the Lone Star State will no longer be allowed to forcefully remove money out of teachers’ paychecks to that they can spend it on left-wing political causes. This decision will not prevent teachers from individually sending their dues to political causes nor will it prevent unions from spending on PACs and political causes but it will prevent the schools from using school resources to make the deductions and for using school accounting departments to keep track of those deductions.
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Texas Prohibits Unions Taking PAC Money from Teachers’ Paychecks”