Kentucky Judges Gives Armed Robbers Light Sentence Saying Three-Year-Old White Victim is ‘Racist’

-By Warner Todd Huston

A black judge in Kentucky gave a home invader and armed robber a light sentence because he said he feels that the three-year-old white victim was a “racist” because in her victim statement the little girl said she is now afraid of black people after two black men broke into her home and threatened her with a gun.

In an outrageous statement from the bench, Louisville Judge Olu Stevens attacked the tiny white toddler and her parents for their “racism” calling the little girl’s statement “disturbing” while at the same time excusing the actions of the criminals who traumatized her. That’s right, this judge was more upset at a little girl for being scared by armed robbers than he was at the armed robbers.

At the sentencing trial of one of the robbers, a victim’s impact statement written by the little girl’s mother was entered into evidence. The statement read in part, “Whenever we are running errands, if we come across a black male, she holds me tight and begs me to leave. It has affected her friendships at school and our relationships with African-American friends.”

Then the judge outrageously attacked the little girl saying her statement disgusted him…
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Kentucky Judges Gives Armed Robbers Light Sentence Saying Three-Year-Old White Victim is ‘Racist’”

Bruce Rauner Not So Against ‘Career Politicians’ as He Seems?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Doug Ibendhal over at has a very interesting observation about Illinois GOP outsider Bruce Rauner’s claim that he stands against “career politicians.” Rauner is actually supporting one of the biggest career politicians in the country quite despite his posturing against that class of public servant.

Of course, we know that Rauner has spared no expense out of his large personal fortune to launch TV and radio ads saying that he is fighting both the profligate Democrats and the slothful career politicians that have enabled them on the GOP side. We’ve heard his ads all over the state, to be sure.

In fact, that’s about all anyone knows of the GOP race for governor thus far, Rauner is against career politicians and he’ll somehow magically institute term limits. The good people of Illinois have been inundated with Rauner’s ads to the point where he’s practically sucked all the oxygen out of the room for the other three Republican candidates.

There have been a few dents in Rauner’s domination over the last few weeks with his flip flop on cutting, then not cutting the minimum wage and his supposed pay-to-play donations to his daughter’s exclusive school so that she would get accepted as a student there.
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Bruce Rauner Not So Against ‘Career Politicians’ as He Seems?”

Did GOP Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Say He Wanted to ‘Punch Tea Party Bullies in the Nose’?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Breitbart News has an explosive exclusive report about a recent conference call held by Karl Rove during which, Breitbart says, Senate GOP Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R, KY) said that the tea partiers are “bullies” and he intends to “punch them in the nose.”

For Breitbart, Matthew Boyle writes that a strategy call was recently sponsored by Crossroads America, the GOP PAC headed up by anti-conservative and establishment guru Karl Rove, and on the call tea party activists and conservatives came in for harsh criticism by no less then leader McConnell himself.

Boyle writes that a participant on the call contacted him and said that McConnell attacked Senators Mike Lee and Ted Cruz by name. But what McConnell said at the end of the call was the most adversarial statement.
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Did GOP Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Say He Wanted to ‘Punch Tea Party Bullies in the Nose’?”

Obama In Straightjacket Costume Gets Employees ‘Sensitivity Training’

-By Warner Todd Huston

No one shall make fun of emperor Obama! So says a Kentucky hospital that forced all its employees into so-called “sensitivity training” after three employees entered the company Halloween costume contest dressed as Obama in a straightjacket being escorted by two policemen.

After the costume party, the bosses at Jennie Stuart Medical Center in Hopkinsville, Kentucky decided they weren’t amused when a small handful of employees complained about the costume contest entry. Not many must have been offended, though, because the costume won third place in the competition.

After the party was over the “prize” was handed out by hospital administrators: all 750 employees had to take “sensitivity training.”
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Obama In Straightjacket Costume Gets Employees ‘Sensitivity Training’”

Obama Shuts Down Statue of Liberty, Refuses Last Wish of Dying Girl

-By Warner Todd Huston

Morgan Jones and her mother

14-year-old Morgan Jones has a fatal disease and is legally blind but all she wanted was to visit the Statue of Liberty. But thanks to Obama’s shut down, she has been denied that last request.

Miss Jones is from Ashland, Kentucky and was visiting New York to fulfill a life-long hope of visiting the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island. But with the shut down engineered by the Democrats the girl is out of luck.
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Obama Shuts Down Statue of Liberty, Refuses Last Wish of Dying Girl”

CPAC–Rand Paul: Not a Penny to Countries That Burn U.S. Flag

-By Warner Todd Huston

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul didn’t disappoint on yesterday’s appearance at CPAC at one point in his speech saying of foreign aide, “I say not one penny more to countries that are burning our flag.”

When he kicked off his address he joked that he’d only been given 20 minutes to speak but had brought 13 hours of material. He went on to joke that because of his filibuster Obama might ant to “drone” him.

This set Paul up to discuss theObama’s drone program, the National Defense Authorization Act, and how it is borderline unlawful to use drones on American soil without the due process of law.
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CPAC–Rand Paul: Not a Penny to Countries That Burn U.S. Flag”

CNN Mocks Rand Paul’s Filibuster, No Wonder CNN is Losing Credibility

-By Warner Todd Huston

During a long stretch of the day in the U.S. Senate, Kentucky’s junior Republican Senator, Rand Paul, led a filibuster to decry the Obama’s administration’s seeming disregard of due process, the rule of law, and American’s civil rights. This, apparently, is funny to CNN. Makes one wonder why CNN imagines itself a news station!

Obama’s administration has admitted that it sees nothing inherently wrong with using flying drones to kill Americans here in our own country. This is something that Senator Paul and millions of other Americans (on both sides of the aisle, by the way) think is wrong.

As Obama’s nomination for a new CIA chief came to the floor, Senator Paul launched an old fashioned, talking filibuster to block the nomination in order to get his point across that killing Americans without due process, without proper warrants and trials is simply wrong.

This was something that CNN’s Erin Burnett thought was worthy of mocking.

Here is what CNN’s viewers were treated to during Burnett’s show…
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CNN Mocks Rand Paul’s Filibuster, No Wonder CNN is Losing Credibility”

Senator Coburn’s Ahistorical, Unworkable Tax Hike Plans

-By Warner Todd Huston

Senator Tom Coburn (R, OK) is trying to break heavy with the Tea Partiers — and for that matter his own party — by encouraging Republicans to include massive tax hikes in the on going budget discussions in congress this year.

Coburn appears to feel that a tax hike simply must be part of the discussion to get a deal this year simply because the Democrats control both the White House and the Senate. Apparently Coburn is afraid that a deal must happen this year or the U.S. will become a third world nation over night.

Unfortunately, Coburn’s ideas on the budget have no historical basis at all. Tax hikes have never helped raise a down economy. It seems Coburn is far more interested in the relative success of a deal to solve our economic situation than in what a tax hike means for both the country and his party and whether it will even work or not.

Coburn is fighting both his party and several anti-tax advocacy groups like Americans for Tax Reform.
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Senator Coburn’s Ahistorical, Unworkable Tax Hike Plans”

Senate News: McConnell Introduces Amendment To Stop EPA’s Back-Door National Energy Tax

From the office of Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell (KY)…

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell introduced an amendment Tuesday to the pending small business bill that would stop the Environmental Protection Agency’s back-door national energy tax from taking effect.

“Imposing a backdoor national energy tax through the EPA is a strange way to respond to rising gas prices,” McConnell said. “Fourteen million Americans are looking for work. Gas prices are approaching $4 a gallon. And the Obama administration wants unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats to impose new regulations that will destroy even more jobs – and drive gas prices even higher.”
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Senate News: McConnell Introduces Amendment To Stop EPA’s Back-Door National Energy Tax”

Truth in Accounting Issues: Kentucky’s ‘Financial State of the State’ – True Tax Burden $32 Billion

From the Institute for Truth in Accounting…

Chicago (November 29, 2010) Today, the Institute for Truth in Accounting released Kentucky’s “Financial State of the State.” After an intensive review of the State’s 2010 audited financial report the Institute determined the State is in a precarious financial position because it does not have the funds available to pay more than $32 billion of the State’s commitments as they come due. Each taxpayer’s share of this financial burden equals $26,300.

Kentucky state law requires a balanced budget. “If governors and legislatures had truly balanced the state’s budget, no taxpayer’s financial burden would exist,” said Sheila Weinberg, founder and CEO of the Institute for Truth in Accounting (IFTA). She continued, “A state budget is not balanced if past costs, including those for employees’ retirement benefits, are pushed into the future.”
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Truth in Accounting Issues: Kentucky’s ‘Financial State of the State’ – True Tax Burden $32 Billion”

Rand Paul’s Inadvertent Warning to Tea Partiers and Conservatives

-By James Simpson

Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media and America’s Survival has a post at News With Views about Rand Paul’s now infamous gaffes on the Rachel Maddow Show. In it he warns that some of Rand’s libertarian views could put him at odds with conservatives on a variety of issues and open him to criticism from all sides.

According to Kincaid, “The libertarian movement was the product of seminars held by the far-left Institute for Policy Studies back in the 1960s and 70s.” And while libertarians are good on fiscal matters, because they believe in limited government, their isolationist positions on national defense, if adopted, would provide opportunities for our enemies to flourish and grow in the vacuum created by our absence.
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Rand Paul’s Inadvertent Warning to Tea Partiers and Conservatives”

NPR Tries to Cast Rand Paul as KKK Sympathizer

-By Warner Todd Huston

On the day after his historic primary win, National Public Radio rabidly went after Rand Paul, newly minted GOP nominee for Kentucky Senator, trying to make him out to be a KKK sympathizer or perhaps a racist that would have agreed to keep Jim Crow alive and well in 1964. This rabid, left-wing attack is uncalled for and, further, is meant only to stir anti-Republican hatred and not to help voters discover anything relevant about nominee Rand Paul.

Nearly at the top of the interview the host of NPR’s All Things Considered tried to paint Mr. Paul as some sort of hater that would have opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Catch this loaded and irrelevant question by NPR:

You’ve said that business should have the right to refuse service to anyone and that the Americans for Disabilities Act, the ADA, was an over reach by the federal government, would you say the same by extension of the 1964 Civil Rights Act?

Paul gave a very good reply but the best thing he said was that he hadn’t read through the entire 1964 legislation because it had been passed 40 years ago and didn’t have any role in today’s campaign. And that is just it, isn’t it? The 1964 Civil Rights Act is ancient history as far as current politics goes. It is fully accepted and is not a law in dispute, nor does it have any part in current political discussion. The law is fact the legitimacy of which no one questions. Talking about the 1964 Civil Rights Act is not relevant alt all to today’s issues.
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NPR Tries to Cast Rand Paul as KKK Sympathizer”