-By Dan Scott
The response of the current leadership of this country is apparently to deny, dismiss or delegitimatize those who protested at the Tea Parties against rampant federal spending. Nancy Pelosi’s response – she called it Astroturf – the rich people were protesting, not the average person as in grass roots. If we take this comment at it’s face value, Pelosi believes those who were protesting were either rich themselves or were dupes of the rich. Let’s examine those options: If you participated in the Tea Party protest as I did, I am supposedly rich. If I’m considered rich and Pelosi wants to jack up the taxes on the rich, then all of you in the lower middle class are going to get a tax increase. The other choice is if I’m not considered rich, I’m a dupe of the rich. Are you, the average American, a stupid gullible imbecile who needs Nancy’s benevolent guidance? Is this arrogant elitist attitude toward people expressing their opinions coming from an elected representative of the People or a member of the elite ruling class? Her other comment – we handed out tax credits, in other words you been bribed with a $400 tax credit, you have nothing to say! See her response for yourself. Do you feel the love?
Mr. Harris of Good Morning America essentially admitted President Obama does not have the pulse of the country, i.e. he is out of touch with reality! So either Obama is clueless to what is going on around him due to his very narrow insular view of the world as a liberal demagogue or Mr. Harris is making a childish unsubstantiated claim in a clownish attempt to dismiss the obvious (shades of Baghdad Bob). Which is it? President Obama has given more public comment to his new dog than regarding the people protesting his shared policies with Nancy Pelosi. Which is more important, his dog or concerned people? Apparently, the dog is more important than the consent of a significant portion of the country. For him to even deny the obvious speaks volumes as to his divisive policies. He is a Divider instead of the so-called new politics of being a Uniter he claimed he would be during his campaign, apparently his promise was empty rhetoric. Is he President of the United States or is a leader of only those who believe his ideology? We can see that he is not a Uniter since a leader of all the people compromises to achieve the greatest consensus. The leader who chooses consensus represents the interest of the majority versus a dictator who represents his own interest. The greatest consensus usually means those at the two extremes of any issue are dissatisfied. In fact, our Constitution is set up to force this idea of consensus but at the same time hold at bay the tyranny of the majority, Walter Williams did a nice piece on this. This essential means of leadership in a republic separates the President from a dictator; a dictator ignores the consensus and chooses his own way. You be the judge of Obama’s choices.
CNN spun the tea parties as anti-government and also anti-CNN. An interesting connection by the CNN correspondent Susan Roesgen don’t you think? Why would a reporter jump to such a conclusion unless the company line is the support of government policy? Hasn’t CNN just outed itself as being a propaganda arm of the Obama Administration by making such a linkage? The fact of this admitted linkage of CNN to the government puts all CNN reporting under a cloud of suspicion for engaging in propaganda for the government, not the Fourth Estate as claimed for journalism.
The left’s response is deny, dismiss or delegitimatize. Why? Any idea that Leftism is not mainstream works contrary to their ability to control the country with as little effective opposition as possible. Liberals have always been sensitive to the idea that the majority of Americans reject their politics. They have gone so far as to rebrand themselves as “Progressives”. The liberal response has been to go the European way, buy as many votes as possible through give away programs until enough special favored groups form a majority that are beholding to them. Thus Nancy Pelosi’s response that Middle America received tax credits, “you owe us, you don’t bite the hand that feeds you”. The problem with her premise however, is that money was either returned to the people (middle class) who paid it in the first place or was borrowed. Those who got money from the government who didn’t pay any income tax got theirs either from what the rich paid or what the government borrowed. Nancy Pelosi doesn’t recognize that it’s the taxpayer’s money, not the government’s, which accounts for her arrogance in spending with no apparent limits. By the way, has anyone gotten their Social Security notice yet? An estimated 55 million people drawing SS benefits will get a one time payment of $250, isn’t that generous of Nancy? The system is going broke faster than expected but Nancy gave the go ahead to spend an additional $13 billion dollars.
So now that we have registered our dissent and the government and MSM have chosen to deny, dismiss or delegitimatize the Tea Party protests of the average American, what’s next? As I mentioned before we are going to have to get creative about our next move. I hope you people at DHS are paying attention, since I am organizing people to engage in more political dissent and action against the current government’s dysfunctional policies. I am advocating economic sanctions, not violent resistance and therefore my activities as a supposed Right Wing Extremist (your label for me because of my advocacy on this issue) contrary to your innuendo fall in the same category as the Leftist Extremists, an economic nuisance not worth your resources. As a first necessary step, which if you haven’t already done so, is to contact your Congressional Representative. Communicate in a concise and polite manner, outline the issues and don’t ramble.
As I said previously, we need to be creative in holding their attention and making sure there are consequences to not listening. Here are some practical actions you as an individual can take. Not buying US bonds of any kind is one means to not enable poor spending decisions by government. In this economic environment any boycott is devastating to a business. We have a unique opportunity to leverage our actions due to the recession. A business lives and dies on sales, declining sales to a business is death by a thousand cuts; it’s painful and direct. Boycotting the businesses and products owned by people like Nancy Pelosi has consequences that hurt them the most, in their pocket book. Boycotting major campaign contributors of those who insist on wild spending is another avenue. Politicians need money for their campaigns advertising is expensive. Boycotting news outlets that give free positive coverage of a candidate is slow, they are dying but liberals will spout their cause until their dying breathe, the NYT being an example. A better group to target is the advertisers supporting the newscasts of the networks and local MSM outlets that aid with their propagandizing for dysfunctional government policies.
For those who have more resources and access to legal means, I recommend lawsuits. Given the proclivity of politicians to payoff their campaign contributors with government pork barrel projects like the so called green initiatives, this may be an avenue to tie up and shutdown some of the spending. Those of you who are lawyers may have other ideas, such as going after the politicians directly with class action law suits charging them with conflict of interest violations.
Dealing directly with the bail out, we as customers are not obligated to subsidize the poor choices of Congress or their campaign contributors. We, the People, are not helpless and certainly can’t be forced to accept the irresponsible actions of Congress. It’s time we do what Congress would not having wasted taxpayer’s money, put these bailed out companies in bankruptcy where they belong for either a restructuring of their business model and expenses or orderly liquidation. Yes, we the taxpayer may lose some of our money, however, do any of you really believe we would have gotten it back anyway given the behavior of those involved? What’s not to say they won’t keep coming back to the piggy bank again like both GM and Chrysler already did? Such an action is a major slap in the face to Congress and their campaign contributors. I recommend a boycott of GM (Buick, GM trucks, Cadillac, Chevy, Saturn, Pontiac, Saab), Chrysler (Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep) and AIG (car, life and property insurance). The liberal guilt trip will be you are putting workers on the unemployment line. Too late, the unions in their greed put 30% of their fellow co-workers on the unemployment line over the past 10 years with their wage hike demands. We only have crocodile tears for them. We, the People, aren’t obligated to buy the product of their labor or subsidize the poor management decision of the Board of Directors. Cars not bought from GM and Chrysler will be bought from the other car companies who were responsible and therefore earned the privilege to survive. Survival of a company is not a right, it’s a privilege! The same can be said of AIG.
This list of Boycott suggestions below is not exhaustive, so more should be added as they are discovered and subtracted if they pull their sponsorship.
Good Morning America (ABC) sponsors
Beneful Dog food
Travelers Insurance
Monster vs. Aliens movie
Trop50 Orange Juice – Tropicana
CNN sponsors
Courtyard by Marriot
Select Quote – Life Insurance
Johnson & Johnson products http://www.jnj.com/connect/healthcare-products/consumer/?flash=true
Volks Wagen
Astepro – OTC allergy medicine
BDO Seidman – financial advisory and consulting services
J’oS A Bank – business suits
Quick Books software
Travelers Insurance
Maxtrix-Direct – Life Insurance
Stacey’s and Homers Buffet
Nature Valley Trailmix
Nancy Pelosi’s sources of income (including her husband)
Zinfandel Lane – wine
Starkist Tuna
Piatti restaurant chain
La Auberge Hotel
Del Monte – major products below
Contadina brands
S&W brands
College Inn Broths
9 lives cat food
Pounce treats
Meow Mix
Kibbles and Bits
Gravy Train
Natures Recipes
Canine Carryouts
Jerky Treats
Meaty Bone
At some point if the Boycott becomes effective, Barack Obama will pay more attention to the concerned citizens than his dog. I expect nothing more than caterwauling, sheepish acknowledgement then lip service (in that order) at first since he has a track record of saying one thing and doing another. Some may attempt to argue that engaging in a boycott will hurt the economy. Actually not, a boycott is playing a zero-sum game, those companies who are not the objects of the boycott will gain those sales lost by those under the boycott. In the long run, weeding out the feeble companies and those who engage or support political causes should be put out of business thus strengthening the remaining viable companies. A business should be apolitical because their only reason for existence is to serve the customer, not some political cause celeb.
Please circulate this article to every concerned citizen who either attended the Tea Parties or supported them, it’s time for action. You have permission to reprint in part or in full, with proper attribution such as a working link.
US House of Representatives email contact information
US Senate email contact information
Dan Scott calls himself a “Member of the Global Capitalist Cabal preaching Capitalism and personal responsibility as the economic solution to world poverty.” He is also a member of the 14th Amendment Society — victimhood is a liberal code word for denying the civil rights of others. He is also a proud member of the Global Warming Denier Cabal, insisting that facts not agendas determine the truth.
Dan can be seen on the web at http://www.geocities.com/fightbigotry2002/ as well as http://www.geocities.com/dscott8186/saidwebpage.htm, And can be reached for comments at dscott8186@yahoo.com.
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