Team Sarah Website Attacked By Liberal Trolls

Looks like the underhanded, ill bred, uncouth left is at it again. E! Crum has a great piece explaining the situation…

-By Elizabeth Crum

Liberal Fascist Sock Puppets Busted at TeamSarah, Geoffry Dunn at HuffingtonPost Owes An Apology

Both The Weekly Standard and Victor Morton at Inside Blogitics – a weekly column devoted to blog politics in the Plugged-In section of the Washington Times – picked up this story about online posers, well, posing as conservative Team Sarah site members – “sock puppets” – and then deliberately posting nasty, racist comments in order to make the whole site and its founders look bad.

And, to add insult to injury, Geoffrey Dunn of the HuffingtonPost jumped in the fray and alleged that the TeamSarah site was “ugly” in its practice of “mean-spirited bigotry” and “nastiness.” Seems to me it would be appropriate for Mr. Dunn to post a retraction and an apology. (I don’t see one yet.)

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AP Attacks Gov. Palin EVEN in Birth Announcement of Grandson

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Associated Press is classy, indeed. They can’t even keep sniping at Sarah Palin out of a story announcing the blessed birth of her grandson. Ah, but wait, it gets even more annoying because not only did the AP snipe at Palin in its first birth announcement story, once called on it the AP went back twice to rearrange the piece rewriting history to make it seem as if they never sniped at her in the first place.

Initially, the AP attacked Palin in its very first paragraph saying that daughter Bristol’s pregnancy was the thing that caused Palin’s candidacy to “go downhill.” At 7:20 PM the AP gave us this: (Bold my emphasis)

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MSN Says Ridiculing Palin Is the Top TV Moment of 2008

-By Warner Todd Huston

MSN TV reporter, Dave Lake, has decided in his infinite wisdom that Tina Fey ridiculing Governor Sarah Palin is the top TV moment from the 2008 TV season. Aren’t you surprised that making fun of Sarah Palin has become the top TV moment? I mean, it’s incredible that the liberal media has decided that out of the entire TV season, this is the top moment! I’m SHOCKED, to say the least. (Don’t worry, I won’t run out of sarcasm any time soon)

From his blurb on the main page of the TV Year in review section I think we can see why Mr. Lake is a reviewer and not himself a TV writer. Let’s just say that his “humor” fell flat.

I Can See Tina From My House: The year’s most singular TV moment was Tina Fey’s return to “Saturday Night Live” as Republican vice presidential hopeful Sarah Palin. Fey, who was never known for her impressions while on the show, nailed the voice, mannerisms and spirit of the Alaska governor, propelling the show to its best ratings in 14 years. An appearance a few weeks later by the actual Sarah Palin fell flat, much like her bid for the White House. (NBC)

The appearance by the “actual” Sarah Palin “fell flat”? Says who? It was one of SNL’s highest watched episodes all year. It would seem, rather, that the whole rest of the SNL season fell flat compared to the ratings that Sarah Palin brought the show!

And, I’m sorry, how did Fey “nail” the Governor’s “spirit”? That would presuppose that Sarah Palin is as stupid as Fey attempted to make her seem. One has to point out that Fey did not get elected to the highest office a state has while Sarah Palin did.

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Old Media: Now Featuring Palin-Smears From Actions of In-Laws Not Yet Even In-Laws

-By Warner Todd Huston

The national news has found its newest way to slam Governor Sarah Palin and that is to report heavily on any untoward actions made by her relatives by marriage — or even soon to be marriage, for that matter. Next the Old Media will be strenuously looking for Palin neighbors that are unruly, Palin hairdressers that have parking tickets, Palin dog groomers that steal pens from work, and Palin fans that talk too loudly on cell phones while in a theater.

Now, it is beyond me why a person who is not yet even an official in-law by marriage of a public official is a major news story for a low-level drug bust. I can see where it might interest local media for a brief minute, but for this story to have spread all across the wires and the Old Media with nearly 1,000 stories on the national scene… well, it is rather silly, really. Evidence of the worst in tabloid maneuvers.

It’s silly, of course, until one realizes that it is just another lame attempt by the Old Media to slime Governor Palin, even if it does have to be guilt by association. And it isn’t even association by color of official government business, either. It is family business. In its zeal to slam Sarah Palin, Reuters even initially misreported the story to be Palin’s daughter getting arrested for drugs instead of the soon to be Mother-in-Law. (my bold)

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Media Can’t Understand Why Palin’s Still Popular Internet Search

-By Warner Todd Huston

This particular Palin report is funny for it’s cluelessness, but a spokesman for the Internet search engine company Lycos is astounded that people are still interested enough in Governor Sarah Palin to put her name in the search field of an Internet search engine like Lycos or Google. After all, we have Obama, now, the spokesman says. Why do we need Palin info still?

The quotes from Kathy O’Reilly, a spokeswoman for Lycos, were reported by Politico last week and goes to show that the appeal of Sarah Palin is still little understood in many quarters.

Sarah Palin has stayed in the list of the top 5 Internet searches since she was chosen as John McCain’s running mate in October.

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Oprah Whines that Sarah Hasn’t Come on Oprah Show

-By Warner Todd Huston

Oprah cries: “She talked to Greta. She talked to Matt. She talked to Larry. But she didn’t talk to me…”

Apparently, Oprah is whining that Sarah Palin won’t come on her show now that the election is over. But, who can blame Governor Palin for snubbing Oprah after the nasty things Oprah reportedly said about her before the election?

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On Gov. Palin All the Lies Fit to Print

-By Warner Todd Huston

It seems that Froma Harrop of Creator’s Syndicate news service was on vacation from just about five days before the general election until today and she’s just catching up on all the Palin hatin’ she must have missed. Unfortunately for Harrop, she still hasn’t caught up with the truth yet because her latest is filled with every lie about Governor Palin she could jam into one column, quite despite that for weeks her digs have been proven lies.

In hers headlined, “Palin should move to TV talk show,” Harrop proves that she should move from Creator’s Syndiacte to the National Enquirer… unless Creator’s Syndicate is trying to unseat the supermarket tabloid in hack writing. If that is the case, then Harrop is on the right track.

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CNN Distorts Palin Comments From Its OWN Interview With Her

-By Warner Todd Huston

What is it about CNN that they have to distort things that Governor Sarah Palin has said in interviews? This time, CNN even distorted what she said in an interview one of its own correspondents conducted. On CNN’s Political Ticker Blog on November 11, CNN had this absurd headline:Palin in Obama’s administration? And followed that up with a paragraph that materially misstated what she told their own commentator, Wolf Blitzer.

Former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin said Wednesday she would be honored to help out President-elect Barack Obama in his new administration, even if he did hang around with an “unrepentant domestic terrorist.”

Yet, the several paragraphs that follow shows that the header and the into paragraph twist what it is she really said. If one were to read just the headline and that first paragraph of the Political Ticker entry, one would get a very distorted view of what the governor said.

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Pew: McCain Gets Far More Negative Coverage From Media

-By Warner Todd Huston

As if we didn’t know already by the evidence of the left-wing media establishment’s work, Pew Research unveiled a new survey that showed that John McCain has been on the receiving end of “heavily unfavorable” coverage. In fact, according to Pew, McCain’s media coverage has become more negative over time with unfavorable stories about him outweighing favorable ones “by a factor of more than three-to-one.” Pew finds that McCain’s negative stories are the highest from among all four major candidates.

First of all, we should remember that the Pew survey was drawn from news coverage — opinion pieces were not included. So, if we were to add all the opinion editorials emanating from the Old Media, the unfavorables for McCain and Palin would soar to unprecedented heights. But, Op-Eds aside and with the fact that we are talking “news,” it is still amazing to note the highly negative tone leveled at McCain.

Pew found that, for McCain “nearly six-in-ten stories studied were decidedly negative in nature (57%), while fewer than two-in-ten (14%) were positive.”

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After Attacks on Palin, Biden Given a Pass by Media for Not Holding Press Conferences

-By Warner Todd Huston

The CBS News blog “From the Road” suddenly realized that Joe Biden was not giving the media any access and that he hasn’t held a press conference for well over a month. Even with this report, though, the media at large has been strangely quite on this disappearing act of Biden’s, especially in light of the drubbing they handed out to Sarah Palin when she was not so forthcoming with the press as they’d have liked after her debut on the national stage.

Remember all the pained cries from the media that Palin was “hiding” from them? Remember how they agonized over her distance from them in the month following her addition to the McCain ticket? Yet, Biden is not only refusing any interaction with the press, he is, for the most part, not even taking any questions from voters during his campaign stops.

Still, the media seems unconcerned with scolding Biden as much as they did Palin.

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Fake Palin SAT Scores Fool Left-O-Sphere

-By Warner Todd Huston

Did you hear that Governor Palin is stupid? Well, if you watch TV, listen to the radio, or read any news outlet you can’t help but find the lefties there claiming in unison that she is the dumbest woman to appear on the scene since Goldie Hawn made her chops as the blonde ditz on 1960’s TV. And, heck it’s gotta be true. Why, even her SAT scores prove it! Except that the “proof” of that is an Internet hoax that fooled Wonkette, the DailyKos and a blue million nutrooter sites. But, who cares? As long as it makes Palin look bad, we’re golden, baby! Truth-schmooth, right?

On October 10, blogger Dawn Eden found that a posted image of hers had been stolen, then altered, and then posted everywhere as “proof” that Sarah Palin is stupid. Apparently, the biggest stir was created by the tabloid site on its “Assignment Desk” section.

Originally, Gawker wondered if the image presented as Palin’s SAT scores was real and posited that it was believable. Later in the day, however, one of their own site commentors effectively proved it an obvious fake. But not before it fooled Wonkette and the DailyKos and a score of other nutrooter sites.

Before the obviousness of the fakery was settled, the DailyKos site pronounced the SAT score card as “credible,” and the unprofessionally profane Wonkette said that the faked scores “sounds about right.”

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LATimes’ Snead: Palin With ‘Rifle’ on Newsweek Cover… is it ‘OK?’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Over at the L.A. Times’ The Dish Rag blog, Elizabeth Snead wonders how Newsweek got Governor Sarah Palin to pose “with a rifle” for the cover of its next issue? Snead then reveals that it was not a new photo but an old one, that the Governor did not pose for the cover at all, and wonders if it is right for the magazine to use the photo as they did? I suppose Snead wasn’t really too worried about the photo, but she did just prove that she has no idea what a “rifle” is because Palin is holding a shotgun, not a rifle, in the cover photo.

Snead tries to give a ribbing to Governor Palin for holding the “rifle” over her shoulder with the barrel pointing toward the ground and the breech open with the shoulder stock draped over her left shoulder. Showing she has no idea how a firearm works, Snead wonders if Palin could “shoot” her “foot off like that?”

Hey, is that even the right way to hold a rifle? Can’t you shoot your foot off like that?

What we have here is another denizen of Hollywood that knows zip about firearms. Palin is not holding a rifle. And even if it were a breechloading rifle, with the breech cracked open, draped over a shoulder, one cannot shoot one’s foot off regardless. A breech must be closed before any foot shooting can be in the offing.

Looks to me like the only self-inflicted foot shooting is being done by Elizabeth Snead as she reveals her ignorance of firearms.

As to Newsweek using the photo of a gun toting Palin, I don’t see anything wrong with it. It’s an old photo form 2002, but so what? They didn’t doctor it and it doesn’t show Palin in a bad light — unless you are a gun hater, of course. And, only someone in Hollywood could presume that a cover photo had to be “posed for,” after all.

It always makes me wonder what country these people in Hollywood are from, anyway?

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AP Says Palin is a Racist

-By Warner Todd Huston

Talk about an idiotic assertion, but the Associated Press just claimed that Governor Sarah Palin is a racist for saying that Obama used to “pal around with terrorists.” According to the AP’s Douglass K. Daniel, Palin is a racist because the word “terrorist” is construed now-a-days to mean a “dark-skinned radical Muslim” so that makes her a “racist” in his blinkered view.

See, it isn’t overt, according to Daniel, but there is a “subtext,” don’t you know? And, yes, he’s serious with this absurd claim, sadly. This Olympics award winning back stretch has to be seen to be believed.

Palin’s words avoid repulsing voters with overt racism. But is there another subtext for creating the false image of a black presidential nominee “palling around” with terrorists while assuring a predominantly white audience that he doesn’t see their America?

In a post-Sept. 11 America, terrorists are envisioned as dark-skinned radical Muslims, not the homegrown anarchists of Ayers’ day 40 years ago. With Obama a relative unknown when he began his campaign, the Internet hummed with false e-mails about ties to radical Islam of a foreign-born candidate.

Whether intended or not by the McCain campaign, portraying Obama as “not like us” is another potential appeal to racism. It suggests that the Hawaiian-born Christian is, at heart, un-American.

The FACT that Obama has close ties to an AVOWED American domestic terrorist has absolutely nothing whatever to do with race. It has everything to do with Obama’s terrible judgment. Obama isn’t being at all attacked for being “black” with this exposure of his ties to Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers.

There is also nestled in this story another bit of spin that has become the media’s excuse making for Obama’s ties to Ayers. (My bold for emphasis)

Continue reading “AP Says Palin is a Racist” Attacks Gov. Palin’s Unborn Grandchild

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ben Kamin: In Year 2024 Palin’s Grandchild a ‘Bastard,’ Loser Palin Operates a ‘Lenscrafters,’ Hates Grandson

Apparently, Rabbi Ben Kamin thinks he’s a funny guy. Yes, he must be auditioning for SNL with his latest column on the, a Denver based, Internet news service. You see, to devise the newest way to smear Governor Sarah Palin, the “Rabbi” thought it would be hilarious to wonder what the life of Palin’s grandchild, son-to-be of Palin’s daughter Bristol, will be like in the year 2024. This odious attack piece imagines the boy being called “bastard” by everyone, imagines Palin to be a washed up, loser who fakes her love for the boy, presents Todd Palin as distant, disgruntled, loveless and depressed, and pits the boy in the role of a downtrodden, suicide risk without a father. All these smears against a child not yet even born!

Despite his obscene attempt at political analysis, this Kamin fellow somehow achieved the title of “Spiritual Life Examiner” with the Internet news outlet. I guess this so-called Rabbi is the Jewish version of Jeremiah “God damn America” Wright, because it just goes to show that claiming to be a man of God and actually living that charge are not necessarily one and the same.

Continue reading “ Attacks Gov. Palin’s Unborn Grandchild”

Det. Free Press: Another Boring Palin’s-Bad-For-Women Screed

-By Warner Todd Huston

I suppose this makes something like the one hundredth leftist female writer that has decided that Sarah Palin is a traitor to womanhood. But, here we have it again, another wild-eyed, hate filled, far left screed filled with name calling and little else, this one from Rochelle Riley and the Detroit Free Press. One would think that the papers all across the country would be ashamed of giving space to these obviously unhinged women and their so-called political analysis. If you want to see set backs, these sorts of catty, snippy, over-the-top articles against Sarah Palin have set female commentators back to the stone age where it concerns serious people being able to take them seriously.

Riley starts right off the top, not even taking a few lines to get to the blinding hatred, with the headline telling Palin to “leave the race before you further hurt women.” One could easily ask Riley to stop writing “before she hurts women further,” but she goes on anyway.

In her first paragraph, Riley assumes right off the top that Palin “cannot win” the upcoming VP debate with Joe Biden. Then Riley seems to think that a VP candidate cannot have a difference with the top of the ticket when bringing up Palin’s Pakistan comment that seemed to differ with McCain’s position. If this no-conflicts ideal is Riley’s criteria for the proper sort of vice presidential candidate she should be writing far more readily about Joe Biden than Sarah Palin. About every time Biden opens his mouth he’s contradicting Barack Obama these days.

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Boston Globe Leads With a Lie — Debunked Palin Rape Kit Story Again

-By Warner Todd Huston

I would urge someone close to members of the editorial board of the Boston Globe to let them know that the world is not flat, the moon is not made of green cheese, and Elvis is, indeed, dead. I say this because obviously the Boston Globe is way behind the times in discovering facts that debunk rumors and it’s clear they have no capacity to do any research. I mean, they must not be paying attention to reality because in today’s editorial, the Globe again raises the thoroughly debunked claim that Sarah Palin charged rape victims for their rape kits when she was mayor of Wasilla. The claim is a straight out lie that has been demolished by many writers (including myself), yet the Globe obviously took no efforts to research the facts before they revealed their incompetence to the world.

It’s no surprise that this proven lie against Palin is being whipped up again just before the VP debates by the Obama flacks at the Globe. They want her to be tagged with this lie to distract her from real issues, it is plain. And that isn’t just my opinion because they justify the re-raising of this long ago debunked charge as one that should be asked of her during the debate on Thursday.

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300 Retired Generals And Admirals Endorse John McCain For President

In this day of uncertain security, this endorsement REALLY means something…

John McCain For President

ARLINGTON, VA — U.S. Senator John McCain’s presidential campaign today announced that 300 retired generals and admirals from around the country are endorsing John McCain for president. The retired generals and admirals announced their support with the following letter:

“We have had the honor and privilege of serving as career officers in the United States Armed Forces, and of serving shoulder to shoulder with so many of the fine young men and women who are the backbone of America’s Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. It is that experience that informs our judgment that John McCain is the presidential candidate best suited to serve as America’s Commander-in Chief from the day of his inauguration.

“Our next president will confront national security challenges as significant as those faced by any administration in at least a generation. Success will require a leader with proven tenacity, judgment and courage. It will also require a leader with detailed knowledge of our military and other instruments of national power, and with years of experience dealing seriously with foreign leaders.

“John McCain’s entire life has been devoted to the service of America. Throughout a long and distinguished career in the military and in Congress, he has repeatedly displayed the courage and integrity to place America’s interests first — regardless of personal cost. And he has demonstrated the experience and wisdom to lead America — and, importantly, our allies — in effectively dealing with complex and vitally important national security challenges around the world.

“We unequivocally endorse him to continue his service to the country as the next President of the United States.”

Full, Alphabetical List Follows:
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Old Media Pushes False ‘Rape Kit’ Charge Against Gov. Palin

-By Warner Todd Huston

At least since September 8 the extreme left has been pushing a lie that Governor, then Mayor, Sarah Palin “charged rape victims for rape kits” performed upon them in the Alaskan town of Wasilla. The charge stems from a May 22, 2000 article in the local Wasilla paper The Frontiersman and has been spun from a comment made by the Wasilla Police Chief. This comment was somehow made into a Sarah Palin policy. Evidence of the incident, though, shows no involvement by Palin at all. Still, many Old Media outlets continue to keep illegitimately linking this rape kit billing claim to Sarah Palin, even though the truth is easily discovered.

As mentioned first up was The Frontiersman story from 2000. In that story Police Chief Fannon was quoted as standing against legislation that would force local municipalities to pick up the costs of rape kits being performed. In the interview Fannon said that, upon conviction, he favored the criminals being charged for the costs.

The story mentions that Fannon claimed that at the time Wasilla did have a policy that rape victims’ insurance would be charged for the kits being performed but there was no mention that victims themselves were charged and no claim that any ever were. It should be pointed out that The Frontiersman is the local Wasilla paper, so, consequently, the story did not mention what the policy was in any other Alaskan city outside the area the paper covers other than to say that “most municipal police agencies have covered the cost of exams.” This last phrase has been focused on by Palin’s detractors and spun from “some municipalities” into “all” (except Wasilla) and presented as some sort of proof that she hates rape victims.

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Mo Dowd, Matt Damon Repeat NutRoots Lie About Palin

-By Warner Todd Huston

**Video Below the Fold**

As if we needed another reason to think that the excitable Maureen Dowd and the empty headed Matt Damon are… well, excitable and empty headed… we get the newest raindrop in their river of blather as proof that their “research” into a subject seems to consist of hearing an unsupported claim and deciding it represent gospel truth. Our latest proof is that they both seem to have been taken in by a nutrooter lie, a fake quote that claims Sarah Palin said, “dinosaurs were here 4,000 years ago.”

Both seem to have fallen for a parody of Governor Palin invented by a blogger whose post seems to have been taken literally. The following self-identified “fake Governor Sarah Palin Quote” was posted on August 30: “God made dinosaurs 4,000 years ago as ultimately flawed creatures, lizards of Satan really, so when they died and became petroleum products we, made in his perfect image, could use them in our pickup trucks, snow machines and fishing boats.”

Damon’s laughable little attempt at political analysis consisted of an interview he recently gave where he ripped into Governor Palin. He claimed he felt she was unqualified, yet then turned around one sentence later to say he knows nothing about her. Isn’t that like claiming to be an expert on something then immediately admitting that you’ve never studied the subject? Near the end of the interview, Damon said. “I need to know if she really thinks dinosaurs were here 4,000 years ago, that’s an important… I wanna know that, I really do.”

Continue reading “Mo Dowd, Matt Damon Repeat NutRoots Lie About Palin”

Conn. Paper: Tired of Attacking Palin, Attacks ‘Angry’ Town of Wasilla Instead

-By Warner Todd Huston

This one has got to take the cake for stupidity and lack of journalistic integrity. The Old Media has been gyrating in ever widening circles to find new and unheard of ways to destroy Governor Sarah Palin and now from the Hartford Courant (Connecticut) we find the most ridiculous one yet. With this Robert Thorson column we have now gone from slandering Gov. Palin herself, to attacking every last member of her family — including her Down Syndrome child, Trig — to this latest stop on the smear Palin express: attacking Palin’s hometown Wasilla, Alaska. Thorson seriously tries to make us believe that Wasilla is an “angry” town! Why? Because of its “geography.” And because of something that happened in 1976.

Yes, Wasilla is filled with “disappointed” and “angry” people and this is what “scares” Thorson about Governor Sarah Palin. And Thorson knows that everyone in Wasilla is foaming at the mouth mad because of his intimate knowledge of Wasilla and it’s people, right? He knows this because of his extensive research into Wasilla’s newspapers, or TV reports, or interviews with citizens all of whom are telling him about their mental perturbation, right? Uh, no. He “knows” this because of an Encyclopedia entry and little else.

Thorson gives us the sad tale of a Capitol move gone wrong and posits that this has made Wasilla a town of crazies, losers, and trouble makers, a dangerous place that he obviously thinks might give us a dangerous vice president. Thorson tells us that in 1974 Wasilla was chosen to be Alaska’s new capital city because the original capitol, Juneau, is not easily accessible. But the big move ended up not happening because by 1976 the voters of Alaska decided not to foot the one billion dollar price tag to pay for it all.

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Newest Palin Attack: Son Vandalized Buses, Forced to Join Military (NYDaily News Debunks)

-By Warner Todd Huston

It seems like the rumors, innuendo and smears thrown by the left against Governor Sarah Palin and her family will never stop. Apparently, the newest lie being casually thrown about by the DemocraticUnderground and the National Enquirer is that Palin’s soldier son Track was involved as an unidentified vandal of Wasilla school buses in 2005. Worse, the rumormongers are denigrating Track’s patriotism for joining the military and claiming that he was somehow “forced” to join to avoid prosecution. Naturally, they haven’t a shred of proof. Fortunately, the New York Daily News has quickly debunked this lie.

In a DU posting from September 2, it was claimed that a “non-disclosed judicial source” said that Track Palin was an “unidentified minor” involved in tire slashings of a fleet of school buses in Wasilla in December of 2005. A 2005 report says that several teens had been found “deflating tires in 44 First Student buses, breaking mirrors and unplugging 110 buses from their engine-block heaters, which caused the buses not to start in subzero weather on Nov. 29.”

Continue reading “Newest Palin Attack: Son Vandalized Buses, Forced to Join Military (NYDaily News Debunks)”

Philly Inquirer’s New Palin Slam: She Sold her State’s Plane? So What?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Mario Cattabiani of the Philadelphia Inquirer wants you to know that Governor Sarah Palin’s selling of her state’s plane is no big deal. Why? Well, because Democrat Governor Ed “Fast Eddie” Rendell sold his state’s plane, too, and he got a better deal. So, Palin’s plane purveying pales next to Rendell’s according to Cattabiani. Only, there are quite a few facts that Cattabiani seems to have skipped in his story. So, apparently, the only way for the Philly Inquirer to pooh pooh Palin’s efforts is to mislead us about Rendell’s. Unfortunately for Cattabiani, his piece ends up being just another way to lie about Palin’s record.

Starting out suitably flippant, Cattabiani takes a sarcastic jab at Palin telling her that she should “take a lesson from the Rendell administration on how to sell a state airplane,” and then goes on to relate how Rendell sold his state plane at a profit. And Cattabiani then quotes a Rendell crony to the effect that Palin is “inexperienced” because of it all. Naturally, there is no investigation into what sorts of planes the two Governors sold, nor what they were worth because it turns out the Pennsylvanian plane was worth more than the Alaskan plane in the first place — nor does Cattabiani give the Palin camp any space to reply to the political jab.

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Palin-Bashing ‘Us Weekly’ Offers Free Issues to Stem Avalanche of Cancellations

-By Warner Todd Huston

As I reported on September 5, the celebrity gossip magazine “Us Weekly” got inundated by angry subscribers demanding their subscriptions be cancelled after the slick published an issue bashing McCain VP pick Governor Sarah Palin, her family and litle baby Trig.

Well, now it looks like “Us Weekly” is desperate to stem the tide of angry cancellations by offering free issues to anyone upset over the Palin-Bashing issue. Michelle Malkin is reporting that the magazine is sending subscribers an email begging them not to cancel and offering a groveling apology.

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Outrageous: Fake ebay Listing Selling Palin’s Baby Trig as ‘Political Prop’

-By Warner Todd Huston

**Image Below The Fold**

This one was all over the net yesterday. Apparently, a poster at the radical nutroot site, DemocraticUnderground, created a fake listing for someone pretending to sell baby Trig on ebay. The faux listing read “Baby used prop newborn boy 3-6 months special needs,” and included a description that called Governor Palin a “pushy social climber, unwilling to let pregnancy and children stand in the way of ambition.” It also listed baby’s Trig’s father as “unknown.”

Originally appearing on the DemocraticUnderground at around 1PM on September 4, by DU poster Bob Weaver, the thread was soon locked by DU moderators and the image scrubbed from the site. But not before a screen shot was taken…

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The Original Mavericks

-By Warner Todd Huston

A warning comes to my mind from this ad. The fact that Republicans are just as eager to smack down the Republican Party as anyone else seems to me to be a very upsetting notion. Not upsetting as in a liar’s claim, but upsetting that it is TRUE!

Think of it people. We are all ecstatic that Palin is on the ticket, we are all resigned that McCain is on the ticket. BOTH are famous for attacking their own Party! And we are FINE with that for the most part (though McCain has taken it too far more often than not).

What will this “maverick” deal spawn? Will it create a whole raft of GOP followers that specialize in bucking the GOP? And won’t that weaken this party even more than it already is?

Food for thought. Let’s not take this “maverick” thing too far.

NYT/LAT Disrespecting Mrs. Palin’s Marriage?

-By Warner Todd Huston

What’s in a name? Well, if you’ll excuse my Shakespeare, what’s in a name is a certain level of respect. And in the pursuit of straight news a person’s name should be presented without sarcastic manipulation as well as with proper titles affixed. For instance, Hillary Clinton is properly either Mrs. Clinton or Senator Clinton. On the other hand, calling Hillary “Her Thighness” is not appropriate in a straight news story. It may be funny, of course, but it is not proper nor does it show the respect due the woman. (I know, I’m a killjoy) So, why does the New York Times and the L.A. Times both so often call Governor Sarah Palin Ms. all the time?

Could it be that they wish to subtly bestow as much disrespect as possible in their news stories on McCain’s VP pick without going as far as calling her a name like the sarcastic jab “Her Thighness” might serve for Hillary? Could it be these supposedly serious news sources wish to attack Governor Palin and they don’t think anyone will notice the slight of her marriage by the misuse of the title Ms.?

Let’s use the results of a quick Google search of both the L.A.Times and the New York Times websites to find keywords that might illustrate the point here. And let’s compare citations of Mrs. Palin with Mrs. Clinton to see if there is a difference in the level of respect shown the two women in the news. (Remember exact numbers change from search to search, but they rarely differ tremendously when searched over a short period of time)

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The Swift-Skirting of Sarah Palin

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apparently the media wants to get even for the Swift-Boaters successful torpedoing of John Kerry in 2004 because they are by the dozens every day promulgating lies about the career and life of Governor Sarah Palin. I recently posted a piece on the lies, exaggerations and misbegotten assumptions of a Baltimore Sun columnist and it got me to thinking to try and gather one thread rebutting the media’s ever evolving negative memes against this strong woman. From unproven claims of infidelity, to claims she is a book banner and a negligent Mother, the media have been smearing this woman daily since she stepped out onto the national stage. One recent Politico attack on Palin was made up solely of the claim that she was once mean to someone… yes, Politico actually was trying to say that their report was serious.

In any case, I’d like to present and knock down some of the swift-skirt attacks the media is launching. So, in no particular order…

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