Obama and Democrats Don’t Understand ‘Sacrifice’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The jihadi movement has never made any bones about the fact that it intends to destroy western civilization from within using the West’s own principles as weapons against it. This is why, for instance, that radical Islamists have been angling to institute Sharia “law” inside England and Canada and to a lesser extent in the U.S.A. But this effort isn’t even necessary when, in the U.S. for instance, a large part of the political class cannot even agree upon what the word “sacrifice” means for its own, much less find themselves able to define the terms of enemies to their civilization. What does terrorism, Sharia, or radicalism mean when Democrats cannot even properly understand what “sacrifice” means in the context of what happened at Fort Hood, Texas?

On November 7, it was reported by the New York Daily News that President Obama shamefully exploited the murderous Hasan’s crime in Texas in an effort to flog his healthcare bill in Congress.

According to the Daily News President Obama “invoked the Fort Hood shootings in an emotional appeal to Democrats to pass health care reform.” The Daily News followed this statement up with a quote from New Jersey Democrat Rob Andrews.
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Obama and Democrats Don’t Understand ‘Sacrifice’”

Newsweek: Nidal Hasan, It’s Not Islam, It’s a ‘Military on the Brink’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Andrew Bast of Newsweek thinks he’s got the real reason behind Major Nidal Hasan’s murderously criminal rampage at Fort Hood last Thursday. Could it be that Hasan was steadily radicalized and steeped in hateful Islamofascism? Could it be a jihad mindset that sent Hasan into that military clinic yelling Allahu Akbar as he shot at anyone that got in his way?

Nope. Ridiculously, it was a “military on the brink,” it was the “stress” an uncaring U.S. military is forcing upon its members that was at fault as far as Bast is concerned. This is his obtuse conclusion in Newsweek’s piece headlined, “Is Fort Hood a Harbinger? Nidal Malik Hasan May Be a Symptom of a Military on the Brink.”

Ominously, Bast begins with his worry that there could be more members of the military about to follow Hasan’s murderous example. Bast absurdly starts his piece with this: “What if Thursday’s atrocious slaughter at Fort Hood only signals that the worst is yet to come?” And why would it be a sing that “the worst is yet to come,” you might wonder? Why else but that all that “stress” the military is putting everyone under is about to cause the whole combined services to explode?
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Newsweek: Nidal Hasan, It’s Not Islam, It’s a ‘Military on the Brink’”

D.C. Based Muslim Prays for ‘Recovery of Dr. Nidal Malik Hasan’ on FaceBook

-By Warner Todd Huston

I guess we shouldn’t be surprised, but a Washington D.C. based Muslim named Khadeeja Nuur has created a FaceBook Page offering prayers for the recovery of Fort Hood murderer Dr. Nidal Malik Hasan.

The page seems to have been started sometime before Friday at 3PM and she features this main message in her information section:

Together we pray for the recovery of Dr. Nidal Malik Hasan, MD. May Allah see fit to return this loyal son of Islam back to perfect health. Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Sallam.

Initially, it appears that a few Muslims celebrating Hasan’s evil actions were leaving messages in hopes that Hasan gets well, agreeing with his actions, or at the very least justifying them.

A Graal Reborn, for instance, leaves the message that, “killing is bad I agree but being forced to do somethnig [sic] you don’t want to do and being the minority standing up to the majority is respectable no matter who you are.” And Alex Gould wrote, “I pray to Allah that he may recover soon.” Later a fellow going by the name Abu Soleiman Al-nase wrote, “nidal malik is a brave mujahid,,he did jihad ,,he did kill the killers (american soldiers) that was going to iraq and afganistan [sic] to fight the islamic nation…my greeting and pray for him,,we will never forget you brother nidal.”
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D.C. Based Muslim Prays for ‘Recovery of Dr. Nidal Malik Hasan’ on FaceBook”

Two (Actually Three) From Illinois Murdered by Muslim Madman

-By Warner Todd Huston

Two Illinois soldiers lost their lives from the evil, criminal actions of Muslim Nidal Hasan in Texas last week.

Private Francheska Velez, 21, of West Kamerling was one of the thirteen killed by Hasan at Fort Hood Army base on Thursday.

“She was the best I have. The light of my family,” Juan Velez said of his only daughter. “She was living my dream — to be part of the military, part of the United States. To be part of something. Just to give back to the United States because this is where we are from.”

Pvt. Valez was three months pregnant when she lost her life.

Also killed by this terrorist was Pvt. Michael Pearson, 21, of Bolingbrook. Pearson was training to become a bomb technician.

Screaming “Allahu Akbar,” terrorist Hasan entered a medical clinic where soldiers were waiting medical exams for deployment and began to fire at anyone in his way. 13 were murdered — actually 14 counting the baby in Velez’ womb. And therein lies a problem with the reporting of this story. No one mentions the loss of life suffered by Valez’ baby! It should not so easily be forgotten.

We have said a prayer for the families of victims and the tortured soul of this murdering Muslim terrorist.
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Two (Actually Three) From Illinois Murdered by Muslim Madman”

Mass Murdering Muslim Major Worked to Assist Obama’s Transition Team Through University Project

-By Warner Todd Huston

Plus, Ron Reagan couples “tea baggers” with Murderer Nidal Hasan.

In 2008 The George Washington University Homeland Security Institute (HSPI) initiated a transition task force to help craft homeland security policies during Obama’s transition period. In May of 2009 HSPI finished its report titled, “Thinking Anew-Security Priorities for the Next Administration.” One of the members of this Obama transition project was none other than the Muslim murderer Nidal Hassan.

Nidal is listed in Appendix C, Page 29 of the HSPI report as having served as a “Task Force Event Participant,” in his position with the Uniformed Services University School of Medicine. (download .pdf of report) We should caution, though, that Hasan did not work for Obama. But he was a part of the University’s efforts to advise Obama.

The HSPI fashions itself a “think and do tank” and claims its mission as that of building “bridges between theory and practice to advance homeland security through an interdisciplinary approach.” I wonder if one of those bridges leads to “understanding” the mindset of terrorists like Hasan, a participant in George Washington University’s “think and do” mission?

There is also video of Hasan participating at the GWU event.

So what of Obama? Why he’s still trying to understand this “tragic shooting.” Hours after the murderous rampage concluded, Obama made some rather facile comments after his jaunty opening remarks to members of America’s “First Nations” consisting of a long list of special “shout outs” to participants there.
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Mass Murdering Muslim Major Worked to Assist Obama’s Transition Team Through University Project”