Funnystuff: Governor Christie and Mayor Booker: Don’t Worry, We’ve Got This

-By Warner Todd Huston

Governor Chris Christie gives us a bit of his sense of humor in this amusing video…

Amusing, I think. The Governor deserves some praise for venturing outside the box on this, I have to say. This was amusing enough to be worth the watch.

In fact, I’d say that this is funnier than Saturday Night Live has been for decades!

Democrat’s Excuse: When I Sexted Nude Pic of Myself, I Was Set Up

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here we go again, another sexting scandal perpetrated by a Democrat. But New Jersey Democrat Louis Magazzu, 53, had a darn good excuse for why his sexting of nude photos of himself should be ignored. He was set up, you see? Isn’t this like a crack addict blaming the crack?

Magazzu admitted readily enough that he sent to a woman he’d been texting for several years the nude pictures he took of himself with his cell phone. But apparently he felt we should cut him some slack because the woman gave the photos to one of his political enemies. She’s at fault… don’t you see?

Yep. She’s the bad guy here. “I did not know that she was working with an avowed political enemy to distribute these pictures,” Magazzu whined.
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Democrat’s Excuse: When I Sexted Nude Pic of Myself, I Was Set Up”

VIDEO: God Sides With Chris Christie, Lightening Zaps Dem That Threatened to Punch Guv

-By Warner Todd Huston

New Jersey’s Senate President is a vile, sort of loud-mouthed kind of cretin. Not long ago, in keeping with the Democrat’s New Tone (™) in politics, Stephen Sweeney threatened to punch Governor Christie “in his head.” Well, apparently God has added his thoughts to Sweeney’s preoccupation with violence…

Yep, that was Sweeney almost getting fried by the big guy upstairs for all his lies and nonsense.

Chris Christie, 1, Sweeney, 0.

Now if we can start zapping union members, too! Ha, ha.
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VIDEO: God Sides With Chris Christie, Lightening Zaps Dem That Threatened to Punch Guv”

N.J. Courts Not Interested in Democracy

-By Warner Todd Huston

Most Americans are under the mistaken assumption that we as voters can elect someone to make changes in our government. Whether the government of our city, county, state or that in Washington DC we voters have this romantic idea that we can affect change by electing people to office that will make those changes. The New Jersey Supreme Court, however, has disabused us all of those absurd notions.

Governor Chris Christie was elected to office for one reason, to solve New Jersey’s budget mess. He’s not Mr. Nice guy. He’s not the prettiest face in New Jersey politics. He wasn’t even the state’s most beloved public figure. He ran on fixing the budget and the people hired him to do just that.

But now, even though he was able to get certain budget changes through both houses of his state legislature, even though he has kept his shoulder to the grindstone doing the very job that the people hired him to do, even as he was on the verge of succeeding, the courts have stepped in and torpedoed the effort.
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N.J. Courts Not Interested in Democracy”

NJ Unions Hiding Behind Courts to Continue Ripping Off Taxpayers

-By Warner Todd Huston

The next level of obduracy by New Jersey’s government employee unions has been taken. The Communication Workers of America, the state’s largest government workers union, has filed a suit against New Jersey Governor Chris Christie claiming he isn’t negotiating in good faith over the union’s healthcare contract.

You see Gov. Christie wants to change the contract so that the union members contribute up to 30% of their healthcare premium and introduce lower the cost benefit plans.

Unions are against the changes and are trying everything they can to stop the tax-saving schemes that Christie is trying to implement.
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NJ Unions Hiding Behind Courts to Continue Ripping Off Taxpayers”

Shuttering New Jersey Abortion Mills: Another Reason Why Christie is a Hero

-By Warner Todd Huston

Aside from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie taking the fight to the state’s greedy, education-killing teachers union the Gov has also struck a blow against rampant abortion in the Garden State by taking away state funding to abortion mills. Steven Ertelt reports that at least one Planned Parenthood office is closing down and others are looking to “creative” budgeting to stay open.

In July Governor Christie vetoed a bill that would restore the $7.5 million of state funding that the legislature tried to implement after Christie removed that funding from the budget. Democrats in Trenton thought they had enough votes to override Christie’s veto, but at the last minute state Republicans backed out of signing onto the override.

Parenthood of Southern New Jersey president Lynn Brown told the newspaper, “We are in think mode and creative mode and we are doing all that we can to try and salvage to see as many people as we need to see.”

“We all know it’s strictly ideological,” Brown said of the funding cuts to the abortion business. “This is a very frustrating and perplexing time for us.”

Perplexing? What is so hard about understanding that the state is nearly bankrupt and can’t be wasting money on killing babies?
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Shuttering New Jersey Abortion Mills: Another Reason Why Christie is a Hero”

Politico Misleads on NJ Gov. Chiristie’s Immigration Position

-By Warner Todd Huston

This morning Ben Smith of Politico posted a story that essentially mislead readers about what newfound conservative hero Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey thought about immigration. Smith’s article spun Christie into an “amnesty” supporter when it doesn’t seem he is. One has to wonder why Smith did this?

Among many other issues, in the multipage interview with Gov. Christie Smith broached the immigration issue. Being a governor, Christie is faced with as much trouble over the issue as any other, of course, but Smith’s characterization of Christie’s position on immigration would tend to make one feel that Christie is an amnesty supporter. In fact, Smith seems to impute several ideas or feelings into Christie’s replies that may not have been in them at all.

First off, Smith says that Christie had “long declined to ‘demagogue’ the issue” of immigration. It does not seem, however, that Christie has ever claimed to have a long record of refusing to “demagogue” the immigration issue.
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Politico Misleads on NJ Gov. Chiristie’s Immigration Position”

Gov. Christie Issues ‘Judgment Day’ To Destructive Unions

-By Warner Todd Huston

New Jersey Governor Christ Christie is still holding the path in his battle against the budget killing unions in the state of New Jersey.

“We have to hold each other accountable… You don’t get something for nothing in this world, ever… yet, government has been trying to sell you over the course of time this idea that… we are gonna give you something and someone else is gonna pay for it. Those chickens have come home to roost.”

This guy is the stuff, man!

Naturally, the putrid unions are so incensed that they have announced that they are going to raise union dues fees so that they have more money to attack Governor Chris Christie in the upcoming elections.

They just don’t get it, do they. THEY are the problem, not the solution. Unions are the single most destructive force in American politics today.
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Gov. Christie Issues ‘Judgment Day’ To Destructive Unions”

Gov Christie to NJ Supreme Court Justice: You’re Fired!

-By Warner Todd Huston

My favorite sentiment about the U.S. Supreme Court is from that rascal President Andrew Jackson. In 1832 the U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision in Worcester v. Georgia that Old Hickory wasn’t too happy with. In reply he is famous for the sentiment that the Court made its decision and proposed that “now let them enforce it.”*

Would that we had more Andrew Jacksons.

Well, perhaps we do have at least one. I nominate Governor Chris Christie for the Andrew Jackson award for 2010 because Christie is taking an extremely unusual measure for this day and age. He’s firing one of New Jersey’s Supreme Court Justices and appointing one of his own, one that will closer follow a more conservative path.

We need to see legislators exhibit a more adversarial relationship with the courts. You see, it wasn’t supposed to be that the courts ruled all they surveyed. Our system has been warped into imagining that the courts are the final word on everything. This was not supposed to be the way it worked. Courts were merely meant to read the law and adjudicate cases accordingly. And if a court ruled something un-constitutional, then it was then back in the legislature’s court to write a law that is Constitutional. Unfortunately, we’ve lost the idea that the legislatures and executives of our political system are supposed to fulfill their own roles as leaders and lawmakers. Unfortunately, they’ve all too often abdicated roles to the often unelected and unaccountable courts.
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Gov Christie to NJ Supreme Court Justice: You’re Fired!”

NJ Grade Schools Makes Kids Dress as Women for Woman’s History Month — Yes Even Boys

-By Warner Todd Huston

To celebrate women’s history month this year, grade school boys are being forced to dress up like women at the Maple Shade School District in Burlington County, New Jersey and some parents are none too happy about it.

According to Beth F. Norcia, Principal of the Maude Wilkins Elementary School, the cross-dressing scheme was set up as a contest to celebrate women’s history month among the Burlington County schools.

The idea, says Principal Norcia, is for the kids to dress up as women through various periods of American history. When a nonplussed parent called the school to inquire about the dress-up day, the Principal seemed unperturbed by it all saying that women wear jeans, too, so boys didn’t have to wear a dress unless they wanted to.
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NJ Grade Schools Makes Kids Dress as Women for Woman’s History Month — Yes Even Boys”

New Jersey’s Gov. Taking on Unions

-By Warner Todd Huston

Barbara Hollingsworth of the Washington Examiner has a piece celebrating the efforts of New Jersey’s new Governor Chris Christie in his effort to take on the state’s over indulged public employees unions.

Christie has taken on one of the worst budgets in the country and the task ahead of him will be difficult in every way imaginable. Unfortunately, the former Governor, John Corzine, made matters worse by negotiating a deal that will prevent Christie from furloughing state workers until 2011.

But Christie is forging ahead making the cuts he can.
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New Jersey’s Gov. Taking on Unions”