-By Nancy Salvato
“The full-time residential model of higher education is getting too expensive for a larger share of the American population.” (The College of 2020: Students) Is it any wonder “more and more students are looking for lower-cost alternatives to attending college?”
What does the future hold for higher education?
- White students will likely be outnumbered by minority students on college campuses.
- People will need to rely on more and more formalized education to advance their careers or change to new ones.
- It is estimated that ten years from now, the average cost for a 4 year public college in-state resident will be $31,949.28 per year. (Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority)
- Almost one third of the 121 institutions that responded to a survey believed that by 2020, students will take over half their courses entirely online. (The College of 2020: Students)
Setting New Standards with Online Education”