-By Warner Todd Huston
While attending RightOnLine in Las Vegas last week we had the opportunity to attend several discussions of the ill advised plans that the Obama administration’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has for regulating and controlling the Internet.
I listened to a panel discussion and a stand alone speech on Net Neutrality and the plans the Obama administration has for the Internet will surely stifle the creativity and new business opportunities that are opening up all in the overused name of “fairness.”
Worse, these regulations are all being pushed through without act of Congress and under the guise of the FCC’s assumed powers to affect the Internet. These powers that the FCC imagines itself to have are not codified anywhere in law, but the FCC is moving ahead despite the gray areas. Like most of what Obama does, nothing as silly as “the law” will stop them from surging forward with yet another power grab.
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Opposing ‘Net Neutrality’”