Vile Disgusting Leftists and More New Civility: ‘I Wipe My A** With the American Flag’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Blaze posted a video (notice how I gave attribution there, Mr. Beck?) that was shot at a Portland, Oregon Tea Party rally at which a gaggle of lefties came out to organize a counter protest. Like always, the lefties were vile, low-born, scum-bags in how they comported themselves and they gave us just one more example of the vaunted Democrat “new tone” we keep hearing about. (Also see the Marooned in Marin blog)

The language employed by these ignoramus lefties is definitely NOT safe for work, so be careful. Don’t let little ones watch, either, if putridly foul language is something you don’t want them to hear.

This IS the left, folks. They are haters of the worst sort.
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Vile Disgusting Leftists and More New Civility: ‘I Wipe My A** With the American Flag’”

14-Year-Old Girl’s Tea Party Speech Drowned Out By Leftist Agitators

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ann Althouse has a great report showing how, once again, the uncivil left doesn’t care about free speech.

… A man with a guitar is performing — amplified — on the stage, but we can barely hear him over the crowd noise. There is incessant ringing of cowbells. Then, we can hear that a young woman is speaking from the stage to the Tea Party crowd as the protesters do what they can to drown her out. She finishes — “God bless America” — and the tea partiers cheer but the protesters overwhelm them with boos. The emcee comes to the mike and we hear that the speaker was only 14 years old

Althouse has been doing yeoman’s work covering the hate-spewing left in Wisconsin this year. Check her Latest out.
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14-Year-Old Girl’s Tea Party Speech Drowned Out By Leftist Agitators”

Jim DeMint…. A Squish?

-By Warner Todd Huston

David Weigel’s recent Slate piece on Jim DeMint (R, SC) is a perfect example of a gentle leftwing undertone sprinkled into a story like seasoning salt in order to gently spin a story to negatively effect conservatives, or at the very least to artificially heighten tensions in order to make it seem as if conservatives are at each other’s throats.

Weigel’s Slate piece was a report on the first ever meeting of the Senate’s Tea Party Caucus headed up by Senator Jim DeMint and Weigel was bound and determined to make the meeting into some sort of conservative slugfest where all parties were taking each other on in a cage match to top even the World Wrestling Federation’s best brawls.

Mr. Weigel started out with an account of DeMint’s encounter with Tea Party activist Lisa Miller from Alexandria, Virginia. Miller was insisting that DeMint balance the budget but opposed any constitutional amendment to require it. DeMint, on the other hand, was adamant that it would take a constitutional amendment to balance the budget because regardless that congress always has had the tools to balance the budget anytime they wish — as Miller pointed out – he maintains that congress does not have the “institutional discipline” to do so.
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Jim DeMint…. A Squish?”

Another Losing Republican Scolds the Nation For Firing Him

-By Warner Todd Huston

Outgoing Republican Representative from South Carolina Bob Inglis is not going off into forced retirement quietly. No, Ol’ Bobby wants us all to know that the nation has failed him. He and his soft-spinned, middle of the road, week-kneed sort of Republican has been roughly handled by real conservatives and its just not fair, apparently.

You see, quite despite what the voters all across the country said last November — not to mention his own constituents — we were all just too stupid to understand that his sort of “credible conservative” is what’s really needed today and he insists that he’s the man that can bring real Republican ideas to Washington. Too bad the voters in his district disagreed with Mr. Hard loser.
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Another Losing Republican Scolds the Nation For Firing Him”

What We Need to Say, And Say, And Say

-By Warner Todd Huston

If leftists are good at one thing it is staying on message. Since 2006 when Nancy Pelosi was raised to the dizzying heights of Speaker of the House of Representatives the left has been chanting over and over that the voters wanted the country to take a hard left turn. This month’s election, however, proved that the left’s hoary claim is wrong. And we need to say so, over and over.

It isn’t that the leftists were wholly wrong in their claim that the country wanted to go left in the previous two national elections. Clearly the voters lost faith in the Republicans and just as clearly they wanted to give Democrats the opportunity of an iron clad majority to make some changes. It’s just that the left was very wrong in just how far left the voters wanted to veer — as this election proved.

One thing is sure. Democrats and their extremely left-wing money men — George Soros, the Rathkes, the MoveOnners, etc. — pushed the meme that the country wanted a quasi socialist, Euro-esque styled American government for all it was worth. They moved forward based on the assumption that the country thoroughly rejected the right and they made a mad dash for every hard left policy idea they could think of.
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What We Need to Say, And Say, And Say”

Tea Party Pushes Idaho Dark Horse Republican to a Primary Win?

-By Warner Todd Huston

State lawmaker Raul Labrador beat party establishment pick Vaughn Ward to win the Republican nomination for U.S. Representative for Idaho’s 1st District this week. While Ward was supported by the national party, Labrador received the support of Idaho’s largest Tea Party Group, Tea Party Boise. The question that immediately comes to mind is just what effect did the Tea Party group’s support have on the race?

Labrador won in a 47.6 percent to 38.9 percent tally on Wednesday afternoon. Sadly it was again a low-turnout at the polls.

Late in the race Tea Party Boise endorsed Labrador as campaign troubles mounted for party pick Vaughn Ward. Labrador had trouble throughout raising money, but still won the primary. One wonders if the support of Tea Party Boise was enough to bridge the money gap for Labrador?
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Tea Party Pushes Idaho Dark Horse Republican to a Primary Win?”

The National Precinct Alliance — Conservatives Need to Get Involved

A while ago I was alerted to a group called the National Precinct Alliance and as we get closer to the election we should all make ourselves more familiar with the efforts they are making to assure that conservatives across the country get involved in our system. We got rid of one RINO in Utah when the tea party movement played a part in denying Senator Bob Bennett another term in Washington. We need to push our message throughout the country and the National Precinct Alliance is one way to do that.

As you know I have been GUERRILLA MARKETING AND RECRUITING for 10 weeks for the precinct delegate positions. This is a reminder message for everyone that is going to be engaged in the precinct position to help put our country back on its Constitutional Foundation.
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The National Precinct Alliance — Conservatives Need to Get Involved”

Some Letters Beating Me Up Over My Tea Party Articles

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well I’ve now written six — this makes seven — articles criticizing certain failures of the Tea Party movement thus far. They are all meant to be constructive criticisms, though, not dismissive nor derogatory of them. It’s measured introspection I employ in each of these articles. No name calling, no laughing, no hate. There is just no logical way to construe what I’ve written thus far as hate against the Tea Party movement. But this whole Tea Party thing reveals several things to me. First of all it shows that there is still a lot of passion for them and that is a very good thing. I want the Tea Party groups to succeed and I want them to become a force that can teach the GOP a lesson. The other main thing it shows me is that too many people can’t read for comprehension these days.

The sad thing is that these days even the slightest criticism of a thing is seen by too many as outright hostility. Everyone is so hypersensitive that even a mild criticism meant as an exercise in introspection is seen as an over-the-top attack. It doesn’t just happen on the right, either. Look at what happened to all those Hillary Clinton supporters during the run up to the 2008 presidential elections. The constructive criticism that Hillary fans offered the Democrats was pounded down so hard by the left that many Hillary supporters found themselves aligned — and some permanently — with the side they thought they opposed; the Republicans.

Naturally there’s the name callers and nay sayers always floating around out there. I had one guy, for instance, say, “who asked you for your opinion” of the Tea Parties? This same guy then went on to give me HIS opinion of them evoking the obvious rejoinder of just who the hell asked him for his opinion, anyway? Obviously he wasn’t bright enough to “get” that concept!
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Some Letters Beating Me Up Over My Tea Party Articles”

John Boehner is Kidding Himself

-By Warner Todd Huston

Yesterday our Republican minority leader in the House of Representatives proved that he still isn’t seeing the problem with the GOP. He’s living in denial, at least he is if we can take his words at face value.

On the Mike Gallagher radio show yesterday, leader Boehner insisted that there is no substantive ideological differences between the Tea Party folks and the Republican Party.

(As reported by The Hill)

“There really is no difference between what Republicans believe in and what the tea party activists believe in,” Boehner said during an appearance on the conservative Mike Gallagher’s radio show.

Boehner went on to say that the GOP has a job ahead of it to, “prove it to the tea party activists that we really are who we say we are.”

I can only shake my head at Mr. Boehner’s blather. Granted it might be mere bombast and hopeful talk from a man hoping to convince voters to buy his product. He may know he’s blowing smoke in part. But let’s assume he’s dead serious.
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John Boehner is Kidding Himself”

Old GOP Doesn’t ‘Get’ Tea Parties

-By Warner Todd Huston

Neil Cavuto of Fox News had a visit with former Vice President Dan Qualyle on Jan 13. Ostensibly the interview was about the earthquake in Haiti and the efforts that Quayle was saying needed to be made for the victims there, but Cavuto also asked the former veep about his feelings about the Tea Party movement. Quayle’s reply was revealing in that he proved that he really didn’t know how to think about the Tea Partiers. I think that Quayle is in exactly the same confused state that most of the old guard GOP is. They just don’t get it.

Cavuto asked what Quayle thought of the Tea Party movement and what it portended for the Republican Party and Quayle’s reply was that the GOP had to “co-opt” the Tea Partiers back into the GOP.

Sorry, Dan old pal, but that is wrong, wrong, wrong. The GOP had better understand that it is the Tea Partiers that have the upper hand here and the party also better understand that THEY must be the ones to become “co-opted.” It ain’t the other way ’round, Danny!
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Old GOP Doesn’t ‘Get’ Tea Parties”

Was Palin the Worst VP Pick Ever?

-By Warner Todd Huston

We have gone through the first round of internal recriminations with the recent excoriation of Governor Palin by those “unnamed” McCain staffers. But, as we all know, Gov. Palin was the subject of heated debate even among Republicans long before the election. One common complaint was that she was the “worst” VP candidate pick “ever.” But, was she really?

A look at recent history can only serve to deflate that ridiculous claim. There have been far worse picks than Gov. Palin and only the extremely emotional state of mind that this past election ginned up could obscure the historical record. Two of those picks in particular make Palin’s choice rather inspired by comparison.

In the first case George Wallace’s pick of general Curtis LeMay for his vice presidential pick in 1968 was a disaster and in the second George McGovern’s pick of Thomas Eagleton for his in 1972 was even worse — both were far more disastrous than Palin’s. There was some speculation in the media that Palin would suffer Eagleton’s fate, but the situations of the two just don’t bear any resemblance at all.

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Conservatives, Obama’s Win is Your Fault

-By Warner Todd Huston

With that headline you may think I am employing hyperbole. If so, you would be wrong. I am absolutely and positively blaming the conservative movement for the rise to the presidency of a man that adheres to a socialist ideology. In fact, in this day and age, I might even blame conservatives for the continued existence of this man’s ideas altogether, though that might be a stretch. No, more directly, conservatives are at fault for the singular fact that many millions of Americans saw no reason not to vote for a socialist. They mistakenly imagined his ideas were still just as American as anyone’s. These voters haven’t the first clue that their vote stood four-square against true American ideas. Unfortunately, conservatives are at fault for this rampant inability of our fellows to understand what is an American ideology and what isn’t. Sadly, we have allowed several generations to pass without being educated as to why Barack Obama’s basic political creed is blatantly socialist.

Leftism got its start in America before the turn of the 20th century but in 1960 a conservative grass roots movement began to form around what later became the 1964 candidacy of Barry Goldwater. His campaign biography, Conscience of a Conservative, captured the minds of hundreds of thousands of Americans yearning for a return to American principles. After only its first few short years the book that bore Goldwater’s name had sold over 3 million copies and has by now gone through dozens of printings.

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