Contact Super Committee: REAL Debt Reduction MUST Include Entitlement Reform

-By Warner Todd Huston

American Action Network has created a Facebook application to help you contact the liberal members of the Super Committee to urge them to include entitlement reform in the budget negotiations now going on in Washington.

American Action Network’s effort to put pressure on super committee liberals to include entitlement reform in the debt deal can be seen at their new Contact the Super Committee Facebook Page.

This allows users to tweet, Facebook and email the super committee liberals with the messaging, “Real debt reduction must include entitlement reform! Do not play politics with our children’s future.”
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Contact Super Committee: REAL Debt Reduction MUST Include Entitlement Reform”

Ripping Off California at the Speed of High Speed Rail

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of President Obama’s favorite go-to items to “stimulate” the economy is building new rail lines, especially high-speed rail. Many states have been smart enough to cancel the high-speed rail projects, but oh, not California. California’s project rolls inexorably onward. Still, California does help show the rest of the country why high-speed rail is a boondoggle that should be avoided.

The high-speed rail line that is being built between San Diego and San Francisco was initially sold to California voters as a $40 billion project with Prop 1A back in 2008. That’s a lot of cash, certainly, but its proponents said if it brings jobs to build it and improves the jobs situation in both cities after it’s built, it would be a good investment.

Prop 1A passed with just under 53% of the vote and was supposed to begin ferrying passengers by the year 2020. But now it has been found that the completion date and the $40 billion estimate both are, well, a bit off.
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Ripping Off California at the Speed of High Speed Rail”

Death By Regulations: Has Obama Lost Senator Blanche Lincoln?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last year for the 2010 midterms Arkansas Senator Blanche Lincoln was in trouble with her reelection. Up until 2010 most felt her seat was a safe one but Democrat challengers pushed the sitting Senator to a runoff that she barely won. 55% of her constituents opposed her.

Lincoln welcomed the support of President Obama who cut an early ad for the Senator portraying her as a “populist crusader.” Still, Lincoln lost her her reelection bid to Republican John Boozman.

Obama may have come to Lincoln’s aide in 2010, but it doesn’t look like Blanche is returning the favor in 2012. Lincoln is leading a charge against the Obama administration’s regulatory orgy by taking the chairmanship of a new group called Small Businesses for Sensible Regulation.
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Death By Regulations: Has Obama Lost Senator Blanche Lincoln?”

New York Billboard Campaign: ‘Congress Must Cut $1.5 Trillion’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Bankrupting America has started a new billboard campaign in both New York City and Washington DC urging the so-called “Super Committee” to cut $1.5 trillion from the federal budget this November.

As the supercommittee continues to meet behind closed doors, it’s important they remember what is at stake. Millions of Americans sit out of work, cost of living is rising, and uncertainty continues to hamstring a recovery. They must keep in mind that they’re not working in a vacuum. The policies enacted within the halls of Congress send ripples throughout the country and the world.

So we decided to place some high-profile reminders for the the members of the supercommittee – that Americans are still watching. We placed billboards in Times Square in New York City and in Washington D.C. telling the supercommittee we remember your promises of fiscal responsibility and commitment to place the federal government’s spending back on a sustainable path.

Keep your promise. Check out the billboards below.

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New York Billboard Campaign: ‘Congress Must Cut $1.5 Trillion’”

Obama’s Regulations So Far Cost Us $84.8 Billion And Climbing Weekly

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is a lot of talk about the high cost of regulations (in fact, a lot of talk from me about them). But how do you put a number on that cost? Well Sam Batkins of the American Action Forum has been keeping a running tab not only on the high cost of the regulations themselves but also the man hours it takes Americans to implement them and the cost is staggering.

Every Friday Batkins reviews that week’s new regulatory onslaught, makes his calculations and thus far Obama’s regulatory juggernaut is costing Americans $84.8 billion bucks. But that isn’t the last of what it will cost Americans. In order to implement these regulations, to make sure business and individuals are following the rules, it will cost Americans 88.2 million annual man hours to do the paperwork, file the reports, and follow the Internet-based reporting procedures in order to satisfy the rules.

Imagine this burden of worker’s time wasted just to make sure we follow regulations! It is obscene.
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Obama’s Regulations So Far Cost Us $84.8 Billion And Climbing Weekly”

Weekly Republican Address 10/29/11: Rep. Bobby Schilling (R-IL)

Rep. Bobby Schilling delivers this week’s address on House Republicans’ Plan for America’s Job Creators. We know that government must get out of the way of small businesses to let do their job. That’s why we’ve passed bill after bill to reduce burdensome regulations and grow our economy–but the Democratic-controlled Senate refuses to acknowledge them. We can do more, and we can’t wait for the Senate and the President to work with us. Visit to see our plan, and see the bills stuck in the Senate at

Saving the American Idea: Rejecting Fear, Envy and the Politics of Division

This week, Representative Paul Ryan (R, Wisc.) made an important speech at the Heritage Foundation.

Full Text

Thank you so much, Ed, for that kind introduction.

We’re here today to explore the American Idea, and I can’t think of a better venue for this topic. The mission of the Heritage Foundation is to promote the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.

These are the principles that define the American Idea. And this mission has never been timelier, because these principles are very much under threat from policies here in Washington.
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Saving the American Idea: Rejecting Fear, Envy and the Politics of Division”

Business Roundtable: Regulations Are Killing Business

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Friday I attended an informative business roundtable meeting of Chicago-area small businessmen who came together to discuss how government intervention and its avalanche of regulations are killing jobs and businesses not only in Illinois, but nation wide. Some of the stories were chilling, to say the least. These trials go to show how anti-business the most famously capitalist country in the world has become. No wonder we can’t get out of this second great depression!

The event was held at the headquarters of The Rabine Group in Schaumburg, Illinois. The Rabine Group is a group of nationwide companies that specializes in driveway paving, roofing, and other contracting work. The company is headed by owner and CEO Gary Rabine.

Filling out the panel was Moderator, Brian Kelly of Bulk Lift International; Gary Rabine, The Rabine Group; Garrett Patten, Patten Industries; Randy Truckenbrodt, Randall Industries, Inc, and Former State Senator Steve Rauschenberger, Rauschenberger Partners.

The panel began with some of the regulatory horror stories experienced by the panel. Each story illustrated how government stands in the way of job creation, small business, and expansion, and how government is not working hand-in-hand with small business but actually fosters an inimical relationship. The panel showed how the oppressiveness of these regulations actually tempts business to break laws just to be able to carry on with business.
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Business Roundtable: Regulations Are Killing Business”

Obama: Transparency? Who Needs it?

-By Warner Todd Huston

In another breach of trust between President Obama and the American people, Obama has once again broken a promise to change the business-as-usual habits of Washington. As a candidate and early in his presidency Obama claimed he’d bring an unprecedented transparency to Washington. But now it looks as though he’s OKayed his agencies to lie about the records they hold.

Obama’s Justice Dept. floated a proposal that if records sought by Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests are exempt from the eyes of the American people, why, they should be able lie and pretend such records don’t even exist.

This has transparency watchdogs a bit miffed, to say the least. Both the ACLU and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) issued a press release decrying the situation. Obama’s move threatens to “destroy integrity in government,” they say.
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Obama: Transparency? Who Needs it?”

Is Rep. Walsh Supporter’s Facebook Page ‘Cyber Bullying’ of Rep. Hultgren?

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the Daily Herald’s bloggers is wondering if the attack page against Congressman Randy Hultgren put on Facebook by a Rep. Walsh supporter qualifies as “cyberbullying.” It is an absurd charge, but the page in question is an interesting page of which to take note.

For those unaware, because of Democrat’s having redisticted Illinois and because the state lost a congressman because we lost residents in the last census, Rep. Joe Walsh (currently elected to the 8th District) announced that he will run against Rep. Randy Hultgren (currently of the 14th District). Instead or running again in the newly reconfigured 8th District, Walsh is challenging Hultgren in the 14th District.

Walsh feels he has to do this because his District was turned from a moderately GOp District to a leans Democrat District and because a lot of his constituents were switched over to the 14th district. This out come, where it is Republican against Republican, is precisely what the Democrats wanted. And boy are they getting it.
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Is Rep. Walsh Supporter’s Facebook Page ‘Cyber Bullying’ of Rep. Hultgren?”

The Rise of the Obamavilles

Remember back in the 30s when disgruntled WWI veterans and homeless Americans created shanty towns called “Hoovervilles“? They felt failed by an uncaring president in Herbert Hoover.

Well, with the Occupy-Whatevers have they created “Obamavilles”?

I’d say they have.

Rep. Paul Ryan To Headline Roskam Fundraiser

-By Warner Todd Huston

Representative Paul Ryan (R, Wis) will be headlining a fundraising event next week for Peter Roskam’s re-election campaign. Ryan is the Chairman of the House Budget Committee.

Rep. Ryan is best known for his A Roadmap for America’s Future, a budget proposal favored by many Republicans and conservatives. Ryan has become something of a rock star among conservatives.

Roskam is the Representative of the Sixth Illinois District and is running for reelection. No challenger has announced an effort to face him.

Only in his third term, Roskam rose quickly in the ranks of the GOP and is now the third in line of the House GOP leadership serving as the Chief Deputy Whip.

Tickets for the Oct. 29 cocktail reception and private dinner at Naperville’s Hotel Arista range from $100 (reception) to $2,500 (reception, dinner, photo with the congressmen and “preferential seating”) a piece.

For more information see Roskam’s campaign website:
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Rep. Paul Ryan To Headline Roskam Fundraiser”

Hultgren Statement on September Illinois Jobs Report

From the office of Rep. Randy Hultgren (R, Illinois 14th District)…

Geneva, IL – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today released the following statement regarding the September unemployment report released by the Illinois Department of Employment Security.

“Today’s report that unemployment has increased to 10 percent is a clear sign that the state’s private sector has lost faith in the tax-and-spend policies espoused by leaders in both Washington, DC, and Springfield,” said Hultgren. “At the state level, I encourage leaders to work quickly to address the ever-growing pension crisis, the budget deficit, and late payments to state contractors.

“In Washington, I urge Harry Reid and the Senate to pass their first budget in more than 900 days and for them to act on the more than a dozen pro-growth, pro-job bills that have been passed by the House. We must restore the confidence of the private sector so small businesses will begin to grow and hire once again. ”

Assassination Threat Against Illinois Congressman?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Why would anyone want to kill 17th District, Illinois Congressman Bobby Schilling? The shocking threat against Schilling’s life was revealed this week as the FBI has been called in to investigate.

The Hill reports that Schilling received an email threat that featured an offer of $75,000 reward for his assassination.

The email threat against Schilling states, “I will pay $75,000 for ASSASSINATING Illinois Congresswoman (sic) Bobby Schilling and any US Congressman, US Senator and FBI, CIA and NSA DIRECTORS and their FAMILY MEMBERS regardless of their age,” according to local news reports.

Schilling is the father of ten children and owns a successful pizza business in Moline, Illinois. This is his first term in office.
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Assassination Threat Against Illinois Congressman?”

Dold Announces the Creation of an Economic Innovation Zone at Naval Station Great Lakes and Lovell Center

From the office of Rep. Robert Dold (Ill., 10th District)…

NORTH CHICAGO, IL – Today, U.S. Congressman Robert J. Dold (IL-10), Lake County Board Chairman David Stolman, members of Lake County Partners and Naval Station Great Lakes, announced a new project at Naval Station Great Lakes and Lovell Center that would create an innovation zone designed to address the high unemployment throughout the region.

“I am pleased to announce today that with the help of Lake County Partners, North Chicago will be at the center of an economic innovation zone,” said Dold. “This will help to address the high unemployment throughout the local community and be a resource in which local officials, businesses, and community leaders can come together and implement an effective strategy to bring jobs to North Chicago residents.”

Rep. Dold is a third-generation resident of the 10th District of Illinois. As a small business owner, he has faced many of the challenges confronting business leaders today and is using that firsthand experience in Washington to help find ways to create more jobs and strengthen the economy. For more information on his work in Congress, visit:

President Continues to Play Politics With the Economy

The GOP Senate’s video this week is about the bipartisan opposition to President Obama’s most recent stimulus proposal (#Stimulus2). Senate Republicans believe Congress should follow the bipartisan path it recently pursued when it passed the Colombia, South Korea, and Panama free trade agreements (#TradeMeansJobs) and focus on passing other measures that will free businesses to grow and create jobs.

Hultgren Out-Raises Walsh in 3rd Quarter, Receives Major Endorsement

From the office of Rep. Randy Hultgren (R, Illinois 14th District)…

Geneva, IL – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today announced that he out-raised U.S. Rep. Joe Walsh (IL-8) during the 3rd quarter fundraising period and that he has received the endorsement of a local
Pro-Life group.

“Joe Walsh’s support is clearly eroding as marked by his worst fundraising quarter of the year,” said Andrew Flach, campaign spokesperson. “It’s also no coincidence that we were able to out-raise Mr. Walsh in the same quarter that he announced his intentions to run against Congressman Hultgren.”

According to recent filings with the Federal Election Commission, Hultgren reported raising $186,945 during the months of July, August, and September, compared to only $156,099 for Walsh.

Also over the weekend, Hultgren was endorsed over Walsh by The Right to Life McHenry County Pro-Life Victory PAC. In a press release issued on Friday, the group stated, “Randy Hultgren should not have to face opposition in the primary from U.S. Rep. Joe Walsh. We continue in our efforts to encourage Joe to run as the pro-life candidate in the 8th Congressional District.”

“We are very proud and honored to receive the endorsement of The Right to Life McHenry County Pro-Life Victory PAC,” said Flach. “Congressman Hultgren has been and will continue to be a leader and a tireless fighter for the sanctity of human life.”

GOP to Illinois State Leaders: There Will Be No Federal Pension Bailout‏

This morning, Chief Deputy Whip Peter Roskam (IL-06), 8 House GOP Committee Chairs, and the entire Illinois GOP Delegation sent a letter to Illinois’ legislative leaders and Gov. Quinn in advance of next week’s Veto Session. Gov. Quinn wrote in his FY 2012 Budget earlier this year that his Administration was considering “seeking a federal guarantee of the debt” for Illinois’ $85 billion unfunded pension liability.

They write, “we urge you to seize the opportunity to appropriately reform the State’s public pension systems to address their massive unfunded liabilities,” but “we can say with clarity: there will be no legislative bailouts from the U.S. House of Representatives.”

Roskam was joined by the Illinois GOP congressional delegation and Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers, Budget Chairman Paul Ryan, Education & Workforce Chairman John Kline, Energy & Commerce Chairman Fred Upton, Financial Services Chairman Spencer Bachus, Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith, Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa and Ways & Means Chairman Dave Camp.
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GOP to Illinois State Leaders: There Will Be No Federal Pension Bailout‏”

Another Strong Fundraising Quarter‏

From the office of Rep. Joe Walsh (R, Illinois 8th District)…

Rep. Walsh on another strong fundraising quarter
“This continued support tells me that people are happy that I have kept my promises to cut the size of government, cut taxes, cut red tape and kill Obamacare.”

McHenry– Last night Congressman Joe Walsh released his third quarter fund-raising numbers. As of September 31st, Congressman Walsh has now raised over $800,000 dollars. This latest quarter now puts him on pace for raising over one million dollars for the year. These numbers contrast with his potential opponent Randy Hultgren who has only raised roughly $650,000 for the year. Other highlights from this reporting period are:
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Another Strong Fundraising Quarter‏”

Senator Kirk, Congressman Kinzinger Respond to Super Committee’s Spectrum Question: “BRAC” the Spectrum

From the office of Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R, Illinois 11th District)…

Proposal Would Use Successful Military Base Closure Process to Identify and Auction Federal Spectrum for Deficit Reduction

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last week, four members of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction (Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI), Sen. John Kerry (D-MA), Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA), and Sen. Patrick Toomey (R-PA)) sent a letter to President Obama, requesting a review of how Federally-owned spectrum can be used more effectively to increase public broadband access while paying down our debt.

In response, U.S. Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL) and U.S. Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) urged the Joint Select Committee Chairmen Patty Murray (D-WA) and Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) to establish a process similar to the successful Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) procedure in order to identify which Federal spectrum should be auctioned for use by the private sector.
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Senator Kirk, Congressman Kinzinger Respond to Super Committee’s Spectrum Question: “BRAC” the Spectrum”

Video Spotlight: Rep. Dold on Helping Small Businesses

From the office of Rep. Robert Dold (Ill., 10th District)…

WASHINGTON, DC –U.S. Congressman Robert J. Dold (IL-10) released a video on five bills that passed through the Financial Services Subcommittee that will empower small businesses to gain more access to capital, which will in turn help them to expand and create jobs.

Roskam Applauds House Passage of the Coal Residuals and Management Act

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (R, Illinois 6th District)…

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Peter Roskam (IL-06), Chief Deputy Whip, issued the following statement after the House passed H.R. 2273 – the Coal Residuals and Management Act – a bill with bipartisan support that will allow coal combustion residuals to be used effectively and efficiently while protecting jobs:

“This bipartisan legislation is another commonsense solution to restore confidence in American businesses and workers. This is a regulatory solution that would protect jobs, keep electricity costs low, and keep construction material costs low. The construction and energy industries can’t grow and expand with regulations as these excessive these.

“Americans are looking for answers on how we can turn this economy around, and excessive regulations from Washington are only adding to that frustration. It is initiatives like these that will provide for the kind of certainty and pro-growth environment needed to get businesses hiring again and move our economy in the right direction.”

Hultgren Statement in Response to President Obama’s Refusal to Acknowledge House GOP Jobs Plan

From the office of Rep. Randy Hultgren (R, Illinois 14th District)…

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) issued the following statement today in response to President Obama’s claim that he has yet to see the House Republican Plan for America’s Job Creators.

“I was surprised by the President’s claim tonight that he has not seen a jobs plan from House Republicans; clearly, he hasn’t been paying attention. Long before the President introduced his American Jobs Act – which members of its own party are keeping at arm’s length – we unveiled our Plan for America’s Job Creators.

“Unlike the President’s proposal – which is far too much of failed ‘stimulus’ recipe of more spending and higher taxes – we’re focused on cutting red tape to unleash the potential of America’s private sector, and that’s been our focus since Day One.

“If the President is serious about getting Americans back to work, he should refrain from taking baseless, juvenile potshots and instead work with Senator Harry Reid to get the dozen pro-growth, pro-jobs bills we’ve passed through the Senate.”

Government Kills… Businesses, Anyway

-By Warner Todd Huston

A small business named Nice Cream found that government wasn’t very nice to its bottom line. In fact, due to its heavy hand, government froze the company into nonexistence. So much for everyone loving ice cream!

The other day, while discussing the failures of government unions and their pliant, paid-for, lapdog politicians, one of my Publius commenters said that government should “stick to its guns” and turn a blind eye to the needs of the business sector. This commenter wanted government to continue sticking it to the business sector and maintained that business would simply stand there and take it because of the “value they receive” from government. I said that business did react to a bad business climate fostered by government regulations, taxation, and interference. He didn’t think so.

Well, here is a story of how one small business was crushed, not by the market but by government. It was crushed because of government “sticking to its guns” and slamming it with idiotic regulations and rules made for multi-billion dollar corporations that did not make sense for small business.
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Government Kills… Businesses, Anyway”

Roskam Applauds House Passage of the EPA Regulatory Relief Act

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (R, Illinois 6th District)…

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Peter Roskam (IL-06), Chief Deputy Whip, issued the following statement after the House passed H.R. 2250 – the EPA Regulatory Relief Act – legislation that will stop the EPA’s excessive Boiler MACT regulations from burdening employers and replace them with common-sense rules to protect jobs:

“The House has taken an important step to relieve an excessive regulatory barrier to job creation. Sensible regulations are important but the EPA’s Boiler MACT rules would force businesses to comply with unnecessarily difficult and complex standards and tests. That would cost American job creators billions and put tens of thousands of jobs at risk.

“That’s no way to get our economy moving again. We need to create an environment that promotes private-sector job creation, innovation, and growth. I strongly urge the Senate to take up this legislation and help instill confidence in American businesses.”

Kinzinger Supports Bipartisan Regulatory Relief Legislation to Prevent Job Loss

From the office of Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R, Illinois 11th District)…

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Adam Kinzinger (IL-11), a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, welcomed House passage of H.R. 2250, the EPA Regulatory Relief Act of 2011.

Kinzinger, a co-sponsor of H.R. 2250, says the legislation would provide businesses with adequate time to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) new rules in order to prevent rising costs and destroying jobs or sending jobs overseas.

“Enforcing these current rules could endanger hundreds of thousands of jobs and tens of billions of dollars in additional costs to manufacturers during a time of great economic uncertainty,” said Kinzinger. “The EPA Regulatory Relief Act does not repeal regulations that protect our economy or our environment. Rather, these bills extend deadlines to provide manufacturers with the time they need to comply with new regulations so they are not forced to shut down, which would in turn destroy jobs.”

In February, Congressman Kinzinger led a group of 61 freshmen in sending a letter to the EPA, expressing concern over the Maximum Achievable Control Technology rule for industrial boilers (Boiler MACT). The letter reiterates concerns expressed by a bipartisan group of 114 Representatives during the 111th Congress on the EPA’s proposed Boiler MACT.

“The retrofitting requirements necessary for operators to comply with these stringent standards, at facilities from universities to food processors, and a wide range of industries across the spectrum, will undoubtedly cause the shuttering of domestic manufacturing capacity and associated job losses,” said Kinzinger.

The EPA estimates that capital costs for implementation of these rules would amount to $9.5 billion. According to IHS Global Insight, however, the final Boiler MACT rules could mean more than $14 billion in compliance costs with over 230,000 jobs at risk.

The Dold-Championed ‘Supporting Economic and National Security by Maintains U.S. Leadership in Multilateral Development Banks Act’ Advances through Committee

From the office of Rep. Robert Dold (Ill., 10th District)…

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, during the Financial Services Subcommittee on International Monetary Policy and Trade, the “Supporting Economic and National Security by Maintaining U.S. Leadership in Multilateral Development Banks (MDB) Act” advanced through the committee. U.S. Congressman Robert Dold (IL-10) has helped lead this effort to ensure that the MDBs enact policies that are aligned with American interests, to encourage economic growth in developing counties, and to aid in U.S. national security.

“I am pleased to see this bill pass through Committee with bipartisan support,” said Dold. “Maintaining our nation’s leadership with Multilateral Development Banks is vital to promoting American export markets, job growth, and economic prosperity. Furthermore, our involvement ensures these MDBs implement policies that are aligned with our economic and humanitarian values while enhancing global and national security by helping to create stable countries throughout the world.”

Background Information on the Multilateral Development Banks Act:

  • By maintaining our MDB leadership, our nation’s priorities and policies will remain influential in the global economic and security system while allowing our nation’s entrepreneurs to continue playing a critical role in financial and natural resource development abroad.
  • MDBs also promote corruption-free projects in developing countries, which allow American businesses the opportunities to invest abroad and access new markets. This helps to create new jobs here at home as job creators can expand into growing markets.
  • America’s MDB leadership also strengthens global and national security by helping to other nations improve their own political stability, institutions, infrastructure, and general economic prosperity.
  • The MDB Act will increase transparency and accountability, enhance anti-corruption measures, and maintains strong standards for international competitive bidding on projects while ensuring that American favorably influences foreign country policies, including policies relating to national security, representative government, human rights, and the environment.