Great Mimes Move Together (When People Actually Vote)

By R. A. Hawkins

I always enjoy watching the French. They are always going back and forth as the people either go to or don’t go to the polls. In this last election it was more like 85% voter turnout. I hate to say it but it is a little like watching us. America soon will have a chance to act European and toss a bunch of socialists out just like the French did. Although our media and theirs have been silent on the rioting Moslem youths it is obvious that even the French can be awakened. But seeing a recent article in the Timesonline UK I can see that the UK Media is now falling into stupid mode. I don’t mean to say the people in the UK are falling into stupid mode but like our press, their press has also become stupid. But that is what the media has always been like and I don’t care where it is.

I also read another article that demonstrated UK ignorance that had to do with a massive defection of Bush supporters to the Obama camp, and even to the Clinton camp. Between the two of them they have sucked up a whole $750,000 in donations. That’s a stellar haul ain’t it? All that showed me was the reason why Bush has been so darn liberal about some things. He shouldn’t be taking donations from flip floppers; I hear it can make you go blind. And it has too. But somebody escaping from the Bush camp isn’t really something that matters at this juncture. I guess the writer has forgotten that Bush won’t be running for office again. I wonder if the writer has noticed how much Bush has managed to collect for the Republican Party. One of the donors switched because his son is about to be deployed for active service in Afghanistan. Yup it’s all in fun until someone loses an eye. Grow up! But this same donor likes the fact that Obama wants to take action in Darfur.
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Self Immolation (Dhimmicrats Don’t Get it)

By R. A. Hawkins

As I watch this nation reap the rewards of another Democrat victory I wonder: What did everyone expect? Who are these people that vote for self destruction? Certainly the liberals represent some strange and demented fraction of our society. I haven’t heard anyone talking about secession lately so maybe my idea of throwing certain states out of the Union might just be catching on. Who knows?

Now that the liberals are on the path that I knew they would pursue I think it’s time to say some of what I’ve wanted to say. Idiots shouldn’t be allowed to vote. There I said it. I feel so much better. But it is interesting in a way to watch events unfold, interesting in a manner that reminds me of Thursday at 4:50 AM three weeks ago. It was foggy and I had gone a whole one mile on the Interstate. I had just gotten on to the highway and looked in my rear view mirror. There was some idiot overtaking me and my Honda Civic at about 85 to 90 miles per hour. I went into evasive action mode and minimized the damage but not enough to save my car, only my life. The driver was drunk and as the incident unfolded I watched in slow motion as my mirror went spinning away and my fender disengaged from the underside of her car. That is how I feel as I watch events unfolding here right now.
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Human Nature (Humans vs. Nature)

By R. A. Hawkins

It has been interesting to read the numerous articles and commentaries regarding the vanishing bees. The newest theories have to do with mobile phone technology running them out of their hives. It is a fact that, according to the article link referenced at the end of this commentary, if a cell phone is placed near a beehive the bees will not return to that hive. My first suggestion would be for people not to leave their cell phones near beehives. I know I’ve certainly quit that habit. However, if this is true it does say something that we would be wise to heed. We need bees to pollinate our crops. If the bees aren’t pollinating the crops, we’ll have to get a new breed of migrant worker that runs around with little Q-tips touching all of the flowers. The cost of food might go up a tad, but we’ll still have our phones so that we can impress everyone with how much everyone wants to converse with us for hours on meaningless garbage.

But before we decide to automatically blame cell phones for this new dilemma here are a few other things to ponder: Bee keepers are now more likely to take their hives cross-country to new places where they can earn money pollinating crops. This places stress on the bees and can at times cause them to move to less mobile, and therefore stress free, environs. At times that has been considered a factor in the great bee vanishing act.

Remember the killer bee scare? That leads to another one of the possibilities. Since bees are used to pollinate, there is a tendency for some scientists to try to create an uber race of bees that do more pollinating and less honey making. The killer bees were created by accident in this special search for the master race of bees. There is a fatal flaw built into this concept however. Yes, it’s nice that the bees did more pollinating than usual, but what if they didn’t do for themselves what they should have? That thing they need to do for themselves is store up honey so they can survive the winter. If they don’t store up enough honey for the winter, they will have died by spring. That might be part of the problem right there.
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The Real Story (Media Bias)

By R. A. Hawkins

Having actually been present and having seen how the media reported the incident, I have come to the conclusion that the media is biased so far to the left that they, like the protestors, aren’t smart enough to know it. For years while Clinton was in office we heard that the reason certain things went unreported was that they needed access to the White House. Back in those halcyon days if you reported anything embarrassing to the White House you were likely to never be allowed back in again.

Maybe Bush needs to recognize that what we’re engaged in here in the US is at the moment a war of words. But a war it is. Maybe he should remember that and start tossing these leftwing skanks out on their ear when they flat out lie. When Clinton nailed people and tossed them out it was for speaking the truth. The left thought that was okay, so I’m certain that it will be okay to throw them out for lying. But who am I kidding? Even most conservatives would be upset with him for doing that. I for one would not be upset. I hate to admit it, but I would have been happy to see him fire every single one of the people in the Justice Department that Clinton replaced after firing the ones who had been there for years. I would have found it difficult to trust them. But I digress.
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I’ve Seen The Enemy (Protests are Educational and Funny)

By R. A. Hawkins

My wife and I decided to go and greet the nice Sheehan/ANSWER crowd as they marched on the 17th in Washington DC. It turns out that they march every year in protest of the overthrow of any tyrants, unless of course it is a liberal that started the war. It is quite different to see it in person rather than on the Internet or to read about it, so here is my impression.

Never in my life have I seen anything more amusing. Now I have to admit I found it to be a little sad at the same time. The only reason I felt any sadness was that the peace protestors were actually sincere. Every one of them had the same level of sincerity etched on their normally blank faces as one might see on a three year old wondering if it would really hurt if he rode his tricycle down a four hundred foot flight of stone steps.

One of the sad things about being stupid or misled is that you don’t know why everyone is laughing at you. This is not much different from what the sixties were all about. They weren’t running short on drama queens. As a matter of fact they started their little freak show with one of the greatest shows of self-indulgent cowardice I’ve ever seen. The media, and I have no idea which ones they were, pointed their cameras at an angle that showed the number of protestors who were there, but also made sure they didn’t show how many of us were there to greet them. Playing for the camera, and just for the drama of it, the lame-o moon bats had some girls, and a lot of people that looked and acted like girls in some cases, protecting them. They had linked hands and wearing fluorescent yellow (the only honesty I really saw there) vests, and acted as human shields since we were obviously going to run out there and beat them up. The funny part is that those girls probably had the most nerve out of the whole stinky bunch. As slow as they were moving they are probably still marching towards the Pentagon with the speed of a snail in snow. The reason they did that was obvious. It made their small numbers look bigger. The only reason they took so long to pass was because they kept slowing down and stopping, and then grinding into movement. It was intentional. If they had walked at a normal speed they would have finished in ten minutes max.
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It Ain’t Too Purty (Like 500 Miles of Busted Concrete)

By R. A. Hawkins

When I look at the current state of affairs in American politics I have to say that it ain’t too purty. I realize that some might immediately think that I’m referring to Pelosi and Hillary when I write like 500 miles of busted concrete (an understandable mistake mind you), but I’m referring to both parties right now. On one side we have the likes of McCain and Giuliani and Romney. And on the other we have a laughable catastrophe. I find little humor in the Republicans’ inclination to emulate Bill Clinton’s tendency to stick a moist finger in the air and see which way the wind is blowing at the moment. So I’ll start on them first.

Giuliani thinks that gun control is a nice idea. I can see one reason why the Republicans might decide to pick him and only one. He got a lot of really nice face time on the tube after 9/11. That’s the only reason I can see for them picking him. The mere fact that he hails from that lofty example of Americana and statehood that voted Hillary and Schumer in is enough to make him useless to any real conservatives. Unless an (R) behind the name is all it takes anymore. Now that brings me to Mitt Romney. He comes from a wonderful place that repeatedly puts the likes of Ted Kennedy and John (I threw medals over the White House fence that’ll show ‘em) Kerry into office. That should count him out right there. Then there is the RINO McCain. I really don’t have much to say about him that’s good so I’ll drop it. On the other hand…what a doof! Make it official you dummy! Switch to the Democratic Party! There I said it.

And now for my favorite party: There’s Gore, who may be getting an honorary PhD from some university in Minnesota for being able to read the script to a movie with made up science, which for the university that should be only an “Inconvenient Truth”. Liberals will begin to flock to that place because in the true spirit of liberalism, they’re even giving degrees away. Nice. As a side note it is interesting that the liberals who claim to be the party of Jefferson have tossed FOX News out of the Nevada debates. I think that’s because they’ve refused to read the liberal script. All FOX has to do to counter that cruel maneuver is do a few reruns of ‘Spanky and Our Gang’ at the same time. The Nielson ratings from that would tell the liberals that had been the wrong move to make.
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Masque (All Of The King’s Men)

By R. A. Hawkins

Huey P. Long was once asked if he thought that fascism would ever come to America. He said that if it did it would be called anti-fascism. I noticed that was one of the quotes left out in Sean Penn’s rendition of the Huey P. Long story. I often wondered why they decided to do that movie. I guess it had to do with the fact that he took on a bunch of corrupt corporations and politicians in Louisiana. For those of you that aren’t aware of it, let’s just say the Democrats have always had a very strong grip on Louisiana. They did an awesome job of whining after Hurricane Katrina.

But I said earlier that it wouldn’t take very long before the Democrats would show what they really are all about again. The Pelosicrats will do a fine job of undoing themselves in short order. I bring to you this week a stellar example of what I mean. I’m talking about one Ms. Sheila Jackson-Lee.

She has introduced several bills that should really get your attention, the first of which is H.R. 254. This bill is supposedly designed to bring an end to ‘Hate Speech’. It is called …
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Kicking The Habit (Oil Isn’t As Slick As Bureaucrats)

By R. A. Hawkins

Of late all we seem to hear about is the need to kick the oil habit. Before I address this I want to comment to those who seem to say this so often. Do you really think that the radical Muslims will stay away from you just because we leave their benighted land? Get a grip. All cowardice ever receives as payment is more hostility by an emboldened attacker. If I injured the sensibilities of any of the liberals out there I would like to say I’m sorry. But I won’t.

What is needed now is another Republican Revolution. I mean the kind that we almost had when Gingrich and company took Congress back in the very first election held after Bill and his significant other were in office. Here are a few things that did get done. For the first time in years private business owners were actually able to write off their own medical insurance costs. Didn’t hear much about that did you?! All of those really neat herbs and supplements you can now get in the store — they weren’t available until the Republicans took Congress back from Moscow West. And eventually the Republicans also let the stupid assault weapons ban die a quiet death. They never did get to do all of the things they wanted to do. In spite of what the media said, little has changed as far as taxes except for Bush’s tax cut. The flat tax went the way of the pterodactyl but it is about to return as the Democrat albatross. I will enjoy watching them pitch their totally original and awesome idea of tax increases for everyone. Some people just don’t learn.
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We’ve Been Here Before (Grow Up Or Get Out of the Way)

By R. A. Hawkins

In the early part of this nations history we can find the first echoes of what we are currently attempting to grasp and deal with. There we can also find the answers to our current problems. There has been a lot of cheering about inclusiveness from the left lately. It has to do with the swearing in of a certain Islamic Congressman who is unsurprisingly from Minnesota, a state that is not only on the outskirts of the nation but also on the outskirts of reality.

The swearing in of this particular congressman was performed on the copy of the Koran once owned by Thomas Jefferson. Many have questioned why Jefferson would have owned a copy of that book. Well, if the truth be told, he had copies of just about any book on any religion. This was one of the few books that survived the burning of his library. I for one am quite pleased that it did. I’m also quite pleased that someone who is ignorant of history, I assume, suggested that Ellison use that book.

At the very start of this nation we were dealing with the Pirates of Barbary. They were capturing our ships and impeding commerce with other nations. Once the United States was free of Britain we were also free of her protection. The British had been paying the demanded tributes. Tripoli had demanded $225,000 in cash and annual payments of $25,000. Adams was inclined to follow the model of the British but Jefferson wasn’t. Jefferson tried to form an international coalition to fight them but that failed because then, like now, everyone decided it was easier to give the bully their lunch money.
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