Self Immolation (Dhimmicrats Don’t Get it)

By R. A. Hawkins

As I watch this nation reap the rewards of another Democrat victory I wonder: What did everyone expect? Who are these people that vote for self destruction? Certainly the liberals represent some strange and demented fraction of our society. I haven’t heard anyone talking about secession lately so maybe my idea of throwing certain states out of the Union might just be catching on. Who knows?

Now that the liberals are on the path that I knew they would pursue I think it’s time to say some of what I’ve wanted to say. Idiots shouldn’t be allowed to vote. There I said it. I feel so much better. But it is interesting in a way to watch events unfold, interesting in a manner that reminds me of Thursday at 4:50 AM three weeks ago. It was foggy and I had gone a whole one mile on the Interstate. I had just gotten on to the highway and looked in my rear view mirror. There was some idiot overtaking me and my Honda Civic at about 85 to 90 miles per hour. I went into evasive action mode and minimized the damage but not enough to save my car, only my life. The driver was drunk and as the incident unfolded I watched in slow motion as my mirror went spinning away and my fender disengaged from the underside of her car. That is how I feel as I watch events unfolding here right now.

Edwards, in the manly fashion of any liberal, has gotten his wife to make disparaging race-baiting remarks about Bush’s response to Katrina. He did that knowing that nobody would attack his wife in her current condition. This is a typical tactic for a liberal. So here it is Johnny: What? You aren’t man enough to say it yourself? Sup wif dat? But that’s right, you’re a liberal. Nobody expects anything more from a liberal.

What is all of this cut and run garbage? Have these liberals forgotten that the primary targets of al Qaeda are liberal strongholds in this country? Are you hoping that the next set of attacks will coincide with the next election so that you will have time to fiddle with the results? Or are you just stupid? I can see it now as Ted Kennedy, Pelosi, Murtha and Reid gather at some bed and breakfast to plan America’s downfall. The first thing they do is gather to pay homage to each others brilliance as they sit down to their incontinental breakfast.

They all remind me of the whack job emperor who burnt the library at Alexandria and stated that history began with him. They live in a fantasy world and the only history they are aware of or care about is probably in this millennium. They claim to believe that if we leave the nice radicals alone the nice radicals will leave us alone. History, and I mean the real thing, bears out a different truth, one they don’t want to face. By deciding to send a cowardly message to the radicals they have quite possibly authored their own destruction. I can only hope.

Whenever the Israelis are backing out of an area in the West Bank, or some other area they had to go into in order to disarm an adversary, a funny thing always happens. It seems to be a part of the radical thoughtless minds of the region. There can be a complete cease fire as they begin to leave. Not a shot fired in days…but let them start to leave and what happens? The crazies just come out of the woodwork and start shooting. They always want it to look like they are driving the Israelis out of the area. That type of mentality plays out all over the region. They seem to be hardwired that way.

Now all of that being said, what do you think is going to happen when we begin a premature pull out in Iraq? You can already guess what our troops will be faced with. What do you think is going to happen here in the capitol of cowardice? Former DCI Tenet has already stated that al Qaeda is here and he is surprised they haven’t attacked malls and stadiums, etc. The noisy cowards and their media have invited a number of attacks on us here in our country. Those who voted these losers into office are themselves losers and will blame Bush rather than own up to their own ignorance. They will also do something else. I remember quite well which party it was that cried out for interment camps for Mid-Easterners after the 9/11 attacks.

R.A. Hawkins is the author of “Through Eyes of Shiva”, available through Visit -Entropical Paradise –( The Home of R.A. Hawkins for more commentaries and editorials by R.A. Hawkins.

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