Farewell to the Kennedys – Hello Civil Rights

-By Israel Teitelbaum

Along with millions of my contemporary Americans, I vividly recall where I stood on November 22, 1963 hearing the shocking news that President John F. Kennedy was shot, and the horrific announcement, “The President of the United States has died.”

I was in my dorm room, with fellow American students studying at the Rabbinical College of Canada, where we had precious little time to delve into politics. Yet, JFK was our hero, who had our respect, admiration, even love.

Little did we know that one year after taking office in January 1961 he had signed Executive Order 10988 that would lead our nation down a long slippery slope resulting in the takeover of all branches of our federal and state governments by leftist forces powerful enough to overwhelm the voting public.

The political Goliath JFK had established reached its ultimate conquest on November 4, 2008 with the election of the most leftist President and Congress our nation has ever known. The recent election of Scott Brown, on the heels of GOP wins in Virginia and Massachusetts, may signal the willingness of voters to slay this giant.
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Farewell to the Kennedys – Hello Civil Rights”

Citizen groups call for equal educational opportunity for every child

-By Israel Teitelbaum

It was ironic to learn that Governor Jon Corzine, less than one month prior to leaving office, signed an Executive Order creating the Non- Public Education Funding Commission to “consider the challenges non-public school children face, identify their educational needs and make recommendations on how available resources can be best utilized to enhance educational opportunities in New Jersey.”

As an accomplished businessman he is surely well informed of the writings of the late, world renowned economist Dr. Milton Friedman on free enterprise and competition – the engine that drives our economy. Friedman applies this to education. “Government ownership and operation of schools alter fundamentally the way the industry is organized. In most industries, consumers are free to buy the product from anyone who offers it for sale, at a price mutually agreed on. In the process, consumers determine how much is produced and by whom and producers have an incentive to satisfy their customers. These competitive private industries are organized from the bottom up. They have been responsible for truly remarkable economic growth, improvements in products and increased efficiency in production.” PDF file

He recommends a school voucher system. “The prescription is clear. Change the organization of elementary and secondary schooling from top-down to bottom-up. Convert to a system in which parents choose the schools their children attend—or, more broadly, the educational services their children receive, whether in a brick-and-mortar school or on DVDs or over the Internet or whatever alternative the ingenuity of man can conceive. Parents would pay for educational services with whatever subsidy they receive from the government plus whatever sum they want to add out of their own resources. Producers would be free to enter or leave the industry and would compete to attract students. As in other industries, such a competitive free market would lead to improvements in quality and reductions in cost.“

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Citizen groups call for equal educational opportunity for every child”

Dear School Choice Advocates:

-By Israel Teitelbaum

Please call your Congressman and Senators (202-224-3121) and urge them to save the Washington, DC school vouchers.

While you have them on the phone, please urge them to sponsor the Civil Rights Act for Equal Educational Opportunity (CRA for EEO).

This will mandate equitable funding for children in nonpublic schools, while respecting the liberty of schools in hiring and provision of services. In accordance with the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, academic standards and means of funding would be left to the states.
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Dear School Choice Advocates:”

Petition drive launched for civil rights in education

-By Israel Teitelbaum

Parents representing a cross section of society have launched a petition drive on behalf of proposed federal legislation dubbed the Civil Rights Act for Equal Educational Opportunity (CRA for EEO). The text of the petition reads as follows:

“ ‘…The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit; to choose our better history; to carry forward that precious gift, that noble idea, passed on from generation to generation: the God-given promise that all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness…And we will transform our schools and colleges and universities to meet the demands of a new age.’ President Barack Obama (January 20, 2009)

“Although America has long recognized that a nation, founded on individual liberty, requires equal opportunity in housing, employment and public accommodations, state governments and the District of Columbia financially coerce parents to send their children to government run schools. This is the greatest government-sanctioned violation of civil rights in today’s America.

“The Civil Rights Act for Equal Educational Opportunity will mandate equitable funding for children in non-public schools, while respecting the liberty of schools in hiring and provision of services. In accordance with the 10th Amendment, academic standards and means of funding would be left to the states.
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President Barack Obama’s Inauguration Speech

-By Israel Teitelbaum

If I were President Barack Obama’s speechwriter, I would begin this way.

Good afternoon fellow Americans:

Thank Heaven and thank you American People for this opportunity to serve our great nation, and help bring the change that is desperately needed by every man, woman and child in the USA. For far too long, government has reached well beyond the dictates of the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution, and usurped the rights of moms, dads and children all across America, depriving them of their individual and religious liberty. Our state and local governments have interfered with parents’ right to raise their children to become contributing and law abiding citizens, who respect the rights of others and remain loyal to their family traditions. The results have been devastating to our families and communities.

Continue reading “President Barack Obama’s Inauguration Speech”

Reform Our Schools Mr. President Elect

-By Israel Teitelbaum

Honorable President-elect Barack Obama:

In nominating Arne Duncan to serve as Secretary of Education, you stressed the need for school reform. In accepting the nomination, Duncan said, “Whether it’s fighting poverty, strengthening our economy, or promoting opportunity, education is the common thread. It is the civil rights issue of our generation, and it is the one sure path to a more equal, fair and just society.”

Denial of parental choice in education is in fact the greatest government-sanctioned violation of civil rights in today’s America, and society suffers in multiple ways. As with any system gone awry, just follow the money. The only way to fix this misguided system is to return control to parents, where it rightfully belongs. Our top-down system, where the provider holds the purse rather than the customer, is like shopping with no money, with the understanding that the store will provide for your needs.

Continue reading “Reform Our Schools Mr. President Elect”

Twenty Questions For Senator Barack Obama the Media May Have Missed

-By Israel Teitelbaum

1. What were you thinking as you sat through 20 years of Rev. Wright’s hate speech?

2. Is it plausible, as you claim, that you never heard him spew any hate speech?

3. What did you see in Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers?

4. Why did he help you launch your political career?

5. Why won’t you reveal a certified copy of your original birth certificate?
Continue reading “Twenty Questions For Senator Barack Obama the Media May Have Missed”

Parents for Free Choice in Education, Israel Teitelbaum, Morristown, New Jersey

-By Israel Teitelbaum

Following are selected excerpts from last week’s presidential debate on the school voucher issue, followed by analysis and action alert.

MCCAIN: Well, it’s the civil rights issue of the 21st century. There’s no doubt that we have achieved equal access to schools in America after a long and difficult and terrible struggle. But what is the advantage in a low income area of sending a child to a failed school and that being your only choice? So choice and competition amongst schools is one of the key elements that’s already been proven in places in like New Orleans and New York City and other places, where we have charter schools…And we have to be able to give parents the same choice, frankly, that Senator Obama and Mrs. Obama had and Cindy and I had to send our kids to the school — their kids to the school of their choice. Charter schools aren’t the only answer, but they’re providing competition. They are providing the kind of competitions that have upgraded both schools — types of schools…

OBAMA: …Charter schools, I doubled the number of charter schools in Illinois despite some reservations from teachers unions. I think it’s important to foster competition inside the public schools…Where we disagree is on the idea that we can somehow give out vouchers — give vouchers as a way of securing the problems in our education system…
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The Elephant in the Room

-By Israel Teitelbaum

According to Wikipedia, “The elephant in the room is an English idiom for an obvious truth that is being ignored or goes unaddressed. It is based on the idea that an elephant in a small room would be impossible to overlook. It is sometimes used to refer to a question or problem that is obvious, but which is ignored out of embarrassment or taboo. The idiom also implies a value judgment that the issue ought to be discussed openly. The term is often used to describe an issue that involves a social taboo, such as racism or religion, which everyone understands to be an issue but which no one is willing to admit.”

This is a perfect description of the one issue that most sharply divides the two major parties, but no one is willing to discuss. Whether your issue is self defense, taxes, education or government-run healthcare, your position depends on which side of the culture divide you are on. Those on the right favor less government control and more individual liberty, while those on the left believe that government is the solution to all our problems.

The party that wins this year’s election will either move our nation farther to the left and increase government authority, or hold the line. Our sharp turn to the left began in the 1960’s, and has scarcely stopped turning. Being that our nation’s culture begins with the education of our children, the issue we should be addressing is who should be in control – parents or educrats?

Continue reading “The Elephant in the Room”

School Choice Advocates: Act Now!

-By Israel Teitelbaum

It was a sign of true leadership for John McCain to address the NAACP on the importance of parental choice in education. The NAACP has long opposed this, to the great detriment of inner-city youth, and others, who cannot afford good private schools. Competition will undoubtedly improve the quality and efficiency of education, just as it does for enterprise.

Now that school choice has become an issue in this presidential campaign, this is a most opportune time for voters to speak out and petition for their constitutional right to raise and nurture their children without government interference. A nation founded upon individual and religious liberty should not be financially coercing parents to send their children to government run schools.

There is now a proposal before members of Congress to sponsor the Civil Rights Act for Equal Educational Opportunity. This would require the states to equitably fund the education of children in public and non-public schools, while respecting the liberty of schools in hiring and provision of services.

We can change the tenor of this election campaign by calling upon our representatives in Washington, at 202-224-3121, and urging them to sponsor this legislation.
Continue reading “School Choice Advocates: Act Now!”

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach to Address Independence Day Rally

-By Israel Teitelbaum

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, host of the daily national radio program, The Rabbi Shmuley Show on Oprah & Friends, XM Satellite Radio, and host of the award-winning national TV show, Shalom in the Home on TLC, will address a rally for school choice this coming July 3rd, 7:30 PM, at the Leon and Toby Cooperman JCC, 760 Northfield Ave., West Orange, NJ. This event, combined with a Freedom Concert, will launch a grass roots drive on behalf of national legislation to restore equal educational opportunity for every child.

Boteach has been a long time advocate of parental choice in education and is also the international best-selling author of 19 books, including his most recent work, The Broken American Male: And How to Fix Him, released by St. Martin’s Press in January of 2008. His recent works, Parenting With Fire and Ten Conversations You Need to Have With Your Children were both launched on Oprah’s TV show.

In 2007, Rabbi Shmuley was labeled “a cultural phenomenon” and “the most famous rabbi in America” by Newsweek magazine, and was named one of the ten most influential rabbis in America. Also in 2007, Rabbi Shmuley was honored by The National Fatherhood Initiative, receiving their most prestigious award for his efforts on Shalom in the Home to promote the importance of a caring father in the contemporary family. He was also named by Talkers Magazine as one of the hundred most important radio hosts in America.
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National Candidates Champion Universal School Choice

-By Israel Teitelbaum

Dick Zimmer, candidate for U.S. Senate from New Jersey, and candidates for U.S. Congress Dale M. Glading (NJ-1), Martin Marks (NJ-7) and Roland Straten (NJ-8) have committed to support the Civil Rights Act for Equal Educational Opportunity (CRA for EEO). This proposed legislation would require the states to provide equitable educational funding for children in public and non-public schools, while respecting the liberty of schools in hiring and provision of services.

Israel Teitelbaum, of Parents for Free Choice in Education (PFCE), joined today with Larry Cirignano of CatholicVote.org, and candidates Martin Marks and Dale Glading in Washington, DC to introduce this proposed legislation to congressional staffers and fellow activists at the Wednesday Meeting of Americans for Tax Reform, as well as the halls of Congress.

The CRA for EEO is based on the writings of economist Milton Friedman in his 1955 article The Role of Government in Education, his 1962 book Capitalism and Freedom, his 1980 book Free to Choose and his 2005 article School Vouchers Turn 50, But the Fight Is Just Beginning. Although it’s been proven time and again that competition improves quality and efficiency, this is the first time in the 53 years since Friedman first proposed school choice that his plan is being introduced as national legislation.
Continue reading “National Candidates Champion Universal School Choice”

Mayor Berry For School Choice? You Bet!

-By Israel Teitelbaum

Former Mayor of Washington, DC and current Councilman Marion Barry’s article in favor of school choice represents an enormous opportunity to bring this issue into the national election debate (see article below). Although it has been over 50 years since the late, great Milton Friedman first proposed school choice, his proposal has never been debated in the public arena. All school choice programs in effect and considered over the past half century were referred to by Friedman as “charity vouchers,” as opposed to “educational vouchers.” While they are a step in the right direction and help some of the poor, they do not create true school choice and competition, which brings to bear the power of free enterprise to undo the stagnation resulting from a monopoly.

The Civil Rights Act for Equal Educational Opportunity, would fulfill what the Civil Rights Act of 1964 tragically omitted – equitable educational opportunity for every child. This is based on Friedman’s teachings, including his 1955 article The Role of Government in Education, his 1962 book Capitalism and Freedom, his 1980 book Free to Choose and his 2005 article School Vouchers Turn 50, But the Fight Is Just Beginning (attached). This legislation would require the states to provide equitable educational funding for children in both public and non-public schools, while respecting the liberty of schools in hiring and provision of services.

This legislation is now being championed by New Jersey candidate for U.S. Senate Dick Zimmer and candidates for U.S. Congress Dale Glading (NJ-1), Martin Marks (NJ-7) and Roland Straten (NJ-8). It has the support of countless voters and a long list of prestigious organizations, including Americans for Tax Reform, Washington DC; Family Research Council, Washington, DC; Alliance for Worker Freedom, Washington, DC; Center for Equal Opportunity, Falls Church, VA; Torah Communications, Brooklyn, NY; National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education, Brooklyn, NY; N’shei Chabad Newsletter, Brooklyn NY; CatholicVote.org, Washington, DC; Catholic Voices, Cedar Grove NJ; New Jersey Family Policy Council, Trenton, NJ; Sephardic Voters League, Brooklyn, NY; SchoolChoiceVoter.org., Westfield, NJ.
Continue reading “Mayor Berry For School Choice? You Bet!”

School Choice Competition Working in Florida, New Report Shows

-By Israel Teitelbaum

Florida’s McKay Scholarship Program for Students with Disabilities Linked to Public School Achievement Increases.

Washington, D.C. (May 2, 2008)—America’s largest school voucher program for students with special needs, the John M. McKay Scholarship for Students with Disabilities, has led to increased achievement among public school students with special needs, a new report by the New York-based Manhattan Institute reveals.

The Alliance for School Choice—the nation’s preeminent nonprofit organization promoting school vouchers and scholarship tax credit programs—hailed the report as further evidence that the competition brought about by private school choice benefits public schools.

Authored by Jay Greene and Marcus Winters, the report, titled The Effect of Special Education Vouchers on Public School Achievement: Evidence From Florida’s McKay Scholarship Program, concludes that “rather than being harmed, public schools respond to the challenge of exposure to school choice by improving the education they provide.”

According to the study, students with mild disabilities who are educated in Florida’s public schools posted significant test score improvements in math and reading. These gains occurred when other students with special needs transferred from public schools to private schools using the state’s McKay Program.

“The paper is the first quantitative evaluation of a voucher program designed specifically for students with disabilities,” said Alliance President Charles R. Hokanson, Jr. “Jay Greene and Marcus Winters provide a rigorous, scientifically valid, and conclusive study that adds significant substance to the debate over the impact of competition and school choice on public schools.”

The McKay Program was established in 1999 and is benefiting 19,439 students this school year. Throughout the country, five states (Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Ohio, and Utah) offer special needs scholarship programs.

“Several local organizations—including Step Up for Students and the Florida Alliance for Choices in Education—as well as the Florida Department of Education, deserve significant credit for ensuring that this important program benefits not only the students who receive scholarships but students with special needs all throughout the Sunshine State,” said Lori Drummer, state projects director for the Alliance.
Continue reading “School Choice Competition Working in Florida, New Report Shows”

Urging the Candidates to School Choice

-By Israel Teitelbaum

Dear Lovers of Liberty:

The recent 40-year commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. has inspired many to seek fulfillment of the Civil Rights Movement he set in motion. As Bob Schundler points out, all of society rests upon the foundation of education. By improving education, all of society will be elevated. We are all in agreement that the Declaration of Independence was intended to grant individual liberty: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” And it was never the intention of our Founders to permit government to usurp the family, and financially coerce parents to send their children to government run schools.

The enormous damage this has inflicted, and continues to inflict day by day, is mind boggling. Children in one school have been told to cross dress, and countless others are subjected to videos that would be considered child abuse under different circumstances. The stats are dismal and so is our standing compared to other modern nations. Any business with this failure rate would have closed decades ago. Allowing freedom and competition is the very least we can do.
Continue reading “Urging the Candidates to School Choice”

Real Life Super Bowl

-Israel Teitelbaum

While many millions of Americans were watching two football teams battle it out in an evenly matched contest, a real life battle for the future of this nation was and is being fought. This match is far more lopsided.

On the right are a handful of political leaders and about 60 major “Right Wing” organizations. They have budgets that pale in comparison to their opponents, with staffs of thousands. While the Right may enjoy enthusiastic cheering from much of talk radio, reaching tens of millions of listeners, the “news” portion of radio broadcasts, as well as TV news and commentary are dominated by the Left. These are viewed daily in most households, many times more than radio talk shows. The Left also has a standing political army of 3.2 million members of the National Education Association stationed in all 50 states and over 14,000 communities across the USA. Additionally, countless advocacy groups are funded out of the NEA’s estimated $2 Billion budget.

Had the two Super Bowl teams been so matched, it is doubtful that anyone would have been watching the game. It’s therefore not surprising that so many conservatives feel apathetic, hopeless and confused. This also explains why all the leading presidential candidates when addressing the issue of education for all our children, fear the left side of the isle, even those calling themselves conservative, leaving many of our children abandoned in poor public schools that do not teach.
Continue reading “Real Life Super Bowl”

Conservatives: THINK!

-By Israel Teitelbaum

When I attended the United Lubavitcher Yeshiva, on Bedford Avenue corner Dean Street, Brooklyn, in the 1950’s, there was a sign on the wall that read “THINK.” I used to wonder what it meant, and over the years it has taken on more meaning. It becomes ever more apparent that there are actually people out there who don’t think. They allow others to do their thinking for them. While we “Conservatives” always believed that “Liberals” don’t think. Now I’m beginning to have some doubts.

It’s becoming very frustrating to listen to my favorite talk show hosts as they constantly lament the onslaught of the Left. I’m pained by their refusal to address the core issue, from whence the Left derives its ill-gotten power.

Clearly, we no longer have a government of, by and for the People. We have local, state and federal government controlled by the largest conglomerate the world has ever seen – a monopoly that goes by the name of the National Education Association, and affiliates, with a standing political army of 3,000,000, plus friends and family.

Conservatives have handed them everything, including our children, on the mistaken claim that the 10th Amendment prevents Congress from passing what the Civil Rights Act of 1964 left out – Equal Educational Opportunity. This legislation would provide for equitable educational funding for children in public and non-public schools, while respecting schools’ liberty in hiring and provision of services. It would break the NEA monopoly on the nation’s education system, culture and government, and force them to compete with parents and private enterprise. This would result in improved quality and efficiency of both education and government.

While the 10th Amendment prevents the Federal Government from involvement in matters not assigned to the Feds in the U.S. Constitution, the right of parents to raise their own children, without government interference, is clearly protected in the Constitution. This issue needs to be publicly debated now, while our votes are being counted!

Please see the following press release and feel free to contact or interview any of those involved in the effort to sponsor the Civil Rights Act for Equal Educational Opportunity. See contact information below.

All the best.
Israel Teitelbaum
Continue reading “Conservatives: THINK!”

Massive School Choice Drive Planned

-By Israel Teitelbaum

Honorable Clergy, Principals and Concerned Parents:

It’s a great pleasure to forward the press release from the National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education on the urgent issue of school vouchers, along with the “Become a Lobbyist” contest that invites everyone to join this effort. Parents and teachers may, of course, help.

Major national organizations and schools across the USA are joining a massive drive to promote The Civil Rights Act for Equal Educational Opportunity. This proposed national legislation would provide equitable educational funding for every child in both public and non-public school, while respecting the liberty of schools in hiring and provision of services.

Your help is crucial to having this legislation sponsored. According to Congressman Rodney P. Frelinghuysen, who championed the DC Vouchers, voters need to speak out, as was done in Washington DC. The way our democracy works is that the people express their needs to their elected officials, and their elected officials respond with legislation. As long as we remain silent, nothing happens.
Continue reading “Massive School Choice Drive Planned”

Massive School Choice Drive Planned

-By Israel Teitelbaum

Community leaders and school principals came together on Tuesday, January 8, at the headquarters of the National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education (NCFJE) to address the current crises in education. After hearing from a cross section of community activists, it was decided to organize a massive “phone-in” to the leading presidential candidates urging them to support The Civil Rights Act for Equal Educational Opportunity. This proposed legislation would provide equitable educational funding for children in both public and non-public schools, while respecting the liberty of schools in hiring and provision of services.

Phone calls are scheduled to be placed on January 23 and 24, shortly prior to major primary elections across the United States. Florida will hold theirs on January 29; Main on February 1; and on February 5 primaries will be held in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Utah.

Rabbi Shea Hecht, Chairman of the Board of NCFJE, opened the meeting by pointing out that despite the fact that passage of this legislation appears to be politically impossible to achieve, we need to do all that we can, and have faith that our Creator will do the rest. He pointed out, “In study after study, wherever school choice has been tried, it was of great benefit to all; the children benefited, the parents benefited and so did the private and public schools…Although the challenge is great, school choice has the support of many people, and we need to make the effort.”
Continue reading “Massive School Choice Drive Planned”

Parents Launch Drive for Equal Educational Opportunity

-By Israel Teitelbaum

Parents seeking improved educational options have launched a national grass roots drive timed to coincide with the coming presidential primary. This affords us our best opportunity in decades to leverage our votes in exchange for legislation that will provide equal educational opportunity for every child. A nation founded on individual liberty should not be financially coercing parents to send their children to government-run schools.

Leading the grass roots drive is Larry Cirignano, a leading community activist on issues of importance to families, such as life, liberty and equal educational opportunity for all children. He was recently the target of trumped up charges of assault for preventing an ACLU activist from disrupting an anti-gay marriage rally in Worcester, Massachusetts. After a week long trial Cirignano was found NOT guilty by a jury of his peers.

Major organizations lending support to this effort include National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education, Torah Communications, Sephardic Voters League, Family Research Council, Center for Equal Opportunity, New Jersey Family Policy Council, American for Tax Reform, CatholicVote.org, SchoolChoiceVoter.org, and the list is growing.
Continue reading “Parents Launch Drive for Equal Educational Opportunity”

Please place 4 phone calls for school choice

-By Israel Teitelbaum

School Choice Voter:

The good news is that you can now place four phone calls that can improve the future of this great country. Four of the leading presidential candidates spoke out strongly for school choice at their last debate of this primary season. Your phone calls can get them to actualize this position into public policy. This is their opportunity to demonstrate their leadership ability by translating their policies to proposed legislation. They are asking for our votes. The least they can do for us is to demonstrate their ability to translate their policies into action. It takes only one Congressman and one Senator to sponsor legislation in Congress.

Below are the four presidential candidates who spoke forcefully for school choice, along with excerpts of their statements and their campaign phone numbers. Phone calls are preferable because you are assured of direct contact with a campaign representative. The best way to do this is to get the name of your contact, ask for a response, and follow up. Your calls represent many thousands of voters, because very few voters actually pick up the phone and call.

Feel free to express your feelings on school choice. Our objective is for the candidates to use their considerable influence to sponsor legislation that will restore sanity to our educational system. In short, our message is: “We agree with CANDIDATE NAME that school choice is the solution to our broken educational system. Please ask him to sponsor now legislation to provide equal educational opportunity for every child.”

We have dubbed this legislation The Civil Rights Act for Equal Educational Opportunity. This will provide equitable educational funding for all children, including those attending private and religious school, while respecting the liberty of schools in hiring and provision of services.

Although there is not now in Congress enough support to pass this legislation, we have the enormous opportunity to elect – on November 4, 2008 – 435 new U.S. Congressmen and 35 new Senators who favor this legislation.

Please pass this great opportunity on to your contacts and keep us informed of any developments.
Continue reading “Please place 4 phone calls for school choice”

Urge the Candidates on Education…

-By Israel Teitelbaum

We now have the enormous opportunity to test the mettle of our leading presidential candidates. They made strong statements in support of school choice. Now we need to see which candidate can bring this idea to Congress?

You can help with this test.

Here’s how:

In the final Republican Presidential debate last Wednesday, December 12, four of the leading candidates came out firmly in favor of school choice. Here is some of what they said:

Sen. John McCain: http://www.johnmccain.com/Contact/. Phone: 703-418-2008.
“We don’t have a choice and competition. We need it in K through 12.”

Mayor Rudy Giuliani: webteam@joinrudy2008.com. Phone: 212-835-9449
“Parents should choose the school that their child goes to, the same way people choose higher education.”

Sen. Fred Thomson: http://www.fred08.com/Index.aspx. Phone: 515-276-9427.
“…every time someone wants to inject a little choice into the equation for the benefit of the kids, inject a little freedom, inject a little competition…the National Education Association is there to oppose it, and bring in millions and millions of dollars to go on television and work and scare people and misrepresent the situation on the ground. I think that just goes against everything that we know, that can make progress in this country.”

Gov. Mitt Romney: compliance1@mittromney.com. Phone: 857-288-6400.
“I agree with Senator Thompson on that. Boy, they’ve been the biggest obstacle to change in education and choice.”
Please call or write these candidates:

Hon. Presidential Candidate:
Continue reading “Urge the Candidates on Education…”

The GOP Candidates on Education

-By Israel Teitelbaum

Today’s mid-day Republican Presidential Debate, finally addressed the one issue that will ultimately determine most issues – education. Obviously, those who control the educational system determine the future direction of our nation and its leadership. If we focus our attention on this one issue, we have the key to resolving most other issues.

Following is a transcript of the portion relating to education.

We have only one comment and plea to all candidates who recognize that school choice is the right way to go. Please use your considerable influence to sponsor The Civil Rights Act for Equal Educational Opportunity. This will require equitable funding for every child, including those attending private and religious schools, while respecting these schools’ rights in hiring and provision of services. The candidate who will accomplish this will have my vote!

All the best.


The full transcript of the debate is available at The New York Times

MS. WASHBURN: A new topic that some Iowans say hasn’t had enough debate during this campaign, and that’s education. American 15-year-olds ranked behind 16 other countries in a recent assessment of science literacy. What educational standards does the U.S. need to adopt or improve to compete in the global economy, and what will you do to move us toward those standards, and what’s your timetable?

SEN. MCCAIN: The answer to the problem in education in America is simple: We need more choice and more competition. Entrance by a good student into a college today, they have a number of choices and people are seeking them to be part of those educational institutions.
Continue reading “The GOP Candidates on Education”

National School Choice Drive Launched

-By Israel Teitelbaum

Parents for Free Choice in Education has launched a grass roots drive for school choice. Advocates are being asked to sign a letter being sent to U.S. Senators and Congressmen requesting they sponsor the Civil Rights Act for Equal Educational Opportunity. This would require states to end discrimination in the funding of education.

The Act completes what the Civil Rights Act of 1964 left unfinished when it required equal opportunity in housing, employment, travel, entertainment and other public accommodations. Only education was specifically excluded by limiting it to only public education. The new legislation would remove the word “public” and require equal educational opportunity for every child, including those attending private and religious schools.

Religious groups, schools and all concerned organizations are being asked to sign a letter being sent to U.S. Congressmen and Senators requesting they sponsor this legislation. This letter will be sent once 100 organizations are signed on. Subsequent letters are planned each time an additional 100 organizations sign on.

Individuals are being asked to email this letter directly to their U.S. Congressmen and Senator and to follow up with a phone call.
Continue reading “National School Choice Drive Launched”

Prerequisite To School Choice Victory

-By Israel Teitelbaum

Failure is okay, provided we are willing to learn from the experience. This year marks 52 years since Dr. Milton Friedman first proposed school vouchers to bring to education the magic of free enterprise. We now have less than 150,000 children throughout the USA with vouchers. This amounts to an average success rate of under 2,884.6 children per year. At this rate, it will take 20,800 years until his plan is fully implemented. This is a long time to wait for freedom of choice in educating our children! However, we can take a tip from our Founding Fathers and greatly speed up the process.

Here’s how.

The key can be found in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. “Congress shall make no law…abridging…the right of the people peaceably to assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Apparently, our Founding Fathers reasoned that the silencing of grievances was a sure way to tyranny.

Thankfully, free speech and assembly is still very much respected in the USA, and we are most grateful for the freedoms we have. Yet, we need not be intimidated from openly expressing our legitimate grievances. This is prerequisite to restoring our civil right to educational choice.
Continue reading “Prerequisite To School Choice Victory”

Utah Can Lead the Revolution!

-By Israel Teitelbaum

When the American Colonists of the 18th century felt their liberty being violated by the ruling government, they came together and decided on a plan to take back their government. Their legacy gives us the ability to accomplish the same, and the voters of Utah can lead the way.

Here’s how.

Voters in Utah are being asked to vote on a minor voucher program that will take nothing away from public schools. Actually, it will add to their per-pupil budget. Yet, the unions are spending millions of dollars opposing these vouchers. Why?

They claim these measly vouchers – averaging $2,000 – will hurt the public schools. While it is true that competition will eventually force some useless bureaucrats out of the system, the children will only benefit. Just as competition in enterprise always improves quality and efficiency, so is this true for education. Proof of this is readily available wherever vouchers have been given a chance.

Far more than education is at stake here. America’s education monopoly is an enormous enterprise of over $500 BILLION per year that generates over $2 BILLION per year into union coffers. Much of this cash goes to generously grease the wheels of government, which generates enormous political power.

I know it sounds very harsh to say this out loud, but factually the educrats are holding our children hostage in substandard schools (see Wall Street Journal editorial, below), often under horrendous conditions, in order to maintain this bonanza on the backs of hard-working taxpayers. How they get away with this day after day and year after year is difficult to explain, other than to say that he who controls the government gets to do whatever they please.
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Battle the Enemy On Their Own Turf!

-By Israel Teitelbaum

Conservatives can win big in if they were willing to fight the Libs on their own turf. But they refuse to do so. Why?

Even optimistic Republicans have already conceded the Congress in the coming election and are merely “hopeful” about the presidency. This is the result of facts now on the ground, in accordance with the present polling. Although conservatives are engaged in numerous battles, ranging from family issues to national defense, they will only do battle from a position of defense – on their own turf – and refuse to go on the offensive. You can’t win a football game without going on the offensive. How can you win in politics with such a strategy?

The source of power – the engine – of the left is obviously the $500 billion-a-year educational monopoly, which they control – where 89 percent of our nation’s children are indoctrinated. This is a system that has been failing the American people for many decades, contributed to the destruction of countless lives and communities, and is directly responsible for the decline of our culture. Yet, our political leaders are afraid to stand up the $2 billion per-year unions which amply grease the wheels of government and the mainstream media.
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We Can Beat the Libs with Liberty! School Choice for our Future

-By Israel Teitelbaum

Currently Democrats/Liberals are riding high, and many political pundits are predicting they will be in full control of all three branches of government come January ’09.

We can change this. Right-minded voters can demand of our political leadership to change course and reverse the outcome of the ’08 election. Here’s how.

We need to demand passage of legislation to break the stranglehold that Liberals have on the American family by financially coercing parents to turn over their children for indoctrination in government-run schools. America was meant to be a free country where people make their own personal choices in life, without government interference. Our soldiers have given, and still give, their lives on behalf of liberty.

A nation “dedicated to liberty,” must allow parents the option of choosing the education that best meets the needs of every child without having to suffer the loss of school funding. We require equal opportunity in housing, employment, travel, entertainment and all public accommodations. This is needed for education as well.

This can be accomplished by passing the Civil Rights Act for Equal Educational Opportunity. Although this legislation has not yet been sponsored, the language is the same as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, minus the word “public” prior to “education.” This new legislation would simply remove the word “public” – requiring equal educational opportunity for all children, including those attending private and religious school.
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