Utah Can Lead the Revolution!

-By Israel Teitelbaum

When the American Colonists of the 18th century felt their liberty being violated by the ruling government, they came together and decided on a plan to take back their government. Their legacy gives us the ability to accomplish the same, and the voters of Utah can lead the way.

Here’s how.

Voters in Utah are being asked to vote on a minor voucher program that will take nothing away from public schools. Actually, it will add to their per-pupil budget. Yet, the unions are spending millions of dollars opposing these vouchers. Why?

They claim these measly vouchers – averaging $2,000 – will hurt the public schools. While it is true that competition will eventually force some useless bureaucrats out of the system, the children will only benefit. Just as competition in enterprise always improves quality and efficiency, so is this true for education. Proof of this is readily available wherever vouchers have been given a chance.

Far more than education is at stake here. America’s education monopoly is an enormous enterprise of over $500 BILLION per year that generates over $2 BILLION per year into union coffers. Much of this cash goes to generously grease the wheels of government, which generates enormous political power.

I know it sounds very harsh to say this out loud, but factually the educrats are holding our children hostage in substandard schools (see Wall Street Journal editorial, below), often under horrendous conditions, in order to maintain this bonanza on the backs of hard-working taxpayers. How they get away with this day after day and year after year is difficult to explain, other than to say that he who controls the government gets to do whatever they please.

The good thing is that the people of Utah now have the chance to stop this tragedy dead in its tracks. By choosing to free parents from this bondage that requires them to turn over their precious children to inferior schools by government fiat, voters can decide to lead the New Revolution. Success of these vouchers will bring freedom not only to the children of Utah. This will send a message that will reverberate all across America and announce for all that The New Revolution has come. We have had enough of being ruled by union leaders who were never voted into office. We don’t want any more education experimentation on our children.

Utahns can now lead the way for voters all across America to follow in November ’08. Those who believe in the U.S. Constitution as originally written, with liberty and justice for all, will now have a good chance of being elected. They will run for office, and we can then vote out all those who have been denying us our freedom to raise our families without governmental interference. This could turn around the ’08 election from one that now appears to favor the left, 180 degrees to the right.

By voting for representatives who will pass the Civil Rights Act for Equal Educational Opportunity, to require equitable funding for every child, just as we now have equal opportunity in housing, employment, travel, entertainment and other public accommodations, we will create a new America – the way it was meant to be. With freedom in education will come freedom from over-taxation and freedom from left-leaning so-called liberals who have all but taken control of all facets of our government and our lives.

Voters of Utah. Our future is now in your hands. Every vote counts. Please make it count for a better future for us all.

Vote YES on Referendum 1!

Israel Teitelbaum is currently creating a new school choice organization to help further the efforts to improve our public schools. His blog will soon be up and running at SchoolChoiceVoter.org. Mr. Teitelbaum can be reached at israel@schoolchoicenj.org.

One thought on “Utah Can Lead the Revolution!”

  1. I heard o a talk radio show yesterday a caller complaining that the host was against teachers and based that ‘fact’ on the show host’s diatribe against school bureaucracy.

    The caller complained that his daughter , a teacher was so dedicated she spent $700 dollars out of her own pocket for school supplies last year.

    My question and I wish I could have smacked the caller upside the head with it was, “With the billions being spent on schools why isn’t the money available for the supplies? Why did she have to reach into her pocket?”

    I wish people would wake up.

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