The Hate From The Occupy-Whatever Left

The left is built on pure hate. Hate for patriotism, hate for the Constitution, hate for our troops, hate for the left’s opponents… just plain hate.

Accuracy in Media, Let Freedom Ring and Young America’s Foundation have joined forces to invade Occupy DC. Our objective: to see what happens when three peaceful fans of capitalism, guns and our military take to the streets. It’s a good thing we didn’t do a live shot, they weren’t greeted nicely to say the least.

The Town Government With More Cars Than Employees

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is a town in Tennessee whose government owns more cars than they even have employees to drive them. This is the sort of excess that every anti-big government activist points to in order to show the bacchanalia of spending to which governments in our fair country are prone.

The Times Free Press of Chattanooga, Tennessee reports that the city of East Ridge made a startling discovery. Town fathers realized the town government owns 149 vehicles. Turns out they only 119 employees. They do indeed have more cars than employees.

Two months ago City Councilman Jim Bethune noted that the city seemed to have an awful lot of cars sitting around that are never used. So, they decided to sell a few to help make up for budget shortfalls and to get rid of the needless vehicles.

City officials made the surprising discover when they finally rounded up all the city’s vehicles. Then they got another surprise. The town had been so slipshod in records keeping that they couldn’t even locate the titles for 11 of those cars. The city had to pay the state $121 to file for each missing title.
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The Town Government With More Cars Than Employees”

Welfare Bureaucrats Swarm Like Locusts Upon The States

-By Warner Todd Huston

Mark Tapscott has an odd idea of a fun time, but I’m glad he does. He was casually tooling through the info posted on the website of the U.S. Census Bureau and decided to see how many welfare bureaucrats there were working in the states. I know, I know, Tapscott needs to take up bowling or something. But, still, the numbers he found are instructive.

He found, for instance, that out of every 100,000 residents, the State of New York has 256 welfare bureaucrats and Wisconsin has 249. That’s quite a number, isn’t it?

That means that New York, having 19,541,453 residents, has at least 50,026 welfare bureaucrats feeding off the taxpayers. Wisconsin, why it employs 14,080 welfare workers.

These number are, well, idiotic. But they are true nonetheless.
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Welfare Bureaucrats Swarm Like Locusts Upon The States”

Rep. Biggins Votes for Illinois Pension Bailout, Should he be Thrown out of GOP Caucus?

-By Warner Todd Huston

State Representative Bob Biggins (R, Elmhurst) was one of two Republicans to vote yes on a bill to borrow $3.7 billion to shore up state pension funds this week. The vote caused tongues to wag that the retiring representative was offered a job or some other goodies by the Illinois Democrats through Governor Quinn’s offices to change his previous vote to side with Quinn.

It isn’t that Biggins sided with Democrats and against the Republican leadership, but that he ducked a meeting with his own caucus in order to hide away in Governor Quinn’s office with chief of staff Jerry Stemer raises eyebrows.

For his part Biggins claims he was offered no incentive to change his “no” vote to a “yes.”
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Rep. Biggins Votes for Illinois Pension Bailout, Should he be Thrown out of GOP Caucus?”

8th District Congressman Bean Holding Town Meeting Feb. 27

The folks at the Palatine Tea Party have alerted us to the fact that Congressman Melissa Bean will be holding a town hall to hear from her constituents on Feb. 27.

According to the Palatine folks, Bean will be moving around quite a bit on Saturday appearing at several stores throughout the day. It strikes me as sort of odd, but apparently she is touring four Jewel-Osco grocery stores and will be meeting in the aisles near the entrance to the stores. I guess she doesn’t expect too many attendees since she isn’t meeting at a sit-down venue but rather in the aisles of a grocery store.

Anyway, here is the schedule:
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8th District Congressman Bean Holding Town Meeting Feb. 27″

Republican Challengers in Chicago Unite for March 4 Fund-raiser

CHIGAGO – February 25, 2010 – Four Chicago-based Republican candidates will host a joint fund-raiser on Thursday, March 4 at 6:00 p.m. at The Stretch, 3485 North Clark St. in Chicago. Illinois state hopefuls David Anderson, Adam Robinson and Scott Tucker will join federal candidate David Ratowitz in a mass muster of support for their individual General Election campaigns.

Admission to the event is two-tier: $30 covers cash bar and appetizers; $60 includes appetizers and open bar from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. The public is welcome; no RSVP is required.

Promotional opportunities are available for third-party organizations. Prospective event sponsors are asked to contact Caitlin Huxley, 312-841-0172 or Co-sponsors currently include Chicago Young Republicans and Illinois Log Cabin Republicans.
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Republican Challengers in Chicago Unite for March 4 Fund-raiser”

8th District: Joe Walsh Jumps in Fox Lake

From the campaign of Joe Walsh for Congress, 8th District…

Participates in Special Olympics Polar Plunge Charity Event

(Lake Zurich, Illinois) – February 25, 2010 –

Taking a break from his own campaign fund-raising, Joe Walsh, Republican candidate for Congress in the Illinois 8th, will be participating this Sunday in the annual Law Enforcement Torch Run Polar Plunge Charity Event to raise funds for the Special Olympics.
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8th District: Joe Walsh Jumps in Fox Lake”

Buffalo Grove Ponders Red Light Cameras Monday

-By Warner Todd Huston

These last weeks have been very busy for Barnet Fagel.

When the Buffalo Grove resident heard his town’s village board was going to discuss the possibility of bringing red light cameras to intersections within the Chicago suburb, he swung into action.

The 66-year old Fagel, a traffic researcher and a highway safety advocate with motorist advocacy group the National Motorists Association, is arguably this state’s number one expert on red light camera enforcement and also the industry’s strongest critic here in Illinois.

In the past two weeks, in between promoting and participating in a Valentine’s Day red light camera protest in Chicago, and multiple media appearances, Fagel has been busy preparing his fight against Buffalo Grove’s RLCs….

Read the rest at The Expired
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Buffalo Grove Ponders Red Light Cameras Monday”

Dems Lt. Gov. Candidate and His… uh… Peccadilloes, The Jerry Springer Democrat

-By Warner Todd Huston

I just can’t get excited about Scott Lee Cohen, the wacky Lt. Gov. that the Democrats have chosen to represent them in November. Sure he’s the Jerry Springer candidate, sure he’s violent, roided up, and sort of scummy.

But, he’s upfront about it all, he’s honest about his general scumminess. And he DID win the election.

In the Chicago Sun-Times Sneed had a few tidbits I’ll repost here to give you a general idea of where this guy fits on the Jerry Springer scale:
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Dems Lt. Gov. Candidate and His… uh… Peccadilloes, The Jerry Springer Democrat”

Comptroller: Homer Lockport Tea Party Endorses Jim Dodge

From the Dodge for Comptroller campaign…

Jim Dodge, Republican candidate for Illinois Comptroller, is proud to announce he has received the endorsement of the Homer Lockport Tea Party.

“I would like to thank the members of the Homer Lockport Tea Party for their support,” Dodge said. “This group held one of the largest Tea Party gatherings in the country on Labor Day of last year. They know what is at stake this election for our state and our country, they are working very hard to get the word out, and I couldn’t be happier to have their support.”
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Comptroller: Homer Lockport Tea Party Endorses Jim Dodge”

62nd State Rep: ICE-PAC Endorses Paul Mitchell for State Rep

From the Paul Mitchell for State Rep campaign…

J Kevin Costello, the Chairman for Illinois Citizens for Ethics (ICE-PAC) told Mitchell in the endorsement notice, “On behalf of everyone here at Illinois Citizens for Ethics, I’m happy to inform you that our Board feels you are an exemplary candidate for public service as an Illinois State Representative. Your commitment to ethics and to representing the views of the Illinois voter in public service with respect to the role of government in the social and moral issues facing our State make you the type of candidate that Illinois Citizens for Ethics is intended to support.”
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62nd State Rep: ICE-PAC Endorses Paul Mitchell for State Rep”

Democrat Lawmaker Accidentally Proves High Taxes Hurt Business

-By Warner Todd Huston

You see it all the time, Democrats in any particular state or county government proposing to raise sales taxes to raise “much needed” revenues — I say “much needed” because spending cuts are never considered an option for what ails a government budget. But these money-hungry Democrats never once consider the harm they are doing to the businesses in their own jurisdictions especially when surrounding states (or counties) happen to have lower sales taxes than the new, higher level being introduced by Democrat tax hikers. These tax-mongering Democrats simply assume that raising the taxes will raise the revenues and that people will not flee business in their own area and travel to where things might be bought cheaper.

The reality is, though, even as such tax-loving Democrats raise taxes on their fellows and with wide-eyed innocence claim they are doing right by their constituents, businesses lose business to surrounding communities that have lower taxes. Naturally, tax raising Democrats refuse to acknowledge this singular economic fact.

It turns out that we can thank State Rep. Michael Rodrigues of Westport, Massachusetts for giving us one of the most perfect examples of how states lose business due to tax raising Democrats.

Oh, it isn’t because Rodriques was economically astute enough to understand reality. No, it’s because this tax-raising pol proved that even he will flee his high tax state to buy goods in a neighboring state where taxes are lower.
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Democrat Lawmaker Accidentally Proves High Taxes Hurt Business”

Adam Kinzinger For Illinois 11th — Hero, Patriot

-By Warner Todd Huston

Captain Adam Kinzinger, 30, officer in the Air National Guard, was enjoying a night on the town in Milwaukee in May of 2007 when he saw before him a woman clutching her neck and bleeding profusely, a man with a knife standing behind her. Acting quickly, then Lt. Kinzinger subdued the man and stopped any further harm from coming to the unknown woman.

Others also came to his aid to keep the attacker subdued and still others whisked the injured woman off to a local hospital for treatment. It is reported to have taken about 100 stitches to close the wound. The attacker is in jail awaiting trial for the assault.

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Adam Kinzinger For Illinois 11th — Hero, Patriot”