David Ratowitz Articulates the Relationship Between Patronage and the Hurricane Katrina Disaster

From the Ratowitz for Congress campaign (5th District)…

U.S. Congressional Candidate, David Ratowitz (IL-5) marks the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina with a series of articles exploring the role of government in the Katrina disaster and recovery. In this article, Ratowitz shines light on the role of patronage in the levee failures that caused the flooding of New Orleans.

Chicago, IL, June 24, 2010– Long time transparency and pro-liberty advocate Candidate for U.S. Congress from Illinois’ 5th Congressional District, David Ratowitz marks the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina with a series of articles based on his personal experience with the disaster and recovery process.
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David Ratowitz Articulates the Relationship Between Patronage and the Hurricane Katrina Disaster”

(5th Distict) David Ratowitz discusses government waste, FEMA trailers and the current stimulus bill

From the Ratowitz for Congress campaign (5th District)…

U.S. Congressional Candidate, David Ratowitz (IL-5) marks the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina by discussing the failures of government in hurricane recovery and economic stimulus through the example of FEMA trailers.

Chicago, IL, June 24, 2010– Long time transparency and pro-liberty advocate Candidate for U.S. Congress from Illinois’ 5th Congressional District, David Ratowitz marks the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina with a series of articles based on his personal experience with the disaster and recovery process.
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(5th Distict) David Ratowitz discusses government waste, FEMA trailers and the current stimulus bill”

(5th District) David Ratowitz marks the five year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.

From the Ratowitz for Congress campaign (5th District)…

U.S. Congressional Candidate, David Ratowitz (IL-5) marks the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina with a series of articles based on his experience during the storm and the long recovery.

Chicago, IL, June 24, 2010– Long time transparency and pro-liberty advocate Candidate for U.S. Congress from Illinois’ 5th Congressional District, David Ratowitz marks the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina with a series of articles based on his personal experience with the disaster and recovery process.

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(5th District) David Ratowitz marks the five year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.”

Ratowitz, 5th District: Blagojevich jury hung on 27 counts, convicts on one count.

From the Ratowitz fo Congress campaign (5th District)…

U.S. Congressional Candidate, David Ratowitz (IL-5) reacts to Blagojevich corruption verdict: “Jury has put ball in voters’ court”.

Chicago, IL, June 24, 2010– Long time transparency and pro-liberty advocate Candidate for U.S. Congress from Illinois’ 5th Congressional District, David Ratowitz expresses disappointment in the Blagojevich verdict, claims jury “threw the ball back into the voters’ court”.

“Like many Illinoisans, I am disappointed with the jury’s verdict in the Blagojevich trial. Many people had hoped the Blagojevich jury would do the hard work of cleansing Illinois politics of scandal and corruption, but they have declined to do so, instead they have put the responsibility for cleaning up politics back where it belongs: with the voters”, said Ratowitz this evening from his Chicago office.

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Ratowitz, 5th District: Blagojevich jury hung on 27 counts, convicts on one count.”

Supreme Court protects Chicagoans 2d Amendment Rights by Overturning Unconstitutional Handgun Ban

From the Ratowitz for Congress campaign (5th District)…

U.S. Congressional Candidate, David Ratowitz (IL-5) praises SCOTUS for upholding the 2d Amendment Rights of Chicagoans and urges Chicago’s City Council to respect the rights of law abiding citizens.

Chicago, IL, June 24, 2010– Long time transparency and pro-liberty advocate Candidate for U.S. Congress from Illinois’ 5th Congressional District, David Ratowitz supports the Supreme Court’s decision in McDonald v. City of Chicago.
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Supreme Court protects Chicagoans 2d Amendment Rights by Overturning Unconstitutional Handgun Ban”

(5th District) Ratowitz Attacks Disclose Act‏

From the Ratowitz for Congress campaign (5th District)…

H.R. 5175 Disclose Act Sacrifices Freedom of Speech to Protect Incumbents.

U.S. Congressional Candidate, David Ratowitz (IL-5) defends Freedom of Speech and Liberty against nervous incumbents who seek to use the Disclose Act to protect their Congressional Seats.

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(5th District) Ratowitz Attacks Disclose Act‏”

Ratowitz on Judge Striking Down Moratorium‏

From the Ratowitz for Congress campaign (5th District)…

Louisiana Federal Judge Struck down Obama Administration’s Oil Moratorium Request.

U.S. Congressional Candidate, David Ratowitz (IL-5) criticizes“ the Obama administration for banning an entire industry instead of addressing the problem of safely producing oil necessary for our nation’s economy.
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Ratowitz on Judge Striking Down Moratorium‏”

5th Distroct, David Ratowitz: ‘I stand for Liberty: Boldly and without Equivocation!’

From the Ratowitz for Congress campaign (5th District)…

U. S. Congressional Candidate, David Ratowitz (IL – 5), calls to task advocates of public corruption who use specious claims of racism to distract from their own dishonesty”

Chicago, IL, March 12, 2010 – Long time transparency and pro-liberty advocate Candidate for U. S. Congress from Illinois’ 5th Congressional District, David Ratowitz defends Liberty from false charges of racism.

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5th Distroct, David Ratowitz: ‘I stand for Liberty: Boldly and without Equivocation!’”

5th District Ratowitz: Democrats in Congress Failed to safeguard the Gulf Coast

From the Ratowitz for Congress campaign (5th District)…

David Ratowitz, Republican Candidate for Illinois’ 5th Congressional seat, demands accountability from Democrats in Congress for their failure to safeguard the Gulf Coast

U. S. Congressional Candidate, David Ratowitz (IL – 5), claims “Democrats in Congress have spent the last four years rehashing lost political fights of the past instead of governing 21st Century America. We have the capability to contain and minimize damage from an oil spill, Democrat failures to realistically address America’s energy policy are the cause of the current oil spill calamity.”

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5th District Ratowitz: Democrats in Congress Failed to safeguard the Gulf Coast”

5th District Ratowitz: Where Does Rep. Quigley Stand on Taxing Retirement Savings?

From the Ratowitz for Congress campaign (5th District)…

David Ratowitz, Republican Candidate for Illinois’ 5th Congressional seat, demands to know: where does Mike Quigley (D IL-5) stand on taxing retirement savings?

U. S. Congressional Candidate, David Ratowitz (IL – 5), wants to know: “where does Mike Quigley stand on taxing retirement savings? Just this week, Democrats in Congress said they wanted to tax IRA and 401(k) retirement accounts. Obviously, Mike Quigley doesn’t care about us, otherwise he would oppose tax increases that target our retirement savings and destroy jobs in the District.”
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5th District Ratowitz: Where Does Rep. Quigley Stand on Taxing Retirement Savings?”

5th District: Ratowitz Town Hall Announcement April 17

From the Ratowitz for Congress campaign (5th District)…

David Ratowitz, Republican Candidate for Illinois’ 5th Congressional seat, to hold Town Hall on the heels of speaking engagement at TEA Party Rally.

U. S. Congressional Candidate, David Ratowitz (IL – 5), states “The so-called health care bill is a radical change in 17% of the United States economy. People in the 5th District deserve to have a leader explain how this mammoth new bill will change their lives. If Mike Quigley doesn’t care enough about us, I’ll do it myself.”
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5th District: Ratowitz Town Hall Announcement April 17″

Rep. Mike Quigley: Worst Big Government Record in Congress

From the Ratowitz for Congress campaign…

David Ratowitz, Republican Candidate for Illinois’ 5th Congressional Seat, Attacks Incumbent Mike Quigley (D IL-5) for Fiscal Irresponsibility

U. S. Congressional Candidate, David Ratowitz (IL – 5), asks, “Who does Mike Quigley think he is fooling with a toothless ‘Sense of the House’ resolution on fiscal controls? Obviously, Mike Quigley doesn’t care about us, otherwise he would offer real opposition to the big government programs that spend our money instead of faking reform.”
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Rep. Mike Quigley: Worst Big Government Record in Congress”

Republican Challengers in Chicago Unite for March 4 Fund-raiser

CHIGAGO – February 25, 2010 – Four Chicago-based Republican candidates will host a joint fund-raiser on Thursday, March 4 at 6:00 p.m. at The Stretch, 3485 North Clark St. in Chicago. Illinois state hopefuls David Anderson, Adam Robinson and Scott Tucker will join federal candidate David Ratowitz in a mass muster of support for their individual General Election campaigns.

Admission to the event is two-tier: $30 covers cash bar and appetizers; $60 includes appetizers and open bar from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. The public is welcome; no RSVP is required.

Promotional opportunities are available for third-party organizations. Prospective event sponsors are asked to contact Caitlin Huxley, 312-841-0172 or CaitlinHuxley@gmail.com. Co-sponsors currently include Chicago Young Republicans and Illinois Log Cabin Republicans.
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Republican Challengers in Chicago Unite for March 4 Fund-raiser”