Science Showing How Stupid Racists Really Are

-By Warner Todd Huston

As scientists unravel the human genome, it is becoming increasingly obvious that there is no such thing as a “race” of humans. All humans share parts of their DNA with almost every other human as it happens, and this is increasingly so as this big world shrinks with cheap, safe, and easy travel. But as science learns more of our DNA we have found that there was intermixing between our human ancestors and the more primitive Neanderthals and that story tends to show just how stupid racists really are.

So, let’s think back to the most common taunt that racists who are related through white, European ancestors offer when assessing darker humans, whether they be Indians, blacks, or others. Don’t they say that their heavy brows or dark features make them out to be “primitives”?

Further, haven’t blacks been portrayed as Neanderthals, dim witted, slow, plodding, animalistic sorts who aren’t as sophisticated as those more learned white folks?
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Science Showing How Stupid Racists Really Are”

New Insect Species Found… On Photo Sharing Website

-By Warner Todd Huston

There may be nothing new under the sun, but there appears to be at least one thing new on the Internet. Scientists have announced this year that a new bug was identified on the Internet. No, not a virus or trojan program, but a real bug. An insect, now dubbed Semachrysa jade, was discovered by an entomologist who was looking at pictures of bugs uploaded by a user of the photo sharing site Flickr.

As entomologists are wont to do, Shaun Winterton was perusing Flickr last year looking at pictures of bugs uploaded by users of the photo sharing site when he came across a photo of a bug he’d never seen before.

The photo shows a green lacewing with black lines and shimmering blue spots on its wings. Winterton, a senior entomologist at the California Department of Food and Agriculture, says that this coloration has never been seen before on a lacewing.

Winterton sent the photo to several bug-loving colleagues of his quizzing them if they had ever seen the insect. Turns out none of them had. Winterton had found a bug unknown to science and on the Internet of all places.
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New Insect Species Found… On Photo Sharing Website”

Behavioral Science, Behavioral Economics, Social Science, Psychology… How are these ‘Science’? Why Is Obama Using them to Ruin This Nation?

-By Warner Todd Huston

OK, let me get this straight. The bulk of the “research” that the so-called sciences mentioned in the headline above are done in university labs. There they conduct these “experiments” mostly, not exclusively, but mostly, on grad students and other students willing to go to the lab and take surveys, answer questions, and participate in the “experiments,” often for money.

The “results” of these hackneyed “experiments” are then used as “proof” of an often politically motivated concept, like “why are conservatives filled with fear,” or “why are the religious so hateful and full of fear,” or “why are Republicans so hateful and full of crap?,” of “why are gays and lesbians so cool”? You know, important questions like that.

Now, I remind you who the participants are in these pseudo experiments: college students.
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Behavioral Science, Behavioral Economics, Social Science, Psychology… How are these ‘Science’? Why Is Obama Using them to Ruin This Nation?”

Huffington Post: Presenting Fake ‘Doctors’ as Experts?

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is a charge starting to make the rounds of the science and medical blogs that the Huffington Post is allowing its bloggers to claim they are “doctors” when some really aren’t qualified to claim the title. Still others ply their legitimately earned title to discuss as authorities issues in fields other than those in which they trained. Some of these same “doctors” are offering health advice and assessment of scientific news when they really aren’t qualified to discuss them in any way other than as opinionists. So, the questions become these: is the Huffington Post misrepresenting its posters as trained, accredited experts when they aren’t? Is there any attempt by the HuffyPost staff to substantiate the claims made by its posters?

Case in point is the Huffington Post’s wellness editor, “Dr.” Patricia Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald claims to have a doctorate in “Homeopathic Medicine,” as well as a Master’s Degree in “Traditional Chinese Medicine.” But what, exactly, is a Doctorate in Homeopathic Medicine? And why does Fitzgerald not say on her bio page from where these degrees were earned? Why is she so intentionally vague?

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Huffington Post: Presenting Fake ‘Doctors’ as Experts?”

Dems Push Another Fake ‘Fair’ Bill That Will Kill Online Science Research Publishing

-By Warner Todd Huston

Why are Democrats such liars? I know that sounds harsh, but this penchant for labeling a law, act, or bill with a lie as a title is gallingly Orwellian and it’s getting tiresome. We have the “Employee Free Choice Act” that takes away employee choice, the “Freedom of Choice Act” that takes away the freedom NOT to chose abortion, and now we have the “Fair Copyright in Research Works Act” that takes away the public’s fair access to scientific research papers without having to first spend a ton of money to access it.

In all the three laws above noted, we have either “free,” “Freedom,” or “fair” in the bill title and yet not one of these pieces of legislation is free, fair or assures any freedoms — in fact, quite the opposite. It’s like calling a crap sandwich corned beef on rye! It’s getting so that all we have to do is read a bill’s title and imagine the direct opposite effect to learn what the bill is about.

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Dems Push Another Fake ‘Fair’ Bill That Will Kill Online Science Research Publishing”

Globaloney Update: A Tale of Two ‘Realities’

-By Warner Todd Huston

From June: ‘No ice at the North Pole,’ to January: ‘Sea Ice Ends Year at Same Level as 1979’

No pairing of any two stories better illustrates the child-like alarmism of global warming religionists than these two stories. The first from June of 2008 claims that all the ice at the North Pole has melted and will be gone for the first time ever, while the second shows that by January of 2009 the polar ice measurements show that it is the same as it was in 1979, with no ice loss seen at all between then and now.

The first story was published by the Independent newspaper in England. Written by their “science editor,” Steve Connor, this piece was replete with dire warnings and shocked proclamations of how it all seemed “unthinkable” that all the ice at the North Pole was melted because of globaloney.

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U. of OK Decertifies Teacher Over His Global Warming Skepticism?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A popular professor of environmental geology seems to be under attack by the University of Oklahoma because of his skepticism over global warming this month.

In October Dr. David Deming, a teacher for the U of OK for over a decade, was informed that his “general education” certification was being revoked for his class. This will result in many students passing over his class when they choose their classes in the future.

Deming says that he has a consistent record of outstanding student evaluations and has no idea why the university has decided to punish him like this unless it is because of his stance on global warming.

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AIDS is 100 Years Old? So Much for Conspiracy Theories

-By Warner Todd Huston

Negroists — that would be people who think “black” first, instead of American first — have posited for years that the U.S. government created AIDS to kill blacks and keep them down. But now geneticists are discovering that the HIV virus is at least 100 years old. That would sort of blow the ridiculous conspiracy theory out of the water, wouldn’t it? (And it would be contrary to what Barack Obama’s “spiritual adviser” Reverend Jeremiah Wright has said.)

According to a new report “The AIDS virus has been circulating among people for about 100 years, decades longer than scientists had thought, a new study suggests… Genetic analysis pushes the estimated origin of HIV back to between 1884 and 1924, with a more focused estimate at 1908.”

The researchers also said that it isn’t a surprise to find HIV is that old.

Experts say it’s no surprise that HIV circulated in humans for about 70 years before being recognized. An infection usually takes years to produce obvious symptoms, a lag that can mask the role of the virus, and it would have infected relatively few Africans early in its spread, they said.

Once again, we find that the wild-eyed conspiracy theorists are fools, easily led, and not very bright.
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