New Lefty Outrage: Gasp, Sarah Palin Flies in Planes!

-By Warner Todd Huston

**Update** Palin Responds About Travel Below

Al Gore flies all across the world destroying the environment with his travels so that he can sell the fantasy of globaloney. Hundreds of government officials will be crisscrossing the globe flying to Copenhagen to “save the planet” at the upcoming Climate Conference this December. All are adding to what leftists call global warming and they are adding more in just the month of December alone with their efforts than any common citizen would in their entire lifetime.

So, what is the lefty outrage du jour? Is it that these so-called environmentalists are hypocrites? Nope. The newest outrage from the left is that Sarah Palin dares to fly from city to city during her whirlwind book tour.

I know. The nerve of her, eh?
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New Lefty Outrage: Gasp, Sarah Palin Flies in Planes!”

Marriage Hating ‘Psychologist’ Calls Palin a ‘Special Liar’

-By Warner Todd Huston

An anti-Palin screed somehow ended up on Psychology Today’s website. I know, I know, it’s shocking that Psychology Today could sponsor something that is less science than it is PC, hatespeak against conservatives, what with psychology being so scientific and all — but, there you have it. Penned by one Bella DePaulo, the piece really has little worth as a work of science and is little but a political rant filled with name calling and hate for Governor Sarah Palin and anyone that might support her. In the piece Palin is termed a “special liar” by the writer and conservatives are painted as willfully ignorant, knuckle dragging troglodytes.

As I mentioned, DePaulo originally posted her political hit piece at the website of Psychology Today but has since moved the piece to the Huffington Post apparently because the PT website was getting slammed by complaints — and rightfully so.

I have to say the move to the HuffPo was a good one. After all, as little worth as the “science” of psychology offers the world, HuffPo offers even less so and that is precisely where this dreck of DePaulo’s belongs.
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Marriage Hating ‘Psychologist’ Calls Palin a ‘Special Liar’”

AP Reporting from Wasilla

-By Warner Todd Huston

We just received in our email box the Associated Press working files on the following story…

Palin’s Daughter Arrested in Wasilla for Dangerous Drunk Driving

(AP) WASILLA, ALASKA — The daughter of failed Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin was arrested Thursday in Wasilla for driving drunk.

Bristol Palin, 19, was stopped by officers at about 12:40 a.m. and booked after rude behavior at the Wasilla police station for driving under the influence.

She was held for about five hours and released at about 5:30 a.m. after posting $5,000 bail, officials said.

Bristol Palin is the eldest daughter of failed Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin and could be responsible for the loss of Republican John McCain’s bid for president in 2006. After it was discovered she was pregnant out of wedlock, the doomed Palin GOP bid for vice president suffered repeated scandals. Governor Palin was thought to have been a book banner in Wasilla and it was reported that her son, Trig, was really Bristol’s child.

The hypocrisy of the Palin campai….


This just in….
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AP Reporting from Wasilla”

USA Today Uses Attack Book to Talk Palin’s

-By Warner Todd Huston

Early on the morning of Governor Sarah Palin’s book release day, USA Today’s The Oval blog posted a piece asking who was more qualified to be president, Clinton or Palin. Naturally, instead of using an image of Sarah Palin’s book cover to illustrate the story, USA Today used the attack book against Palin that mimics Palin’s cover in a cynical bid to confuse readers on which book is which.

We are left wondering about USA Today. Were they just stupid, not knowing that there was an attack book making itself look like Palin’s book? Or did the folks at USA Today know full well that they were posting an image of the attack book’s cover and not Palin’s actual book?

Here is a screen capture of the original page.

After multiple complaints, USA Today did end up changing the image later in the morning to the proper book cover image with an “erratum.”

ERRATUM: An earlier posting featured the photo of a different Sarah Palin book. The Oval regrets the error.

I’m sure they regret getting caught. Not really sure if they regret the error.
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USA Today Uses Attack Book to Talk Palin’s”

Palin Enemy Denied Propaganda Effort

-By Warner Todd Huston

Oopsie. Palin smear artist Joe McGinnis was denied his chance to make a mockery of the Palin diner auction when the good Guv nixed his ebay bid last week, sources say.

The New York Daily News reports that smear writer McGinnis, who is writing an unauthorized “biography” attacking Governor Palin, tried to top the winning $60,101.01 ebay bid for the dinner with Palin but the bid was voided by Palin herself.

Palin reserved the right to refuse bidders who failed to meet “standards of suitability, professionalism, background and other factors.”

Good for her. This yellow journalist was denied a chance to put himself in the news by snagging this dinner with Palin. McGinnis was denied his attempt at propaganda and self aggrandizement.

There is another reason why this denial of the smear writer is a good thing. His taking dinner with the governor would have overshadowed the charity for which the dinner was planned. Certainly the news would have focussed on McGinnis’ blather and the clash between he and Palin and the great charity that the dinner was to benefit would have been forgotten.

That charity, by the way, is Ride2Recovery, a great charity that helps our wounded military veterans recover their health and dignity.
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Palin Enemy Denied Propaganda Effort”

Macleans: Those Racist, Mean ‘Palin Republicans’

-By Warner Todd Huston

You know, those Palin Republicans are all such racist, fearmongers, right? Well if you didn’t know it, Macleans of Canada wants to make sure you do with a piece headlined “The Palin Republicans.”

For Macleans, writer John Parisella thinks he’s discovered why the GOP can’t capitalize on the distrust that more and more Americans are feeling for the Obama administration and his Social-Democratic Party. It’s because Sarah Palin is a big ol’ meanie that told a lie about death panels.

And what could save the GOP according to this loony leftist? Why capitulating to socialist healthcare, of course. Oh, and getting rid of Palin would help, he thinks.
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Macleans: Those Racist, Mean ‘Palin Republicans’”

SFChron: Palin’s ‘Paranoid Politics’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again the extreme left goes into a conservative-bashing theory without the slightest knowledge of human nature not to mention owning even a tiny bit of introspection. This time it is one Geoffery Dunn of the San Francisco Chronicle who told his readers that Palin exemplifies America’s ages-old “paranoid-style politics.”

The piece is interesting for the fact that it is apparent that as the left-wing Dunn talks about “American paranoid-style politics” he offers examples from only the conservative side of the aisle. Apparently Mr. Dunn imagines “paranoia” only resides on the right in that “American” politics of which he assumes to be an expert.

Dunn amusingly praises the long-ago work of leftist professor Richard Hofstadter, whose fame came from his 1964 book “The Paranoid Style in American Politics.” Hofstadter was a Marxist in an era when Marxists infested American politics as Russian archives successfully proved years ago. Hofstadter was an avowed communist who associated with the anti-capitalist, anti-American “historian” Charles Beard whose hackneyed work tearing down America’s founders was so well debunked decades ago by Forrest McDonald. But whatever Hofstadter was he wasn’t an unbiased observer of American politics. He wrote from an extreme left-wing point of view and castigated conservative politics from that ideological vantage.
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SFChron: Palin’s ‘Paranoid Politics’”

$25,000 for Dinner With Sarah!

-By Warner Todd Huston

OK, folks, starting September 8 you’ll only have ten days to pony up a winning bid on ebay for a dinner with Governor Palin. And the starting bid is $25,000. If yours is the winning bid, you and four of your closest friends are invited to dinner with the Guv.

If this meal with Mrs. Palin is not in your price range, perhaps a $7,500 bid for lunch with Karl Rove is closer to your level?

The first annual Ride 2 Recovery ebay charity auction will begin soon with the several dinners to be auctioned off to help recovering military vets.

Ride 2 Recovery is a program where wounded vets are helped to rebuild confidence and strength by hitting the road on bicycles of all sorts. So, this is a worthy cause.

So, look inside that wallet, folks. But, if these two dinner auctions are a tad too high faulting’ for you but you still want to donate to this worthy cause, contact Ride 2 Recovery at or go to the Ride 2 Recovery main page and see the donation tab at the bottom of the webpage.
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$25,000 for Dinner With Sarah!”

Um… What? Palin Was Picked For McCain by the Media?

-By Warner Todd Huston

He’s kidding, right?

Sometimes a mediot (that would be media idiot for those unaware) lapses into some crazed, other world, some bizarro-land where up is down and black is white. It looks like our pal Greg Mitchell from Editor & Publisher is the latest to toke a little too hard on that wacky tobaccy. Mitchell, you see, thinks he’s lighted on the real story of how Governor Sarah Palin got chosen as McLame’s running mate last year: the media is whot done it.

I know, I know, I laughed, too. But Greg is serious. He thinks the media’s attention on Hillary Clinton’s supporters, the PUMAs, convinced McLame to pick Palin because she… well, she’s a she.

You see, Mitchell figures that the media’s concerted attention on those Democrat defectors that were incensed that their “historic” female candidate was out campaigned by The Obammessiah was ubiquitous in the Old Media and this attention made the female vote seem more consequential than it was. This, in turn, made McLame pick Palin thinking to cash in on the disgruntled female vote.
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Um… What? Palin Was Picked For McCain by the Media?”

Some Interesting Admissions By WaPost’s Kurtz

-By Warner Todd Huston

In his Washington Post column for August 25, Howard Kurtz sound exasperated, fed up with those moron Americans that dare to have an opinion against Obama’s socialist take over of the country’s healthcare system. Oh, and he felt the need to slam Governor Sarah Palin, too… but what’s new about that? What is unusual, though, is the admission that Kurtz thinks that the Old Media should influence public opinion instead of merely inform readers about the news.

Of course he led with a laugher that is hard to take seriously. His very first few words makes of him a laughing stock.

For once, mainstream journalists did not retreat to the studied neutrality of quoting dueling antagonists.

For once? For once? And, what’s with the claim of studied neutrality? He’s kidding, right? Does Kurtz really expect to be taken seriously with that first line?

Next he goes on to attack Palin for her “death panels” line.

They tried to perform last rites on the ludicrous claim about President Obama’s death panels, telling Sarah Palin, in effect, you’ve got to quit making things up.

But it didn’t matter. The story refused to die.

Well, it refuses to die because it is easy to believe that this president would be first to demand death panels. After all, he was always a consistent vote for infanticide and death panels for babies. Not only that, but we know that Obama has brought back the “death panels” for our military veterans, policies that were stopped by Bush. Palin is far more believable than Obama in this debate.

And now for Howie’s unusual admission.
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Some Interesting Admissions By WaPost’s Kurtz”

A Tortured Headline

-By Warner Todd Huston

I had to laugh at an Associated Press headline that is so tortured as to be beyond belief. Naturally, the purpose of the twisted headline is so that the AP could get a Palin reference into its headline in order gain attention for its story, even though the story has little to do with the Palins.

OK, so without dallying further, here is the tortured headline: “Mom of Bristol Palin’s former fiance pleads guilty.”

So, a story about a person only loosely connected at this time to Governor Palin doesn’t even get named in the headline but Palin does? We couldn’t see a more tortured headline if AP had written: “Governor Palin’s hairdresser’s friend’s dog bites child.”
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A Tortured Headline”

Now CNN Reporting on What Sarah ISN’T Doing

-By Warner Todd Huston

To show how obsessed the Old Media is over Governor Palin, now CNN has a story on its website ruminating over what Sarah isn’t doing. It seems that she can’t get away from the Old Media even by doing nothing. First they lose their minds over what she is doing, and then when she stops doing something, they go ga ga over that, too.

This time Eric Kuhn, CNN’s “Audience Interaction Producer” — what ever the heck that is — is all caught up over if and when Sarah will re-launch her Twitter account. “Is Palin getting ready to tweet again?,” Khun breathlessly asked on the 13th.

Listen, we all love Sarah, but is this actually news?
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Now CNN Reporting on What Sarah ISN’T Doing”

New York Mag Sees Palin Under Bed at Night

-By Warner Todd Huston

New York Magazine is so afraid of Palin that it cannot help but imagine grand, wild conspiracy theories even in her choice of New York restaurants. Seriously.

The now ex-guv was in New York this week to meet with her publisher and decided to take a little time from business for a nice dinner at the well known eatery Michaels. The restaurant is a hang out for denizens of the publishing industry so it might seem a natural thing that her publisher would take her to a place where publishers hang out… right?

Not according to New York Magazine. To the scandal inventors of this rag, Palin could only have ulterior motives for daring to go to a restaurant that serves as a hang out for journalists.

Guess she just couldn’t have been hungry, right?
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New York Mag Sees Palin Under Bed at Night”

The Media’s Constant Palin Hyperbole

-By Warner Todd Huston

A recent CBS report by Scott Conroy and director of political coverage Steve Chaggaris is typical of the hyperbole to which the Old Media is prone when “reporting” (by that you can read dramatizing) Sarah Palin’s political doings.

This report is not as chock full of it as some others that have utilized over-the-top phrases and rhetoric to beat down Palin, but there are a few here that ring typical of the sort of backdoor slams that the Old Media constantly over use in its Palin coverage.

We start with the opening line:

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The Media’s Constant Palin Hyperbole”

What’s Sarah Doing?

-By Warner Todd Huston

In case you are wondering, I have no clue what soon to be ex-governor Palin is doing up there in the great white north.

I had thought she’d try for the Senate before running for president, she’s quite young after all. But with this quirky resignation… well, I am flummoxed.

So, don’t ask me for any analysis on what it is that Sarah Palin is doing or will be doing because I have no idea.

Just in case you are wondering.

I should also add that anyone that speculates is rather silly to do so.

Politico Reports Palin’s a Thud at NRSC Dinner, all Others Say She Was a Hit

-By Warner Todd Huston

Reports on Governor Sarah Palin’s appearance at the National Republican Senatorial Committee dinner in D.C. on Monday nearly all mention that she was quite the center of attention with dinner attendees. Well, all agree with that characterization but Politico’s Alex Isenstadt, that is. Isenstadt seems to have been the only one to report that her attendance was a dud. This spurred our friend Videmus Omnia to wonder if Isenstadt went to the same dinner as everyone else? After looking it over, I have to ask the same question.

For Politico, Isenstadt snorted that Palin’s appearance at the dinner “went little-noticed.” He also stated that, “If she hadn’t walked quickly across the stage the outset and if her presence hadn’t been mentioned briefly in the remarks of some of the evening’s speakers, it would have been hard to know that she had, in fact, shown up.” So there you have it. No one cared a whit that Governor Palin attended the dinner.

But wait. A perusal of other media accounts says just the opposite.

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Politico Reports Palin’s a Thud at NRSC Dinner, all Others Say She Was a Hit”

AP Picks Up Huff-Po Blogger’s Lame Smear Alleging Palin Plagiarism

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you would like a great example of how the Old Media takes a story that has no legitimacy at all and uses it as the basis for a smear job, the Associated Press offered a wonderful sampling of the tactic for you on June 8. From a headline that makes the issue seem more weighty than it is, to the lack of competent reporting from both sides of the matter, AP employed this favorite Old Media tactic by taking another swipe at Governor Sarah Palin with little by way of substantive evidence. It’s another “seriousness of the charge” story despite the complete lack of evidence as well as a lack of any gravitas on the part of the original source of the charge.

At issue is the false charge leveled by a Huffington Post blogger that Governor Palin “plagiarized” a section of her speech as she introduced talk show host Michael Reagan in Anchorage, Alaska on Wednesday, June 3. The HuffPo blogger charged that Palin lifted several sections of Newt Gingrinch’s work without attribution, and AP gleefully repeats the blogger’s claims despite that the truth turns out to be a far different case.

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AP Picks Up Huff-Po Blogger’s Lame Smear Alleging Palin Plagiarism”

Palin Campaign Clothes Complaint dismissed: Little Coverage in Old Media

-By Warner Todd Huston

Remember how everyone in the Old Media delighted in lambasting Governor Sarah Palin when the GOP bought all those clothes for her use during the McCain campaign? Remember how it was reported as nearly a foregone conclusion that these purchases must have somehow been illegal? It was even bigger news when the left-wing group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed an ethics complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against the GOP. The whole thing was the talk of the Old Media, as you may recall.

Well, as of May 15, the FEC ruled that there was no ethics violation and the clothing spending was deemed legal. One would think that this news concluding the story would make as big of a splash with the Old Media as the beginning of the tale did. Naturally, crickets have been heard throughout the media establishment as little notice has been paid to this story.

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Palin Campaign Clothes Complaint dismissed: Little Coverage in Old Media”

More Old Media Hypocrisy on Palin’s Book Deal

-By Warner Todd Huston

On his MSNBC show Hardball for May 13, Chris Matthews gleefully attacked Goveror Sarah Palin for hiring a ghostwriter for her upcoming book deal. In like fashion, Mark Silva of the Chicago Tribune’s The Swamp Blog has also gotten into Laugh-at-Palin’s-book mode so you can bet that this will be the scoff du jour among the left-media. But, the thing that proves the Old Media’s hypocrisy and partisanship is this “collaborator” angle. The media are going nuts that Palin is working with what is essentially a ghostwriter — though an upfront one, not a hidden one — and acting as if this is somehow unusual. But it simply is not.

Few politicians that have books published under their name ever themselves put pen to paper. Politicians are generally not writers and it is completely common that they hire actual writers to do the heavy lifting of composing their book. But here is both Matthews and Silva acting as if Palin is the only one ever to do it.

Heck, sometimes politicians never even read the book that bears their name just allowing their name to be affixed to the cover and letting it go at that. Barry Goldwater, for instance, is famous for having hinted that he never read the famous book that bears his name. The Conscience of a Conservative was actually ghostwritten by Brent Bozell, Jr., father of L. Brent Bozell III currently of the Media Research Center.

Regardless of the truth, however, this Tribune hack really takes the cake. Here is how Mark Silva starts off his rant:

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More Old Media Hypocrisy on Palin’s Book Deal”

Palin Haters NOW Mad at Juneau Tourism, Outrage Over Little Piper’s Lemonade Stand

-By Warner Todd Huston

Palin hater with cocaine conviction goes after Piper Palin

Tourism has recently been up a little in Juneau, Alaska. More folks than ever have been interested in taking bus tours through Alaska’s capitol city with a major attraction being the Alaska State House where Governor Sarah Palin goes about her daily work. In fact, the tours have been gaining in popularity since before John McCain asked the governor along for his run for the White House. The bus tours are so popular that adorable little Piper has even set up a lemonade stand to sell tourists a glass of lemony goodness to quench their thirst for something wet as well as something cute.

And Palin haters in Alaska are livid. They want the bus tours stopped and little Piper’s stand razed to the ground. Palin Derangement Syndrome strikes again. It’s an ugly, ugly thing, this PDS.

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Palin Haters NOW Mad at Juneau Tourism, Outrage Over Little Piper’s Lemonade Stand”

Palin Derangement Syndrome Engulfs Baltimore Sun’s TV Guy

-By Warner Todd Huston

Baltimore Sun TV critic David Zurawik should check into a clinic somewhere to have his delicate mental balance checked. Maybe they might have some nice medication he can take to temper his Palin Derangement Syndrome? His is so bad he can’t even write about a little reality TV show without indulging unnecessary vitriol and hate.

It’s interesting that critic Zurawik gets so filled with hate in such a short space. In fact, the tiny four paragraph “review” spends more time name calling and attacking Governor Palin than it does in discussing the TV show on which she is about to appear; TLC’s American Chopper.

Certainly professor Zurawik’s contribution to society is above reproach, of course. Long known to be the bastion of American intellectualism and culture, TV has always been considered one of our most important institutions. So, Zurawik’s work as a critic is sure to have the sort of cultural staying power as that of the great philosophers, I am sure. And his review of Palin’s appearance on American Chopper is sure to remain a standout example of the sort of tour de force work he’s long been known for.

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Palin Derangement Syndrome Engulfs Baltimore Sun’s TV Guy”

CBS Says Palin Popular ‘Despite Latest News,’ But Not One Substantive Issue Discussed

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is just the sort of bias against Sarah Palin and her family that is de rigeur in the Old Media. CBS seemed taken aback in an April 6 report that Governor Sarah Palin could possibly still be relatively popular “despite the negative news” that she has been confronted with of late. But all the “negative news” that CBS is so sure should torpedo Palin is little else but the soap opera of family struggles, none of it is based on any substantive issue that is a result of her actual efforts in office. It appears as if CBS wants to see Palin destroyed because some of her extended family have seen troubled times of late and not on the actual work she’s done as governor.

Is CBS really that empty of substance that they’d ignore the real and important issues of Palin’s governing and focus only on Bristol boyfriend Levi’s snotty appearance on some meaningless TV gossip show as a way to rate the governor’s work as chief executive of the state of Alaska? Can they not separate the actual work of a governor from the side-show of her family?

Or more to the point, would they rather not so separate the family from the job?

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CBS Says Palin Popular ‘Despite Latest News,’ But Not One Substantive Issue Discussed”

The AP Thinks Palin Teen’s Romance Woes is News?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Is it some sort of amazing, newsworthy revelation that teen romance is sometimes a rocky road? Is it news that family can be troublesome when it results in out-of-wedlock birth? The Associated Press seems to think it is, at least if one of those teens is Governor Sarah Palin’s daughter, Bristol.

Do you care that punk Levi Johnston is bawling to the press that Governor Palin is supposedly a controlling Grandmother? Especially in light of the fact that this kid is an uneducated, immature, unserious lout? Well, if YOU don’t the AP sure as heck does.

This time we have punk Johnston whining that Grandma Palin is a bit cross with him and closely watches him when he is with the baby. All I can say is, can you blame her? I wouldn’t think much of a grandmother that let’s a jobless, high school dropout have unsupervised visits with a child he casually fathered without regard for his girlfriend’s future or family. Would you?

But, on the other hand. I just can’t find a reason to care about Levi OR Bristol.

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The AP Thinks Palin Teen’s Romance Woes is News?”

AP Uses Dem Operative to Slam Palin, But IDs Him Simply as ‘Professor’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Don’t you love it when the Old Media dredges up some partisan hack Democrat supporter and presents them as an “expect” that is never identified as a partisan political hack? Well, you may not love it, but it sure seems to happen an awful lot. And here we see another example of that lame bias by our old friend Anne Sutton, an AP writer that is renown for her hit pieces on Governor Palin and her family.

This AP piece is supposedly describing “Sarah Palin’s Bad Week,” in which mountains are made of molehills over and over again. Little of this “report” is of note but one thing does stand out. That would be the quoting by writer Sutton of Ross Baker. Baker is described as a “political science professor ” from Rutgers University (New Jersey) and is featured saying how bad things are for Palin these days.

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AP Uses Dem Operative to Slam Palin, But IDs Him Simply as ‘Professor’”

Palin’s Sister-in-Law’s, Hairdresser’s, Grocer Had Friend With Pet that Peed on Obama 4 Prez Sign

-By Warner Todd Huston

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Police say that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s sister-in-law’s, hairdresser’s, grocer had a friend with a pet schnauzer that urinated on an Obama for president sign during the late campaign.

Deputy Wasilla Police Chief Greg Wood said that the complaint was…

OK. Well, my story isn’t exactly the same as the AP story I link above, but it IS just as relevant. Mine’s more interesting, too.

After Generations, CNN Suddenly Discovers That ‘Alaska families struggle to survive’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The winter in Alaska has been a particularly harsh one this year. The early winter piled on top of economic hard times has caused some troubles for native people and those that live in remote areas in Alaska. But this is not a new tale of woe, it IS Alaska, after all. While nothing to entirely dismiss, one wonders, why CNN suddenly found this story so compelling? Could it be that they want to portray Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as just as harsh as the winter?

Native peoples and their neighbors in Alaska have been surviving for generations in the same manner. They hunt, fish, and store foods in the summer to survive the harshness of winter, and since becoming a state, they marshal their money to buy fuel and other items brought to them by American ingenuity. Not an easy life, but a life they are used to nonetheless. It hasn’t really changed much for a long time in that remote part of the world. Yet, despite the sameness of it all, suddenly CNN finds Alaskans are “struggling to survive.”

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Filmmakers Take on DC: Obama, Clintons Heros, Palin the Fool

-By Warner Todd Huston

Hollywood filmmakers are ruminating about taking on the 2008 political season. Towering personalities, scintillating stories, and epic clashes abound. The stories of the 2008 political campaign are pretty stimulating. We had the aging Democratic establishment in the form of the Clintons taking on the fresh young face in Obama, not to mention the first black candidate of note. We also had a close fought Democratic primary that went to a nail biting finish. On the GOP side we had the amazing emergence of the hockey mom from Alaska. Heartwarming family woman, popular governor, tender mother of a special needs child. A self-made woman from humble beginnings. Seems like some stories that could make for some compelling movies, eh?

So, how is Hollywood looking to treat these incredible stories? Would you be surprised that the Clintons and Obama stories are set for high drama, earnestly told… and Palin’s is for comedy and satire? Would it shock you that only Sarah Palin is to be ripped, attacked, made fun of and satirized? I didn’t think you would.

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Chris Matthews Mocks Gov. Palin One Day, Calls Her For Interview the Next

-By Warner Todd Huston

Old Media Talking Out of Both Sides (of Their Mouths) About Palin

As we all know, Governor Sarah Palin has over the last week come out swinging at the Old Media and some far left elements of the new one. With the release of the Palin interview segment by documentarian John Ziegler and the subsequent wheezing attack by Pat Dougherty of the Alaska Daily News, Palin has once again taken center stage in a media maelstrom.

The Anchorage Press has a nice, fair re-cap of this current imbroglio between the Palin hatin’ Old Media and the governor of Alaska. One part of this article, though, is a spot on question that the ravenous Old Media should be forced to answer. If they all hate Palin so much, if they are all so sure she is a has been and is through on the national political scene, why are they clamoring so to get interviews with her, why the constant reporting on her?

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Refreshing Change of Pace: Boston Herald Attacks Sarah Palin

-By Warner Todd Huston

I admit it. My headline was a sarcastic slam on the Boston Herald. But, then again, for her latest Palin slamdance Margery Eagan deserves no less than all the opprobrium that can be visited upon her poor, hate-filled, blackened, grinch-like little heart.

In hers headlined “Unbearable Mama Grizzly clawing way to Oval Office,” Eagan so revels in her hatred of Sarah Palin that one suspects that she was foaming at the mouth while writing the thing (or dictating it to her assistant, as the case may be). At the very least we end up with a spittle-specked pile of intemperance as spewed forth from her keyboard, for sure. One wonders if she ran out of her meds before she flipped on her computer?

Catch the childishness of this first paragraph:

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Anchorage Daily News Claims Own Anti-Palin Story Wasn’t Paper’s Fault

-By Warner Todd Huston

Remember when you were a kid and you and your best friend got caught doing something you two weren’t supposed to be doing? Remember the first words blurted from your mouth was, “Well, it’s HIS fault?” It’s a common reaction for a kid trying to avoid the wrath of Mom that he knows is coming after getting caught for doing what he knew was wrong in the first place. Well in essence, this is what the executive editor of the Anchorage Daily News, Pat Dougherty, did in reaction to the furious question that Governor Sarah Palin had for the editor’s choice of continuing to pursue the idiotic and insulting claim that Sarah is not the real mother of son Trig. In response to being outed, editor Dougherty blamed everyone else for his continuing to publish the ridiculous conspiracy theory that only idiots, hatemongers and fools could believe.

In a good catch by McClatchy Watch, Dougherty gets caught spreading hateful rumors about Governor Palin, gets called out on the fact by Governor Palin herself, then looks back wide-eyed in feigned innocence and points his finger at bloggers and people on the left that have persisted with their own interest in this stupid story.

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