New Civil Unions Law Already Infringing on Religious Freedom

From Lake County Right to Life…

(Grayslake, IL – June 2, 2011) Illinois’ Civil Unions law went into effect June 1, and even State Sen. David Koehler, sponsor of the bill in the senate, is frustrated with its repercussions to religious freedom. Koehler made it clear that the law, ironically named “The Religious Freedom Protection Act and Civil Union Act,” was intended to protect the rights of social service organizations, including adoption agencies, to carry out their duties according to their faith.

But months ago, activists began challenging the ability of religious childcare agencies to prohibit the placement of children with same-sex couples, so Sen. Koehler proposed a religious exemption amendment to protect the rights of these agencies. Despite lobbying by Catholic Charities and other organizations, the amendment was defeated in the Senate Executive Committee.
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New Civil Unions Law Already Infringing on Religious Freedom”

**ALERT** Hate Crimes Bill to Hit Senate This Week (Maybe Wednesday)

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Matthew Shepard Hate Crime bill (S909) is poised to hit the floor of the Senate this week, perhaps as soon as Wednesday. *Call your Senators and tell them you want this thing stopped.

This bill is an egregious example of liberal overreach. If passed we will see any manner of sexual perversions legitimized as unassailable and any crime or speech against these proclivities will be suddenly termed a “hate crime.” We will also see crimes against gays and lesbians suddenly deemed as somehow worse than crimes against straight people simply by the virtue that the victims are gay.

We will also have codified crime based on thought if this bill passes. How will a judge or prosecutor determine if “hate” was the basis for crime, anyway? How can a jury know that a gay man was beaten because he is gay as opposed to because he didn’t give a mugger his wallet? And what of religious speech against certain sexual proclivities? Will that be deemed a “hate crime” now?

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**ALERT** Hate Crimes Bill to Hit Senate This Week (Maybe Wednesday)”

Detroit Free Press: Know What we Need? Reparations for Gays

-By Warner Todd Huston

Our friend from Detroit, Jacob Appel, thinks that gays need government reparations and the Detroit Free Press was so enamored of his idea that it published his plea in its April 7 issue. One has a suspicion that they missed a deadline because this story would have more properly been published on April 1, a day well known as April Fool’s Day. This one simply must be a joke.

Appel is so filled with absurd pronouncements, anti-hetero bias, and outright hatred in his piece that one simply cannot take his central thesis seriously. But his mode of thinking here does highlight the illogic of his position on the issue, so it is instructive to review it.

Appel begins with a heresy that I think should make black Americans infuriated when he lumps the history of homosexuals in America with that of black American’s oppression during slavery. He feels that one day the “struggle” of gays in America will be seen as “unspeakable and inexplicable to my grandchildren as counting a slave as three-fifths of a human being.”

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Detroit Free Press: Know What we Need? Reparations for Gays”

What Richard Cranium Came Up With THIS Program?

– By Warner Todd Huston

This year, the City of San Francisco is spending $122,575 in scarce budget dollars to grow the “Healthy Penis” campaign. No advocates of flaccid government, THIS city council, I gotta tell you! Only a good stiff effort will do.

So what is the “Healthy Penis” campaign? It’s a city wide effort to drive a stake in the heart of syphilis in the Bay Area, that’s what. Yes, Mayor Gavin Newsom wants to give the shaft to VD and he’s willing to screw the budget to get it done.

We all stand against a fowled phallus, of course, but is over $120,000 in these harsh economic times a cost worth pounding out of the budget? I mean, is this the sort of thing we should be yanking money out of City Hall for?
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What Richard Cranium Came Up With THIS Program?”

Gay Activist From Georgia Busted for Kiddie Porn

-By Warner Todd Huston

Tennessee — Winchester authorities announced their success at shutting down a major international child porn operation in middle Tennessee this month that netted them one Gary Salles from Atlanta, Georgia. Salles is a long time gay activist and organizer of various charity operations for gays in Atlanta. He is also a self-professed pedophile.

Salles claims he is a photographer from Atlanta and is well known as a dance club photographer in the Atlanta gay community. Instead of legitimate photos, though, what got Salles in trouble was child pornography.

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Brokeback ‘Irritation’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The author of the famous gay cowboy story that the movie Brokeback Mountain was based on says the story is a “source of constant irritation” in her life. Apparently her porn addled fans keep sending her re-writes of the lurid tale made even more lurid with amped up porn scenes added.

To many in the gay community, Brokeback Mountain is insufficiently “gay” enough. Apparently, these people want it to be a wild tale of cowboy queens in everyone’s face infused with wild abandon. Instead of what the author wanted it to be, these people want it to be more akin to some San Francisco Gay Pride parade writ literati.

Author Annie Prouix told the Wall Street Journal that she is sick of the whole thing.

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The Death of Shame

-By Warner Todd Huston

There was once a day in America when a convicted child molester might find that his life was ruined, dogged forever by the shame of his evil deeds. Today, though, one might be a child molester on one hand, but a celebrated member of the community for being a great kid’s little league umpire on the other. Such a skunk might even find that he is given awards for his efforts behind the plate despite his serving behind bars.

For this is a day when shame has been killed.

Can anyone imagine a lower human being than someone who would force themselves upon a child, physically and mentally raping them, forcing them to deal with the shame and fear of it for the rest of their lives?

Unfortunately, the folks of the little league umpire association in Torrington, Connecticut can’t seem to imagine why anyone would find a child molester such a bad fellow. Because, instead of heaping shame on one that is in their midst, they’ve raised him up to celebrate his life’s deeds.

The Torrington Board of Approved Baseball Umpires, at least, feels that convicted child molester Tom Barbero is a fine example of the umpire’s art. They think so much of him that they’ve given him an award for his umpiring because he “deserves” such recognition.

Oh, sure Barbero was convicted and sentenced to four years behind bars and 35 years probation for sexually molesting three teenaged boys in 1994 and 1995. But, hey, he was a great ump, nonetheless.

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Oh, Those Hate Filled, UnAmerican Gays

-By Warner Todd Huston

Isn’t it grand that in the United States of America you are free to hold a political position or affiliation, free to donate your money to any political party you desire, and not lose your job over it? The United States has always been the epitome of freedom of political speech.

… unless you are a gay guy that wants to support John McCain. In that case, all bets are off.

At least this is what a fellow named Jonathan Crutchley discovered when he decided that John McCain would be a better president in this age of Jihadi terror and donated $2,300 to McCain’s campaign. Apparently, freedom of political choice is not allowed in gay circles.

You see, Mr. Crutchley happens to be the chairman of the board that runs a gay dating site named Manhunt. And the intolerant gays surrounding him have forced him to quit his job. To be sure, Crutchley didn’t donate company money and didn’t make any announcements that his gay website was sponsoring his efforts or McCain’s. It was a personal donation quietly made with his own money.

Yet here is what the hate filled gays in his company have officially said of him:
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