New Painting: ‘Empowered Man’ Free Thyself of Government Chains

-By Warner Todd Huston

Artist Jon McNaughton is a great painter and a stalwart, patriotic American. He’s done quote a few striking and well conceived paintings highlighting both patriotism and the plight in which we find ourselves in our relationship to our out of control, power hungry government.

He’s come out with a new painting entitled, The Empowered Man.

From the artist…

The Empowered Man

There is something simmering deep inside the soul of all Americans. We want to know that we are a free people; that the government acknowledges our individual rights; that fiscal responsibility is an absolute requirement. We want our presidents and politicians to mean what they say when they take the oath of office…”to defend the Constitution of the United States!”

Do we have freedom when half the country pays taxes to support the other half?

Do we have freedom when government regulates every aspect of our lives?

Do we have freedom when our currency is controlled by a corporation that has no accountability to the American people?

Do we have freedom when we have more debt than can possibly be repaid?

The government bureaucracy is to a point where it is no longer worth what the taxpayer is required to maintain it. I wonder how many Americans realize they have sold our God given freedoms for a mess of pottage.

I hope everyone will see themselves as the Empowered Man. It makes no difference whether you are a man or woman, how old you are, or the color of your skin. You must decide to no longer be silent, to get off your bench, pick up that Constitution and hold it high in the air as a standard for the world to see. Don’t hold back! Don’t be silent! You are the future of this nation and without YOU, the American dream will perish.

Prints available at
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New Painting: ‘Empowered Man’ Free Thyself of Government Chains”

When is ‘Art’ Just a Stain on a Bowl?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apparently “art” is just a stain on a bowl when a janitor thinks that a piece of junk that the intelligentsia call “mah-dren arht” needs to be cleaned up a bit. That’s what happened to a piece by “artist” Martin Kippenberger at a museum in Dortmund, England.

A janitor from Germany came across the display built of stained slats of wood featuring a plastic bowl at the bottom painted to look as if it had been stained by water. Apparently the cleaner took the faux stain for a real water stain and decided he’d better clean that thing up so the bowl looked nice and shiny.

Extra points for the cleaner so keen about his job that what looked like a long-time stain was cleaned up. I call that initiative.
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When is ‘Art’ Just a Stain on a Bowl?”

Chicago’s Marilyn Monroe Stature: From the Windy City to the Tacky City

-By Warner Todd Huston

I finally made it downtown to see the absurd Marilyn Monroe statue that sits in Pioneer Court, the public mall area next to Tribune Tower on Michigan Avenue near the Chicago River. I have to say it is as tacky in person as it seems in photos. Moreso, maybe.

The paean to Marilyn Monroe’s famous sewer grate scene in the movie “The Seven Year Itch” went up in early July. It was created by New Jersey artist Seward Johnson and portrays Monroe as she stood above the sewer grate, dress flying in the air, face in that patented Monroe look of ecstasy.

To me, however, it resembles not so much a sculpture as it does a cheap kewpie doll-like, carnival prize. Unfortunately, it isn’t kewpie doll sized but is so big at 26-feet-tall that you can’t simply dismiss it as mere kitsch.
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Chicago’s Marilyn Monroe Stature: From the Windy City to the Tacky City”

More Arts Funding Boondoggles in Age of Obama Economic Meltdown

-By Warner Todd Huston

Yes, it’s time for another tale of millions of your tax dollars wasted by the NEA on “art” in America.

Supporters of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) like to puff themselves up as saviors of high “art” in lowbrow America. They love to imagine that without their advocacy for spending millions of our tax dollars to support dubious art projects, why, “art” in America would vanish. After all, you people are all uncultured, Neanderthals, you know?

Bruce E. Walker recently alerted us of the newest boondoggle to come out of the NEA. This time the NEA is sponsoring hundreds of thousands of dollars to go to video game makers.

Yes, video games. Apparently the NEA thinks we have a dearth of video games in America and they need to rescue this important and neglected “art” from somehow disappearing.
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More Arts Funding Boondoggles in Age of Obama Economic Meltdown”

Colorado: Art Depicting Christ in Gay Sex Causes Christians to Riot, Many Killed… Or Not

-By Warner Todd Huston

An art exhibit sponsored by the City of Loveland, Colorado that depicts Jesus Christ engaging in gay sex is causing some heartburn among local Christians.

The piece by a 10-artist group going under the title, “The Legend of Bud Shark and His Indelible Ink,” depicts Jesus receiving oral sex from a man.

Christian groups have protested the exhibit and are pressuring the city to pull this particular piece from display in the museum.

One of the reasons that Christians are asking that this piece be pulled is that the exhibit hall is open to all ages — children included. Protesters point out the sexual, perhaps pornographic, nature of the art and contend it is unfit for an all-ages showing.
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Colorado: Art Depicting Christ in Gay Sex Causes Christians to Riot, Many Killed… Or Not”

Cash for the ‘Arts’ In Obama’s Stinkulus Bill: A Caviar Feast on a Cheeseburger Budget

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama has called the economic worries facing Americans a “continuing disaster” and an “economic crisis,” one verging on a “catastrophe.” It will all “turn crisis into a catastrophe and guarantee a longer recession,” he says, unless we pass the stimulus bill now. There is no time to wait. It’s an emergency. We’re doomed and need only these most important federal handouts to get us past this disaster.

So, why is there uncounted millions of dollars for “the arts” in this pork laden mess?

I don’t know about you, but when my finances take a down turn and I am at emergency, subsistence levels in my income — a situation I have, indeed, faced in my life — the first thing I do is determine what expenditures are vital and necessary and cut out, or at least cut back, the rest.

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Left Doesn’t Mind When Gov’t Takes Over Art… When Dems Are In Charge

-By Warner Todd Huston

So, what sort of hue and cry do you think would have been raised if President Bush had proposed that he develop an “art czar” like Obama is proposing? Do you think that the left would have eagerly agreed with the idea that a President Bush should be in control of art in America — at any level whatever?

No, high dudgeon would have been the likely outcome if Bush had proposed to invent the pseudo cabinet position of “art czar” answerable only to the executive branch. Once again Bush would have been excoriated by the left as stamping on people’s Constitutional rights of free expression. They would have lost their tiny little minds over the fact that government with a Republican at its head would be controlling art in any way at all. They would have been outraged anew over the audacity of the Bushhitler and apoplectic over his various evils.

And, at some level they’d have been right.

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