Sorry, Liberals, You Don’t Get to Have Moral Outrage Over Charlottesville Murder

-By Warner Todd Huston

A monster went to Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend and used his car to kill a pedestrian standing on the street. This criminal deserves the worst the law can do to him not to mention that his name should become a black mark in history. But, liberals don’t deserve to use this creep as their focus for moral outrage or to use him as a weapon to attack “the right” because liberals wasted their moral authority by ignoring the many deaths and other outrages perpetrated by members of the Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street movements.

After literally years, now, of liberals claiming people from “the right” are “dangerous,” “bloodthirsty,” “murderous,” “violent,” and any other label they care to use, the left finally got their monster. But on the way to this ONE guy “from the right” who committed murder, they’ve time and again ignored murderers when they came from within their own ranks.

Before we get to the left’s wasted moral authority, though, we need to clear up so definitions.

There is factually no difference between Nazi-styled racists and the Black Lives Matter movement. Both are racist groups bent on separating their favored races from society and creating a segregated section for themselves. Both constantly spout hate against every race but their own. Both have been responsible for riots, property destruction, and deaths. In fact, BLM is guiltier of such things than any Nazi, Alt-Right, or white supremacist group. But they should be loathed equally, and both denounced as domestic terrorist groups.

Yet, the left will use this James Alex Fields, Jr., as a rallying point to claim that “the right” is dangerous and deserves to have their free speech curtailed.

First, we need to clear up this “the right,” nonsense.
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Sorry, Liberals, You Don’t Get to Have Moral Outrage Over Charlottesville Murder”

The Kwanzaa Con: Created by a Rapist and Torturer

-By Warner Todd Huston

Every year I post a piece on the troubled history of Kwanzaa. This year will be no exception. Note that some of the newspaper articles I quote are several years old and may no longer be online.

Each year, with the onset of Christmas, we are treated to another gauzy, fluff piece about how great Kwanzaa is by yet another PC spewing columnist. This year, among many others, we find aggrandizement such as that in The Record from New Jersey with, “Kwanzaa sheds light on pride, heritage; Celebration of African-American culture spreads,” and the Huffintgon Post with its titled, “Kwanzaa Detroit 2011: Events Celebrate Holiday’s 7 Values .” We even find such helpful sites as’s, “Kwanzaa Resources for Teachers.” Yes, the world is filled with celebratory lionization of Kwanzaa.

Several years ago, the Houston Chronicle got in the act with a piece by Leslie Casimir titled “Learning about Kwanzaa from the holiday’s creator.” This one, though, was a bit off the usual track of the how-great-is-Kwanzaa theme because this particular piece celebrated the inventor of the faux holiday, Maulana Karenga, himself. So, instead of merely celebrating this manufactured holiday Casimir amazingly made a hero of the rapist, race monger and violent thug who created it! To Casimir, Kwanzaa creator “Maulana Karenga” was a hero.

Casimir waxed all a’glow about how wonderful Karenga was and her column found a gullible parent who, with kid in tow, went to see the man at a local community center.
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The Kwanzaa Con: Created by a Rapist and Torturer”

NYTimes: Guess What? Tea Party is Just Like KKK

-By Warner Todd Huston

Tis the season for buying books for your loved ones and as always the The New York Times Sunday Book Review is here to help. And as always the Sunday Book Review is there to help us understand that anything from the right side of the aisle, especially the Tea Party, is to be put in the worst possible light at all times.

So, what is it this time? Book reviewer Kevin Boyle lets us all know that he thinks that the folks of the Tea Party movement are somehow just like the Ku Klux Klan. Nice, huh? That’ll get the holiday season started right.

In his Sunday book review Boyle reviews a pair of books actually on the KKK — meaning that for the first time bringing up the KKK in a New York Times article isn’t wholly gratuitous. So he has that going for him, which is nice.

But what was totally gratuitous was the way Boyle opened his review, slamming by inference the whole of the Tea Party and making of it a the modern day KKK.
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NYTimes: Guess What? Tea Party is Just Like KKK”

Black Republican’s Campaign Sign Defaced With ‘KKK,’ Media Yawns

-By Warner Todd Huston

William “Bill” Randall is running for Congress out of the North Carolina 13th. Randall, an African American, experienced what must be called a hate crime in the left’s vernacular. His campaign sign had racist graffiti spray painted on it including the letters “KKK.”

Now, usually this is the sort of story that the Old Media goes wild over. It is prof that racism is alive in America, as far as they are concerned. It is proof that Tea Partiers, and conservative whites are eeeevil. This is usually the kind of story that would go national. Yet the media has delivered a collective yawn to the defacement of Randall’s sign.

Why? Because Bill Randall is not the liberal candidate in his election. He is the conservative Republican!
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Black Republican’s Campaign Sign Defaced With ‘KKK,’ Media Yawns”

The Myth of White Privilege

-By Selwyn Duke

Something must be wrong. My finances are in shambles; mainstream newspapers won’t publish my pieces; and, no matter how much I try to convince Fox News that they need male eye candy as well, they just won’t give me a show. Then I gaze into the mirror at my alabaster complexion and say “What’s wrong with this picture? I’ll have to address this at the next White People’s Meeting.”

Of course, it isn’t really true that all we Caucasians get together in a big conference hall somewhere and, rubbing our hands together with devilish glee, conspire as to how we’re gonna get ourselves some ‘a that there white privilege. Yet you wouldn’t know it listening to egghead academics, media mouths and uncivil-rights agitators.

Put “white privilege” into a search engine and no small number of results will be for “.edu” URLs, which means that our mental institutions of higher learning are busy teaching “critical race theory” and ideas such as “Whites are taught not to recognize white privilege” and that, as this University of Dayton site informs, white persons have a “special freedom or immunity from some [liabilities or burdens] to which non–white persons are subject….” There is also something called “The White Privilege Conference” and a website devoted to it (I actually had to log on to make sure it wasn’t a spoof site, but truth is stranger – and stupider – than fiction). And American Thinker recently wrote about an event called “Erasing White Privilege,” during which whites sat around in a room confessing their collective oppressor sins while “people of color” discharged rage, “yelling at them” and “preaching.” Ain’t Obama’s post-racial America grand?
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The Myth of White Privilege”

The Arrogance and Hate From Congressional Democrats

-By Warner Todd Huston

My friend Kerry Picket of the Washington times was involved in a little tête-à-tête with a foul-tempered, arrogant Democrat member of congress that is just so typical of how these hatemongers on the left attempt to shut down debate, call conservatives racists, and act like petulant children in general that it must be highlighted.

Picket interviewed Democrat Al Green of Texas after a recent Homeland Security committee meeting last week. At that meeting, Green absurdly claimed that the KKK was just as dangerous at al Qaeda and insisted that all this worrying over radical Islam was misplaced.

Picket tried to engage this distempered fool on the subject after the meeting and his hectoring, overbearing, dissociative reply was something to behold.
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The Arrogance and Hate From Congressional Democrats”