-By Dan Scott
The recent vote of 114 to 1 to impeach Governor Blagojevich was a seeming triumph of bipartisan political will or was it? Governor Blagojevich’s response was by all accounts a non sequitur citing Tennyson, claiming he was doing good with implementing Health Care and quoting the Bible or was it? Both quotes were quite revealing of Blagojevich’s mind set and belief system. It is also revealing of the Illinois political culture of corruption.
Let’s examine first the charges then the quotes:
The committee on Thursday unanimously recommended impeachment based on the criminal charges but other allegations as well — that Blagojevich expanded a health care program without proper authority, that he circumvented hiring laws to give jobs to political allies, that he spent millions of dollars on foreign flu vaccine that he knew wasn’t needed and couldn’t be brought into the country.
Blagojevich using his authority as governor engaged in hand outs to all his political supporters including those voters who stood to gain from his unlawful behavior. His actions are designed to create the necessary amount (50% plus 1) of supporters, i.e. voters. Clearly Blagojevich didn’t do this by himself, just because one says to do something doesn’t mean others don’t have the good sense to resist or challenge what they know to be wrong. The entire system is based on political patronage, that is everyone who participates in the system financially benefits at the expense of the taxpayer. Thus Blagojevich is counting on the fact that his allies and supporters being mutually complicit (accomplices) in swindling the taxpayer using rationalizations will seek to protect the one who organized the swindling of the money in the first place. Hence his reference to the Biblical passage of the golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. He was basically saying you shouldn’t be impeaching me because I would never do this to you. Now why would he say that unless he knows all those in the Democrat Party voting against him are doing exactly the same thing he was?
When Blagojevich quoted Tennyson, he was basically saying my methods may not have been perfect but my intent was to benefit my supporters and allies, how can you fault me for this since all you do the same? The whole point of patronage is to reward your supporters and allies, the criminal act occurs when you swindle other people (taxpayer) to transfer that money or benefits specifically to those supporters instead of whom it was meant, the benefit of all the citizens. The Robinhood complex practiced by politicians, specifically Democrats in Illinois, is taking taxpayer funds and doling them out to those whom will mutually benefit each other, it is an insidious form of political corruption. What makes this stealing is the source of those funds are misappropriated from those who are not supporters and allies.
“Republicans have been hammering the Democratic Party over the Blagojevich scandal — noting, for instance, that House Speaker Michael Madigan, the chairman of the state Democratic Party, co-chaired Blagojevich’s 2006 re-election campaign.”
What Blagojevich said in his speech essentially reflected the same things Barack Obama believes in and everyone should be reminded that Barack Obama with Rahm Emanuel were instrumental in his 2006 election effort. Listen to the speech and you will see both supported his ideas. It seems that when the Democrats of Illinois joined ranks with Republicans in impeaching Blagojevich they turned on their own to throw him under the bus. It’s a pattern of behavior demonstrated over and over again by Barack Obama when long time associates become inconvenient to his ambitions. Where do you think he learned the behavior?
“It’s our duty to clean up the mess and stop the freak show that’s become Illinois government,” said Rep. Jack Franks, D-Woodstock.
The point of throwing Blagojevich under the bus is to protect themselves from exposure. By sacrificing him, they deflect attention to save themselves from close scrutiny. The media circus will provide the perfect cover to distance Blagojevich from the Democrat Party but specifically Barack Obama and Rahm Emmanuel from being exposed for their political patronage. Barack Obama is not as oblivious to the culture of corruption as he makes himself out to be. The same lawless culture rationalizing patronage found in Illinois will come to full bloom in Washington DC as all of Obama’s proposals are designed to benefit 50% plus one, just enough for re-election purposes.
Dan Scott calls himself a “Member of the Global Capitalist Cabal preaching Capitalism and personal responsibility as the economic solution to world poverty.” He is also a member of the 14th Amendment Society — victimhood is a liberal code word for denying the civil rights of others. He is also a proud member of the Global Warming Denier Cabal, insisting that facts not agendas determine the truth.
Dan can be seen on the web at http://www.geocities.com/fightbigotry2002/ as well as http://www.geocities.com/dscott8186/saidwebpage.htm, And can be reached for comments at dscott8186@yahoo.com.
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