Who’s Your Daddy?

-By Nancy Morgan

Uncle Sam used to resemble my rich old uncle, the uncle that didn’t visit very much but would always be there for us in a crisis. Uncle Sam would take care of the things our family couldn’t take care of ourselves, like war, natural disasters and various other crises. But Uncle Sam is getting old and has decided he wants to move in with us.

Since a lot of us are living without fathers, this is good news. Finally, someone to take charge and guide us. Someone who will go to obscene lengths to make us safe and happy, full of self esteem and good little citizens. You know, kinda like Dad used to do before marriage became so, well, outdated.

It’s a very secure feeling knowing that Uncle Sam is looking out for our best interests. He got the lady down the hall to quit smoking, just in case they find out some day that 2nd hand smoke causes cancer. He got cars to use special gas additives and even mandated using biofuels so cars don’t pollute Mother Earth. It wasn’t his fault that the special gas turned out to cause cancer and biofuels are causing food prices to skyrocket. His intentions were the best, so you really can’t fault him.
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Shame On Islam

-By Nancy Morgan

Americans wonder why moderate Muslims don’t publicly condemn Islamofascism, terrorism, and the hijacking of their religion by fanatics who use women as suicide bombers and babies as human shields. A question seldom asked is why Americans aren’t publicly condemning these atrocities.

The barbarism exhibited by the fanatical faction of Islam is beyond the pale, by any civilized standards. And while America waits for Muslims to step up and condemn these barbarians, we go about our business as usual, condemning instead the unthinkable practice of putting panties on terrorists’ heads, and the cruel and unusual punishment of including pork on the menu provided to terrorists incarcerated in Guantanamo.

The irrational hatred of the West by many Muslims is seldom questioned. Instead, a large segment of the American public has taken a cue from them, adopting irrational hatred as a political philosophy. By not condemning irrational hatred, we implicitly endorse it. Just as we implicitly endorse terror tactics by not condemning them.

Throughout history, communities, civilizations and cultures have learned by example. Take the growing number of teen tarts performing non-sex on their boyfriends. Thank-you, Boy Clinton. Take the increasing number of school shootings mirrored on Columbine. The examples abound. So why are we surprised when Muslims in America don’t condemn the murder being practiced under their noses and in their names? Because no-one else is. America is too busy trying to appear non-judgmental and worrying about what everyone is saying about us. For shame.

Tell me again, what religion is it that uses women and babies as cannon fodder? Why, its Islam, the religion of peace. I’d call this shameful, if shame were still in vogue. Its not. America is a guilt society, whose primary motivation is to appear non-judgmental and politically correct. The multiculturalist crowd has convinced a large portion of Americans that all cultures are equal. We spend our time trying to understand the unimaginable instead of condemning it. Meanwhile, the terrorists are laughing at our naivety, as they plot to kill anyone who doesn’t ascribe to their faith.
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Debating Liberals

-By Nancy Morgan

How does one debate with a liberal? Sorry, under current rules, debate is not allowed. Just as our new national conversation on race is limited exclusively to authentic blacks, so is any semblance of debate with those on the left limited to those who accept the rules of debate, as defined by liberals.

Just as Boy Clinton redefined the meaning of sex, so have liberals redefined the meaning of debate. If your view doesn’t accord with the progressive, politically correct elites, the debate is relabeled an ‘argument’, your opinion is redefined as a ‘judgment’ and both are promptly dismissed.

By controlling language, the left controls and defines the issues. Hillary didn’t lie about being under fire in Bosnia, she merely misspoke. The rules stipulate that only conservatives lie. If you’re on the left, you’re either factually incorrect, mistaken or just plain human. Liberals call this a win-win situation, which is one of the few times they are factually correct.

If the member of the vast right wing conspiracy (conservative) persists in trying to debate the original issue, liberals then revert to personal attacks. Attacking the messenger as mean-spirited usually does the trick. The indignant liberal then has carte blanche to personally vilify the messenger while touting his own moral vitas. Very effective.
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Are You An Authentic White?

-By Nancy Morgan

Are you an authentic white person? For the answer to that, we need to go to the current authentic black community. They are the ones who define who is and who is not an authentic member of their race. Be they black or white. (Since Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, etc., have not yet amassed political clout, they’re excluded from being categorised by their skin color.)

The reigning Black elite have decided that authentic ‘typical white people’ are inherently racist. As Obama so blithely stated, this prejudice is inbred and rears its ugly head every time a white encounters a black. For those whites who believe reparations to date, in the form of trillions of dollars, affirmative action, special dispensations and a color-coded justice system, have adequately addressed the shame of their ancestors’ sin of slavery, well, it hasn’t. We are informed that racial prejudice is still rampant in American society. If you don’t see it, its because it has taken the more insidious form of ‘institutional racism.’

Not to worry, Obama assures us we can change. Phew. Just elect him President, and by virtue of the moral authority inherent in his skin color, he will kindly inform and advise his fellow Americans, excuse me, his fellow white americans, on the proper obeisance and reparations due all black people. Oops, I meant, all ‘authentic’ black people. Uncle Toms like Condoleeza Rice, Clarence Thomas, and other successful black people who succeeded on their own merit are not ‘authentic,’ and most decidedly not representative of the oppressed black community.
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My Husband, The Judge

-By Nancy Morgan

Living In Liberal La-La Land

As a child of the sixties, I was brought up in a time when there was still respect for America’s institutions. Be they banks, government, doctors, businesses, charities or churches. I accepted without question their authority, and assigned to them the respect due to the pillars and foundations of American society. I assumed they were honorable and above question.

Then life happened. Enron, pedophile priests, corrupt politicians, and the general politicizing of government and affiliated organizations. By the time I reached the age of 39, the only institution I accepted blindly and without question was the judiciary. The rule of law was set in stone. Or so I thought.

Then, along came Steve*. As a judge, he had society’s imprint as ‘Honorable’. He also had a sense of humor and a very nice physique. Best of all, he wanted me. Finally, a man with the two attributes I considered essential for marriage, trust and respect. We got married in April of 1992.

Steve presided over civil settlements in the Superior Court of ——–. Lawyers would come to him before trial on civil suits, to see if a settlement could be reached. Steve settled most of the cases before him, saving the costs and anguish of a trial. He would come home from work and over dinner, we would talk about the cases he had ruled on that day.
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Warning: Democrats At Work

-By Nancy Morgan

Liberal Democrats were very busy last week conducting the people’s business. In the Senate, our dedicated public servants spent the week debating a plan by Sen. Russ Feingold to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq by July. Alas, the plan was a few votes short. After failing to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Democrat) passionately vowed “The antiwar fight will continue.”

Meanwhile, in Iraq, several positive indicators show the tide may have turned. Due to the success of the surge, violence is down a whopping 80%. The Iraqi government is finally stepping up, having passed several key pieces of legislation recently. I believe this is called ‘political progress’. Maliki stated that Iraq has achieved stability and overcome sectarian strife. Good news, indeed.

‘The people’ the Democrats claim to represent were briefly in the news, as Gunnery Sgt. William Gibson, a dedicated Marine, returned to Iraq for a second tour. This, after having his leg amputated above the knee. Sgt. Gibson is but one of thousands of patriotic American heroes who have voluntarily decided to sign up for multiple tours in Iraq. Even a 26 year-old member of the Washington National Guard said he will be signing up for his third tour, this, right after he won a million dollar jackpot. True Americans.
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A Letter From Fly-Over Country

-By Nancy Morgan

Last night I got together with my neighbors in Murrells Inlet, SC. By unanimous decree, they decided to appoint me as their voice. We’ve decided that I will speak for all of us ‘average’ Americans who seldom have their voices heard. You know who I mean, the ones you never see on TV. We’re all too busy working, raising our families, going to church and paying our taxes.

The reason I’m writing is to let you all know that we’re getting pretty sick and tired of the media, the politicians and the snotty elites who keep claiming to speak for us. They don’t.

A good example is all those candidates who say we want change. They’re right about that, but the change we want is to be able to voice our own opinions without being called racist, sexist or homophobic. Another change we’d like is to be able to click on the tube and not be assaulted with teenage pop-tarts, same-sex couples swapping spit, and sneering, anti-American self-anointed elites who give the US a bad name. They, most especially, don’t speak for us.

We’d also like to let you all know that we can take care of our own neighbors and families just fine without some fancy uplifting government program that ends up doing more harm than good. We don’t need welfare or subsidies or grants and we don’t need government schools frightening our kids about ‘global warming.’ Most especially, we don’t want our 4 year olds being taught how to put a condom on a banana or reading about Heather’s two mommies. Mostly we’d just like government to get out of our way. Oh, and we’d also like all those patronizing idiots we see on the TV to quit claiming to speak for us. They don’t.

One more thing: What’s with this ‘all politics, all the time?’ Even Fox News has somehow gotten the notion that we care about who said what to whom, and about what the candidates ate for breakfast on the campaign trail. Hey, it’s a good nine months before we vote, so put a cork on the eternally breaking news about the latest he said – she said. All that stuff signifies absolutely nothing to us at this stage of the game. While it’s satisfying to see Hillary getting what’s coming to her, most of us honestly try try not to gloat at the misfortune of others. (I’m smiling right now, but I’m trying hard not to.)
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All Sex, All The Time

-By Nancy Morgan

American culture is starting to resemble a teen-ager obsessed with bathroom jokes. Only America’s focus is riveted on sex. All sex, all the time. From Britney’s panties, to Anna Nicole’s lovers, to transgender rights to forced acceptance of homosexuality. If a story deals with sex, it sells.

The focus on sex, while prurient and titillating, has wider implications that have been overlooked. They involve redefining the family and undermining marriage by de-mystifying sex, (under the guise of ’empowerment.’) From advocating special rights for transgendered under the banner of ‘inclusiveness,’ to same-sex marriage under the banner of ‘discrimination,’ the left is making headway. Helped by America’s appetite for sex and our famed tolerance, the gradual acceptance of deviant behavior as normal is becoming, well, normal.

Last week, Hillary took Obama to task for not being as enthusiastic about homosexuality as she is. “I’m more pro-homosexual than Obama” she proudly claimed. All Democrat candidates are busy burnishing their credentials by signing on to the radical gay agenda, which has extended way beyond ‘tolerance’ to outright acceptance of anything that falls in the sexual arena.

Take Yale University. This week is set aside for “Sex Week.” Parents will have the satisfaction of seeing what their $45K per year buys. First up is a trendy competition to win a porn-star look-alike contest. Then students will proceed to the good stuff, like learning how to achieve a state beyond bliss and the proper application of lubricants. This is called higher education.

Other sex news last week included the confessions of a kinky college professor who was almost strangled in an S&M session. He’s ‘deeply ashamed’ and ‘finally through’ with the double life he’s led as a kid. Expect him to become the left’s new poster boy for courage.
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The Enviros Are Winning… Big Time

-By Nancy Morgan

Last week as the nation’s attention was focused on all politics, all the time, the environmentalists made major headway. Significant headway. Right under our noses.

Politicians, celebrities, businesses, scientists, bureaucrats, farmers, cities, the UN, our own government and even religious orders are accepting and validating the largely unproven concept of man-made global warming.

Corporations are jumping on board as they roll out credit cards designed to cash in on people’s worry about global warming. Allstate now cites global warming as the reason they hiked their rates by a whopping 42%.

Even farmers are cashing in by selling carbon credits to large corporations. Easy money. Cash for a ‘promise’ to cut down on ‘carbon footprints’. Environmentalists are using the threat of global warming (for the first time in history) to list species on the Endangered Species list. Cities are starting to get in on this act, by increasingly advocating a federal ‘carbon tax’.

And lets not forget politicians. “Politicians using tragedy to advance an agenda is a tried and true strategy. Paint the idea green and a natural crisis becomes political fodder.” Just last week, Sen. Kerry blamed the tornadoes that recently caused 55 deaths, on global warming.
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A Shyster, A Socialist And A Man Of Color

-By Nancy Morgan

The current crop of Democrat candidates for president is a testament to America’s recent obsession with form over substance. Each candidate represents a façade totally at odds with the qualities and character required to be an effective leader.

Let’s start with John Edwards. By any measure, he qualifies as a shyster. A smooth talking, totally persuasive individual who has made his enormous fortune by fooling people into acting on their emotions rather than the facts. This has become a hallmark of the left, even outlined in a DNC memo a few months ago.

By ‘channeling’ a dead girl, he persuaded numerous juries to award multi-million dollar settlements against doctors by blaming cerebral palsy on medical care during delivery. This argument has since been debunked but only after many doctors have been sued out of existence and thousands of patients have lost their health care. Thanks to John Edwads.
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I Want To Be A Progressive

-By Nancy Morgan

I am a practicing Christian, but lately I’ve been giving serious thought to becoming a secular progressive. The advantages of adopting this popular mindset are becoming more attractive every day.

Consider: As a Christian, one does the right thing, even when no one is looking. As a progressive, I can get public recognition, peer approval and moral points for my intentions. No need to actually do any heavy lifting. Very cool.

As a secular progressive I won’t have to worry about guilt or wrestle with moral dilemmas. I can now cheat on my mate and remain guilt free by merely purchasing credits from CheatNeutral. I don’t have to worry about recycling, polluting the earth or being an energy hog – I’ll just buy some offsetting ‘carbon credits’ from Al Gore’s firm. If I decide to have a baby out of wedlock, I’ll gain sympathy and government assistance instead of shame. There’s also a possibility Nickelodeum will do a ‘pregnancy special’, just like Jamie Lynn Spears.

Progressives have a very, well, progressive way of dealing with the messy issue of sin and guilt. My favorite is a very public apology (multiple times…depending on severity of offense) followed by a month in rehab to demonstrate sincerity. This route has the added advantage of accruing extra points for ‘courage’ and ‘insight’, to say nothing of media face time. Now, I am cleansed and free to sin again. Progressives are nothing if not forgiving. (Unless you’re a white Christian male.)
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Hillary has the most experience of all the candidates – by far

-By Nancy Morgan

With the assassination of Benizir Bhutto this week, the focus of the presidential race has shifted. The new defining issue and buzz word of the day for presidential contenders is ‘experience.’ By that measure, Hillary leads the pack. Hands down. Her experience far outweighs that of all the other candidates combined.

Take Pakistan: If Hillary was President right now, I have no doubt Pakistan would not be erupting in violence. As a matter of fact, Bhutto’s assassination would most likely be spun as a suicide. Key evidence would be covered up, facts would be conveniently realigned and, with the help of the media, as in the Vince Foster ‘suicide,’ anyone who questioned the prevailing line would be quickly consigned to the ranks of the vast right wing conspiracy. Period. Case closed.

Hillary’s past experience would prove invaluable in confronting a host of other important issues facing America today. Recently, Hillary proclaimed that if she were elected president, the price of oil would immediately drop. Just so. Hillary’s past experience in the futures market, which netted her a cool $99,537.00 on a total investment of $1,000 shows how adept she is in manipulating the futures market. (That translates to a 9,987% return.) Truly astounding. I have no doubt that if Hillary were elected, oil prices would go down and America could go back to the days of the incandescent light bulb. Experience counts.
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