Obama: Only Four Days, Already Two Broken Promises

-By Warner Todd Huston

It has only taken four days into his transition period to discover what Barack Obama’s idea of “change” is. Sadly, we find out that the “change” he had in mind was that of changing his mind on campaign promises because it seems as though he is already stepping back from two of them. By his pick for Chief of Staff he has obviated the new bipartisan Washington he claimed he was to orchestrate and by hiring a lobbyist for head of the FCC as well as signaling that he is softening his resistance to other lobbyists he is stepping back from the idea that lobbyists will be on the outside looking in with his new administration.

Obama’s first broken promise is the fingering of old Clinton administration hack Rahm Emanuel as his Chief of Staff. This pick does not bode well for the claim that he is interested in a less rancorous administration because Emanuel is widely known as a pit bull for the left and is not new to Washington in any way. His intemperate language and hard-charging style is not the sort that one would expect for an exercise in bipartisanship. Neither is Emanuel’s close connection with the corrupt Chicago political machine or his long-time connection to the Clinton Administration.

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Obama Spokesman Says ‘Obama Ready to RULE on Day 1′

-By Warner Todd Huston

The co-chair of Barack Obama’s Transition Team, Valerie Jarrett, appeared on Meet the Press this weekend and used, shall we say, an interesting word to described what she thinks Barack Obama will be doing in January when he’s officially sworn into office. She told Tom Brokaw that Obama will be ready to “rule” on day one. It’s a word that reflects the worst fears that people have for Obama the “arrogant,” the “messiah,” that imagines he’s here to “rule” instead of govern.

Jarret told Brokaw that “given the daunting challenges that we face, it’s important that president elect Obama is prepared to really take power and begin to rule day one.”

Someone needs to get to Jarrett and inform her that American politicians are not Kings and do not “rule” from office. But if this is the attitude of Obama’s transition team, what does The One himself imagine he is about to unleash? Could the fears that Obama thinks he is being anointed America’s King be far off with this sort of talk flying about?

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Just Say NO To A Jumpin’ Joe

-By Warner Todd Huston

As election night began, there was a discussion on a news radio station about the Senate races. Joe was mentioned. No not “The Plumber,” or the one from Scranton, but Lieberman. The news anchor mentioned that people are now waiting to see if Joe Lieberman will switch his party and become a Republican. Well, as Republicans, we should all be saying NO to a jumpin’ Joe. A Republican Joe Lieberman will do no good for anyone. Not Joe, not Connecticut and most importantly not the Republican Party.

Now, one might disagree in light of the fact that the GOP is almost nonexistent on the East Coast and most especially among the Original Thirteen. Wouldn’t it be nice, some may say, to have at least one Republican among the blue mass to serve our needs?

To that, of course, one must answer in the affirmative. But, would Joe Lieberman, could Joe Lieberman be that man? To that, with a little reflection, one simply must say no. Joe Lieberman cannot be that man.

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It’s TREASON, I Tell You!

-By Warner Todd Huston

Treason! The word is thrown about quite a lot lately. Unfortunately, it is almost always hyperbole.

Oh, Americans think they know what treason is, but when you get right down to it, few really do — at least in an American legal context, anyway.

Webster’s defines traitor as one who betrays another’s trust or is false to an obligation or duty, one who commits treason. Treason is defined as the betrayal of a trust, or the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign’s family.

That’s all well and good and on a purely definitional level, that certainly is treasonous behavior. But U.S. law does not work purely on Webster’s definition. In fact, U.S. law has quite a specific meaning to treason and it’s one that makes a true, legal charge of treason quite hard to prove and harder to prosecute.

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Pew: Limbaugh and Hannity Fans Politically Smarter Than Colbert’s, CNN’s and Stewart’s

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Pew Research Center conducted a survey to see what the audiences of the various political shows knew about politics and what they found goes against the conventional wisdom about whose audience is better informed about current events. With a simple three-question survey about politicians of high office, it turned out that the audiences of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity answered correctly more than did that of the Colbert Report, Daily Show and CNN.

The quiz asked the names of two of the world’s leaders and one party in power to determine what audience is most well informed. Survey participants were asked the names of the Secretary of State, the British Prime Minister and the name of the party currently controlling the House of Representatives.

According to the report on livescience.com, the audiences of the Daily Show and the Colbert Report have more college graduates than that of Hannity and Colmes, yet the Hannity audience answered more of the questions correctly than did that of Colbert and Stewart. Apparently the audiences of conservative shows are more politically informed than those of liberal shows.

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