Pelosi: ‘We’re Keeping it Positive,’ But ‘Republicans Poison the Debate’

-By Warner Todd Huston

In an appearance on MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D, CA) claimed that Democrats were conducting a “positive” campaign but Republicans were trying to “poison the debate.”

Pelosi also told Maddow that Republicans are trying to “suffocate the airwaves, suppress the vote, poison the debate,” and cause “people throw up their hands and say, ‘I just don’t even know if I want to participate in this.'”

Pelosi went on to claim that she and her party are trying to “keep the campaign positive.”

This from the side of the aisle that called GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney a “felon,” and claimed he killed a steel worker’s wife.
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Pelosi: ‘We’re Keeping it Positive,’ But ‘Republicans Poison the Debate’”

For Nancy Pelosi It’s Lonely at the… Bottom

-By Warner Todd Huston

Politico has a sad tale to tell about former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (I just love that: former. Say it with me, FORMER House Speaker). The once powerful California Representative held a big one-year celebration of Obamacare to show off her keystone legislative victory and like the kid nobody likes, her invites to the party were ignored by all the top Democrats. Not just some of them, ALL of them!

This is a far cry from the power she wielded only months ago. Back in the old days when Pelosi sent out an invite to a press availability, like she did this week with her Obamacare celebration, the entire leadership would dutifully drop anything they were doing and they’d show up to Pelosi’s little show and they’d do it with bells on.

These days, not so much.
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For Nancy Pelosi It’s Lonely at the… Bottom”

More Evidence that Centrists Democrats Are Dead

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ben Smith of POLITICO is reporting that the Democrat leadership Council is on it’s last paws and about to go belly up. This is one more little hint that the centrist, the moderate, or the “Blue Dog” Democrat is truly an extinct animal in America today. The Donkey’s big tent is more like a birdcage cover any more and apparently that cage holds only the red crested, double fisted, lefty bird.

The Democratic Leadership Council was the “iconic” centrist Democrat political organization founded during the Clinton years that had quite a lot of influence at the time. Many styled the DLC as the rebirth of the Democrat Party after the failures of the liberal wing in the 60s and 70s. But as the years have worn onward, there have been fewer and fewer centrist Democrats to be had with few of them in any position of power in Washington. With the Pelosi/Reid/Obama wing of the Democrats gaining power the Democrat Party itself has marched quickly toward the far left leaving the small coterie of Blue Dogs on the outside looking in.
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More Evidence that Centrists Democrats Are Dead”

Democrats: Say, Let’s Change Rules to Push Our Agenda FASTER in Lame Duck Session

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is nothing more dangerous than a party that is about to lose power but still has temporary control of the reins of government. That is, of course, what we call the lame duck session of congress — more like a zombie congress; dead men walking… or sitting as the case may be. It has gotten so bad that Democrats are even throwing away the rules in order to indulge a bacchanalia of a left-wing agenda, the same sort that got them kicked out of office.

Attempting to indulge every activity that got them kicked out of office in a landslide that the country hasn’t seen in decades, House Democrats have instituted what is being called “martial law.” They are trying their level best to shove every profligate spending plan, every extremist, left-wing, anti-American idea they can fling at the people of the United States all in an effort to beat the clock before most of them have to relinquish their seats to Republicans.

House Democrats passed a rules change that would allow them to skirt the usual process and bring any bill they want quickly to the floor for a vote. This rules change is meant to help them push their extremist agenda as quickly as possible before the new congress is convened next year.
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Democrats: Say, Let’s Change Rules to Push Our Agenda FASTER in Lame Duck Session”

Survey of Dem’s Most Loved Republicans: A Guide on Whom to Fire?

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Hill conducted its annual survey of how congressmen feel about each other and the answers are instructive. The survey found that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D. Calif.) is the most partisan, unwelcoming, hard to work with politician in all of the House of Representatives. But the list of Republicans that congressional leftists love should serve as the list of those voters should fire in November and after.

The Hill, however, did have an interesting point on why the extremist, left-wing, loud, hectoring, shrill Pelosi has been able to so easily get her anti-American policy agenda through Congress. She has a willing and able assistant in Steny Hoyer (D, Md.), a man that many congressmen like and find not to be the wholly leftist ideologue that Pelosi is.

As The Hill puts it, it’s sort of a good-cop-bad-cop relationship. The shrill Pelosi makes her extremist demands but it is the smooth, seemingly moderate Hoyer that gets people to sign on to those demands.
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Survey of Dem’s Most Loved Republicans: A Guide on Whom to Fire?”

Pelosi As God’s Emissary

-By Thomas E. Brewton

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s recent claim to be enacting the Word of God in her socialist legislative steamrolling is a rerun of the Social Gospel heresy that befell American Christianity around 1870.

Even before the 1917 Russian Revolution, leading universities in the United States had begun a transition from the Christian roots of our nation into atheistic, secular materialism in their teaching of the so-called social sciences.

Nominally-Christian theological seminaries were in the vanguard of the movement toward socialism. Rochester Theological Seminary’s professor Walter Rauschenbusch, one of the best known socialist spokesmen of his era, was a founder of the Social Gospel movement late in the 19th century. Social Gospel was nothing more nor less than socialism masquerading as Christianity.
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Pelosi As God’s Emissary”

Congressman Pence Ridicules Dems Claims of Being Tax Cutters

Congressman Mike Pence (R, IN) just can’t keep a straight face when recounting the hypocritical statement by Pelosi’s Democrats that they are tax cutters in this era of Obama.

I have to say, I couldn’t stop from laughing at the Democrat’s lies, either. Obama and Pelosi are responsible for the largest tax increases in U.S. history! It just goes to show that they really do think Americans are stupid.

Pelosi Says Surtax Could go for Deficit Reduction, too?

-By Warner Todd Huston

I’m sorry, I’m not much for name calling but this woman is an idiot. She is claiming that the oppressive surtax can “also” go to retire the Obama $1 trillion deficit if there is any “left over” after Obamacare is “paid for”!

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that Democrats could use a proposed new tax on the wealthy to pay down the deficit, if there’s money left over after funding healthcare reform.

But, the CBO is claiming that Obamacare will cost in excess of $1 trillion and the surtax is “only” going to raise $544 billion. How, exactly, is there supposed to be anything “left over” after Obamacare is “paid for.”

I know, I just used a lot of quote marks, but they are deservedly derisory.

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Pelosi Says Surtax Could go for Deficit Reduction, too?”

Disingenuous Left’s Confusion Over Pelosi’s Lies and the Right’s Reaction

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is one particular lefty whose blog I frequent. I do so for several reasons. First of all, he is not psychotic, second he has a great sense of humor, and third I think he really means well for the country. Of course, he’s still wrong, naturally. There is also a fourth reason. I watch his blog because I get the lefty spin du jour without having to sift through the stupidity of the DailyKos, the childish profaneness of wonkette, the circus acts of Olbermann and Maddow, or the down right mental disease that infests the Demmocraticundergound. Plus my friend Piker saves me a lot of time, really.

Anyway, the lefty spin of the day is over Pelosi’s “torture” lies. What the left is selling itself is a claimed “lack of understanding” over why those of us on the right are so exercised over the lies that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is telling concerning when and of what she knew about the enhanced interrogations being carried out by the CIA and others of America’s intelligence forces.

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Disingenuous Left’s Confusion Over Pelosi’s Lies and the Right’s Reaction”

Does a Leftist’s Lies Matter? Pelosi-nocchio Says no Way!

-By Warner Todd Huston

There are classic lies. There’s “Mom, my invisible friend broke the window, not me.” Of course, we all have heard, “I didn’t see any cookies.” Then there’s that ever favorite, “No, officer, I didn’t know I was speeding.” And who can forget that time worn, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Monica.”

But these days the American left has puffed itself up as the keeper of truths, the sacred protectors of America’s soul. And, since we all know the fable of rocks and glass houses, we must then realize that all leftists imagine that they simply don’t violate truth. They are paragons of it, to be sure. Not a lie should cross our lips, they contend, for it if does the presence of that lie is enough to abrogate our very Americanness.

The truth, you see, is of acclaimed importance to the self-anointed high priests of truth on the left these days. And they have their Messiah as a shining example of that sitting today in the White House. He is the one we’ve been waiting for. The light. The truth. The way.

At least, this is their delusional self-assessment, anyway.

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Does a Leftist’s Lies Matter? Pelosi-nocchio Says no Way!”