From the effort to create the Health Care Compact to replace Obamacare…
Alexandria, VA – Today, the Health Care Compact Alliance released its analysis of the financial impact of the Health Care Compact on the national deficit. The Alliance found that, if implemented in all 50 states, the compact would cut the deficit by nearly $3 trillion by 2021.
“The Health Care Compact is more than just health care reform,” said Leo Linbeck III, Vice Chairman of the Health Care Compact Alliance. “It is governance reform that will make a difference in not only the way Americans choose their health care system but will save our federal government trillions. In the coming weeks, members of the Congressional super-committee will continue meeting to determine ways to reduce our nation’s deficit and reigning in health care spending must be their priority. The Health Care Compact offers real reform while reducing the deficit.”
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Health Care Compacts Would Save $3 Trillion”